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- Founded in 1982
- is a commercial computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software application.
- Developed and marketed by Autodesk
- AutoCAD was first released in December 1982
Mike Riddle
- The father of AutoCAD
John Walker
- The founder of AutoCAD


Line (L) - Use for making simple lines in a drawing

Polyline (PLINE) - Use for making 2D polyline
Circle (CIRCLE) - Use for making circle
Arc (A) - Use for making arc
Rectangle (REC) - Use for making rectangle
Polygon (POL) - Use for making an equilateral closed polyline
Ellipse (ELLIPSE) - Use for making ellipse
Hatch (HATCH) - Use to fill enclose area
Gradient (GRADIENT) - Use to fill an enclose area with a gradient fill


Move (M) - Use to move object into a specified distance in a specified direction
Copy (CO) - Use to copy object into a specified distance in a specified direction
Stretch (STRETCH) - Use to stretch objects cross by selection polygon
Rotate (RO) - Use to rotate object around the base point
Mirror (MI) - Use to create mirrored copy of a selected object
Scale (SCALE) - Use to enlarge or reduces selected object
Trim (TR) - Use to trim objects to meet edges of other objects
Array (ARRAY) - Use to distribute object copies into any combination of columns, rows and levels
Fillet (F) - Use to round an object
Extend (EX) - Use to extend object to meet the edges of other object
Chamfer (CHA) - Use to bevel the edges of an object
Blend Curves (BLEND) - Use to create a smooth spline between the endpoints of two open curves
Erase (ERASE) - Use to remove object from a drawing
Explode (EXPLODE) - Use to break a compound object into its component
Offset (O) - Use to create concentric circles, parallel lines and parallel curves


Multiline Text (MT) - Use to create a multiline text object

Single line Text (T) - Use to display text on screen as its enter
Dimension (DIM) – a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.
Linear (DIMLINEAR) - Use to create linear dimension
Aligned (DIMALIGNED) - Use to create aligned linear dimension
Angular (DIMANGULAR) - Use to create angular dimension
Radius (DIMRADIUS) - Use to create a radius dimension to a circle or arc
Diameter (DIMDIAMETER) – Use to create a diameter dimension to a circle or arc
Arc Length (DIMARC) - Use to create an arc length dimension


Gridmode (F7) – Displays drawing grid

Snapmode (F9) –
Orthomode (F8) – Restrict cursor orthogonally
Polar tracking (F10) – Restrict cursor to specify angle
Auto snap (F11) – Show snapping reference line
Object snap (F3) – Snap cursor to 2D reference point

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