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Code Description

a recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese Fattens all the animals on the map,
generating more Food from them (also helps opponents).

Give me liberty or give me coin Adds 10,000 coinIcon coin

Medium Rare Please Adds 10,000 foodIcon food

<censored> Adds 10,000 woodResources wood

Nova & Orion Gives 10,000 experience points

X marks the spot Reveals the map, keeping the fog of war effect. Repeating it will not show
progress on buildings that were there/under construction.

tuck tuck tuck Spawns The Tommynator monster truck.

ya gotta make do with what ya got Spawns a Mediocre Bombard, a powerful artillery unit that fires

sooo good Comical text appears regarding unit and building kills - for example, an Imperial Redcoat
who kills a purple Settler will yield a purple text "Imperial Redcoat'ed!" on the screen.

speed always wins Increases build, research, shipment, and gather rates by 100 times for all players

this is too hard Automatically win a single player game.

where's that axe? Spawns George Crushington.

a whole lot of love Adds 10,000 to each of all available resources

o Canada 2005 Spawns a Lazerbear.

don't kick the pitbull Spawns a Learicorn.

we <3 fluffy!1! Spawns Fluffy.

wuv woo vol.2 Spawns a Flying Purple Tapir.

wee ooh wee ooh Spawns a BigAndy monster truck.

The Asian Dynasties

Code Description

ding ding ding Spawns a Monster Ice Cream Truck.

mustard relish and burning oil Spawns a Flaming Hot Dog Cart.

trade plz Adds 10,000 export.

Shiver me timbers! Destroys all enemy boats.

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