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Well recommended canon

 Virgil

 Scarlet letter

 Their eyes were watching god - 5

 Thomas Mann

 Proust - remembrance of things past

 Pynchon - gravity’s rainbow

 EA Poe complete

 Nabokov - lolita, pale fire, speak memory

 Plutarch - parallel lives

 Bowles - sheltering sky

 JL Borges

 Pilgrims progress

 James baldwin

 Honore de Balzac

 Walker percy - the moviegoer

 Eugene o neill

 Samuel beckett

 Beerbohm - zuleika Dobson

 Decameron

 Dh lawrence

 Saul bellow

 Achebe - Things fall apart

 Oresteia

 Blood meridian – 2
 Dos passos – usa trilogy – 5

 Golden notebook

 Under the volcano - 4

 Robert graves

 Aristophanes

 James agee - let us now praise famous men (non fiction)

 Truman capote

 Solzhenitsyn

 Sophocles

 Gullivers travels

 Grapes of wrath/of mice and men

 Stendhal

 Catcher in the rye

 Pillow book

 Invisible man

 Ts eliot

 George eliot

 Rw emerson

 Faulkner

 Tom jones

 Great Gatsby

 Madame bovary

 Anne frank

 Em forster

 Gandhi autobiography
 Naked and the dead

 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

 100 years of solitude

 Goethe

 Handmaids tale

 Toni morrison

 Tropic of cancer miller

 Gogol

 Day of the locusts

 Catch 22

 Edith wharton

 Hemingway

 Jane eyre

 Wuthering heights

 Wide Sargasso Sea

 Richard Wright – Black Boy and Native Son

 Mishima

 Morte d’arthur malory - 5

 Maltese falcon

 Homer

 Huxley

 Euripides

 James joyce

 Kafka

 Of the nature of things

 To kill a mockingbird

 Walt Whitman

 Don delillo

 Virginia woolf

 All the kings men

 Melville

 John Milton

 Willa cather

 Moliere

 Montaigne

 Thomas more utopia

 Gargantua and pangruel

 Salman rushdie

 Phillip roth

 Malcolm x autobiography

 Thoreau

 Thucydides

 Tocqueville

 Tolstoy

 Turgenev

 Twain

 Vonnegut

 Camus

 Chaucer

 Chekhov
 Joseph conrad

 Dante

 Darwin

 Defoe crusoe

 Dickens

 Dostoyevsky

 Du bois

 Shakespeare



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