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Science – Class 3 Teacher’s handbook

Chapter 15: Force, Work and Energy

Teaching Goals

1. What is force?
2. How does force move an object, stop a moving object, change the direction of the object, and change the
shape of an object?
3. What is work?
4. When do we say that work is done?
5. What is energy?
6. How do living and non-living things get energy to do work?

1. Demonstrate the example of cricket given in the chapter to explain what is force and how force is used.
2. Read the chapter text.
3. Give more examples of use of force. Example – brake is applied with foot to stop a vehicle [force stops
vehicle], snowman is made [force changes shape] wheel barrow is used [force is a push and pull], etc.
4. Discuss what work is. Tell the children that when they move something, work is done. For example, when
they move the pencil to write, work is done, when they move their eyes to read, work is done, etc.
5. Tell them to list more examples in their notebook.
6. Discuss the different sources of energy. Tell how plants store food, how this a source of energy for us, how
non living things get energy from battery, fuel, etc.
7. Read the chapter text.


1. Activities given in chapter

2. Complete the exercises given at the end of the chapter
3. The ‘Try & Tell’ is a Life Skill HOTS questions.
4. Do the ‘Fun to do’ and Activity as project work.

Teaching Aids

1. Websites and URL links mentioned under heading ‘Browse the internet’
2. Be a Young Scientist: Do the activity as group-work.
3. Cricket
4. Textbook visuals

Testing Tools

1. ‘Complete the table’ activity.

2. Have a ‘Rapid fire quiz’ using examples of different everyday work to categorize into the ways we use
force for CCE development.

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