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The Role of ICT in Classroom Instruction, Curriculum, Assessment, and

Teacher Development

The role of ICT in classroom instruction is that ICT has introduced newethod of
learning called E-learning (Electronic Learning) where students study while they
are at home or work place without going to the school. This make many workers
or employees to enroll and upgrade themselves easily. ICT has also made
communication easy through the Internet e. g email, chatting, Skype,
teleconfering, video confening, etc.

The role of ICT in curriculum In any educational system, the level of available
resources places a restriction on the degree to which any new subject can be
introduced into the college curriculum, especially where only the most basic
facilities have so far been provided. But ICT is of such importance to the future
industrial and commercial health of a country that investment in the equipment,
teacher education, and support services necessary for the effective delivery of an
ICT-based curriculum should rank high in any set of government
priorities. The curriculum proposed takes account of these resource issues and
specifies minimum requirements for effective delivery in different circumstances.
Information and communication technology, or ICT, is defined as the combination
of informatics technology with other, related technologies, specifically
communication technology.

The role of ICT in assessment has a virtual role to play in effective and efficient
assessment of learning. Modern technology offers educators a variety of new tools
that can be used is the classroom. Technology can help teachers assess their
students learning as well as their performance in the classroom. Isle ICT in the
assessment involves the used of digital devices to assist the construction, delivery,
storage, grades, or feedback.

The role of ICT in teacher development is that ICT enriches teaching by enhancing
the initial preparation by providing good teaching and training by providing good
teaching and training materials, simulators, recording and feedback mechanisms.
ICT provides lifelong professional development by providing courses in a virtual
situation, training in demand, orientation and refreshed courses through video
concerning and online.
Angel D. Tadeo Maed -II

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