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1. Choose your username, enter your email address (you must use the email address that
you purchased your membership with so it can be verified), choose your password,
verify your password and enter in the letters in the image into the box. Checkmark
the box that indicates you are at least 18 years of age or older, read the disclaimer,
and then check the "I Agree" box at the bottom of the disclaimer if you agree. Then
click on the button that says "Register".

2. Registrations are automatically approved. You will also receive one welcome email
that will include your username and password, so keep it in a safe place.

Once your account is registered, you can begin to participate in the forum. You can update
your profile information, preferences, and options from the "profile" link in the top menu or
in the left hand menu if you're viewing a profile. To return to the posting areas, please click
"Home" in the top menu.

Where to Start
You can start anywhere but here are a few suggestions.

1. Set up your profile. The profile link is at the top center of the forum page as well as
in the left menu of your profile summary. Here you can upload your photo, set up
your signature file, and set your notification preferences for this board.

2. Introduce yourself to the community -- share what you are up to and your intentions
for this program.

3. Find a buddy - ask for what you want in a buddy so you can get support ongoingly with
a like-minded soul - buddies should exchange contact information and then talk offline
to set up your structure for working together such as talking once a week by phone or
email and for how long.

4. Start sharing your wins no matter how small and celebrate them as if you just won the
lottery. A possible first win might be getting started here.

To learn how to post topics on the forum, click on the board titled Getting Started With The
Forum after your register.

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