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Interview Questions:

#1. How will you ace an online interview?
ANS: I believe I can ACE an interview by putting my mind, body and heart to what
I am up for which is to be hired. My mind will do everything that it can to grasp
information about the possible questions that might arise. My body will participate
in making it possible by staying active and healthy. My heart will give the sincerest
response so they may see the passion in my answers. I will show them that I am the
ace player they been looking for. With all these, I believe God will do the rest.
#1. What is an IEP? How do you conduct an IEP meeting? What are the pertinent topics discussed
in the meeting?
ANS: An IEP stands for Individualized Educational Plan. It is a plan designed to meet
the child’s developmental needs. It documents the child’s strengths and weaknesses.
Conducting IEP meetings include, the child and his parent/guardian, SPED teacher,
general education teacher, school psychologist, principal and other personnel that
could possibly help the child’s performance. This is where they discussed the present
level of performance of the child, the areas of concerns, its annual goals and the
interventions and strategies needed on how it is to be achieved and other support
services that the child might need. Attendance is always checked during the meetings.
#2 How will you ensure that the student with special needs in your caseload is meeting his learning
ANS: To ensure that the student with special needs is meeting his learning needs, I
see to it that I apply accommodations and modifications depending on his present
level of performance and his preferred learning styles. Accommodations and
modifications in education are used in ensuring that the child meets his learning needs
in classroom instructions and assessments. Differentiated instructions could help in
altering teaching strategies that would perfectly fit their learning styles.
#3. What is the first thing you would do if a student called you an offensive name or threw
something in front of the other students in the classroom? How would you handle the situation?
ANS: As for me, human as I am, i would really get hurt if a student would call me
such an offensive name however in situations like this, it is important to remain calm,
keep your head in the game. Situations like this need immediate tolerance. Identify
the reason or provoking scenarios that causes to insinuate the rude behavior. Be
reminded that you are the person in authority to correct their misbehaviors in a
manner that is not degrading. First, I would talk to him privately and tell him that
what "HE DID" was bad but i know he himself is not bad at all only his actions.
Second, i would ask him if what would he feel if he was in my shoes, would he be
happy? If not, (third) what would he do next time? I believe in disciplining such
unruly behaviors it is important that they will be the one to realize their mistakes and
assure them that you are not mad at them but only to their behavior. I would do the
same, if someone threw something infront of the other students in the classroom.
#4. Ms. Deita was hired to replace a math teacher who transferred to another school. Being a new
teacher in the US, Ms Deita has not shown much of her ability yet. Thus, she is now the object of
criticism and suffers in comparison to the former teacher. She even heard another teacher saying
that the former teacher was a lot better than her. What advise can you provide to Ms. Deita?
ANS: I will advised Ms Deita to not be discourage, but instead take it as a challenge.
Don’t make their criticism define who you really are. Show them that you are way
better than they think by giving your best, not to please them but to please God. For
I know, God is not blind, He sees everything and will always reward good deeds. I
#5 What is Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck? Why is it important?
ANS: Growth Mindset by Carol Dweck comes from the belief that your skills,
knowledge and other basic qualities are the things you can cultivate through effort. It
is thinking beyond your capacities and limits. It is conditioning your mind that
everything can be developed and attain through effort and perseverance in reaching
your goals successfully.
#6 Why is small group differentiated instruction that is targeted to learning needs a more preferred
practice than whole group direct instruction?
ANS: Small group differentiated instruction is more preferred than whole group
instructions for reasons that you can focus on the learning needs of every child and
their outcomes. Differentiated instructions for small groups gives a well-tailored
activities that would best suit the child’s learning needs.
#7 What is data-driven instruction? How will you use it in your classroom?
ANS: Data Driven Instruction is a systematic approach to enhance student learning.
It is used to improve instruction by looking at the information they have about their
students. Technically, it will work in my classroom by analysing their test results
which are essential in pointing out problems, identifying interventions and finding
#8 How does SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) lesson plan and activities look
If your child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 plan, you’ll likely hear
the terms “accommodation” and “modification” from the IEP or 504 team. While they sound
similar, they serve different purposes. Accommodations change how a student learns the
material. A modification changes what a student is taught or expected to learn. Here are
examples to help explain the differences between them.

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