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How percent, decimal, and fraction are used in business.

In business world, we are using some basic mathematics to see the progress of a
company. Amd that basic mathematics is the percent, fraction and decimal. It is
very important in business and you should know how to use it. It has many roles
in a business.

The first one is, in expressing the revenues and profits of the
company, we are using percent or fraction. It is to show the increase or decrease
based on the goal. Next is, in showing the performance rating of employee, we are
using decimals but you can also use the percent by simply multiplying the decimal
into one hundred. We are also have here the enumerating the budget allocation
of the business by using fraction or percent to divide the whole money to different
areas needed. In comparing the assets and liabilities made by the company in a
year, we are also using the percent, decimals and fraction to determine it. That is
the use of those three in business world. As we can see, percent is always been
use because it is more accurate to use in business. That is how we use percent,
fraction and decimals in business and how important it is in business world.

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