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Name: Miriam R.

Period: 3

Activity 1.5: Patterns of Interaction

Which scenario is this from the reading?

Scenario 2

What patterns do you notice?

When the population decreases the abiotic factor increases when the
abiotic factor decreases the population decreases.

Which scenario is this from the reading?

Scenario 5
What patterns do you notice?
The patterns I notice is when population is high so is population 2 but
when population 1 is low population 2 is also low.

Which scenario is this from the reading?

Scenario 3
What patterns do you notice?
The pattern I notice is population 2 took over population 1.
Which scenario is this from the reading?
Scenario 6
What patterns do you notice?
The abiotic factor was high the population was high too but when the abiotic
factor decreased so did the population.

Which scenario is this from the reading?

Scenario 1
What patterns do you notice?
The pattern I notice is population 1 decreased when population 2 increased.

Which scenario is this from the reading?

Scenario 4
What patterns do you notice?
The abiotic factor has a constant rate going up
As well as the population.

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