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Defying Stereotypes

Curtis Liu
We walk in a world of wonders
Set precedents that are placed upon our races
Going through a system with our only goal to live up to expectations
Patience, the world is constantly hating
As an asian I am supposed to be top of my class
Be able to do things fast
Forced to pass
What would happen if I came out last?

Would I stay at the bottom

Never able to touch the high
Is that just a lie?
The hierarchy of my race
Without assimilation I have no space
This is why I seek for that change

Hearing people tell me of what I can’t

The future I’m bound to without room for new interests
Am I able to defy?
Can I try?
Will I try?

Is it wrong to break?
Would it make me a fake?
Stopping what we want to do for our college apps, that’s a fact
If I decide to stray would it be too late to defy all the hate.

Is our passion for things outside of our stereotype only a fantasy

When will the world finally see?
Trapped in a cage of restraints,
when will the world finally let me be free?

There are things that drive me,

Things that allow me to be who I’ve always wanted to be
I’ve always wanted to Act
Maybe go out and try out for track
Instead I’m forced to hack the mainframe of where my life is at
Trying to find my thrill, instead I see myself standing still
Confronted by the realities of what gives society it’s fill

To all that is un-informed

To all that is uniformed
To all that are forced to conform
Let this be a lesson for all of your blessings
Of a world without stereotypes

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