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“Feudalism made land the measure and the master of all things” –picturequotes.


Feudalism was based on the exchange of rights and duties between nobles
where many unwritten rules governed the relationship of a lord and his vassals. People
of the Middle Ages were divided hierarchical levels, the kings occupied the highest
class, followed by lords or vassals to kings, knights or vassals to lords, and the
peasants. According to the, the king had total control over
all the assets and he used to decide as how much quantity of land to provide on lease.
The lords or “Lord of the Manor” were in control and owner of land. Knights were
mounted and armored soldiers, but armor and horses were costly and a knight should
be well trained, but most knights didn’t have much money to buy armor, horses and time
for their training, so Charles Martel gave them land because he had no money to pay for
the knights. With the given land, it supported the knight himself and his family while
serving the king, it is the exchange of land for military service. The peasants had to
provide food and service to their superiors on demand and had the lowest and poorest
class in the feudal system social hierarchy.

Moreover, the feudal system is when a lord provided his vassal a piece of land
but the lord still owns the given land and the vassal had the right to use the land and
pass it on to his heirs while the lord protects his vassals. In return of the piece of land,
the vassals were turn into tenants and gave their lord military service and they agreed to
serve their lord on holidays and special occasions. The lands gave power to the lords to
have numerous vassals and knights. Due to the lord’s loyalty to the king, kings gave
more lands to the lords and with more land the lords own the more crops they could
grow and more people could live in their land. Vassals were treated as peasants and
they were asked to grow crops and farm in exchange of land. With those, lords receive
so much power to earn anything using their land given by higher officials or kings.

In conclusion, Feudalism results to the exchange of land for service and

distribution of different social classes pertaining to their wealth, abilities and work. Lords
gain much power because of the lands given to them by kings that allowed them to use
their lands to gain vassals and knights to protect them and own everything just by using
the lands.

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