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Vinzon de Guzman


Sacrament as Symbol

1. Make a reflection on each symbol below and how it affects our spiritual life.

 Laying on of hands – this was a way to bring forth the Holy Spirit to the recipient. It is done
during blessings, baptisms, and ordinations of priests. It affects our spiritual life because it
bestows us with the holy spirit which will help and guide us throughout our life.
 Oil – this is used during confirmation and when anointing. It affects our spiritual life because it is
used in anointing of the Holy Spirit which allows us to be saved from sin.
 Fire/Light – this can be related to salvation or the presence of a divine being (God). It affects our
spiritual life because God’s presence is important in guiding us to the right path in life.
 Bread – this is the food in the bible which was also used in the miracles of Jesus and it also
relates to the eucharist. It affects our spiritual life because food is a basic necessity in life and
the eucharist helps to cleanse us from sin by accepting God’s body into us.
 Wine – this is the drink in the bible because water was scarce, and it was also used in the
miracles of Jesus. This affects our spiritual life because it is blessing from God and allows us to
enjoy life.
 Water – this is the cleansing liquid depicted in the bible which cleanses the people from sin. This
affects our spiritual life because we take a bath everyday and it can be symbolized as starting
the day as a new and cleansed person.
 White Garment – this is what people of the church wear. It affects our spiritual life because
priests are present when we go to mass and they teach us several lessons in life which we
should apply.

2. Assign one symbol for each sacrament i.e., for Eucharist = wine and the effect of the sacrament of
Eucharist to one’s life as symbolized by wine. Do it to other 6 sacraments.

 Eucharist = Wine. This sacrament gives us the strength to follow God’s will during the week as
we receive this every week in the mass. Just like how wine is drank by people to rewind in their
 Baptism = Water. This sacrament welcomes us to the Christian life and since water is a part of
our everyday life, we are reminded of our life to live out God’s will.
 Reconciliation = Crossed Keys. This sacrament allows us to be forgiven of our sins which is
important in our life as a Christian. Just like how keys allow us to enter into important places in
our life.
 Confirmation =Light. This sacrament allows us to be completely with the Holy Spirit which will
guide us in our life just like how light is needed for us to see the right path to take in life.
 Matrimony = Ring. This sacrament symbolizes love between man and woman who enter into
marriage like how the rings that couples wear represent their love and commitment to one
 Anointing of the Sick = White Dove. This sacrament allows the sick or dying to be with the Holy
Spirit and prepare them for the journey to heaven. The white dove symbolizes peace which
people who are anointed need so that they can be without regrets.
 Holy Orders = White Garment. This sacrament ordains people to be priests and to spread the
word of God. The white garment symbolizes purity which priests and other members of the
church should have in order to live a proper Christian life.

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