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Let me first appreciate the way you make these surveys and follow-up emails though I haven't enrolled

in your course. Most of my emails from webinar follow-ups were, mostly, a day or two after the session.
But yours, wow! it's literally a 'sequence'.

I'll start from the headlines, it's really an edge in the email. It's not talking about the expiration, instead a
call to action, or maybe something eye-opening.

And then, the body. It's compelling and persuading, and then scrolling down, 'ugh' it's about joining the
course pala.

Just a quick recap. After the webinar, I seriously thought 'this is it'. It's what I have been searching for. I
thank you for diving deeper into knowing the market. I know this would give the copy an edge.

'Coz everything has a price, right? Then, I'll just skip and then search for other free stuff.

I believe this is a scenario for us getting 'caught' by the free ads. 'Coz they'll be offering a product in the

I'll just think these products are not for us, who are starting in the business, no huge money to invest.
Imagine someone, like a beggar, just for example. He would accept anything for free. Then, if you would
offer something at a cost, he would not get it.

I'll agree with you, I can borrow money for this. It's just that right now, I want to acquire things with my
own efforts, so I can value it more. And nowadays, that would be a great leap. From zero cost to

I'm grateful that Filipino info products can be way lesser in price than international products.

P.S. If you're looking for an apprentice, please let me work for you -- Free! No cost at all! I'd be happy to
assist you online.

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