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Group 1

Audy Lebang

I apologize in advance for not being fluent in English

Identify form of exclusion that you see in your surrounding
what happens? describe it!
what does it happen?
what does impacts does it bring to society as a whole?

Based on experience from our group. The forms of discrimination / violence that we
experience are
1. Distancing
2. Domination
3. Asimilation
The violence that often occurs in the life of our group is like insults, demeaning one's
self-esteem, threatening and frightening, and coercion of the will. Most of our group
experienced violence caused by differences in religion and culture, as like the experience that
occurred in Makassar, because of a murder case committed by someone named Rudi to Andi,
which then continues to be a conflict between the Toraja and the Bugis. This is due to the
growing discourse that the Toraja tribe has killed the Bugis tribe, which was originally a
person's conflict into a collective conflict. So that the minor Toraja people in Makassar are
afraid to do activities. Provocations and violence in the name of religion or culture that are
increasingly widespread and not immediately resolved can lead to riots and clashes between
parties to the conflict. This will have an impact on the relationships that have been
established. As a result, relations that have been knitted for so long can be severed due to
religious or cultural conflicts that occur. Of course this will be able to have an impact on
aspects of community, nation and state situations that are not conducive, riots, clashes and
violent acts will greatly affect the community. This will especially be felt by those who live in
the location of the conflict. The fear and insecurity of suffering both psychologically and
emotionally, and the sense of helplessness. So that this then directly affects a person's
psychological. Violence that occurs in the end creates a space between one religion and
another. Creating a major dominance over the minor, so that social cohesion in society is

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