Task 2 - Peng

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Climate Change, according to definition, is the change in the average surface temperature

of the Earth. It is also widely known as Global Warming. We hear about this topic a lot but what

does it really mean for us and how are we affected by this phenomenon?

Climate Change is mainly caused by human activities such as burning of fossil fuels and

deforestation and other factors. Examples are burning coal to generate electricity, burning fuel to

power vehicles, burning wood for cooking or burning forests to clear land for agriculture. These

activities release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Although carbon dioxide a natural gas, too

much of it is not good either. Because of too much greenhouse gases that we humans introduce

into the atmosphere it is causing the system to be imbalanced. Sooner or later the Earth will be

too hot for us to live in.

The effects of climate change cannot be felt immediately but if we do not act on it, it will

be too late. As an example, due to the rise in temperature in our planet because of too much

greenhouse gases our oceans absorb the heat causing them to go warmer. Warming of oceans

causes coral bleaching that may lead to the death of coral reefs which is home for more marine

species. Global warming also causes the ice caps to melt and melting of ice caps which results to

the rise of the sea level. Global warming has some kind of a domino effect on our environment

which in the end will cause our planet not suitable for living things to survive and can lead to the

extinction of human race. We can reduce our carbon footprint by reducing our energy
consumption, by taking a walk, biking or by using public transportation and joining tree planting


It is not too late if we start today. If each of us will contribute it will make a big

difference and will make sure that we humans would have a better environment on this planet for

the next generations to come.

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