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Name: Faye Marie Y.


EDP 3c MTF 5:15-6:15

1.) I don't think it is ethical. First argument is that, people who use
social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Interpals, etc. are
often ignoring the probable risks they might acquire in the future, some
of them joined in the said social network for the purpose of
communicating with their friends, love ones, relatives and even for their
own benefits. Now, these people doesn't usually read the whole article
of the social networks' terms and conditions and/or instantly click the 'I
Agree' button to skip the registration process because it is exgausting
for them and that kind of attitude is being considered as a norm.

Secondly, it is a fact that once you don't agree with the terms and
conditions of the social provider you are not allowed to use their
application or their software. Therefore, your option of segregating and
managing your securities is being suppressed (ex. Privitazing your
statuses and personal info but the social provider requires it). Instead of
you creating your own profile, you are now obliged to have a similar
format with the others. Now it is not about the freedom of using social
network as it is because there are thousands of social networks to
choose from but alctually it is securing to oneself that the info that one
will provide shall be accepted and respected. Hence, it should be a
matter willingness to provide the information and not a must or

Lastly, personal interest for business purposes should be punishable by

law. Selling information without the consent of the owner's info must
be taken charges because there was no will coming from the owner's
info that his/her personal data is being shared/sold. The only consent
present in time is the collection of data for the purpose of creating
profiles and not as a reseach material.

2.) Monitoring social media such as feedbacks, opinion column,

suggestion box and many more are being used by companies in
enhancing their services to their customers. (ex. Customer A
commented that the fonts of A's company website is too small, such
feedback will be analyzed and processed for the purpose of addressing
the concern) In short, the services monitoring social networks can
provide to the people are convenience and satisfaction.

3.) In monitoring social media there are several benefits a company


Innovation of platforms and products through identifying what are the

needs and wants of your customers using their feedbacks, comments,
suggestions and opinions.

Fast tracking and smooth business transactions.

A 24/7 business instead of 8-12hr businesses.

4.)It is because a CBIS is an organised integration of hardware and

software technologies and human elements designed to produce
timely, integrated, accurate and useful information for decision making
purposes especially in businesses. Now monitoring social media
becomes CBIS because transactions are being done using computer or
tech gadgets like android phones, tablet, note phone, etc. and
everything is being done in the internet world (inside the technology of
computer and programming). In that note, one cannot simply transact
in social media without this technological gadgets.

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