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Choose the right pronoun

1. Your son is making a lot of noise! I'll ask ______________ to be quiet.

2. Please will you ask Robert to come in. Sorry, I don't know ___________.
3. Where are my glasses? You are wearing ________________
4. Do you like apples? I love _______________!
5. Why is he always talking about Liza? He obviously likes
_________________ .
6. His friends offered ______________ a guitar for his birthday!
7. What are you going to do with those old papers?
I'm going to recycle _________________.
8. How are your kids? I haven't met _________________ for ages!"
9. My mother is fantastic! I like ________________ very much."
10. Don't help ___________ with this exercise! I can do
____________by myself.
11. Take the children to bed. Don't let _________________watch this
12. . I am standing on my head. Look at ____________ .
13. Pick up your toys and put ____________ away.
14. Charo, we are waiting for _________. Are you coming with
15. If we ask her, she will teach _________ how to play chess.

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