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Identify circles, squares, triangles,rectangles, cubes and pyramids

Count dots (up to 20)

Count shapes (up to 20)
Count objects (up to 20)
Count using stickers (up to 20)
Count on ten frames (up to 20)
Show numbers on ten frames (up to 20)
Represent numbers (up to 20)


Are there enough?

Compare in a chart (fewer or more)
Compare in a mixed group
Compare numbers (larger and largest)
Compare numbers (smaller and smallest)


Inside and outside

Above and below
Left, middle, and right
Top and bottom


Same and different

Classify by colour
Classify and sort by colour
Classify and sort by shape


Long and short

Tall and short
Light and heavy
Holds more or less
Compare height, weight, and capacity
Wide and narrow


Coin values
Count 1-rupee coins

A to Z read write capital and small and search them from mix

Choose the sentence that is spaced correctly

Choose the two words that are the same

idea of vowel and consonants

make odd one out
noun and verb understand in pic
choose singular and plural noun in pic (bag and bags)

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