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>The Aeta, Agta or Ayta are an indigenous people who live in scattered, isolated mountainous parts
of Luzon, Philippines.

>They are considered to be Negritos, who are dark to very dark brown-skinned and tend to have features such
as a small stature, small frame, curly to kinky afro-like textured hair with a higher frequency of naturally lighter
hair color (blondism) relative to the general population, small nose, and dark brown eyes.

>They are thought to be among the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines, preceding
the Austronesian migrations.

>The Aeta were included in the group of people termed “Negrito” during Spanish colonial rule as Negritos.
Various Aeta groups in northern Luzon are known as “Pugut” or “Pugot,” a name designated by their Ilocano-
speaking neighbors, and which is the colloquial term for those with darker complexions. In Ilocano, the word
also means “goblin” or “forest spirit.”

>According to historians, the Aetas are Australo-Melanesians. Historical accounts suggest that they’re of the
same group as those of Aborigines in Australia and Melanesians of Solomon Islands. While they closely
resemble physical characteristics such as curly hair and dark colored skin, it is not clear as to how they arrived
in the Philippines.

>They are nomadic and build only temporary shelters made of sticks driven to the ground and covered with
the palm of banana leaves. The well-situated and more modernized Aetas have moved to villages and areas of
cleared mountains. They live in houses made of bamboo and cogon grass.

>Most Aetas can be found in the northern part of Luzon. According to historical accounts, they have lived
near Mount Pinatubo in Zambales for thousands of years. But, when Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991, it
devastated the Aeta population. The majority lost their homes while some re-settled in urban areas. This gave
way to Aetas being modernly influenced by prevailing Filipino culture and practices.

>The Aeta have become extremely nomadic due to social and economic strain on their culture and way of life
that had previously remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Culture Language

All Aeta communities have adopted the language of their Austronesian Filipino neighbors, which have
sometimes diverged over time to become different languages. These include, in order of number of
speakers, Mag-indi, Mag-antsi, Abellen, Ambala, and Mariveleño.


There are different views on the dominant character of the Aeta religion.

>Those who believe they are monotheistic argue that various Aeta tribes believe in a supreme being who rules
over lesser spirits or deities, with the Aeta of Mt. Pinatubo worshipping “Apo Na”.
>The Aetas are also animists. For example, the Pinatubo Aeta believe in environmental spirits such as anito
and kamana. They believe that good and evil spirits inhabit the environment, such as the spirits of the river,
sea, sky, mountain, hill, valley and other places.

>No special occasion is needed for the Aeta to pray, although there is a clear link between prayer
and economicactivities.

>In the mid-60s missionaries of the American-based Evangelical Protestant mission group New Tribes Mission,
in their effort to reach every Philippine tribal group with the Christian Gospel reached out to the Agtas/Aetas.
The mission agency provided education including pastoral training for natives to reach members of their own
tribe. Today, a large percentage of Agtas/Aetas of Zambales and Pampanga are Evangelicals.


Their traditional clothing is very simple.

> The young women wear wrap around skirts.

> Elder women wear bark cloth, while elder men wear loin cloths. The old women of the Agta wear a bark
cloth strip which passes between the legs, and is attached to a string around the waist.

>Today most Aeta who have been in contact with lowlanders have adopted the T-shirts, pants and rubber
sandals commonly used by the latter.


>A traditional form of visual art is body scarification. The Aetas intentionally wound the skin on their back,
arms, breast, legs, hands, calves and abdomen, and then they irritate the wounds with fire, lime and other
means to form scars.

>Other “decorative disfigurements” include the chipping of the teeth. With the use of a file, the Dumagat
modify their teeth during late puberty. The teeth are dyed black a few years afterwards.

>The Aetas generally use ornaments typical of people living in subsistence economies. Flowers and leaves are
used as earplugs for certain occasions. Girdles, necklaces, and neckbands of braided rattan incorporated with
wild pig bristles are frequently worn.

>Fishing dance, courting dance, and the monkey dance.

Their distinguishing characteristics and practices

>Aetas are characterized by their skin color, height, and hair type.

>They mostly have dark to dark-brown skin, curly hair, and are usually below five-feet tall.

>Traditionally, Aetas are hunting and gathering indigenous people.

>They’re actually among the most skilled when it comes to jungle survival – they are even able to make use of
plants as herbal medicine and possess tools and weapons.

>While they’re nomadic, they are able to build temporary houses made of sticks

>Aetas have the skill in weaving and planting

>Aetas are resilient, just like how the tribe resisted the Spaniards.

>Aetas, are also hardworking

Colonial resistance and unfortunate displacement

>Because they are usually scattered in mountainous areas, the Spaniards had a hard time introducing
Catholicism to their population. They mostly resisted to change, which made it difficult for the Spanish to
colonize their areas. This is also one of the reasons why they were able to preserve their cultural traditions
and beliefs through to today.

Practices and Beliefs

> The Aeta dance before and after a pig hunt. The night before Aeta women gather shellfish, they perform a
dance which is partly an apology to the fish and partly a charm to ensure the catch. Similarly, the men hold
a beedance before and after the expeditions for honey.

>one should not fart in front of one’s in-laws because one would have to pay money to the in-law.

> when Good Friday comes around, they pray to Apo Bukot. When asked who he or it is, she said that Apo
Bukot is a human that was enchanted, and they pray Aeta prayers to him. She mentioned that maybe her
great-great-great grandfather might be acquainted to him, and if one wants to see or feel him, he would make
an appearance.

> “Kagon” = which is a healing ritual using song and dance to get the spirit out of the body. Their prayers
mostly consist of healing and their spirituality is best manifested in their concept of health and disease

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