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Background: Abuse of alcohol and drugs is a worldwide problem.

In countries of the South Asian region

including Bangladesh, Butan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, the drugs commonly abused are heroin,
cannabis, opium, and pharmaceutical preparations. Abuse of alcohol and tobacco in combinations with
other drugs also is seen in these countries. Abuse of drugs not only poses a threat to the individual’s
health but consequently gives rise to socioeconomic problems. Alcohol and drug abuse cause stress in a
family and drain national resources. This paper is based on available research data and the author’s
research work in the field. The paper discusses social consequences of drug abuse in the South Asian
region, covering social issues with respect to family, society, gender, young people, work, crime,
violence, and cost. The discussion has implications for developing treatment and prevention strategies.

Results: Families suffer due to cultural and social factors of drug behavior, including their own
understanding of the disease process and the addict’s behavior due to drug abuse, draining of family
resources, shrinking from responsibilities, sickness and death faced as a consequence of drug abuse,
extramarital relations, distortion of interpersonal family relationships, and violence. Family reaction to
drug addiction includes denial, blaming, suppressed anger, depression, bargaining, preoccupation,
change of personality, and codependency. Family and friends respond differently. In a study done in
India, a sizable majority (58%) of family members felt bad; nearly two-fifths expressed their annoyance
and anger; about one-fifth (22%) advised the addict to give up drugs and expressed negative and
nonsupportive attitudes such as hopelessness and being ashamed of the addict’s act; indifference and
desertion by the spouse also were expressed by a smaller percentage of family members. Similarly, 42
percent of friends showed concern, 39 percent broke a friendship, and the rest showed no specific
reaction. The community also showed resistance.

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