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a total of 30 larvae; followed by 93.

33 % using
with 5 ml garlic cloves extract having
treatment II with 4 ml garlic cloves extract having a total of 28 larvae and 90%
treatment I with a total of 27 larvae and treatment III with 5 ml garlic cloves
extract was
the best treatment on killing mosquito larvae; followed by treatment II with 4 ml
cloves extract and treatment I with 3 ml garlic cloves extract respectively.
Based from the findings, this study arrived in the following conclusion; the longer
the mosquito larvae exposed to extract, the more it was affected by the toxicity of
extract; there was significant difference in various treatments, null hypothesis is
rejected. It implies that garlic cloves extract was effective on
killing mosquito larvae; the
more extract is applied, the higher its mortality rate and the higher the amount of
treatment applied, the more it becomes effective.
The following recommendations were
proposed in this study; consumer
and the whole community
can use garlic cloves extract to eliminate mosquito larvae.
communities are
suggested to plant garlic not only for spice purposes but for its
medicinal and repellency
as well as in other insect; garlic cloves extract can
be commercialized and developed
mosquito repellant and further studies should be
conducted in order to determine the chemical composition of garlic that can
kill mosquito larvae.

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