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Adlong, Balnaja, Banagbanag

EDUC 112: Foundations of special needs and inclusive education

August 29, 2019

Journal 1 – Case Analysis

Feeding problems (e.g., Running around, making a mess and wasting food) is usual for
young children, especially ages 1 to 3 years old. In Alex's case, he's in the stage of refining
his dexterity with the spoon and fork. Additionally, tantrums are also a normal part of
child development. That’s the way toddlers show that they’re upset or frustrated. They
want independence and control over their environment more than they can handle. Just
like Alex's case, he yells at his Mom "No! I can do it!". They think they don't need your
help, but when they discover they can't do it, they may have a tantrum. At that age, they
want to control some parts of their lives- be independent. One thing they want to control
over is to master the ability to feed themselves. So, it is not alarming that Alex is behaving
in that way. His behavior is just a typical thing for a child who is growing up and is
continuing to hunger for a taste of independence.

Several things shape or form a child's behavior, Albert Bandura theorized on his Social
Learning Theory that people learn by observing others. And also John Watson Theory of
Behaviorism, that a child's environment is the factor that shapes behaviors over their
genetic makeup or natural temperament. Those theories emphasize the huge
contribution of the environment to the child's behavior. For that reason, we firmly believe
that Alex learned that kind of behavior (i.e. Yelling to his Mom) from the most influential
environmental factor in a child's growth and development no other than his family.

When the child did something wrong or terrible and as a parent, you'll going to punish
and even say something inappropriate to them, expectedly they will also manifest that
kind of behavior. A parent’s way of helping their child is crucial. For that reason, parents
should always remember that helping the child is their utmost priority. Effective
strategies include being a good role model, explaining good manners to the child and
rewarding appropriate behavior. Upon addressing the problem that Alex's mother faces
in this situation, our group unified on the idea that the Burrhus Frederic Skinner Operant
Conditioning theory is the most effective way to help a child take in positive behavior.

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