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Equilibrium implies minimization of free-energy

BUT, we ignored so far thermal energy!!

Free energy = energy – temperature × entropy


Entropy: measure of disorder in a system (How to quantify?)

Boltzman’s definition of entropy

S= KB ln (W)

W= no. of possible microstates corresponding to

microstate = no. of possible arrangements

Macro-state: overall description of system (No. of

molecules, volume etc.)

Microstate: all possible conformations of molecules,

positions of molecules in space etc.
Concept of micro & macro-states

Macrostate: L no of legends and one

receptor in a volume V

Macrostate: a DNA molecule of

length L (say N base-pairs)
Concept of micro & macro-states

Macrostate: a DNA with N lattice

sites and Np proteins

Example: Calculate entropic cost of hydrophobicity in water.

What is probability of each microstate corresponding to a macrostate?

Deterministic versus probabilistic description (there is a pattern in randomness)


What is the shape? -> bell-shaped, long-tailed etc.

Assignment 1 (before 10th Sep., 2019)
Search for data of abundance of different kinds of subspecies or
species in the living world or of non-living objects (different
kinds/subsets of atoms/molecules) and plot the distribution in linear
and logscale. To be uploaded on welearn.

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