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Abnormality= anomaly

Absence= lack

Absorb= take in

Abundant= plentiful

Activate= trigger, induce

Accumulate= gather

Accurate= precise

Additive= cumulative

Adequate= proper

Adenohypophysis= anterior pituitary

Adverse reaction= side effect

Agony= torment

Aim= goal

Airways= air passages

Alike= identical


Alopecia= baldness

Alveolus= air pockets

Ambulation= walking

Analgesic= pain killer

Anaphylaxis- sever allergic reaction

Angina pectoris= chest pain

Antiemetic= anti vomiting

Appearance- occurrence

Appointment= call

Arteriosclerosis= hardening of the arteries

Articulation= joint

Asphyxiation= suffocation

Assay= test

Atrium= auricle

Atrophy- degeneration
Auscultation= listening

Autopsy= postmortem evaluation

Available= accessible

Bad breath= halitosis

Bedridden= immobilized to bed

Before= prior to

Bending= flexion

Bind= to link

Biotransformation= drug metabolism

Bleeding= hemorrhage

Blood= vascular

Blood clot= thrombus

Blood group= blood type

Blood platelet= thrombocyte

Bloodstream= blood flow

Bony= osseous

Bore- hole

Boundary- limit

Breastfeed= lactate

Brittle- fragile

Bruise= ecchymosis

Bursitis= housemaid’s knee

Calcaneum= heel bone

Cancellous= spongy

Cancerous= malignant

Candida= thrush

Cardiac arrest= myocardial stop

Cardiologist= heart specialist

Carpals= carpal bones

Carry out= perform

Cast= plaster
Cavity= hole

Cerebral palsy= to be spastic

Cervix= neck

Chemist= druggist

Childbirth= parturition

Chills= rigor

Chiropodist= foot doctor

Clavicle- collar bone

Closed fracture= simple fracture

Clotting= obstruction

Cluster= bundle

Coccyx- rump bone

Cold= coryza

Colorectal surgery- proctology

Compassion= empathy

Compulsory= obligatory

Concussion= head injury

Condition= problem

Contagious= infectious

Container = recipient

Continuous= on going

Cough- tussis

Covered= coated

Covering= protecting

Coxal bone= hip bone

Cranium= skull


Crossed eye- squint


Cut- laceration

Cutaneous- dermal
Cyanosis- bluish discoloration

Dangerous- hazardous

Defect- fault

Degenerative- progressively damaging

Delay= postpone

Depicted= described

Dermis= cutis

Detailed= minute

Device= machine

Diaphoresis= extreme sweating

Dietitian- nutritionist

Diffuse= spread

Disability = inability

Disadvantage= drawback

Disease= affliction, illness, sickness

Distress= discomfort


Doctor= physician

Dormant= inactive, latent

Dormitory- motel

Drops = instillation

Drowsy= sleepy

Duct= tube, conduct

Dyspnea= air hunger

Dyspepsia= indigestion

Eager= willing

Echography= ultrasound

Effort= exertion


Emesis- vomiting

Empty- hollow
Endocrine glands- ductless glands

Endurance= resistance

Endure= resist

Enema= clyster

Enhance= improve

Enlarge= dilate, expand

Epidemic= outbreak

Episode= seizure, attack

Epistaxis= nose bleed

Epithelial tissue= epithelium

Eruption= rush

Eructation = burping

Erythrocyte= red blood cell

Esophagus= throat

Essay= written report

Etiology= origin

Exhibit= show

Exocrine glands= duct glands

Expectoration= sputum

Extension= stretching

Fainting= syncope

Fallopian tube= salpinx

Fascia = fibrous tissue

Family doctor= general practitioner

Fatal= deadly

Fatigue= tiredness

Febrile- feverish

Feed= nourish

Fellow= subspecialist

Fellowship= subspecialty training

Femur- thigh bone

Fever= pyrexia

Fibula= splinter bone

Fit- healthy

Fixed= immobile

Flatulence- wind, gas

Foramen= opening

Forefinger= index

Baby finger= pinky

Form- shape


Frequency- rate


Frontal- ventral

Function= role

Fungus- mold

Gall= bile

Gallbladder- cholecyst


General- systemic

Germ= microbe, pathogen

Gigantism= giantism, macrosomia

Groove- sulcus

Gross anatomy= macroscopic anatomy

Growth- development

Gum- gingiva

Happen- occur

Hay fever- allergic rhinitis

Healthcare medical care

Heart attack- myocardial infarction

Heartburn= pyrosis

Hematopoiesis- formation of blood cells

Hemorrhage- sever blood loss

Hemorrhoids- piles

Herpes simplex= cold sore

Herpes zoster= shingles

Hiatus= perforation

Histology- microscopic anatomy

Homogenous- compact

Hospital chart- observation chart

Humerus- upper arm bone

Hypotension= low blood tension

Hypertension= high blood tension

Inactivate- neutralize

Incapable of- unable of

Incus- anvil

Indispensable- vital

Induce- provoked

Infection mononucleosis- kissing disease, glandular fever

Inflexible- rigid

Influenza- the flu


Inherited- genetic, hereditary

Inhibit- suppress


Injury= wound

Innate- natural

Inpatient- hospitalized patient

Inspecting= looking

Integument skin

Intestine- bowel, gut

Intolerance- allergy

Itching= pruritus
Job- role, function

Larynx- voice box

Lateral- outside

Layer- stratum

Layman’s terms- simple terms

Lazy slob

Leak- outflow

Lethargy- fatigue

Leukocyte- white blood cell

Licence- bachelor’s degree

Likelihood- probability

Likely to- prone to

Limb member

Lining- padding

Lipid- fat

Lumbago- lower back pain

Malaise- nausea

Malleus- hammer

Mandible- lower jaw

Matrix- womb

Maxilla- upper jaw

Medial- inside

Medicine- drug

Mild- minor

Minute- small

Moist- damp


Mumps= infectious parotitis

Myocyte- muscle cell


Nephro- reno
Nerve cell- neurone

Neurohypophysis- posterior pituitary

Neurosurgery- brain surgery

Nose- nasal passages

Nosocomial infection- hospital acquired infection

Normal- physiological

Nutritive- nourishing

Edema- swelling

Obstruction- occlusion, congestion

Onset- start

Open fracture- compound fracture

Ophthalmologist – eye doctor

Orderly- porter

Origin- source

Orthopedist= orthopedic doctor

Ossicles= bones of the ear

Osteoblast= bone forming cell

Otolaryngologist= ENT specialist

Outcome- result

Outpatient= ambulatory patient

Overall= total

Over the counter medication= non prescription drugs

Pace= rhythm

Pace maker= cardiac stimulator

Pain- ache

Paleness- pallor

Paralysis- palsy

Patella= knee cap

Peak- top

Pep pill- stimulant

Percussion- tapping
Pertussis- whooping cough

Phalanx= bone of the finger

Pharmacy- drugstore

Pharynx= throat

Phlegm= sputum

Phylaxis= protection agains infection

Pineal = epiphysis

Pit- hole

Pituitary- hypophysis

Platelets= thrombocytes

Pneumonia= pneumonitis

Poisonous= toxic

Polix- thumb

Posterior- rear

Predisposition= susceptibility

Prescription= medical order

Prophylaxis- prevention

Pulse – heart rate

Radius- forearm bone

Range- variety

Readily- easily

Recovery- recuperation

Recovery period- convalescence

Relapse- recurrence

Relieve- camlm, dull, ease

Ren- kidney

Renal calculi- kidney stones

Residency- speciality training

Resist- withstand

Rhinorrhea- runny nose

Rigidity- stiffness
Root- radix

Routed- directed

Rubella- german measles

Rubeola – measles

Saliva- spit

Scanty- insufficient

Scapula- shoulder blade

Scar- cicatrix

Schedule- time table

Sclerosis- hardening

Secrete- produce, emit

Sepsis- blood infection

Shaft- diaphysis

Sight vision

Site- place

Slurred speech- dysarthria

Sore- ulcer

Spectrum- range

Squama- solze

Stapes, stirrup

Sternutation- sneezing

Stiffness- ankylosis

Strabismus- squint

Strenuous- demanding

Striations- stripes

Tarsal- tarsal bones

Tibia- shinbone, shankbone

Tight junction- occluding junction

Abstain- restrain

Ascertain- determine

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