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Assignment 1

Date of Submission: August 27, 2019

Font Style: Verdana

Font size: 12

Font color: black

Paper size: A4


 Tally Sticks

 Abacus

 Napiers bones

 Slide rule

 Pascaline

 Stepped reckoner

 Jacquard Loom

 Arithmometer

 Difference and Analytical Engine

 Scheutzian Calculation Engine

 Tabulating Machine

 Havard Mark 1

 Z1





 Osborne 1

In your assignment write down the following:

1. Your topic.

2. The approximate date if you can find it for your topic, I.e when did it happen

3. 2-3 lines describing your topic

4. Why is your topic important - what problem did it solve or what did this person do that one one
had ever done before

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