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Melissa: You know, the last few weeks I've been watching movies on YouTube. To tell you
the truth, I don't even want to watch TV these days. Everything is about politic ... they only
seek their interests…
Liz: Yes it's correct!! They should realize that they no longer fit in the government.
Congressmen hold onto power. And the President apparently does not get on with them. I
mean, I see that he does not put up with them …
Melissa: This situation is unsustainable. If the congress continues like this, the government
will not be able to stand up from this crisis.
Liz: Precisely for those reasons, he wants to advance elections ... Although he knows that it’s
difficult, he acknowledges that it is the best for us.
Melissa: Yes, I totally agree with you ... By the way, did you hear about the latest proposal
from a Congressman?
Liz: "Proposal" of a Congressman? Mmm well… no, I didn't really listen. Tell me what it is
Melissa: A Congressman (I don't remember his name ...) proposed that LGBT couples can
adopt children ...
Liz: Really? For God’s sake … that’s crazy! Despite not being against the LGBT community, I
don't think that's the best. I believe that a proposal like that will srecw up the "family concept".
You know, for me the family is: a father and a mother. I mean … you understand me, rigth?
Melissa: Yeah, of course!! To turn down that proposal is not to be against them ... it’s simply
that it does not fit in. How to put together a child with two men? … if they wants to do that, it
must first do a project in Lima – for example-. The government first has to set up the process
through which some couples can adopt in the future …
Liz: Yes, I agree with you ! That's true! ________________________________-
Peru is a "closed-minded" country, and if that proposal is imposed on us, nobody will accept
it. I consider that if it starts as "a project" maybe in the future we can give in ...
Melissa: Yes, from my point of view that would be the most appropriate, since although Europe
is ongoing this idea, we are not Europe. We live our own reality and we need time to carry out
things like that ...
Liz: We need time to adapt… Well, hopefully so.
Melissa: Yeah …

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