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Art and Music Instills Discipline.

Dedicating themselves to art and music

teaches kids important concepts of discipline. ... Immersing children in the
arts and music, at home, through lessons, at school and in the community,
provides undeniable benefits that will help them throughout their lives.

Being a Bachelor of Elementary Education Student is not easy because we all

know that elementary is the crucial part of education the time where pupils
mold their learning. Music and Arts is very important for us Elementary
Education student because through music we can easily get the attention of
the pupils. They cannot get easily bored.

Therefore music is very important because through it pupils can go out their
shells. Music gives confidence.
Music participation provides a unique opportunity for literacy preparation.
Whether the children are singing, playing, or listening, teachers direct them
to listen and hear in new ways which exercises their aural discrimination. Art
activities also help children's social and emotional development. Children
learn about themselves and others through art activities. It really helps them
build self-esteem.

As a future educator Music and Art is very important for me because it helps
me to teach my pupils. Someone says that music and arts can increase the
confidence of someone. So in that, I understand that it is very useful
because I can facilitate my students with the help of it.

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