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Monash University Rebecca Freeman

Learning Experience Two

Title: Sensory art

Date: 28th of May, 2015
Time: Morning / Afternoon
Age of Children: 0-2 years of age
Type of experience: Group experience/
Collaborative effort
Teacher Initiated

- Paint x4 (green, Pink, Purple, yellow)
- Large Piece of white Paper (two A3 pages, stuck together)
- Little hands and minds to paint and create
- Art smocks

Goals Related to children’s interest and Learning:

1. Based from Children’s interests that were observed, it was seen that
‘messy play’ was a contributing factor of children’s learning. In this
experience, messy play allows children to use their senses to explore,
create and synthesise materials.
2. Collaborative play allows children to work together to create a single
piece of work. Children can share their feelings of accomplishment with
their peers and practice working together.

Inclusion of the Early Years Learning Framework (2009)

Outcome One: Children have a strong sense of Identity

- Join in play
- Engage in and contribute to shared play experiences
- Respond to ideas and suggestions
Monash University Rebecca Freeman

Outcome Two: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
- Children become responsible and show respect for their environment
- Broaden their understanding of the world in which they live
- Use play to investigate, project and explore new ideas

Outcome Four: Children are confident and involved learners:

- Children use processes such as exploration, collaboration and problem
solving across all aspects of curriculum
- Children express wonder and interest in their environment
- Children contribute to play experiences
- Preserve and experience the satisfaction of achievement

After introducing the activity, the children should move to the art table,
approximately two at a time, to complete a collaborative artwork.

The educator will tell the children that they are going to make a collaborative
artwork, whereby children work together to …..Two pieces of A3 paper will be
taped to a table and children involved in the activity will be put into art smocks.
Dabs of paint of various colours will be squirted onto the white paper. Children
will be encouraged to touch, spread and manipulate the paint around the
picture and create an artwork with their hands.

By potentially displaying this piece of collaborative art on the wall, parents are
able to see what their children have achieved for the day and the learning that
has taken place. Children will be able to point out to where their hand prints
may be and notice their contribution to the artwork. This relates to the
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2009)
whereby educators create a welcoming environment where all children and
families are respected and actively encouraged to collaborate with educators
Monash University Rebecca Freeman

about curriculum decisions in order to ensure that learning experiences are

meaningful (p.12).

After the experience is completed, this section will look at whether the Early Years
Learning Framework (2009) outcomes were met and evaluate the effectiveness on
the task based on what was successful and what needs to be changed.

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