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India condemns Pakistan PM Imran Khan's

'irresponsible' statements on Kashmir

India on Thursday condemned the recent statements made by

the Pakistani leadership on "internal matters" and said they were
intended to create an alarming situation in the country.

The provocative statements from Pakistan “include calls

for jihad and inciting violence in India,” he said, a
reference to a speech by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief
Minister Mahmood Khan where he offered to become the
commander of his people if ‘jihad’ was ever formally
declared for Kashmir.

Kumar did not particularly single out a statement,

stressing there were far too many. There are nearly 40-50
statements and tweets, he said.

“We think that the main objective is to create an

environment… create an impression that the situation is
alarming… but the ground realities are completely
different,” the foreign ministry said.

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