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- Global rom base V10.3.9.0.PFGMIXM August patch

- Kernel morfuz 2.5
- Deodexed (improves optimization).
- Zipalign to all applications
- secureboot.devicelock was removed
- Removed miui and google apps that don't work
- Modified vbmeta added
- Updated google base applications
- Added more volume steps to 30
- Camera optimization tweaks
- Bluetooth tweaks
- YouTube Tweaks 4k
- Google DNS Tweaks
- Battery Tweaks
- Video streaming tweaks
- Task limit tweaks and others
- Data partition compatible with f2fs
- Youtube advance application
- QuickReboot application
- New Phenom bootanimation
- Some updated miui applications
- New miui file manager with dark mode
- ThemeManager application to import third-party themes
- Modified miui camera application
- New camera permissions
- Gallery application with new functions
- SecurityCenter application, new energy consumption chart
- Added hosts, ad blocking
- Added more sounds: alarms, notification, ringtones
- Increase in bitRate for video camera
- Added support gChannelBondingMode24GHz
- Increased sound power
- Added some sound driver
- Change of NotoColorEmoji fonts
- Added in framework
- Added sqlite3
- Some changed system and vendor codes

- Note that I have not added extra features like

- Notification icons only appear for seconds

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