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Nowadays, commonly in rainy seasons we cannot avoid the multiplying numbers of the mosquitoes. We
can hear in the news that there are many provinces that is suffering from dengue a disease that is
carried by the mosquitoes, here in benguet there are almost 150 people suffering from dengue, while in
the province of Cebu has been declared in the state of calamity because of the growing number of the
dengue victims and there are 3 people who died because of it.

In that case the researcher came up with the idea of making a natural incense that can drive away
mosquitoes using peppermint as the main component of the product. This is applicable in our place
because peppermint is abundant in our place. Plus the peppermint has an antimicrobial property that is
used as a cleaning solvent to sanitize and deodorize the environment, leaving behind the trail of a fresh,
cheerful scent. Not only will it disenfect surfaces, but it will also eliminate bugs in the home and function
as an effective insect repellant. Also it is very easy to make your own peppermint insence in easy steps.

B. Statement of the problem

- Is the peppermint insence effective enough to drive away bugs and insects specially mosquitoes?

C. Variables

Dependent - amount of peppermint

Independent - amount of water

Controlled- time to boil the peppermint

D. Hypothesis

The incense made out of peppermint us effective in driving away the mosquitoes in a specific area

E. Objectives
General objectives - To determine the effect o the peppermint incense to the mosquitoes in a specific

Specific objectives - To determine the life span of the peppered incense when light up.

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