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Joshua Kyle Martin V. Dela Rama August.

12 TVL – St. Isidore of Seville Sir John Enaje

“Dignitatis Humanae”
Vatican Document

In Dignitatis Humanae is having a religious freedom at your own will that no one can forced you to do
anything but to choose freedom in order to have faith in God. In religious freedom, parents can guide to
their children in their own beliefs with their God so they can choose their religious freedom in order to have
faith in God and ask forgiveness for their sins to God. The dignity of the human person presses itself on the
conscience of man. God has made known to man the way in which He is to be worshiped, thus saved by
Christ, and these teachings subsist in the Catholic and Apostolic Church. Religious freedom is necessary to
worship God and has to do with immunity from coercion in civil society. The human person has a right to
religious freedom and no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs, whether
privately or publicly. The care of the right to religious freedom to devolves upon the whole citizenry, upon
social groups, government, the Church, and other religious communities. The protection of these rights is
essential to government, who is to see the quality of citizens before the law. The fact remains that men in
the present day one to be able to freely profess their religion in private and in public. Many countries have
this freedom, but many countries don’t. May God grant all of the human family religious freedom.

What is the call of the Vatican Document to all Christian faithful? How will you respond to this call in in your
own personal way?

For me, we have freedom to do all things but sometimes there are things that need to be followed in order
to keep us safe. Religious freedom is right for us to choose because we have God to believe that we are
loved by Him and we can share our story to our fellow Christians. We need to step forward and believe in
ourselves of what is right and wrong in order to accomplish that mission of ours even though we were
getting sins but God is always with us to forgive us. God has always a plan for us of what we choose in our
life if it’s challenging to conquer or to choose our dreams to achieve it. Human have freedom to do all things
but there’s one thing is needed to be followed is our rules to avoid bad commitments in our lives but God is
always with us and we must always pray for God.

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