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The Big “Why”

Later in this course we’ll digging deeper into what you want and the core reason why. But,
before you get started it’s important to check in with yourself to find out why are here.

Why do you want to rewrite your life story?

What about your life story do you want to change?

What will happen if you change your life story, identify, or beliefs?

What will happen if you do NOT follow through on this process?

In order to succeed in anything, you need to know WHY you want what you want. If you want to
not only finish this program and rewrite your story, but also LIVE your new story, you need to
have a BIG ENOUGH reason. Your reason for investing your time and energy into rewriting
your story can’t be just something you'd “like” to do... it has to be a MUST!

So, why MUST you do this? What’s the real reason you’re here?

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