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Name: Camila Rios

Title: The problem of drug resistance in human health

1. Situation
The AMR (Antimicrobial resistance) is widely present in humans, some bacTEria
and FUNgi are reSIStant to many antibiotics or they eVOlve so they can generate
such resistance
2. Problem
As a result, the CURE or TREATment of some of this inFECTions or diSEAses are
really hard to find and maintain causing high rates of morTALity and morbidity

3. First solution
a) A possible solution to reduce the AMR is the synthesis of coordination
compounds (chemical compounds binded to a METal center). Many
coordination compounds have been already tested and used to treat some
illness like mercury intoxiCAtion and Alzheimer’s diSEAse among others. Once
these compounds are synthetized a proper way of introducing them to the
body is designed for instance PILLS or inJECtions depending on each
compound’s characteristics.
b) The coordination compounds are a good choice due to the variety of
characteristics they have. Therefore, you are able to modify them SEIZES or
CHARGES etc. in order to make them more speCIfic. Consequently, it is possible
to interFERE with the mechanism of action of bacteria and fungi with these
c) According to Hurtado (2017) 23 of these compounds have been tested in vitro
in bacteria and fungi strains confirming that they possess antibacTERIal and
antiFUNgal activities in different grades and inhibition zones depending on
each’s characteristics.
4. Second solution
a) Likewise, orGANic compounds (compounds with no metals) can be designed to
CARRY drugs or interFERE with action mechanisms. One of these compounds
are the resorcin arenes which are macromolecules able to create a cavity due
to their MACro STRUCture.
b) Resorcin arenes are a viable solution too because of two main reasons, they
have an R group in each of the four main structures and the different
geometries they adopt once synthetized. The R group can be changed in order
modify the physical chemistry properties like soluBILities and lipoPHILIcities
and the cavity they create allows the molecule to become a capsule using it as
a CARrier for other molecules.
c) In fact, at least SIX different spatial orientations of the resorcin arenes and
more than TEN different R groups have been TESTED and REported as STAble
and potentially USEful for the CARrier purpose.

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