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1. Amanda Defina

2. Ayu Nita Sari

3. Devi Sri Wahyuni

4. Firda Zein

5. Intan Nur Roudlotul Jannah


Ryujin is a teenage patient. She was hospitalized for 5 days. And in this fifth day, Ryujin wanna go home
because she can't stand in the hospital too long.

Ryujin : Mom, I wanna go home. I feel better than yesterday.

Ibu : Wait a minute. I will ask to doctor first. Riri, take care your sister for a while, please!

Riri : Yes, mom.

Mother comes out from the ward. She ask to nurse if her daughter wanna go home now. Shortly,
Mother comes in with nurse carryibg a files and doctor who used to check ryujin.

Doctor : Helloo, girl. Are you really feel better now?

Ryujin : Yes, really. I wanna go home now, Doctor. I want to outpatient only.

Doctor : Wait a moment, I check first.

Doctor check Ryujin using a thermometer for check the fever has decreased or hasn't. And check her
heart rate has normal or hasn't.

Doctor : Ryujin can go home now. But, you must drink the medicine regularly, right?
Ryujin: Yes, doctor.

Dokter : Nurse, please take care of the return of ryujin and give medical prescription to be taken at

Nurse : Okay, doctor.

Dokter : Okay, then I'll excuse me first. Get well soon, beautiful girl.

Ryujin : Thank you.

After check Ryujin, the doctor back to her room.

Nurse : Ma'am, Ryujin must take a break in the home until fever and nausea decreased, right?

Mother : Yes, sist. Are there food restrictions?

Nurse : For food, Ryujin must eat porridge and can not drink ice.

Mother : Okay, sist.

Nurse : And for little Riri, don't ask you sister to play until she feel really in good condition.

Riri : Okay, sist. I'm pity to see Ryujin sick.

Nurse write some medical prescription from doctor for Ryujin.

Nurse : This is the medical prescription. You can take in the pharmachy, ma'am.

Mother : Yes, sist. Thank you.

After take the medicine in the pharmachy, finally Ryujin can go home with a note that Ryujinmust rest


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