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Deer Park

1. In this task you must measure how much a tree has grown by counting and measuring
the rings on the tree.

• If you can see the rings count from the edge of the tree towards the centre. 1 ring = 1 year

• If the tree is still standing - With the help of a friend, use a tape measure to measure the
circumference of the tree trunk at a height of around 1 metre. Try to avoid any lumps on
the trunk surface. Now use the information below to work out how many years old your
tree is. divide the circumference in centimetres by 1.25. You should now have an
approximate age of your tree!
• Find 3 trees to work out the ages


2. When looking at various animal poop, they can quickly divided into three groups.

A. Predatory feeding (meat eaters) is the poop that resembles human most. They are often
elongated and firm in consistency.

B. The poop of the plant species are usually small round spheres, located in smaller piles.

C. The poop of the birds are almost to be regarded as blobs, since their stools are not fixed
in the same way as those other animals. The poop from birds is often white in one end.

What to do:
• When you are in Dyrehaven or on the hill, you must find stool (poop) from all three
groups. Birds and herbivores (poop should be easy to find.)

• You must find at least three examples of herbivores stools.

• You must document that you have seen the different forms of stool - take a picture of the
3. Measure the hight of the trees like the loggers in Dyrehaven have used for many years.

• When loggers must measure the height of a tree, they use their arms to measure.
They stand up with their arms high:

• Aiming the hand, they frame on top of the tree. You must do the same.

• Go as far as you need until you can see the top of the tree just above your clenched hand.
You now have that distance to the tree, that corresponds to the height of the tree.

• Mark the place with a stick. You have to measure the distance to the tree by counting how
many steps you need to take.

• Measure 5 trees this way apron how tall are they?


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