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14 Simple Everyday Goals We Need To Have To

Lead A Happier, More Productive Life

1. Write something before you go to bed.
2. Spend at least 30 minutes with your parents.
3. Stand up from your desk and stretch every 2 hours.
4. Ask more questions.
5. Sit in silence for a few minutes.
6. Read a book for 30 minutes every day.
7. Keep your room clean.
8. Do one thing every month that scares or intimidates you.
9. Restructure your priorities.
10.Keep a check on your finances.
11.Finish that unfinished task that you've been ignoring for long.
12.Take out time to realize how blessed you are.
13.Set a clear intention for every new day.
14.If you fail to do any of these, don't quit but start over instead.


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