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Effects of Early Exposure in Alcohol in Academic Performance of

Grade 12 HUMSS Students in Valley High Academy S.Y. 19 – 20

Members: Domingo Gabriel S. Fernandez
Darlene Joy Guiritan
Wilson Gilla
Patrick Ibarra

Section: HUMSS 12 – 3

1. Do you drink alcohol?
 Yes  No
2. In what age did you start drinking alcohol?
 0 – 10 years old  13+
 11 – 12
3. How often do you drink alcohol?
 1 – 2 times a month  6 – 10 times a month
 3 – 5 times a month  11+ times a month
4. Does alcohol influence your interest in school?
 Yes  No
5. Are there times that you feel drowsy in class?
 Yes  No  Sometimes
6. Are you having difficulties remembering your lessons?
 Yes  No  Sometimes
7. Have you ever used your lunch money (baon) to buy alcohol?
 Yes  No
8. Do you have your guardian’s consent on drinking alcohol?
 Yes  No
9. Would you rather drink alcohol than to study?
 Yes  No
10. Have you ever ditched school in order to consume alcohol?
 Yes  No
11. Are you having difficulties on controlling yourself when it comes to alcohol?
 Yes  No
12. What was your average grade in Grade 11?
13. Are you satisfied with your grades since you started drinking alcohol?
 Yes  No
14. Do you think that drinking alcohol has benefits for your study?
 Yes  No
15. Do you have future plans on stopping your alcohol consumption?
 Yes  No

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