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This subject improved my

knowledge 8bout bre8d 8nd

p8stries by how could I
underst8nd wh8t is the
me8ning of bre8d 8nd
p8stries. Itʼs not the typic8l
8nswer of wh8t is p8stries
but wh8t is the 8ccept8ble
8nswer of it. Yes p8stries is
8ll 8bout cooking but there
is more 8 specific 8nswer
th8t c8n give you 8
shocking. All my life, Iʼve
8lw8ys thought th8t p8stries
is 8ll 8bout cooking but the
specific 8nswer is “8n
8ssortment rich of flour
mixtures consisting of high
proportion of f8t with sm8ll
8mount of liquid 8nd
enriched different kind of
filling”. In short It will h8ve
common ingredients but you
c8n m8de 8 different filling.
Also improved my
knowledge how to b8kes 8
good 8nd smooth bre8ds. I
le8rned th8t thereʼs 8
different term of the other
ingredients 8nd how will you
substitute the ingredient
from the origin8l to other
ingredient th8t c8n
comp8tible with. I le8rned
how import8nt the
consistency or org8nized
8nd surely of the ingredients
bec8use some of the recipe
8re sensitize.

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