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Generally, when collecting data, you are looking for information on six major areas:

1. Introduction
a. Mention how she clinged on to me when i met her months ago (stare at me, followed me
around when i did not interact with her yet)
b. Some of the challenges an immigrant family could be facing
This should be a creative, attention-grabbing paragraph. DO NOT start the paper by saying “my subject
2. Background Info
a. Victoria is female 3 year old. She is half mexican and half white. Her family currently lives
in the trailer park. Mormon religion. She grew up having spanish being her first language
and goes to preschool where she learns english. She is extremely close to her grandma
as her grandparents take care of her when her parents are busy with work. She was the
first born and the first generation to come to america from mexico. Her grandma
mentions worries that because Victoria was the first born and got everyone’s attention,
when her little brother came along, she struggles to cope with the difference. This could
possibly result in her having anger issues/ temper tantrums more frequently trying to get
things her way.
b. Routine: After preschool, she plays with dolls and watches TV, then eats and goes to
c. Her mom had lots of anxiety growing up (epigenetics)
d. Struggling with money as mom and dad has to take extra shifts and this is the reason
why grandma and victoria are close as she takes care of her (economic situation)
i. Mom struggling with working as she is trying to start her own business; this
causes her husband to pick up extras to make ends meet
ii. They immigrated here and they are still struggling as they didn’t obtain the
education to have more of a financial success

Physical Functioning
e. She is quite active (running around, jumping and goes to the park to play) when she
starts being more comfortable with people around her, otherwise she is quite shy and
f. Usually stays by grandma’s side when people are over. She is at a typical height of a 3
year old being 3 ft tall.
g. Currently has no diseases or disorders but could potentially develop anxiety disorders
based on her mother’s epigenetics.
h. When she was younger (1-2) she got extremely sick and couldn’t drink water as she
refuses and got dehydrated that sent her to the emergency room.
i. Sleeps peacefully but sometimes sleep is difficult and she wakes up screaming and
crying. This causes her to not eat, have anxiety with noises and obstructs her usual
routine for the day. It is currently unknown why she screams and cries and not sleep
j. (weakness) She can’t be alone otherwise her anxiety increases (not developed object
k. Fine Motor skills: The way she holds a paint brush (insert photo)
l. Grabbing a bottle with two hands to drink it rather than one
m. She didn’t exhibit any fine motor skills as she was quite rough with her papers, didn’t use
the pincer grasps or turn pages with fingers, uses whole hand to slide papers around (no
Cognitive Functioning
- When observing her painting pumpkins, she was focused until she was finished with one
side, resulting in her getting distracted with other pumpkins and people. She pays close
attention to details such as if one of the furniture has a rip. She is less egocentric as
when her brother cries, she asks “what happened to Max? Is he okay? (curiosity) What
did you do to MY brother”
- Egocentrism
- When she finishes her pumpkin, she doesn’t view the pumpkins as other
people’s possession so she paints on it, not realizing what she is doing to other
peoples pumpkin
- Max drinks a juice bottle, after he was done, victoria runs over and grabs the
bottle with 2 HANDS and drinks it, Max then takes it back, Victoria starts crying
and running saying “Max took my juice bottle from me!!”
- Not her bottle to begin with but since she was holding it, she thought it
was HERS
- Animism- Plays with dolls and talks to her, puts her to bed when she goes to bed, sticks
toy food in the fridge in fear of molding or going bad
- Theory of mind​ still developing on how people might feel when she does something that
could affect other people
- She lies/ changes the story to make her the “victim”
- Cell phone story (lack of boundaries)
- Inconsistency leads to attachment issues
- Distrustful / or very attached right away
- Centrism:​ During the water glass experiment, at first she couldn’t understand what we
being asked, she would just point and talk about something else ​(Egocentrism) ​couldn’t
focus on the question being asked
- Private Speech​ talks to herself when painting the other peoples pumpkins AFTER she
was finished her HER PUMPKIN
- When I attempted to ask her something for transductive or logical reasoning proposing,
she didn’t give me much of an answer as she wasn't interested (egocentric as she thinks
about what she wants to do and say out loud.
- Symbolic functioning as she can draw capital letters and a circle, but not neatly as there
were scribbles on them

1. Psychosocial Functioning
a. She takes ownership of her own sibling as hers. When max gets more attention, she
thinks its something of mine thats getting more attention, not viewing max as a distinct
own person yet.
b. Her relationship to her mom and dad vs grandma (as she is closer to grandma)
c. Doesn’t spend enough time with mom and dad as they are not as present (working)
d. (inconsistent boundaries) Her mom doesn’t want her mom to play on her phone and
victoria wants to play with a phone. When they go to grandma, she makes sure she asks
her grandma for a phone in front of her mom. When her mom yells at her saying “no don’t
ask grandma for the phone” Grandma backs her up and says “just let her play with it”
i. Family members calls her “smart” for thinking like that
- She cares about her brother and what he does when he cries, but not all the time
- Anxious personality
- Shy at first depending on her current mood (before pumpkin picking, she was quiet and to
herself or hiding in grandma’s shirt; after her pumpkin picking, she was running around
and talking and hugged people and being social)
- Once you give her attention, she follows you around
- When there were different racial background people around, she would only
follow me (hug, cling, kiss) within the first 20 minutes of meeting her months
before (could be the fact I had the same skin color and hair color as her family
- Social!
Psychosocial is a term to captures both a person’s social functioning as well as their personality. So for
social, pertinent questions might relate to: critical relationships, family dynamics, peers, etc...And for
personality, you would want to find out what makes them unique, or what kind of characteristics, traits,
qualities does the person have?

2. Conclusion
a. Strengths
i. How she cares for people
ii. Manipulating her parents (cognitive; lying)
iii. Inconsistency between the two languages and family (could potentially lead to
iv. Lack of boundaries
- Not being able to take no for an answer (aftermath, manipulating her parents
- Not being able to be alone
- Summarize my findings and my prediction for how well she stands in her age group and
where she will be when she gets older

- So far showing less development in the physical development

- Not meeting the current standard for development as a three year old but could also be because
she does not care for what is being asked, just doing her own thing
b. This section should include the subject’s strengths and weaknesses as well as your
prediction of how well the subject will be functioning across all three major areas of
development in five years.

Extra Notes
- Sleeps with her baby brother in a crib, in the same room
- When she mixed colors in the paint bowl it was white and blue, when asked what color is
it after mixed she said the original color before it was mixed rather than what the color
was at the moment.
- Just coloring pumpkin. No shapes, no names, just blotches of color
- Goes to daycare everyday (kindercare/preschool)
How does being a bilingual child coming from an immigrant family affect the child’s
Low economic
Split time languages
Lower education, lower wages, working more, inconsistency
Attachment issues as parents are not consistent while they go to work to get financially

Looking ahead from my own experience being a bilingual child from an immigrant family
who works all the time and never had any time with parents
Gained attachment issues
Very introverted as most days I spent by myself but her case could be different as she
lives in a community full of kids around her age. Her grandmother lives across the street

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