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1) Completa las oraciones con can o can’t

-Please (can/can’t) you buy some milk on your way home? I (can/can’t) leave the house because
I'm looking after the baby

-I have a special talent, I (can/can’t) touch my nose with my tongue (can/can’t) you?

-(can/can’t) you swim'? 'Yes, I (can/can’t)

2) Responde las siguientes preguntas en ingles

-What is your name?

-Where do you live?
-Who is the person next to you?
-Which do you prefer study or play
3) Haz 5 oraciones usando was o wasn’t y 5 oraciones usando were o weren’t

4) Completa las oraciones usando HAVE O HAS

-I ___ been working late recently.

-Do you ___ my phone number?

-Who ___ a pen I can borrow.

-___ you seen Simon yet?

5) Haz oraciones del reloj usando la estructura formal e informal

2:15 11:08
11:30 12:30
01:02 04:35
04:50 09:45
08:45 06:55
12:35 07:25
01:08 05:00

6) Vocabulario

-Little bit: -Gracias: -Turtle:

-Something: -Humilde: - No me importa:

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