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Subject Code:  17UCS3C5



                      Objective Type Questions

Department of Computer Science 

Semester: III          UG / PG: UG – B.Sc. computer science 


1. Which level is indicates how each user views the data.

a) Internal b)conceptual c)Intermediate d)external

2. Which one must define how data will be represented in database.

a)SSO b)DBO c)DBA d)SA

3. Which is a collection of stored operational data used by application systems.

a)Tableb)Database c)Record d)File

4. Which user may use a query language to access data.

a)End user b)Application Programmer c)DBA d)SSO

5. Which file consists of only one file or table.

a)Input b)Output c)Result d)Flat

6. Which is a low level representations of entire database.

a)External view b)conceptual view c)Internal view d)Logical view

7. Who is the responsibility of managing the audit system.

a)DBA b)SSO c)DBO d)SA

8. Which is stores database objects such of tables any indexes.

a)Default Segment b)System Segment c)Loy Segment d)Post Segment

9. Which one is defined as logical schema.

a)External level b)Physical level c)Prototype level d)Conceptual level

10. Which is a named collection of one or more devices assigned to a given database.

a)Partitioned b)Paged c)Segment d)Blocked

11. Which one is defines the database objects.


12. The design of relationship is called_________.

a)Cardinality b)Schema c)Attribute d)Query

13. Which one is describes property of an entity.

a)Relationship b)Mapping c)Weak Entity d)Attribute

14. Which one of graphical notations are represent attributes.

a)Lines b)Diamonds c)Ellipse d)Rectangles

15. Which expresses are association between several entities.

a)Schema b)Relationship c)Entities d)Redundancy

16. An entity set that does not possible sufficient attributes to form a primary key is called____.

a)strong entity b)Relationship set c)Normal entity d)Weak entity

17. Which is a super key for which no subset is a super key is called a________________.

a)primary key b)super key c)candidate key d)secondary key

18. Which key is made up of two or more columns of the table.

a)Foreign key b)Composite key c)Super key d)Natural key

19. Rows of a table are known as _________.

a)Relations b)tuples c)schema d)models

20. Which is a method employed to structure the data.

a)Data model b)Network model c)Hierarchical d)Relational


21. The internal records are connected into operations through which data is stored at_______

a)Logical block b)Conceptual block c)External block d)Physical block
22. Which one is used in direct file organization.
a)Indexed b)Sequential c)Hashing d)Indexed-sequential
23. The term indicates that the indexing file.
a)inverted b)dense c)Hashing d)Subschema
24. The main disadvantages of hashing schema is that as type as the size of _____________

a)Data file b)Flat file c)Database d)indexed file
25. Which hashing techniques, is a better way to resolve collision related problems.
a)Static b)extended static c)inverted d)dynamic
26. Which is a tree structure system to the sequence set.
a)Hashing set b)File set c)Index set d)Record set
27. Which is maintains an ordered set of data and efficient operations.
a)AVL tree b)B-tree c)Sub tree d)Balanced tree
28. Searching a ________means that all leaves are at the same depth.
a)balanced tree b)unbalanced tree c)B-tree d)Hierarchical tree
29. Which is similar to the mechanism used in dictionary.
a)Indexing b)Hashing index c)Inventory d) Clustered index
30. Which one is used to improve the performance.
a)Collisions b)grouping c)Clusters d)Densing
31. Which is requires less space then a non-clustered index.
a)Physical index b)Primary index c)Logical index d)primary index
32. Which one is used to expand in vertical direction.
a)data block path b)Root path c)Main path d) Directory path
33. Which one is a single level index to the actual data.
a) Non-sequence set b)Dynamic set c)Cluster set d)sequence set
34. Which is does not allow the B-tree to become unbalanced when insertions/deletions

deletions are done.

a)Record set b)Sequence set c)Index set d)Relationship set
35. Which one is provides fast sequential access to the data.
a)AVL tree b)B-tree c)Unbalanced tree d)sub-tree
36. Which group of columns can be made as a unique key using reserve word__________.
a)Null constraint b)Integrity constraint c)Physical constraint d)Unique constraint

37. The constraint specified the condition which each column must satisfy called________

a)Key constraint b)Referential integrity c)Check constraint d)Entity integrity

38. Which key acts as a unique identifier for the entity.

a)Foreign key b)Secondary key c)Primary key d)Candidate key

39. The key value uniquely identifies a _________in a relation.

a)Schema b)Tuple c)Record set d)Relationship set

40. Which one is an association between two or more tables.

a)Relationship b)Cardinality c)Integrity d)Database


41. Which one is used to avoid the redundancy.

a)Compaction b)Accuracy c)Database d)Normalization

42. Functional dependency is a way to understand________ of the data.

a)Syntatics b)Logically c)Semantics d)Structure

43. __________ is an essential part of database design.

a)Redundancy b)Normalization c)Replicate d)Sharing data.

44. Which one is called a relation.

a) 2NF b) 3NF c) 1NF d) BCNF

45. Which is each non-key attribute depends on primary key.

a) 1 NF b) BCNF c) 3NF d) 2NF

46. Which one is based on the concept of determinant.

a) 3NF b) 2NF c) BCNF d)4NF

47. Third Normal form eliminates _________ on non key fields by putting them in separate


a)Redundancy b)Functional Dependency c)Repeated temps d)Repeated tuple

48. The term join dependency is implied by __________.

a) Candidate key b)Primary key c)Secondary key d)Concatenate key

49. Which normal form based on the concept of Join dependencies.

a) 2NF b) 4NF c)3NF d)5NF

50. Which is must be capable of being joined again on common keys to get back

the original table.

a)Functional dependency b)Determinant c)Join dependency d)Multi valued dependency

51. A relational table is a BCNF if every determinant is _________.

a)Foreign key b)Candidate key c)Primary key d) Concatenate key

52. Which is a good understanding of the semantics of data helps the designer to build

efficient design.

a)Normalization b)Functional dependencies c)Redundancy d)Multi value dependency

53. When is a column on which some of the columns in a relation are fully functional


a)dependency b)consistency c)decomposition d)determinant

54. A relation R is in BCNF if and only if every determinent is a _________.

a)Multiple key b)Composite key c)Candidate key d) Foreign key

55. Which normal form attribute is completely dependent on the primary key.

a) 4NF b)2NF c)3NF d)1NF

56. Which one is the purpose of Normalization.

a) Minimum redundancy b)Maximize speed c)Redundancy the complexity

d)Less Response time

57. Which is means the value of an attribute in a tuple finds the value another attribute in tuple.

a) Multi value b)mean value c)decomposition d)Functional dependency

58. A relational table is in __________ if every determinant is candidate key.

a) 2NF b) 3 NF c) BCNF d) 4NF

59. Which one is stronger than the third normal form.

a) 3NF b) BCNF c) 2NF d) INF

60. BCNF is based on the concept of ___________.

a) Determinant b) Primary key c) Integrity d) Pre-determined


61. Which one is offers a very wide spectrum of operations.


62. Which one is the result of inner query is on the fly substituted in the

Of outer query.
a) Sub query b) Query c) Nested query d) Universal query

63. Which constraint is specified in the definition of a column in a table.

a) Integrity b) Column c) Check d) Table

64. Which one is a database object derived form another table.

a) View b) Data object c) Method d) Class

65. Which is controls the value of a column being inserted.

a) Constraints b) Object c) Index d) Check

66. References is used to impose a referential integrity constraint.

a) Primary key b) Concatenation key c) Foreign key d) Secondary key

67. Which clause is used to indicate which groups are to be displayed.

a) Select b) Having c) From d) Where

68. Which operators are used to collect information of similar kind from one

Or more than one table.

a) Set b) Self-Joins c) Outer-Join d) Inner-Join

69. Which operator returns the rows which are common to the two sets of rows.

a) UNION b) MINUS c) Nested query d) Intersect

70. Which is one that contain more than one table in FROM clause of the SELECT

a) Read only view b) Distinct view c) Join view d) Group view

71. Which is a collection of SQL statements.

a) SQL server b) Stored procedure c) Client server d) Predefined

72. Which is helps maintain the integrity of a database.

a) Triggers b) Procedure c) References d) Checking

73. Which is a stored procedure instructs the system to take one or more

When a specific change is attempted.

a) Default b) View c) Constraint d) Trigger

74. ORACLE uses an extension of SQL called _________’

a) MY-SQL b) T-SQL c) PLSQL d) S-SQL

75. Which is provides control of flow language that can be used as part of any

a) K-SQL b) Extended SQL c) T-SQL d) MYSQL

76. One of the most important extensions is the ability to create stored

a) Extended SQL b) Trigger c) Defaults d) Integrity

77. Dynamic execution allow us to build scalable ________ code.

a) Trigger b) PL/SQL c) MY-SQL d) T-SQL

78. _________ play useful role in cascading deletes and updates.

a) View b) Check c) Triggers d) Constraint

79. Which are excellent tools to audit transactions and archive system related

Information little effort.

a) Transact-SQL b) Triggers c) T-SQL d) Transact-SQL extensions

80. Users can generate their own return values in stored procedures by adding a

Parameter to _________ statement.

a) Return b) Execute c) Function d) Procedure


81. Which one is an extension to no-procedural language SQL.


82. ________ is very rich in terms of iterative loops.


83. PL/SQL table is __________ dimensional array.

a) Two b) One c) Three d) Many

84. PL/SQL allows grouping of several _________.

a) SQL b) Transact-SQ c) Sybase d) Tables

85. ________ values can also be used in PL/SQL.

a) Numeric b) String c) Date d) Default

86. Which loops iterates over a specified range of integer values.

a) While loop b) Do loop c) For loop d) Nested while

87. Which statement allows the loop to continue till the time WHEN condition

Is not true.
a) Loop-End b) Exit when b) End-Loop d) Do-While

88. Which statement breaks the flow of execution of an endless loop.

a) Exit b) Stop c) Close d) Return

89. Which clause is used with select statement to store values from the table

Into variable.

90. Which code can be written in any text editor.

a) MY-SQL b) A-SQL c) PL/SQL d) B-SQL

91. Which is very rich in terms of iterative loops.

a) Cursor b) PL/SQL c) T-SQLd) Triggers

92. Which language were not able to handle more than one record at a time.

a) PL/1 b) PL/SQL c) PL/2 d) PL/3

93. Which parameter when used to pass values to the subprogram indicated that

It is a constant.
a) INTO b) FROM c) AND d) IN

94. Each sub program is a given a ___________.

a) Title b) Header c) Name d) Address

95. Subprograms can take the ______________.

a) Operator b) arguments c) variable d) Members

96. Functions and _________ have a similar structure.

a) Procedure b) Called program c) Calling program d) Routine

97. Return statement used in ____________ must contain an expression.

a) Procedures b) Subprograms c) Mini programs d) Functions

98. Which is a collection of PL/SQL objects.

a) Trigger b) Cursor c) Package d) Structure

99. A__________ can pass one, more or no parameters.

a) Procedure b) Function c) Built-in-function d) User defined function

100. The procedure specification contains ________ parameters with data types.

a) Formal b) Actual c) Normal d) Dummy

Answers :


1.) d)External
2.) c)DBA
3.) d)Database
4.) a)End user
5.) d)Flat
6.) c)Internal view
7.) b)SSO
8.) a)Default argument
9.) d)Conceptual
10.) c)Segment
11.) b)DDL
12.) a)Cardinality

13.) d)Attribute

14.) c)Ellipse
15.) b)Relationship
16.) d)Weak Entity set
17.) c) Concatenate key
18.) b) Composite
19.) b) Tuples
20.) a) Data model


21. d) Physical block

22. c) Hashing

23. b) Dense

24. a) Data file

25. d) Dynamic

26. c) Index set

27. b) B-tree

28. a) Balanced tree

29. d) Clustered Index

30. c) Clusters

31. b) Clustered Index

32. d) Directory path

33. d) Sequence set

34. c) Index set

35. b) B-tree

36. d) Unique constraint

37. c) Check constraint

38. c) Primary key

39. b) Tuple

40. a) Relationship


41.) d) Normalization

42.) c) Semantics

43) b) Normalization
44.) c) INF

45.) d) 2NF

46.) c) BCNF

47.) b) Functional dependency

48.) a) Candidate key

49.) d) 5NF

50.) c) Join dependency

51.) b) Candidate key

52.) a) Normalization

53.) d) determinant

54.) c) Candidate key

55.) b) 2NF

56.) a) Minimum Redundancy

57.) d) Functional dependency

58.) c) BCNF

59.) b) BCNF

60.) a) determinant


61.) d) SQL

62.) c) Nested query

63.) b) Column constraint

64.) a) View

65.) d) Check

66.) c) Foreign key

67.) b) Having

68.) a) Set
69.) d) Intersect

70.) c) Join view

71.) b) Stored procedure

72.) a) Triggers

73.) d) Triggers

74.) c) PL/SQL

75.) b) Extended SQL

76.) a) Extended SQL

77.) d) T-SQL

78.) c) Triggers

79.) b) Triggers

80.) a) Return


81.) d) PL/SQL

82.) c) PL/SQL

83.) b) One

84.) a) SQL

85.) d) default

86.) c) For Loop

87.) b) Exit when

88.) a) Exit

89.) d) INTO

90.) c) PL/SQL

91.) b) PL/SQL

92.) a) PL/1

93.) d) IN
94.) c) Name

95.) b) Argument

96.) a) Procedure

97.) d) Functions

98.) c) Package

99.) b) Function

100.) a) Formal

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