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Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology

ISSN: 0036-5599 (Print) 1651-2065 (Online) Journal homepage:

Urinary Tract Infection Caused by Haemophilus

Influenzae : A Case Report

Bernd Stegmayr & Anna Stina Malmborg

To cite this article: Bernd Stegmayr & Anna Stina Malmborg (1988) Urinary Tract Infection
Caused by Haemophilus Influenzae : A Case Report, Scandinavian Journal of Urology and
Nephrology, 22:1, 75-77, DOI: 10.1080/00365599.1988.11690388

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Sca nd JUral N e phrol22 :75-77, 1988


A Case Report

B e rnd Stegm ay r a nd Ann a Sti n a Malmborg

From th e Division of Nephrology, Depa rtm ent of Internal Medicine,

Unive rsity H ospital Umea, S-90 1 85 Umea , and Clinical Microbiology,
Huddinge University Hospital, S tockholm , Sweden

(Subm itted fo r publica ti o n March 21, 1986)

Abstract. In a patient wi th freq ue nt sympto ms of urin ary li ve ly a ure thral stricture develo ped and was treated wit h di-
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tract infectio n durin g th e past -5 yea rs and stead ily de- lations. Urine cultures remain ed negati ve . Th e sympto ms
teriorating renal fun ctio n , standard urine cultures were persisted, a nd a yea r late r a seco nd TU R was perfo rmed ,
mostly negative. Followin g microscopy of fres hly voided, now with remova l of 10 g prosta ti c ti ssue. Postopera tive
gram-stai ned urin e, cultu re o n haematin agar plates in cu- urin e cultures yielded S taphylococcus epidermidis (> I05)
bated in 10% COl result ed in isolati o n of Haemophilus in - bacte ri a/ml) . Histo logic stud y of prostatic ti ssue from both
jluenzae. Augmented culture proced ures may id entify th e resections revea led be ni gn hyperplasia as well as chroni c in-
ca use of symptoms in simila r cases. fl amm atory changes. Beca use of clinical signs of prostatiti s,
th e pa ti ent was treated wi th ampicillin for 4 months. Ure th-
Key words: urin ary tract infection , Haemophilus influ -
ral dilati ons were pe rfo rm ed to reli eve recurrent stricture.
At age 69 th e pati ent had urin ary rete ntio n , with residu al
vo lumes of c. 300 mi. IVP now showed mild di latio n of the
ureters. After 3 months with an indwelling ca th eter, a third
Th e re a re fe w we ll -docum e nted re ports o f urin a ry TU R was performed . Th e hi stologic di agnosis was the sa me
tract infection du e to Haemophilus influe nzae. Th e as before. Urine cultures grew en terococci as we ll as
co nditio n was firs t describ ed in ad ult s (1) , a nd s ub - S taphylococcus aureus (> 105/ml) , and epididymitis was
sequ e ntly in c hildre n (5, 6, 10, 11). A to t a l of nine treated with doxycycline for 14 days. Th ereaft er the pati e nt
compl ained of urge ncy of micturition , pollakissuria, nyc-
adu lt m ales with H. influenzae as th e pathoge n in
turia and total impotence. The re nal function showed
urin a ry tract infe ction ha ve hith e rt o been re po rt ed further deterioration (Fig . 1). A year late r he was treated
(1 , 3). M ost o f th ese m e n h ad chro ni c di sease o f th e wi th amoxicillin 250 mgx2 for 10 days because of pyuri a,
urin a ry tract , e.g. h yd ro ne phrosis, uro lithi asis o r but there was not growth on urine cultures. The symp-
tom s were reli eved , but recurred a year la ter , again with
ure te ra l re flu x.
negative cultures. A similar episode occurred afte r anoth-
We now re port o n a m a n with progress ive re na l er year. The renal fun ctio n was by now grossly impaired
failure associa ted with sympto m s of c hroni c urina ry and the pa tient was ad mitted to the Depa rtment of Neph-
tract infecti o n in add itio n t o in fravesical obstructi o n . rology.
Several samples of urin e were cultured on CLED agar
and 5% ho rse blood aga r, all with negativ e results, and se-
vere symptoms of urinary tract infection pers isted . W e
then examined a gram-stained smear from uncentrifuged
A 71-year-<>ld man had been treated with sa lvarsa n form a- midstrea m urine and found abundant gram-negative, thin
la rial attacks at age 20 and 26 yea rs. At age 29 he was clin- rod-shaped bacteria.
ically suspected to have pyelonephritis with deterioration of The sa me portion of urine was cultured on a n aerobic
renal fun ction . Reco rds conce rnin g th e renal fun ction were blood aga r plate with a streak of S. aureus as well as on a
available from the age of 58. At that time th e creatinine haematin aga r plate in cubated in 10% col and on an
clearance was 50 ml/min/1.73 ml body surface area . An in- anaerobic blood agar plate, in addition to the standa rd
traveno us pyelogram (IVP) showed diminished excretion medium. After overnight incubation at 37°C, more than I~
bilaterally. The papillae were of un even appearance and th e bacte ri a/ml grew on haematin aga r. The bacteria were short
kidney size was symm etrica lly red uced. Urine cu ltures were gram-nega tive rods and showed the satellite phenom enon
negative . on th e blood aga r plate streaked wit h S. aureus. The strain
At the age of 64 the patient had po llakiuri a, urgency of was identifi ed as H. influenzae by require ment of both X
mi cturition and nycturi a, a nd transurethral resection and V factors. Classification accord ing to Kilian (8) showed
(TU R) of 12 g prostatic ti ssue was pe rformed. Postope ra- biotype IV, and serotyping showed type b . The nitrocefi n

Scand J Uro/ N ephro/ 22

76 B. Stegmayr and A. S. Malm borg

1000 50

Ssoo 40
0). 600 30 Fig. 1. Changes in serum creatinine
c c (0 - 0 ) and creatinine clearance
:;:; 400 20 .E (GFR , t::.-t::.), times of transureth- :::::....
ral prostatic resecti on (TUR) and re-
sults of standard urine cultures:
E 200 t!A 10 cr. -= no or insignificant bacteri al
growth , 1 = S. epidermidis, 2=S. au-
2 T T T /\A U.
reus, 3=enterococci . Op =cholecys-
JJ oL---~~........::.Oz:::.·~-...........:w.:. . . .~:...._~~~:
:. . :. .~~~~-~~....... o ~ tectomy.
58 60 ~ 68 72
A G E • years H.1nftuenzoe
Urine -treolmert -
- 1-
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 05:53 15 June 2016


test for beta- lactamase production was negative. Disc diffu- sisting in the prostate u su ally reinfect the bladder,
sion tests showed susceptibility of the strain to ampicillin , with symptoms recurring after day s or month s (4 ,
trimethoprim , sulphamethoxazole, nitrofurantoin, nalidixic
9) . In several reported cases of urina ry tra ct infec-
acid , mecillinam, gentamicin and cefaclor.
Ampicillin was given for 14 days, 0.5 gx3. The patient's tion caused b y H . influenzae there was a history of
temperatu re norm alized and other symptoms disa ppeared. renal failure du e to chronic pyelonephritis (5), simi-
Creatinine clearance at the start of treatment was 8 mllmin. lar to that in our patient.
The renal fun cti on was temporarily stabilized, but did not This case provides support fo r th e followin g con-
recover. Six months later diarrhoea occurred, the renal
function deteriorated even furth er and long-term di alysis clusions. 1) H. injluenzae may be isolated from the
was instituted. · urine in p atients with chronic uro pa thies. 2) H . in-
fluenzae can cause chronic urinary tract infection and
the reby contribute to renal failure . 3) Standard urine
CONC LUSIONS culture does not reveal this orga nism . 4) Urine from
Urina ry tract infection due to H. influenzae seems to pa tients with progressive renal failure, signs of uri-
be rare in men . But a lthough fe w cases have been re- nary tract infection and repeatedly negative standard
ported , it is possible th at such infection is more com- cultures should. be studied with additional culture
mon than is generally recognized , as st andard techniques, es pecially if microscopy o f freshl y voided
techniques of urine culture do not permit isol ation of urine reveals abnormality.
H . influenzae. Because of the rarity of Haemophilus
sp ecies as urinary tract p athogens, however, routine
culture of all urine samples on special medi a is not
justifie d (2) . 1. Albright F, Dienes L, Sulkowitch HW. Pyelonephritis
with nephrocalcinosis caused by Haemophilus influen-
Most p atients with urinary tract infection due to
zae and alleviated by sulfa nileamide: report of two
H. influenzae have und e rlying abnormalities of these cases. J Am Med Assoc 1938; 110: 357-360.
organs (3 , 5 , 11). In the present case, outflow 2. Burns TR , Hinds DB , Hawkins E. Haemophilus or-
obstruction could have been one underlying cau se of ganisms: Urinary tract pathogens in children. Diagn
Haemophilus infection . A plausible site for recurre nt Microhiol Infect Dis 1984; 2: 251- 253.
3. Chen WN , Richards R, Carpenter R , Ramachander.
infections with this orga nism could have been th e Haemophilus influenzae as an agent of urinary tract in-
prostate gland . Histologic examination of resected fection . West Ind Med J 1976; 25: 158-161.
prostatic tissue on all occasions showed chronic in- 4. Editorial. Chronic bacterial prostatitis. Lancet 1983;
flammatory changes as well as prostatic hyperplasia. 1(8321) :393-394.
5. Gabre-Kidan T, Lipsky BA , Plorde JJ. Haemophilus
Prostatic secretion was not investigated for H. in-
influenzae as a cause of urinary tract infections in men.
fluenzae in our p atie nt , but other authors isolated Arch Intern Med 1984; 144(8): 1623-1627.
the organism from this source (5 , 7) . Bacteria per- 6. Granoff DM , Roskes R , Carpenter R , Ramachander

Scand J Uro/ Nephrol 22

Haemophilus infection of the urinary tract 77

N. Haemophilus influenzae as an age nt of urinary tract ri al prostatitis: theo retical and experim e ntal considera-
infectio n. West Indian Med J 1976; 25: 15&-161. tio ns. Urol Res 1983; 11(1) : 1-5.
7. Hall GD , Washington JA. Hae mophi1us influ e nzae in 10. Roge rs KB , Zinneman K, Foster WP. The isolation and
genitourin ary tract infections. Diagn Microbio1 Infect identification of Ha emophilus sp. from unusua1lesio ns
Dis 1983 ; 1(1) : 65-70. in childre n. J Clin Pathol 1960; 13:519--524.
8. Kilia n M. A taxonomic study of the genus II. Schuit KE . Isolation of Haemophilus in urine cultures
Haemophilus. J Gen Microbiol 1974; 93:9-62. from childre n. J Pedi at 1979; 95:565-566.
9. Madsen , PO , Jense n KM -E, lvarsen P. Chronic bacte-
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Scand J Urol Nephrol 22

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