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Mary Gossart, MS

Spanish translation: Bojana Stefanovska

Planned Parenthood Health Services of Southwestern Oregon

Mary Gossart, MS
Spanish translation: Bojana Stefanovska

third edition

Planned Parenthood Health Services of Southwestern Oregon

1670 High St.
Eugene, Oregon 97401
541-344-1611 x 23

The changes in sexual attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles that have taken place in our society present
today’s parents - and children - with some of the most complex issues they will ever confront.

The importance of sexuality education has never been greater. Today, more than ever, parents,
schools and communities seek ways to work in partnership to provide that education.

“There’s No Place Like Home... For Sex Education” / “No hay lugar como el hogar... para la
educacion sexual” is designed to promote such a partnership. This project consists of reproducible
parent newsletters in both English and Spanish which can be photocopied and distributed via
schools, religious organizations, community agencies, etc. Five newsletters are available for every
age/grade level, pre-school through grade twelve. Each issue contains sexuality information relevant
to a particular developmental stage, useful strategies, communication hints, and suggested resources
which support parents in the role of primary educators of their children.

This valuable tool assists families in communicating more openly about sexuality. Such
communication can serve to:

• allow for the sharing of family values

• provide accurate information to children
• build effective decision-making skills
• counteract negative and exploitive sexual messages in the media

Family communication about sexual issues can be a vehicle for shaping positive, affirming attitudes
around sexuality, and it can help to reduce the consequences of sexual ignorance: embarrassment
and discomfort, early sexual activity, unintended teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections,
sexual abuse, and exploitation. These problems cost us dearly - both in human and economic terms.


SERVE. Just imagine... reaching out to hundreds, perhaps thousands of families. As you distribute
these informative newsletters, you seize the opportunity to make an important difference.., to
children, their families, and your community as a whole.

• • • • •
Developed by Mary Gossart, Director of Education & Training, Planned Parenthood Health Services
of Southwestern Oregon. Spanish translation by Bojana Stefanovska. 1999 English—Spanish edition
funded in part by The Collins Foundation, Meyer Memorial Trust, and The Herbert A. Templeton
Dear Parent,

The changes in sexual attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles that have taken place in our society
present today's parents - and children - with some of the most complex issues they will ever

The importance of sexuality education has never been greater. Today, more than ever,
parents, schools and communities seek ways to work in partnership to provide that education.

Experience tells us that most parents want to talk openly with their children about sexuality, yet
often feel ill-prepared to do so. When to start? What to say? How to best express the family
values you want so much to share with your children? These are but a few of the issues
surrounding family communication about sexuality.

Frequently parents look to schools, religious groups and community organizations for assistance
- seeking information, skills, encouragement, support. “There's No Place Like Home... For
Sex Education” is designed to offer just that.

“There's No Place Like Home...” consists of reproducible parent newsletters to assist you in
your unique role as the primary sexuality educator of your child. Five newsletters are available
for every age/grade level, pre-school through grade twelve. Each issue contains relevant, age-
specific sexuality information, useful strategies, communication hints, and suggested resources
to support you in your efforts. You are welcomed and encouraged to photocopy this material for
your use.

Family - based sexuality education can:

• allow for the sharing of family values

• provide accurate information to children
• build effective decision-making skills
• counteract negative and exploitive sexual messages
in the media

Our commitment to children and families leads us to join in partnership with you in pursuit of
these important goals. To that end, we are pleased to offer you this valuable parent resource.

• • • • •
Newsletters developed by Mary Gossart, Director of Education & Training, Planned Parenthood
Health Services of Southwestern Oregon. Spanish translation by Bojana Stefanovska. 1999 English-
Spanish edition funded in part by The Collins Foundation, Meyer Memorial Trust, and The Herbert
A. Templeton Foundation.
Age 3 - No. 1

Sex Education??? My You cannot avoid being your When parents take advantage of
Child’s Only 3 Years Old! child’s primary and most impor- such opportunities, they not only
tant sex educator... nor would you provide important factual infor-
want to. As a parent, you exert a mation, they also affirm their
...well then, already s/he has re-
most powerful influence over willingness to discuss sexual is-
ceived a wealth of messages
your child’s sexual attitudes and sues with their children. This
about sexuality - three years
development. The family experi- helps establish an atmosphere of
worth, in fact. Just think about it:
ences you shape, from the mo- comfort and trust which encour-
ment your child is born, help de- ages children to seek additional
• when infants are touched and
termine the extent to which s/he sexual information from parents
cuddled, they learn that they are
develops positive, healthy feel- in the future.
ings about sexuality.
• Choices of clothing (pink vs.
You needn’t worry about telling
blue), toys (dolls vs. trucks), play-
Yet the thought that sex education your child “too much too soon.”
time activities (tea party vs. base-
begins at birth is, for many, a S/he will simply absorb what s/he
ball) all present messages about
novel idea. The unsuspecting can and show boredom with the
male/female roles and expecta-
parent may allow several forma- rest (you know the signs: glazed
tive years to pass before the reali- eyes, yawning, leaving the
• Seeing a brother, sister, or
zation sets in: children - even room...). Your comments are not
parent in the shower teaches
very young children - deserve wasted. S/he may not have gotten
about physical differences be-
thoughtful, purposeful sexuality all the detail, but clearly the mes-
tween males and females.
education. As parents more con- sage is “mom and dad are
• A parent’s willingness (or
sciously attend to that education, ‘askable’.”
lack of) to respond openly and
they prepare their children to face
honestly to the question, “How
the challenges - and sexual Danger lies not in “too much too
did the baby come out?” conveys
choices that lie ahead. soon,” but in “too little too late.”
an attitude about the subject of
When parents recognize the ask-
OK - When My Child ing and respond openly and lov-
Asks, Then We’ll Talk ingly, they are well on the way to
The fact is, you have been edu-
providing quality family sex edu-
cating your child about sex all
...but will you recognize the ask- cation.
along - through your words as
ing? Children are interested in
well as through your silence; in
sexuality long before they can
your verbal and non-verbal com-
verbalize the questions. For ex-
munication. Your responses and
ample, a pre-schooler may want
reactions have taught your child a
to watch daddy in the shower or
great deal about sexuality - not
touch mommy’s pregnant belly.
only in terms of information, but
These present ideal “teachable
also in terms of your values and
moments” to pass along lessons
on anatomy, reproduction and

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 3 - No. 2

Of Storks and Cabbage and it provides a sense of how When parents are careful to avoid
Patches much the child already knows. stereotyping male/female roles,
children learn that life options
A 3-year-old’s view of the world The second response can be need not be limited by their gen-
is a very literal one. For example, something simple, and honest: der. This does wonders for their
when told that a baby is growing “You started as a tiny egg inside self-esteem.
in mommy’s tummy, a child may mommy’s body.” This alone
ask, “Why did she eat the baby?” may well satisfy the child (al- Take advantage of the many sim-
The vision is one of a baby mixed though probably not), yet it leaves ple opportunities to broaden your
with food in mommy’s stomach. the door open for further discus- child’s perspective with regard to
Anything other than truthful, sion. sex role expectations:
simple answers only creates con-
fusion. The point is, honesty really is the •Share household chores.
best policy. There’s certainly no •Allow and encourage children
Beyond confusion, a sense of need at this stage to deliver a to play with toys and take part in
mistrust may develop when a lengthy description of intercourse, games that cross traditional lines -
child, told by her parents that the conception and birth. That’s not it’s fine for boys to play with
stork brought her, later discovers what your 3-year-old is interested dolls and girls to play football.
the truth. Through all this, the in now. S/he just wants some ba- •Read non-sexist literature to
message implied is that sex is sic information. your child - with males and fe-
negative - and not an ok subject males portrayed in a variety of
to talk about openly, honestly. So relax. For the young child, roles.
sex doesn’t have the same emo- •Pay attention to language im-
Concocting fables in response to tional significance as it does for plying sex role limitations (ie.
children’s sexual questions is a an adult. Keeping this in mind “fireman” vs. “firefighter”). Use
disservice to them. Their ques- can be a great help to parents as “he or she” in reference to doc-
tions deserve truthful answers - they encounter their children’s tors, nurses, etc. It’s awkward,
scaled to their level of under- normal sexual curiosities. but makes an important point.
standing, of course.
Is Your Sexism Showing? Simplistic? Pointless? Don’t let
For example, when a young child the subtlety fool you. When
asks, “Where did I come from?”, During the pre-school years, par- parents refuse to pigeonhole
a parent may at first say, “What a ents have perhaps the greatest op- male/female expectations, they
fine question! Do you have any portunity to influence their chil- allow a child’s “self” to blossom.
ideas about that?” This accom- dren’s sexual attitudes - including
plishes three things: it clarifies ones about sex role expectations.
what the child is really asking It’s a wonderful time to plant the
(S/he may simply mean “what seed that both boys and girls are
city,” in which case you’re off the capable of just about anything
hook); it buys the parent some they wish.
time to collect his/her thoughts;

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 3 - No. 3

An Ear Is An Ear ... encourages respect and a healthy •Q. Why does Paul stand up to
attitude toward his body and pee, and I have to sit?
... and a penis is a penis, not a sexuality in general. •A. It's easier for girls urinate sit-
“wee-wee;” a vagina is a vagina, ting down. Their “pee” - the real
not a “down there.” When parents name is urine - comes out through
use incorrect names for sexual What's That??? a small opening near the vagina.
body parts, the message is that A boy urinates from his penis.
they are somehow different or At age 3, a child is intensely curi- •Q. Can I have a baby when I get
that there is something wrong or ous about bodies - and not just big?
unmentionable about them. Often her own. There's particular fasci- •A. Only a woman can have a
this results in children learning to nation with sex differences and baby, Johnny. She has a special
be embarrassed or ashamed of body functions. This interest may place in her body called the uterus
their genitals. be demonstrated in a variety of where the baby grows. Daddies
ways: “playing doctor,” wanting help to make a baby. You can be
Studies have shown the value of to watch mom/dad in the bath- a daddy when you grow up if you
teaching children the proper room, genital play, comparing want to.
names for sexual body parts. body parts to other gender friends
Aside from promoting a positive or siblings. These are just some ideas on how
sexual attitude, accurate termi- a parent might respond. You will
nology can at times become espe- About this time, a girl begins to decide for yourself how you wish
cially important. For example, if a wonder what happened to her pe- to handle your child's questions.
child is trying to describe an in- nis, and a boy wants to know
jury or inappropriate sexual “what those are” (pointing to The point is, children are seeking
touch, s/he needs to be equipped mommy's breasts). Opportunities basic information at this stage,
with language more precise than abound for sharing information and deserve simple, honest an-
“down there.” on sexuality, growth and devel- swers. The important thing is for
opment. parents to respond in a supportive
Frequently a child may refer to manner. It's a nice time to get a
sexual body parts using terms •Q. What happened to my penis? little practice. Take advantage of
s/he's heard from friends. It's per- •A. You never had one. Only a the easy questions now... it will
fectly fine to say something like, boy has a penis. A girl has a clito- help you respond to the hard ones
“Some people call it a “wee wee,” ris. later.
but that's just a made-up word. •Q. Can I see where the baby
The real name is “penis” and came out of you?
that's the word we like you to •A. The baby came out through an
use.” opening between my legs called
the vagina. I prefer not to show
Such a simple, matter of fact re- you my vagina because it's a pri-
sponse may seem somewhat triv- vate part of my body. Would you
ial to us. To a child however, it's like to look at a book on how ba-
an important lesson - one which bies are born?

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 3 - No. 4

Show Me Yours and I'll osity: “It looks like you two are being informed. It gives them a
Show You Mine... interested in how boys' and girls' chance to convey their own fam-
bodies are different. While you ily values and beliefs to their
Hmmm. Your 3-year-old Jenny put your clothes on, I'll get a pic- child.
and her little friend Will are play- ture book we can look at that ex-
ing quietly upstairs - too quietly. plains all about bodies.” Mes- HELP!!!
What are those kids up to? sage: It's ok to be curious about
bodies; I prefer you keep your Relax. There's a lot of help out
Uh-oh. Jenny's door is closed. clothes on; I'm willing to help you there... in the form of books,
Resisting the urge to waltz right learn. films, classes, and resource peo-
in (you've been teaching her about ple. Community schools and col-
privacy these days - respecting There are a number of ways a leges may offer parenting classes
closed doors and all that), you parent might react to this type of which include sexuality educa-
knock. Giggling bubbles up from situation. When choosing your tion. Planned Parenthood is an
within Jenny's room, and you response, remember to see the excellent source of speakers,
think you hear a faint “come in”... behavior from a child's eye view. books and pamphlets. Your local
so you do. Pre-school children are fascinated health department, private physi-
with bodies. Their desire to check cians, family counselors and
There stand Jenny and Will thor- out the differences between members of the clergy often have
oughly enjoying that classic pre- “yours and mine” is a natural part valuable insights into family-
school pastime, “playing doctor.” of their developing sense of self based sexuality education.
They have shed their clothes and and sexual identification.
are busily examining each other. For 3-year-olds and their parents,
Now what do you do?! Since “playing doctor” is univer- several good books are available.
sally popular among young chil- Preview them before using with
You could respond with shock dren, it's likely you'll be dealing your child:
and anger: “What are you two with it in your own family. Plan
doing? Put your clothes on right your response ahead of time, Did the Sun Shine Before You
now, and don't ever let me catch keeping in mind the messages you Were Born? Sol & Judith
you at that again! Will, I'm taking wish to express. In this way, Gordon
you home!” Message: The chil- rather than reacting in a knee- Bellybuttons are Navels
dren are bad; curiosity about bod- jerk, perhaps negative manner, Mark Schoen
ies is wrong; nudity is wrong. you can offer a thoughtful, posi- Talking With Your Child
This of course leaves the children tive response. About Sex
feeling confused, ashamed and Dr. Mary S. Calderone and Dr.
hurt. After all, they were just dis- A final thought ... no matter how James W. Ramey
playing a normal 3-year-old inter- you deal with this situation, it's
est in bodies. important to discuss it with the
other child's parents. They may or
Perhaps you remain unruffled and may not agree with how you han-
acknowledge the children's curi- dled things, but will appreciate

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 3 - No. 5

There's a Time and Place Many parents do not object to •Parents: talk with one another
... Or Is There? their child's genital play, yet feel about the messages you want to
compelled (and rightfully so) to give to your child about sex.
discourage its occurrence say, in •Anticipate sexual questions and
Pre-school children fondle their
the middle of the grocery store. behaviors. Plan and practice your
genitals for many reasons. They
It's perfectly fine to say something responses.
may be sleepy or bored, nervous
like: “Sara, I know it feels good •Answer questions as they arise.
or upset... and it's comforting;
when you touch your genitals. Replies such as, “Not now” and
they may be in circle time listen-
And it's something you do in pri- “You don't need to know that,”
ing to a story, or engrossed in a
vate - not where other people can teach children it's not ok to ask.
TV show. Pre-school children
see you.” This sends out a mes- You can delay a discussion with
also fondle their genitals because
sage about appropriate behavior “This isn't a good time now. Let's
it feels good. If parents find this
and respect for others. At the talk after dinner.” Then follow
hard to acknowledge, perhaps it's
same time, sexuality is kept in a through!
in the challenge of accepting that
positive light. •Tell your child if you're embar-
children are sexual beings.
rassed. A comment like “This is
Parents who accept masturbation hard for me to talk about, but I'm
Masturbation is a normal part of
may worry that their child is “do- willing to try” is wonderful! S/he
development. Most experts agree
ing it too much.” Children will will appreciate your honesty.
that this can be a healthy expres-
stop when they are satisfied, or if •Answer simply and honestly,
sion of sexuality, regardless of
they become physically uncomfort- leaving the door open for further
age. However, some people dis-
able. Compulsive masturbation - discussion.
approve of masturbation for reli-
compulsive anything - may indi- •Initiate discussion about sex.
gious or other reasons.
cate a problem. If a parent notices Ask, “Have you ever wondered
his child is masturbating to the about how you were born?”; use
The way in which parents react to
point where it interferes with picture books; visit a pregnant
their child's genital play is impor-
other normal activities, it is time friend.
tant. Punishing, scolding, or pull-
to consult a physician or other •Use everyday events as “teach-
ing the child's hand away sends a
professional. able moments” for passing along
message that the genitals are bad
or dirty. It can foster guilt, shame family messages about sexuality.
and embarrassment. The “Askable” Parent
Your child's initiation into the
lifetime process of sexual learn-
Parents who disapprove of mas- Attending to your child's sex edu-
ing can be wonderful or difficult.
turbation could explain to their cation may be an awesome task.
child - calmly and lovingly - that The reality is, you are the ideal
You get to choose.
they believe this behavior isn't person for the job. After all, you
acceptable. Simply telling the can best convey the family values
child, “STOP THAT!” is rarely and beliefs surrounding this issue.
effective; neither is trying to dis- Keep in mind a few tips to
tract them with another activity. smooth the journey:


 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 4 - No. 1

Sex Is No Secret To A Four to talk about sex openly and hon- times: during dinner at grandma's,
Year Old estly. on a crowded elevator, in line at
the checkout stand. If you're un-
Even at pre-school, children share willing to discuss it at that mo-
Just how much sexuality educa-
lots of (mis)information about sex ment, let your child know it's the
tion has your child had by age 4?
with each other. Some of their timing that's bad, not the question.
Plenty. And where has most of it
ideas can be pretty wild... and “I'm glad you asked me, Michael.
come from? Probably you... hope-
they may not check them out with We'll have time to talk about it on
fully in thoughtful, purposeful
you. the way home.” This is far more
and loving ways.
supportive and positive than a
Considering all this “sex educa- stern “Hush, Michael!” or worse
Parents are teaching about sexual-
tion” that goes on with or without yet, silence.
ity every day...from the moment
parent consent, you'd be wise to
their child is born. Showing love
get your two cents worth in too! So your child's questions cause a
and affection to children - touch-
bit of embarrassment, or the tim-
ing, hugging, cuddling...these are
ing's awkward. Be happy s/he
all ways of giving positive mes-
Wait a Minute. Haven't feels comfortable asking you.
sages about sexuality. How par-
ents respond (or not) to a child's We Discussed This?
When young children don't ask
natural curiosity about sexual dif-
mom and dad about sex, it isn't
ferences, body parts, where babies Don't be surprised if your 4-year-
that they're not curious. Typi-
come from, etc. certainly these old's sexual questions are the very
cally they've learned it isn't ok to
present loud and clear messages ones you thought were taken care
ask, or that the subject causes dis-
about sexuality. of when s/he was three. Through-
comfort. Having such feelings
out your child's early years, you
reinforced as they grow up, chil-
Beyond the homefront, children will be called upon to repeat the
dren often turn elsewhere to sat-
also receive plenty of sex educa- same “sexplanations” again and
isfy their sexual curiosity... to
tion - some of it negative, or at again... and yet again.
friends, the media, personal ex-
least questionable. Media mes-
perimentation. The unfortunate
sages about sex bombard the A 4-year-old learns by asking
result is misinformed, vulnerable
senses...from billboards to TV, questions - LOTS of them! As
magazines and music. you respond to sexual questions
patiently, openly, and honestly,
Clearly, parents want to provide
You may think your 4-year-old is you let your children know,
(and children want to receive)
oblivious to these messages. S/he “You're important to me. I am
information and guidance in the
isn't. So why not use them as op- willing to take time with you,”
area of sexuality.
portunities to share your own val- and “I'm glad you asked me. This
ues and attitudes around sexual- is a good topic for us to talk
You can make that happen!
ity? At age four, your child may about.”
not fully understand your mes-
sage, but one thing will be clear: Your child's sexual curiosity may
mom and dad think it's important surface at the most inopportune

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 4 - No. 2

A Question of Birthday with family members vs. in public knocking; or maybe he's con-
Suits places). A natural follow-up cerned about the noises, and
could be a discussion about re- thinks mommy and daddy are
“At what point do I insist that my specting privacy: fighting. Whatever the reason,
child - or my partner - wear there he stands. You're caught in
clothes around the house?” Par- Q. Mommy, why can't I take “the act!”
ents often wonder what impact showers with you anymore? Ste-
nudity in the family has on chil- ven showers with his mom. While it's the ultimate challenge
dren. for parents to remain cool under
A. That's something each family such circumstances, it's important
While their children are young, decides on, David, depending on that they do so. Yelling (“What
many parents have a relaxed atti- what they feel ok about. I like are you doing here? Get back to
tude about nudity. Beyond the having my privacy now when I your room!”) or scolding (“How
toddler stage however, especially shower. dare you come into our room
with children of the other gender, without knocking!”) causes Ricky
parents may begin to question its This is reinforced when parents in
to feel hurt and shame. Add this
appropriateness. turn respect their children's right
to the confusion he's experienc-
to privacy. Knocking on a closed
ing, and you have a very upset,
Parents should examine their door, allowing private use of the
frightened child.
comfort level around being un- bathroom - these let your child
dressed in front of their children. know you honor his/her wish for Through a child's eyes and ears,
Comfort suggests a feeling of privacy. intercourse can seem like “daddy
“ok-ness” or self-acceptance is hurting mommy.” If caught in
about the body. This is a healthy Often the whole question of nu-
dity in the home takes care of it- the act, parents need to be calm
attitude for children to learn. Dur- and reassuring. “Daddy and I are
ing pre-school years, nudity self when the young child (per-
haps as early as age 4) begins to playing together and loving each
among family members in natural other. This is our private time, so
situations (taking a shower, get- act a bit more modestly. S/he may
be less inclined to be seen un- please go back to your room.”
ting undressed) pro-vides oppor- Later, parents can follow up, re-
tunities for children to find out dressed in front of others, and
may even prefer that parents re- peating that mom and dad were
about body parts and sexual dif- playing, not fighting. It's also a
ferences...between males and fe- main clothed. Families should
respect those feelings. chance to reinforce respect for
males, kids and grown-ups. privacy: “Remember, when our
If parents are uncomfortable be- Realize too, that many children door is closed, please knock and
ing undressed around their chil- may be quite comfortable with wait for us to say 'come in'.”
dren, they can certainly use an- nudity in the family, even through
their elementary school years. Handled with understanding and
other method, such as picture
love, this can be yet another
books to teach about bodies. It's
Speaking of Privacy ... “teachable moment” (although a
important to talk with children
challenging one) for providing
about when and where nudity
You forgot to remind Ricky not to valuable lessons about sex.
may be appropriate (ie. at home,
enter your bedroom without

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 4 - No. 3

What Did You Say!? sense the word is shocking or Somebody’s Sleeping in
provocative, and want confirma- My Bed
Dad says (or rather, hollers): tion. A parent might ask, “Mary,
“Mary! Don’t ever let me hear what does that word mean?” then
Even at four years of age, many
you say that word again!” He offer the correct definition. “Is
children love to climb into bed
wants Mary to learn that “dirty” that what you want to say?” This
and snuggle with their parents.
language is unacceptable. response neutralizes the word,
It’s safe, warm, cozy... all those
provides information, and dem-
things that feel good to a little
Mary thinks: “Ok. I’ll only say it onstrates the parent’s willingness
when you’re not around.” She to talk about sexual is-
realizes that certain words make sues/terminology, etc.
Some parents worry about allow-
daddy holler. She’s not sure why. ing their children into bed with
She doesn’t know what the words •S/he is angry/frustrated: It’s
them. While many experts sug-
mean... or why they’re not ok. important that parents acknowl-
gest that children not routinely
What’s really confusing is, why edge those feelings, and help the
sleep with their parents, there’s
doesn’t daddy holler at mommy child choose alternative words to
certainly no harm in a morning
or his friends when they use those express them. “You sound angry.
family cuddle in bed. It can be a
words? And why does he say That’s ok, but I don’t like the
great time to talk, read a book,
them? words you’re using. Can you
tell stories... all harmless, good
think of different words to show
Now... how successful do you your anger?
think dad has been in getting his If your 4-year-old is wanting to
message across to Mary? Certain parent responses can be
sleep with you, try to find out
counterproductive, resulting in a
why. Maybe she’s afraid of the
Typically, parents are upset when child’s continued use of offensive
dark, and dislikes being alone in
their children repeat “dirty” language: laughing implies the
her room; maybe he’s feeling the
words they’ve heard at pre-school behavior is cute or funny; strong
need for more attention or physi-
(or at home, for that matter). In reaction and severe punishment
cal closeness to you.
deciding how to respond, it’s may lead a child to become angry
helpful to understand the reasons or resentful; ignoring the behavior
Once you’ve identified the under-
a child may be using those words: for an extended period of time
lying reason behind your child’s
implies that it’s acceptable.
request, you can then attend to the
•S/he wants attention: real issue. Satisfying the basic
In this case, the parent may Finally parents need to remember
needs of the child (security, love,
choose to ignore the initial use of to monitor their own language.
etc.) will often resolve his/her de-
such language. Since young ones love to imitate
sire to sleep with mom and dad.
mom and dad, it’s unrealistic to
•S/he wants information: A expect they’ll parrot only “cor-
young child often uses in- rect” behavior.
appropriate language without
knowing what it means. S/he may

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 4 - No. 4

Protecting Children From touch hurts physically or is un- something which is ok to reveal at
Sexual Abuse comfortable (being pinched; hav- some point (like a birthday pre-
ing someone touch your pe- sent); tell your child s/he should
nis/vulva when you don’t want not be told to keep secrets from
It’s a heck of a reason to talk to
them to; a hug that is too tight - or you.
the kids about sexual issues - and
forced upon you). •Practice “what if” with your
it’s a compelling one. Sexual
•Impress on your child that child. “What if a stranger asked
abuse: a subject we shudder to
“Your body is your own, and you you to help find her lost dog; or
even think about, much less talk
have the right to say ’no’ if any- the babysitter promised you more
one touches you in a way you ice cream if he could touch your
don’t like.” penis/vulva? What would you
One of the most concealed, and
•Allow your child to decide say/do?” Rehearse exact words
most disturbing crimes against
whether s/he wants to give or re- and actions to help your child re-
children, sexual abuse occurs far
ceive hugs and kisses. Insisting act in uncomfortable or dangerous
more frequently than we’d like to
that Jimmy kiss grandpa is unfair. situations.
believe. An estimated 1 in 4 girls
Offer affection to your youngster
and 1 in 10 boys, or more, are
rather than impose it. Substitute These suggestions merely scratch
sexually abused during childhood.
“Can I have (or give you) a hug?” the surface. Several excellent re-
Ten percent of all victims are less
for “Give me a hug.” This helps sources are available to help par-
than six years of age.
your child feel a sense of control ents and children prevent sexual
over his/her body. abuse:
Over 70% of these cases involve
•Emphasize that no adult or older
a person known by the child, such
child has the right to touch a It’s My Body Lory Freeman
as a step-parent or babysitter; al-
child’s penis (vulva, etc), or to A Very Touching Book Jan
most half of the abusers, the
ask a child to touch his/her geni- Hindman
overwhelming majority of whom
tals. Explain that this includes A Little Bird Told Me About
are male, are family members.
family members. “I need you to My Feelings Marcia Morgan
tell me if that ever happens. It’s
One of the best approaches to
important that you let me know... Call your local Planned Parent-
protecting children against sex-
and not be worried that I might be hood, health department, physi-
ual abuse is to help them pro-
upset.” cian or sexual assault center for
tect themselves. To do this, they
•Tell your child s/he does not additional suggestions.
need awareness, knowledge and
have to blindly obey all adults.
“It’s wrong for a grown-up to ask The point is, awareness, commu-
you to lie or steal. It is wrong for nication, and assertiveness serve a
•Explain the difference between
a grown-up to touch you, or ask child well. Instill these in your
good and bad touching. Tell your
to be touched, in the bad ways we children, and you promote their
child that good touch feels com-
talked about. You should say 'no,' protection and safety.
forting, pleasant and welcome...
then come tell me.”
(examples might be hugging or
•Differentiate between “secret”
cuddling - as long as it is appro-
and “surprise.” A “surprise” is
priate and with permission); bad

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 4 - No. 5

What Do I Say? What Do I Q. Did I come out of your stom- me on the mouth if you want. I
Do??? ach? love it when you give me a kiss!
A. No. You grew in a special
Perhaps this idea of paying care- place inside me called the uterus. Playing doctor: You've stumbled
ful attention to sexuality educa- When you were ready to be born, upon Laura and Tommy playing
tion for a 4-year-old is new to you came out through an opening with their clothes off. They are
you. Relax. You're in good com- between my legs called the va- busily listening to each other's
pany gina. hearts with a toy stethoscope.

Historically, sex education con- Q. How do you make a baby? Parent: I see you two are inter-
sisted of “The Big Talk - Part I,” A. Usually a mommy and daddy ested in bodies and how they
which occurred sometime around make a baby together. The daddy work. I'd like you to put your
puberty; and “The Big Talk - Part puts his penis into the mommy's clothes on while I get a picture
II” with the boy's version taking vagina. A cell called a sperm cell book that explains all about bod-
place during the dating years, and comes through the daddy's penis ies. Let's have some milk and
the girl's just prior to marriage. and into the mommy where it cookies and look at it together.
joins a cell made by her body,
Most of us have few good role called the egg cell. This starts a Q. Why did the sitter tell me to
models upon which to base our baby growing. stop touching my penis?
own children's sexuality educa-
Q. Why don't girls have a penis? A. Different people believe dif-
tion. We may be at a loss as to
A. Boys and girls are made dif- ferent things. Some families think
how to proceed - what to say or
ferently. Only boys have a penis. that it's not ok for a boy to touch
Girls have other special parts that or play with his penis. In our fam-
By anticipating the sexual ques- boys don't have. ily we believe that it's ok... and
tions and behaviors which are it's something you do in private,
typical for your pre-school Q. Like what? like in your bedroom - not where
child, you can prepare for other people can see.
them. This way, you have an op- A. Well, one special part a girl
has is the uterus, which is where a While these are but a few of the
portunity to carefully choose -
baby can grow. normal sexual questions and be-
and practice - your responses well
haviors you can expect from your
in advance.
Andy: How come I shouldn't kiss 4-year-old, they tend to be the
Here are just a few of the sexual you on the mouth, daddy? trickiest. Having a chance to re-
issues that come up for the 4- Daddy: Who told you that, flect on them ahead of time will
year-old, along with possible re- Andy? allow you to examine your own
sponses: Andy: My friend David. His dad beliefs surrounding them. Based
told him boys don't kiss each upon those beliefs, you can then
Q. How was I born? other on the mouth. shape the responses that reflect
A. That's a good question. What Daddy: Well, maybe in David's your attitudes and values.
do you think about that? family they don't kiss on the
mouth. But you certainly can kiss

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 5 - No. 1

Kids Need To Know... Parents may respond with silence, Everyone has his/her own feel-
Parents Need To Tell disgust, scolding... implying that ings about sexuality and about
sexuality is negative or dirty. Or, messages that are appropriate for
they may respond with delight, children. Chances are you'll find
Certainly by age 5, a child has a using these opportunities to offer family members, friends and
good idea about where mom and loving, honest explanations... neighbors whose ideas and values
dad stand on the subject of teaching the child that sexuality is are very different from your own.
sex...and whether it's ok to even a wonderful part of being human. This can challenge your resolve to
talk about it. From birth, children communicate openly and honestly
Families have so much to gain with your child about sex. It may
receive an array of messages
from open communication about help to keep in mind what's at
about sexuality from their par-
sex. Taking the initiative to de- stake here... and what's more
ents: infants who are held and
velop a dialogue of trust, parents important: your child's needs,
cuddled learn about loving touch;
can pass along important family or the opinion of others?
toddlers exploring their bodies
values. Children have the oppor-
quickly discover their sexual parts
tunity to gain accurate informa- There's a lot to be said for the
- and their parents' reactions to
tion and a positive regard for child who knows that s/he can
their exploration; the pre-
sexuality. depend on mom and dad to re-
schooler who asks her dad,
“Where's my penis?” becomes spond to sexual questions and
The time to start this dialogue is concerns with respect, support
aware if sexual questions are ok early - earlier in fact than many
to discuss (or not) in her family. and honesty.
parents would suspect. In today's
complex world, perhaps even “But what if he goes around the
The 5-year-old has had a bit of
more so than in the past, children neighborhood, sharing this infor-
experience in the world: interac-
need and deserve thoughtful, pur- mation with all his friends? 'Men
tions with family; exposure to
poseful sex education from day what?”
other children and differing be-
liefs; TV, movies, magazines, ad-
vertising, music... which influ- So what. Let's face it. Kids fre-
But it's never too late to begin.
ence the developing sense of quently compare information with
And while you as a parent will
sexuality, either directly or indi- each other about sex, whether
not be your children's only sex
rectly. Children cannot avoid parents want them to or not. Usu-
educator, you can be (and are)
the sexual messages that per- ally it's misinformation. The bot-
their first and most important.
meate life today. tom line here is that children de-
serve quality sex education. Par-
Natural situations, everyday mo- “What Will The Neighbors ents need not apologize for pro-
ments and events lend themselves Think? “ viding that education - no matter
to a child's sex education. With or who objects.
without your consent they occur, “...or grandma and grandpa? How
as the life and learning processes will they react to my openness
of your children unfold. with Kenny about sex?”


 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 5 - No. 2

Here We Go Again... be terribly confusing, so it's im- His concern right now is to re-
portant that parents reemphasize store Johnny's positive feelings
The sexual curiosities of your 5- personal beliefs. For example: about himself, his body and his
year-old aren't so different from sexuality.
the ones at ages 3 and 4. You may Johnny: Scott's Dad got really
think, “I'm sure I told you where mad today. He yelled at us for Dad: Why do you suppose Scott's
babies come from,” or “We've taking our clothes off. dad was so angry?
already discussed what “belly- Dad: What did he say? Johnny: He thought we were be-
buttons” are all about, remem- J: He said we were nasty. We told ing nasty.
ber?” him we were just pretending to be D: Do you think you were?
doctors, but he yelled at us again J: No.
Your 5-year-old probably doesn't and made us put on our clothes. D: Neither do I. You and Scott
remember. There's so much to were interested in finding out
learn... and this is complex stuff. Scott's dad was alarmed at seeing about bodies. That's pretty nor-
Maybe your child does remember his son and another boy un- mal.
(sort of), and is just checking to dressed, looking at and touching J: Scott's dad thinks it's bad.
make sure it's still ok to talk about each other's body. Perhaps he D: Well, he may believe it's not ok
sexual issues with you. Please be worried this was “abnormal,” for kids to play without their
patient and supportive. maybe he was upset because he clothes on. Some families feel that
believes nudity is inappropriate. way. So when you're playing with
The goal of family sex education His anger left the children feeling Scott, be sure to respect that, and
goes beyond the mere presenta- hurt, ashamed and “nasty.” keep your clothes on. It's ok to be
tion of facts. Ideally, parents curious about bodies. In fact, I
seek to nurture in their child Johnny's dad believes that “play- have a book that shows all kinds
positive attitudes toward ing doctor” is a normal childhood of bodies, and how they work.
his/her body, gender, and sexu- experience - between same and Let's read it!
ality. One way to do this is to other gender children. At this age,
continue to be “askable” ... en- they're fascinated by bodies - how Johnny has heard some valuable
courage sexual questions, ac- they look, feel, work ... and are messages: his dad re-enforced his
knowledge and discuss sexual especially interested in “how willingness to discuss sexual is-
behaviors, and initiate conversa- yours compares to mine.” sues with him and emphasized a
tions about sexual issues. positive attitude toward sexuality.
He realizes that often parents for- He acknowledged that family be-
get that a child's sexual behavior liefs differ, and it's important to
But Scott's Dad Said...
does not have the same emotional respect that.
significance that it does for
As your 5-year-old becomes more adults. Good work, dad!
involved with others (in pre-
school, kindergarten, etc.), s/he He also appreciates that families
will also be exposed to differing have different values and beliefs
family attitudes and values. It can surrounding sex.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 5 - No. 3

Just When You Thought that some diseases like colds, flu, glecting or refusing to discuss this
You Had It Handled... and chicken pox are caused by with children may only cause un-
germs, which spread from person necessary alarm. On the other
to person. If those germs get into hand, initiating discussion can
We live in frightening times. The
his body, he may become ill. Ask help allay their fears while pro-
alarming incidence of HIV/AIDS
if he has heard of AIDS (he'll viding important information to
and other sexually transmitted
likely say yes). Let him know that protect their health. At the same
infections (STIs) has sparked se-
AIDS is a disease caused by a time, you once again reinforce
rious concern - and at times irra-
germ called a virus. that you value open family com-
tional fear.
munication about sexual issues.
This may suffice for now, but ex-
Many schools offer HIV/AIDS
pand if he shows interest or anxi- A Little Help?
education, grades K-12. Increas-
ety. Find out what he's heard
ingly, ads, news stories and public While various issues of this news-
about HIV/AIDS, and correct any
service announcements, talk of letter discuss pertinent sexual top-
safer sex practices, condoms, gay, ics, by necessity the scope is lim-
lesbian and heterosexual issues. ited. Quality materials are avail-
Contact your child's school to
see how teachers are dealing able which provide extensive in-
As parents of a kindergarten formation and sex education
with the subject. Discussions at
child, you're totally baffled. Just strategies. Many address specifics
home can build upon information
what and how do you discuss not covered here (e.g., concerns
s/he's learning in school.
HIV/AIDS with a 5-year-old? of single-parents, adoptive, and
Appropriate messages about HIV/ blended families, gay- and les-
Your child doesn't need confusing bian-headed families):
AIDS for a 5-year-old:
details about the complexities of
sexual relationships, sexual How To Talk To Your Child
• AIDS is caused by a virus called
transmission of infection, etc. About Sexuality
S/he does however, need you to Planned Parenthood
• Some viruses like HIV can only
address this scary topic that eve- Straight Talk Marilyn Ratner &
spread in special ways (e.g., by
ryone's talking about. Susan Chamlin
blood from an infected person
getting into another person's How Babies and Families are
It's an ideal time to discuss gen- Made Patricia Schaffer
eral concepts of wellness and How To Talk To Your Child
• We needn't avoid people who
staying healthy. Help your child About AIDS New York Univer-
are HIV+ or who have AIDS.
appreciate that much of his sity/SIIECUS
HIV is not easy to get. It is not
health is under his control. Hab- Heather Has Two Mommies
spread by casual contact (e.g.,
its such as handwashing, dressing Leslea Newman
shaking hands, hugging, sharing
appropriately, eating nutritious Daddy's Roommate Michael
food, etc.).
foods, exercising, and getting Willhoite
plenty of rest promote good
We can't ignore the subject of
health. Discuss basic facts about
HIV/AIDS and other STI's. Ne-
disease. For example, explain

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 5 - No. 4

Pregnancy/Childbirth 101 special. Sperm made by the fa- neighbor is pregnant, the ham-
ther’s body move through his pe- sters are mating, etc.). Make de-
Little ones are fascinated by the nis into the mother. If a sperm liberate attempts to educate your
babymaking process. Most 3- meets an egg cell made by the child:
and 4-year-olds are interested in mother’s body, a baby will start to • Children’s picture books on
how baby “gets out of mommy.” grow inside the mother’s uterus.” sexuality can be wonderful!
Your 5-year-old’s concern is a bit Read them together.
trickier: “how baby gets in.” Not When providing this detail, keep • Look at family albums with
one to put curiosity on hold, in mind that a 5-year-old is very pictures of weddings, mom -
s/he’s likely to insist on an expla- literal. The term “egg” needs when she was pregnant, or the
nation while you’re dining out at clarification, lest your child envi- new baby coming home.
a restaurant, standing in line at sions mommy producing chicken • Comment on a news item that
the movies, or at some equally eggs Remember too, the correct deals with sexuality.
inconvenient spot. word “sperm” rather than “seed” • Watch movies/TV together.
avoids the notion of flowers • Ask your child to draw a pic-
Should the time or place be awk- blooming in mommy’s uterus. ture that shows a baby being
ward for such discussion, say so - born. Talk about the process.
while at the same time supporting If you’ve successfully made your
your child’s interest. A parent way through the babymaking talk, You might consider that your
might say, “What a wonderful congratulations! The topic’s not child has indeed been asking
question! Let’s talk about that been laid to rest, however - just as about sexuality - often in non-
when we get home.” (Then do!) you suspected. Your 5-year-old verbal ways - since birth. You
will ask this one several more may not have recognized it as
Brief explanations about inter- times (over the next few years) such, or perhaps you’ve given an
course are appropriate for the before s/he’s gotten it straight. impression that it’s not ok to ask.
5-year-old. It’s highly preferable You can look forward to a lot Whatever has or has not been go-
to magical stories of storks, fairy more practice. ing on, start something now.
godmothers, and babies found on Since your children are learning
doorsteps. While a fable may about sex whether you tell them
temporarily get parents “off the When Children Don’t Ask or not, surely you want to get
hook,” it is truly a disservice to your 2¢ worth in too!
the child. Neglecting to respond If your 5-year-old doesn’t seem
honestly to sexual curiosities adds the least bit interested in sexual
to a child’s confusion or discom- issues and hasn’t asked any ques-
fort about the issue. tions, it’s time to initiate discus-
A parent may simply choose to
say: “When a mother and father The easiest way to begin is with
want to have a baby, the father “teachable moments” - everyday
puts his penis into the mother’s events that lend themselves to
vagina. This is very loving and conversations about sexuality (a

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Age 5 - No. 5

Say Again? her body through the vagina. It's •Most children fondle their geni-
called having a period. The lining tals - often when they're tired,
J. Hey dad, do you use tom-toms has blood in it, and the tampon is bored, nervous - as well as for
sometimes too? placed in the vagina to catch the pleasure!
D. What do you mean, Jim? blood so it doesn't stain her •Masturbation is normal; not mas-
J. You know, tom-toms. Like clothes. The bleeding is very turbating is also normal.
mom has. normal. Make sense? •There is no physical or psycho-
D. Jimmy, tom-toms are drums. J. Well, sort of. logical harm associated with mas-
Mom has drums? D. Only women have periods, so I turbation. If a child masturbates
don't need to wear tampons - and excessively (interfering with other
J. No...come on. I'll show ya.
neither will you. normal activities), it may indicate
a problem. Parents would want to
With that, Jimmy drags dad to the
A young child might be alarmed call their physician or health care
bathroom, opens the cabinet and
if s/he discovers a used tampon or provider.
pulls out a blue box. Dad's face
sanitary pad. Associating blood
breaks into a grin. “Oh those! If parents disapprove of mastur-
with injury, s/he may fear mom is
They're called tampons, not tom- hurt. So it's important to give bation, they can express that
toms!” children accurate information. without causing the child to feel
ashamed or guilty.
Why clutter up a 5-year-old's Besides the fact that Jimmy de-
head with talk of menstruation - serves an honest answer, his par- Parents who accept that masturba-
and a boy at that! Well... because ents appreciate that he will be in- tion is a normal activity, need to
he asked. While shopping with teracting with females throughout help their child understand the
his mom, Jimmy saw her pick up his life. He needs to understand concepts of appropriate time and
a box of tampons. Naturally curi- how their bodies work, as well as place: “I know it feels good to
ous, he asked about them - and, his own. There's no point in keep- touch your genitals. But do so in
valuing family communication ing body functions a mystery. By private - not where others can see
about sexual issues, his mom ex- explaining issues such as men- you.” This sets important limits
plained. Jimmy has since forgot- struation as normal and healthy, for the child.
ten what “tom-toms” are all parents help children accept them
about, so he's asking dad. as so. For some parents, masturbation
may never be a comfortable topic
D. Do you know what tampons Another Tough One ... to discuss, yet it's important to do
are for, Jimmy? so. If parents merely ignore the
J. Mom told me, but I forget. As is true for most sexual topics, behavior or try to divert the
D. Well, each month, inside a there's no right or wrong answer child's attention with a toy or dif-
woman's uterus, a special lining for the question of masturbation. ferent activity, they've missed an
grows. If the woman becomes Each family must make a decision ideal “teachable moment” to
pregnant, that lining is needed to based upon personal values and share information and values.
help the baby grow and develop. beliefs. Along with this guideline,
If the woman doesn't become consider the following:
pregnant, the lining passes out of

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 1 - No. 1

Let's Talk •ease fears and anxieties children You might try asking questions
often have around sexual curios- about sexual issues you think may
This is it. First grade - real ity; be of interest to your child. For
school. The big time. Time to ex- •build trust, understanding, and the 1st grader these usually in-
perience delight and pride as you support; clude:
watch your child learn, develop, •increase the likelihood that chil- • where babies come from
grow. It's also a time when many dren will seek out parents for in- • body parts/functions
parents feel a twinge (at least) of formation and guidance in the • male/female differences, roles,
discomfort - some anxiety about future. and expectations
the dose of “outside influences” • sexual language
to which their children will now Your child is launching his school
be exposed. career. What better gift to give In discussing these issues, with
him than your commitment to your child, remember:
First graders are gaining a stronger support growth and understanding • You are the expert at passing
sense of themselves in relation to a in all aspects of his personhood - along family values about sexual-
larger social world; they begin to including sexuality. ity. You do have the answers in
measure themselves against new your heart, though you may need
friends and school acquaintances; some practice with the words.
what they see, hear and read • Listen to your child's questions -
makes an impression. The impor- and be sure you understand what
OK...Where Do I Begin???
tance of having that backlog of s/he's really asking.
trust and open communication • Answer simply and honestly.
with your child suddenly becomes Begin by appreciating where 1st
graders are at with their sexual • You needn't worry about telling
perfectly clear - especially in the “too much, too soon.” Children
area of sexuality. curiosity. At this age, many chil-
dren are hesitant about asking absorb what they are ready to, and
If such a history hasn't been estab- questions related to sex. By the are not overstimulated, encour-
lished, it's not too late to begin. time they're six, children have aged, or whatever by more detail.
But please, do begin now - for the developed a fairly perceptive “ra- The real danger lies in “too lit-
early years are critical as your dar” alerting them to topics, be- tle, too late.”
child develops attitudes toward haviors, etc., that adults find un-
sexuality. And, it's far easier to acceptable or uncomfortable. So Family sex education offers you,
initiate discussions about sex they're wary of saying or doing as parents, a wonderful opportu-
while children are young. things that might cause trouble. nity to speak from the heart to the
children you love. Enjoy!
Open family discussions about The early grade school child is
sex can: naturally curious about many
•allow parents to share important sexual issues - whether that inter-
family values; est is verbalized or not. It is the
•assist children in forming a posi- wise parent who encourages
tive attitude and healthy respect communication.
toward sexuality;

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 1 - No. 2

Silent No More •Have your child use proper terms wrong for them to do that. Secrets
for body parts. Substitute “penis,” and surprises are different. Sur-
“Don't take candy from strangers.” “vulva,” etc. for vague descriptors prises (like the present mom
Remember the classic warning like “’private parts” and “down bought dad for his birthday) can
from your own childhood? Usu- there.” eventually be told.”
ally coupled with “Never talk to
strangers,” this rather vague pre- •Emphasize that your child's body •Practice “what if” with your
caution never quite spoke to is his own - no one has the right child. “What if the babysitter
mom's and dad's true concern. To- to touch him in ways he doesn't promised you could stay up later
day, we don't dare skirt the issue. like. He has the right to say “no” if you touched his penis?” “What
We must talk with our children, to unwanted or uncomfortable if a stranger came to the door
in no un-certain terms, about touch. while I was in the shower?” Re-
sexual abuse. hearse specific words and actions.
•Let your child decide whether to Help your child know what to do
Studies suggest that 1 out of every be affectionate. Imposing hugs if s/he feels threatened - where to
4 children in this country experi- and kisses is unfair, and lessens a go and names of trusted adults
ences some form of sexual vic- child's feeling of control over her who can help if parents are not
timization before age 17; 15% - own body. available.
20% are boys. Contrary to the
early warnings of our own parents •Explain that no adult has the Talking about sexual abuse isn't
the typical child molester is not right to touch a child's penis easy. You worry about frightening
the stranger who entices children (vulva, etc.) or ask a child to the children, about what to say,
with candy. The majority of sexual touch his/her genitals. This ap- how to say it. Much anxiety stems
abusers are adult heterosexual plies to family members too (ex- from the discomfort people often
males who are rarely strangers. In plain possible exceptions such as have about discussing sexual is-
fact, 70-80% are known to the a parent helping at bath time). sues in general. In addition to the
child - and often are relatives. general tips offered here, there are
•Tell your child she has the right excellent resources available
By fostering self-reliance and as- to say “no” to any adult who asks through your local Planned Par-
sertiveness in their children, par- her to do something wrong. “It's enthood, health department, phy-
ents help protect them against wrong for a grown-up to ask you sician's office or sexual assault
sexual abuse. But what else can to lie or steal; to touch you or ask center.
be done? to be touched in the ways we
talked about. You should say of A Very Touching Book Jan
First, families must abandon the 'no,' then come and tell me.” Hindman
idea that “it can't happen to me.” Loving Touches Lori Freeman
Sexual abuse crosses all socio- •Explain that no one should insist It's My Body Lori Freeman
economic lines, all religious and your child keep secrets from you.
ethnic walks of life. Every child “If someone touches your pe-
must learn safety information nis/vulva, and warns you not to
and survival skills. tell me, it may be because it was

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 1 - No. 3

No Gender Limitations start competing with family influ- Cry “Foul!”

“That's girl stuff,” insists Tim The 1st grader may often use an
when you ask him to help set the It's an important time to remind obscenity without having the
dinner table. “Boys aren't sup- the 6-year-old that goals and ex- vaguest idea of its meaning. Past
posed to do girl stuff.” pectations need not be limited experience has proven the word
by gender. Help your child ap- to be an attention getter. Maybe
Cringing at the hint of superiority preciate that both boys and girls that's all s/he wants. Or, s/he may
in his voice, you think, “Wait a are capable of a myriad of ac- be curious about the term, but un-
minute. Where did that come complishments. This can boost sure how to ask for permission to
from?” This isn't the non-sexist his/her self-esteem and personal discuss it.
attitude you've encouraged in growth.
your son. Recently he's made sev- Either way, by calmly defining
eral comments smacking of tradi- To broaden your child's perspec- the word, parents neutralize its
tional male/female stereotyping. tive regarding gender role expec- shock value, provide accurate
What's up with that? tations: information, and reaffirm their
willingness to discuss sexual is-
Old influences die hard. The •Share household chores. sues. A parent could say, for ex-
school-age child has ventured into •Read stories portraying both ample: “That word is a mean way
a world where s/he is exposed males and females in a variety of of saying _____. It's often in-
daily to individuals with a lot of non-traditional roles. tended to be hurtful. Please find
old habits. Historically, expecta- •Use language that avoids stereo- other words to say what you're
tions - and limitations - based on typing (e.g., mail carrier rather feeling.”
gender have been a way of life in than mailman, flight attendant
this society: one set of standards, instead of stewardess; he or she If a child uses bad language out of
values, and behaviors considered in reference to doctors, nurses, anger, frustration, etc., it's helpful
acceptable for boys; a different etc.) Awkward? Perhaps... but to let her know that while the
set established for girls Our gen- well worth the effort. emotion is perfectly acceptable,
eral attitude about this is chang- the language is not. Then assist
ing, yet in many families, tradi- As parents work to expand their her in finding alternate words to
tional biases persist. children's horizons, they may find express her feelings.
themselves at odds with influ-
The “liberated male” you've been ences of the outside world. Rather Finally, parents might want to
raising these last six years is be- than set up a “We're right, they're monitor their own vocabulary.
ginning to feel the tugs of peer wrong” struggle, it's useful to ap- “Do as I say, not as I do” has little
influence. For the most part, he'd proach it as “here's another way impact. Model the behaviors you
rather hang out with the guys at to look at things.” Certainly in the wish to encourage.
school; their opinions about him arena of sex role expectations, it's
carry a lot of weight. Pressures to empowering to offer children an-
conform, fit in, be one of the other way to look at things.
group (and think like the group)

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 1 - No. 4

But What If... explanations can be simple, clear, your worries. If you don't know
and factual. At the same time, the answer, say so. Then offer to
Many parents admit to avoiding leave the door open for further look it up. Better yet, suggest that
discussion of sexual issues with discussion. Remember, now is the the two of you go to the library,
their children. With great relief, time to establish the foundation and look it up together.
they'll seize any opportunity to for open communication... an
get off the hook, assuming that environment in which your child In addition to providing factual
somewhere along the line, kids knows it is safe and appropriate to information, many excellent re-
will learn what they need to ask questions or voice opinions. sources offer help in the “how to”
know. department. Check with your lo-
Remember too that every day cal Planned Parenthood, public
Its likely that these very same your 1st grader hears a great health department or private phy-
parents truly want to be involved deal about sexuality ... from sician.
a their children's sexuality educa- friends ... from the media ... S/he
tion...yet feel ill-prepared to do certainly deserves to hear it from Unfortunately, children are hear-
so. Fear, confusion, and embar- you. ing the most about sex from
rassment are just a few barriers friends and the media. Surely par-
that often get in the way. Let's see • I don't want to frighten or con- ents do not prefer this. When of-
if the way can be smoothed a bit fuse my child. Parents often voice fered information, skills, assur-
by addressing some of the con- this concern specific to topics ance, and support, parents can
cerns parents have expressed: such as sexual abuse, childbirth, embrace their role as family sex
etc. Truly, the bottom line is that educators with confidence!
• I'm worried that giving my children are more concerned and
child too much sexual informa- confused when they only have
tion will stimulate curiosity and bits and pieces of information...
encourage him to experiment. or misinformation. It leaves much
This is related to the fear of tell- to their imagination, which can
ing too much, too soon. The fact fabricate some rather frightening
is, a child's interest in sexual is- details.
sues needs no encouragement.
That natural curiosity is alive and Know that by 1st grade, your
well from birth! When efforts to child has heard something about
learn about sexuality are ignored, sexual abuse, childbirth, etc.,
denied - or worse yet, punished - even if s/he has not heard it from
children may become preoccupied you. It's best to introduce such
with the subject, and more com- topics, discuss them calmly and
pelled to experiment. openly, and allow your child to
express any concerns or questions.
• But she’s only in 1st grade.
Isn't that too young? For lengthy, •I'm not sure I have my facts
graphic detail? Of course. Your straight. That can be the least of

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 1 - No. 5

It's All About Self-Concept sense of “OK-ness” and self- day activities, you let her know
respect. she is important. Having mom's
It's hard to believe that first grade and dad's undivided attention -
is almost over. What a milestone Upon entering the educational however brief - helps a child feel
for your youngster: a full year of system, a child is exposed to very special indeed.
real school just about completed pressures, demands, and expecta-
tions that reach beyond the home- Achievement - Children learn by
Along with accomplishments, front. It becomes especially doing... and need opportunities to
perhaps your first grader has also important for parents to reassure practice new skills. Allowing
experienced some failure and their child that a sense of worth them to make decisions will en-
frustration. How has s/he fared? comes from within - and is not a courage a sense of competence
As a whole, has the year been a function of appearance, being a and responsibility.
joyful experience? A positive in- math whiz, or getting the lead in
troduction to the academic world? the class play. Respect - Children are people
too, and they deserve to be treated
And just what does any of this As with all other aspects of fairly - with dignity and respect.
have to do with sex education? growth and development, children
Plenty. It's all about self-concept. need assistance in feeling compe- All of this may seem so obvious.
tent, connected, and valued. Yet it's amazing how much good,
You see, research tells us that Through their childrearing prac- common-sense parenting gets lost
the sexual decisions and behav- tices, parents either foster or stifle in the daily bustle of family life.
iors of adolescents are influ- that development. Consider this simply a reminder.
enced by their level of self-
esteem. High self-esteem corre- Approval - Children have a spe- The way children feel about
lates with an increased likelihood cial need for praise. For them, themselves colors the way they
that choices will be positive, parents' approval is a measure of live and relate to the world
healthy, and responsible. their own value. Frequently rec- around them. Children who grow
ognize and praise your youngster up feeling loved, competent, and
It is during the early years that for a job well done or a good ef- worthy are far better equipped - as
children begin developing a fort. adolescents and adults - to deal
sense of their “OK-ness.” The with the issues of life... including
formulation of self-esteem during Acceptance - While recognizing sexuality.
the pre-school years is based your child's strengths and abili-
largely on input from the family. ties, assist him in accepting his
If Steven is constantly told he's a weaknesses. If he acts inappropri-
“bad boy,” he'll soon define him- ately, be sure he understands that
self as such - and act accordingly. while you do not like the behav-
If, however, his parents empha- ior, you still love him.
size that it is his behavior which
is unacceptable (not Steven him- Attention - By demonstrating sin-
self), he maintains his personal cere interest in your child's day to

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 2 - No. 1

Even in Elementary You are the expert when it ing, thoughtful sex education at
School, Kids Are comes to passing along your home.
family values related to sexual-
Learning All About Sex...
ity. You may need a little en- Today’s parents are raising chil-
couragement - some assistance in dren in a world that differs mark-
from their friends... from the me-
overcoming your discomfort. edly from that of their youth. In-
dia... from... ??? Surely, they de-
Perhaps you’d like a few tips on tense peer and media pressures
serve to learn from mom and
how to begin - or how much to encourage sexual activity at
say. That’s all fine tuning. But younger ages. The threats of sex-
the heart of the message - your ual abuse, HIV, etc. demand that
It should be no surprise to parents
values and attitudes surrounding we speak to our children - in
that young children gather lots of
sexuality - is within you. graphic detail - early on.
sexual (mis)information on a
daily basis. Why, remember just
When parents are actively in- Amidst all of this, the challenge is
last weekend when you stumbled
volved in their child’s sexuality to avoid scare tactics and deliver
upon Nick, your little 2nd grader
education, they can ensure that messages which present sexuality
and his buddy, Craig? They were
accuracy prevails. We know that in a positive light. The following
having quite a chat... intense and
children are exposed to massive are but a few of the resources
lengthy whispers punctuated by
doses of misinformation and which can assist parents in fram-
fits of giggling. All of that came
exploitive, irresponsible mes- ing those messages:
to an abrupt halt the moment they
sages about sex - from their
spotted you! Chances are good
friends... from the media... So it Talking With Your Child
their conversation had something
makes good sense for parents to About Sex Mary Calderone and
to do with sex.
blaze a trail of honest, informa- James Ramey
tive communication. Be available Sex: The Facts, The Acts, And
And what about the movie you
to dispel the myths, and set the Your Feelings Michael Carrera
took the family to see the other
record straight. (Of course, be Sex Without Shame: Encour-
day? You were careful to select
sure you have the facts straight aging the Child’s Healthy Sex-
an appropriate show for the chil-
yourself!) ual Development Alayne Yates
dren. What you hadn’t counted
on were the steamy coming How to Talk to Your Child
Ultimately, we wish for our chil- About AIDS New York Univer-
attractions for next week’s
dren a sense of appreciation and sity and SIECUS
feature. You were more than a bit
high regard for their sexuality. How to Talk to Your Child
uncomfortable - and somewhat
We want them to enjoy and cele- About Sexuality Planned Parent-
unnerved by Nick’s obvious
brate that very special part of hood Federation of America.
interest in the whole thing.
their being. We want them to
have self- respect - good feelings
Let’s face it. Your children
about themselves... every part of
are hearing about sexual top-
themselves, including their sexu-
ics whether you tell them or
ality. What better way to promote
not. There are advantages to
that vision than by providing lov-
having you tell them.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 2 - No. 2

Now What Do I Say??? cuss sexual topics with Dana. Dana has also raised the subject
But, exactly what should she say? of AIDS. This is a hot topic, with
Dana: Mom, what’s “gay” a mix of fear and misinformation
mean? She might try something like this: being passed back and forth. It’s
Mom: Well... it depends how the “Some men have loving relation- best they have a chance to hear
word is used. (good strategy - ships with other men rather than from mom and dad.
that bought you a little time) Tell women. That’s called being gay.
Some women have loving rela- Your 2nd grader can be told that:
me what you’ve heard. (nice -
clarify what she’s asking) tionships with other women • AIDS is a serious disease
Dana: At school today, David rather than men.” She could which is caused by a virus.
called Max gay, and said he was also point out that these relation- • The virus is passed from per-
going to get AIDS. ships are important and fulfilling son to person in specific ways: for
for the couple. This may lead to example, if someone has unpro-
OK mom, that settles it. Dana’s further questions like, “Is that tected sexual intercourse with an
not referring to the happy-go- bad?” or “Why do people do infected person, or shares needles
lucky “gay.” It also sounds like that?” for injected drug use with that
she’s wondering about person.
HIV/AIDS. You’re on. Talking with children about sex- •HIV infection and AIDS
ual orientation can stir up com- doesn’t just happen to people who
Consider this a great opportunity plex emotions. In discussing this are gay. It can happen to anyone
for you and Dana to have an in- issue, parents can help their chil- who behaves in specific ways that
formative discussion. I know, I dren avoid developing prejudices. might put them at risk. (Be pre-
know... you’re a little nervous. pared to further explain what
OK - a lot nervous. Dana’s only If a parent disapproves of homo-
sexuality for religious or other those risky behavior include:
seven! She’s asking some pretty • We don’t have to be afraid of
sophisticated questions! reasons, s/he might say: “Fami-
lies have different opinions about people with AIDS. The disease is
Kids are growing up fast these this. What I believe is...” No mat- not spread by casual contact. We
days. The AIDS crisis is speed- ter what, be sure your child can hug them, share food with
ing up the process as the subject clearly hears that it is never OK to them, sit next to them, etc.
is aired in the media - and in the hurt or discriminate against • AIDS can be prevented - and
schoolyard. It can be most con- someone because of their sexual neither of you is likely to get it.
fusing and alarming to a 2nd orientation. As with all sexual issues, it’s im-
grader. The good news is this portant to leave the door open for
tragic disease has created wonder- Often, children repeat derogatory
terms they’ve heard such as “fag” further discussion of AIDS. A
ful invitations for parents and good rule of thumb is “if they ask
kids to talk about sexual issues. or “queer,” and may have little or
no idea of the meaning. Parents the question, they deserve an
Dana’s mom can be pleased that can define the terms, explaining honest answer.” Young children
her daughter felt comfortable ask- that they are cruel labels intended may not need graphic detail. They
ing this question. By responding to hurt and tease. do need to know they can depend
calmly and honestly, mom will on mom and dad to respond to
reaffirm her willingness to dis- their questions.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 2 - No. 3

You Thought That Was making babies may cause varying man's body may join an ovum - or
Hard - Wait 'Til You degrees of anxiety for parents. egg cell - made by the woman's
But really, it's pretty straightfor- body. This is how a baby starts.
Try This...
ward. On the other hand, the Do you remember what inter-
thought of helping your child course is?
Remember the days when, as a realize that mom and dad ex-
pre-schooler, your child showed perience sexual intimacy for Son: I'm not sure.
great interest in how babies were pleasure may stop you dead, in
made? At times you may have your tracks. Dad: When a man and woman
fretted that the interest felt more want to be very close with each
like preoccupation. In reality, Is that ok to talk about? Of other in a special, loving way, the
your youngster was just naturally course. It's important - and only man puts his penis into the
- and appropriately - curious fair - that children learn about this woman's vagina. That's called
about a fascinating subject. aspect of sexuality. Parents are sexual intercourse.
truly the ideal source of this in-
As a 2nd grader, your child formation, for they can provide Son: So people do that when they
may be no less fascinated by the it within a framework of love want a baby?
babymaking process (although and values.
s/he is more sensible now about Dad: Yes, but that's not the only
blurting out the question in a There are ample opportunities to reason. People have intercourse to
crowded elevator). Resist the bring up the subject of inter- share a loving, pleasurable ex-
temptation to assume that your course. Perhaps a neighbor is perience with each other. It may
previous discussions have thor- pregnant, you've just dug out your be hard for you to understand -
oughly covered the topic. De- child's baby pictures, or there's a and that's OK. Intercourse is not
spite the eloquent explanations TV special on about pregnancy for children to do. It's a sexual
you may have delivered in the and childbirth. These “teachable sharing for adults.
past, the story bears repeating, yet moments” provide a springboard
again. for discussion that might go At some point in the not too dis-
something like this: tant future, you will want to begin
You see, at this age children have discussing this issue in a much
some difficulty grasping the no- Dad: I'll never forget the day we larger context: risks and responsi-
tion of intercourse. Even more told you mom was having another bilities involved in sexual inti-
confusing to them is “why anyone baby. You were about 4 - and so macy, the decision to become
would want to do that.” And of excited! You had a million ques- pregnant, teenage pregnancy, etc.
course, the most incredulous tions about how babies are made. Open and loving communication
wonder of all is that “since there with your 2nd grader will help
are two kids in our family, mom Son: Did you tell me? pave the way.
and dad actually did that – twice!
Dad: Of course! We explained
Talking with children about sex- that when a man and woman have
ual intercourse in the context of intercourse, a sperm cell from the

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 2 - No. 4

If You Can't Beat 'Em ... read. More importantly, we can Don't be fooled by this surge of
listen, watch and read along with independence. Back off enough to
The U.S. has one of the most in- them - then discuss it as a family. allow your youngster to “test his
tensive sex education programs in wings,” but don't back off too far.
the world. Sadly, it's not happen- Instead of spending energy criti- Despite close ties to outside
ing in the classroom. Nor is it cizing and blaming the media, use friends and activities, children
coming from parents. It's appear- it to your advantage. It's a won- need to feel secure in their par-
ing in the media (TV, advertise- derful discussion starter! Call at- ents' love for them.
ments, music, on the Internet, tention to sexual messages con-
etc.) and it's not what our chil- veyed by programs, ads, music While your 2nd grader may resist
dren need. videos, web sites, etc. Ask your - even refuse - your hugs and
children how they feel about kisses (especially where others
Numerous studies reveal the po- them, and share your own values can see!), s/he still appreciates the
tential for media to influence the surrounding the issue. The media offer. So please don't automati-
knowledge and attitudes of young “teaches” about a broad spectrum cally withdraw usual displays of
people: of sexuality-related concerns: re- affection, assuming your child no
• From early childhood through lationships, stereotypes, sex roles, longer wants or needs them. Con-
high school, television consumes etc. Take note of these too. tinue to check in with, “Hey, I'd
more time than any other single sure love to give you a kiss. What
activities besides sleeping. By helping young children recog- do you say?”
• By age 18, the average student nize and examine media messages
has spent 15,000 hours watching about sexuality, parents assist Children of all ages need to feel
TV as compared to 11,000 in them in developing critical view- loved and valued. When parents
school. ing skills. Not only does this take time to remind them of their
• A Junior Achievement study equip children with a “filter” “specialness,” it bolsters their
reports that media ranks 3rd be- through which to process the self-esteem.
hind peers and parents in influ- messages, it also provides oppor-
encing values and behaviors of tunity to strengthen family com- The link between self-esteem and
youth. munication about sex. adolescent sexual behavior has
received much attention. Positive
Every day, media messages re- self-regard increases the likeli-
plete with sexual references, in- hood of healthy, more responsible
nuendoes, and behaviors assault Self Esteem: A Fundamen- choices - about sex as well as
the senses. What's a parent to do? tal Building Block other issues.
Demand censorship? Isolate chil-
dren? While we can set bounda- A young child's self-esteem re-
Second grade is a time of busy so-
ries, it's unrealistic to think these quires conscious tending and nur-
cial development for children.
messages will be completely turing - and parents are just right
Along with increasing concern
eliminated from our children's for the job!
about “what my friends think of
lives. We can however, monitor me,” there's a natural desire to fur-
what children listen to, watch and ther separate from mom and dad.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 2 - No. 5

More Than Meets the Eye we are as males or females; our of sexuality with their children
attitudes, values, and feelings than they do talking about the
When you think about sex educa- around that; and how this affects mechanics. Seeing and hearing
tion, what topics come to mind? our relationship to the world - and some ways to go about dealing
Anatomy... intercourse... preg- the world to us. with the “intangibles” may be
nancy... puberty...? Anything helpful. Beyond books, what
else? A tremendous amount of sexual other assistance is available
curiosity and learning has oc- something with a more personal
While these are all components of curred for your 2nd grader touch?
sex education, they comprise only over the last 8 years, whether
a tiny fraction of the subject. you've taken an active, positive •Community schools and col-
These are the issues that relate to role or not. Your responses (or leges frequently offer parenting
the plumbing part of sexuality - or lack of) to questions about classes including aspects of sexu-
as some kids refer to it, the “plumbing”; the modeling of rela- ality education.
“organ recital.” You know ... the tionships between you and your
mechanics. partner, family members, and •Physicians, family counselors,
friends; sharing of values; nurtur- and members of the clergy may
Let's consider sexuality educa- ance of your child's self-esteem... also provide valuable insights.
tion in much broader terms, all this and more have formed the
consisting of all of the above, as bulk of your youngster's sexuality •Your child's school or the local
well as issues like body image, education. school district office may have
self-esteem, love, relationships, suggestions on programs avail-
respect for self and others, val- In years to come, the sexual spe- able for parents.
ues, decision -making, and much, cifics - those issues more readily
much more. It is truly a massive, identified as “sex education” - •Planned Parenthood is an ex-
complex, and fascinating subject. will become increasingly com- cellent source of education pro-
plex: puberty, gender orientation, grams and materials.
As a parent, you routinely address teenage sexual activity, birth con-
these issues within your family in trol, sexually transmitted infec- •Consider forming a support
many ways. While doing so, tions. In giving your child the group in which parents can share
you're also providing the mortar facts, your continued attention to concerns, ideas, and strategies. It
and brick for your child's devel- the fundamentals of self-esteem, helps to know that others are
oping sexual attitudes, beliefs, love, respect, etc. will help insure working on the same issues!
and behaviors. a positive - and practical - learn-
ing experience.
It's all a matter of “sex” vs.
“sexuality”: sex being a fairly You're Not Alone
narrow term, usually synonymous
with gender or intercourse; sexu- Many parents say they have a
ality referring to that integral part harder time discussing the emo-
of our being which defines who tions, values... the “intangibles”

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 3 - No. 1

It's Time to Talk surprising, considering their two nication about sex are more likely
main sources of information tend to to form a positive, respectful out-
How was the subject of sex han- be each other and the media. Not a look toward sexuality. We know
dled in your family when you comforting thought. this from research, from experi-
were growing up? Was it a fairly ence and from just plain common
open topic? Were your parents So you see, the issue is not “sex sense. We also know that over the
willing to talk about sexual issues education: yes or no?” but “sex years, this translates into greater
in a frank and honest manner? education: when and by whom?” ability to make positive, healthy,
Did they encourage you to discuss and respectful decisions about
questions or concerns you might First and foremost, parents sex.
have? need to be the “whom.” After
all, as a parent, you are the ex- It may be tempting to shrug all of
If the answer is yes, consider pert when it comes to passing this off with “Hey, I didn't get
yourself fortunate - and unusual. along family values around much sex education from my par-
Those raised in families which sexuality. You are the one who ents - and I turned out ok.” But
placed a high priority on open, can best speak from the heart, of- keep in mind: our world has
honest communication about sex fering guidance and support to the changed dramatically since we
are truly a rare breed. children you love. This is not to were kids. What may have suf-
say that accurate, useful informa- ficed in the past is grossly inade-
Traditionally, sex education in tion is unavailable elsewhere. But quate now.
America has been of the “too certainly parents need to be the
little, too late” variety. Perhaps it key providers of that education. Keep in mind too that you needn't
was assumed that “when the time go it alone. There are many excel-
comes, the kids will figure out Ideally, the “when” would be lent resources to support and as-
what they need to know.” That from birth. Truly, this is the time sist you. Check with your local
approach didn't work well then - to begin establishing a conscious Planned Parenthood, health de-
and it certainly doesn't work now. and loving family environment partment or physician.
So... how many of you want to do designed to promote positive atti-
things differently with your chil- tudes toward sexuality. Remem- Talking With Your Child
dren? ber that parents communicate - in About Sex Drs. Mary S. Calder-
both verbal and non-verbal ways - one and James W. Ramey
We live in a sexually explicit perceptions, beliefs, and judg-
world. Children hear all kinds of ments about sexuality. This
sexual references and (mis) infor- communication begins, often un-
mation at an early age. If parents consciously, with the birth of
were privy to the schoolyard con- their child. And it has powerful,
versations of typical 3rd graders, long-term impact on that child's
they might well be shocked! Sexu- developing attitudes.
ality is fascinating to these kids -
a subject they chatter about with Children raised in families that
significant inaccuracy. This isn't value and promote open commu-

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 3 - No. 2

You Did What???!!! Now that you've identified how don't hesitate to use one of the
and why you feel as you do, take many educational books available
The note from Danny's teacher a moment to consider why on this topic. Read it with him,
left you speechless. It seems your Danny might have been inter- explaining how bodies look and
3rd grader and some of his bud- ested in such a magazine. Of function; how male and female
dies were caught poring over a course, the easiest way to do this anatomy differs; how bodies
“girlie” magazine brought to would be to ask him. In fact, be change during puberty, etc.
school by an older boy. sure you do so. Not only will this
give him a chance to explain, it Along with this, remind Danny
“This must be one of those I will likely provide a good open- how you feel about magazines
‘teachable moments’ I keep hear- ing for a frank discussion about which are sexually exploitive.
ing about,” you say to yourself. sexual issues. Help him appreciate that these
But at this point, you're frozen publications can be offensive, and
with disbelief, anger... perhaps a But for now, consider some pos- portray sexuality in a negative
mixture of emotions you haven't sibilities: Danny was curious to light.
quite sorted out yet. see what female bodies look like;
he wanted to go along with his You're feeling better now, pleased
Well, there's a good starting friends; it was tempting to do that you took the time to size up
point: take time to sort out what something “forbidden”; all of the situation and put it in perspec-
you're feeling, and why. That will the above. tive. After all, the “knee-jerk”
help you figure out how to best reaction often results in messages
respond to this incident. An You remember reading some- you later regret. Such a response
“emotional inventory” will take where that it isn't at all uncom- can be more damaging than the
some time - which you can buy mon for young children to original offense itself.
with a simple “Danny, I need to sneak a look at “girlie” maga-
think about this awhile before we zines out of curiosity. A harsh You now have a clear sense of
talk. Let's discuss it after dinner.” parental response often leaves what you want Danny to learn
them feeling embarrassed, guilty, from all of this, and how you
You may decide you're feeling or ashamed of their sexual curios- want to present your message to
embarrassed by Danny's behavior ity. In fact, it may further encour- him.
(“What must his teacher think of age curiosity as they try to dis-
me? Maybe she thinks we have cover why the big upset. “Danny, let's talk.”
those kinds of magazines around
our house!”); angry (“How could In any case, keep in mind that
Danny look at that trash!”); be- children this age continue their
trayed and hurt (“I've worked at fascination with the human body.
teaching Danny to be positive and During this pre-puberty phase,
respectful about sexuality. Then it would be helpful and reassur-
he turns around and does some- ing for Danny to learn what
thing like this!”). bodies are all about at various
stages of development. Please

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 3 - No. 3

Tell Me About... The following are typical 3rd Q. Why is my penis so small?
grade questions (and possible - A. Your penis is just the right size
If you accept Freud's “latency” not absolute - responses) which for your age. As you get older and
theory, you believe 3rd graders are often left unshared between start developing, your penis will
haven't the slightest interest in parent and child: get bigger.
sexuality. While it's true that Q. How old do you have to be to Q. Brian's sister is having a baby
many children this age hesitate to have a baby? and she's not even married. How
ask adults questions about sex, A. As soon as a girl begins to can that be?
it's not due to a lack of interest. menstruate, she is able to have a A. If a man and woman have sex-
baby. Some girls begin menstruat- ual intercourse, whether they're
On the contrary, 3rd graders are ing as young as 10 or 11. Just be- married or not, the woman might
bursting with unanswered - typi- cause she is old enough to become get pregnant. Personally, I would
cally unasked - questions about pregnant doesn't mean she's ready want to be married before having a
sexual issues. The reality is, to be a mother. Being a parent is a baby. I think that's the best way
they've often learned the subject big job. It's best for girls to wait for me to raise my family. Other
is not ok to discuss. A few disap- until they're grown up before they people may have different beliefs
proving looks or shocked, angry have babies. about that.
responses are all it takes to drive
that message home. Q. What about boys? When can Q. Kelsey got in trouble for saying
they become fathers? f--k. Why's it so bad?
In your own family, you may have A. As soon as a boy begins pro- A. It's a mean word for sexual in-
worked hard to establish an envi- ducing sperm, he can cause a tercourse. It's usually said in anger,
ronment which supports and en- pregnancy. Some boys are produc- or to hurt someone.
courages communication. But ing sperm at age 13 or 14. But
remember that your child's im- again, just because he's physically Children can be pretty resource-
mersion in the outside world able to make a baby, doesn't mean ful. If they really want answers
brings many influences into his he's ready for the responsibilities to these questions yet presume
life. Like it or not, societal atti- of fatherhood. they can't approach mom and
tudes toward the discussion of dad, they'll find other ways to sat-
Q. When will my breasts grow? isfy their curiosity. Some of
sexuality are still fraught with
A. Different people develop at dif- which may be useless. Or inap-
guilt, embarrassment, shame,
ferent times. You're getting close propriate. Or harmful.
fear, etc.
to the age when your body will
begin changing... including your So, a good rule of thumb is: file
So you may find yourself needing
breasts getting bigger. I was about Freud's conclusion about “la-
to prod a bit more to get the con-
12 when I started developing. tency” under “Insufficient Data” -
versation flowing. There's no
Maybe you'll take after me. and keep talking with your kids.
need to force the issue - but do
continue to remind your child that Q. Do boys have periods?
you're eager and willing to talk. A. No. Remember that a period is
the shedding of the lining that de-
velops in a woman's uterus.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 3 - No. 4

The Winds of Change rate - all of which is perfectly Parents further facilitate the dis-
normal for the individual. Chil- cussion by sharing what it was
I know what you're thinking: My dren who have not been offered like for them - their feelings,
child's only in 3rd grade. There's this basic information can spend thoughts, and experiences during
no sense in filling his/her head years worrying that “there's some- the early years of puberty. Besides
with talk about development, thing wrong with me.” As a par- building trust and intimacy, this
body changes during puberty, etc. ent, you're in a great position to sharing can be a source of great
When s/he starts to develop, help your child avoid that kind of relief to the child who suddenly
then we'll talk.” anxiety. realizes “I'm not the only one
who's ever felt this way!”
What's troubling about this atti- Consider too, the importance of
tude is that it overlooks the value helping children understand de- Puberty can be wonderful, excit-
of preparing children - ahead of velopment in both sexes. After ing, painful, and scary - all at the
time - for the experiences of pu- all, where is it written that only same time! It is the wise and
berty. Certainly, parents stack the girls need to know about men- thoughtful parent who assists his
odds in favor of smoother sailing struation, or only boys are privi- child - well ahead of time - in
if they address these issues well leged to hear about wet dreams?! preparing for the journey.
in advance. This allows children Since males and females inter-
the benefit of knowing what to act with each other throughout HELPFUL RESOURCES:
expect, and the opportunity to the course of their lifetimes, it
hash out questions, concerns or makes perfectly good sense that
The What's Happening to My
fears they may be having about they appreciate how each
Body? Book for Boys Lynda
the process, before it even begins. other's body works.
Lynda Madaras' Growing Up
Remember too that puberty is Since the 3rd grader may be very
Guide for Girls Lynda Madaras
not something that plays out modest - perhaps even painfully
It's Perfectly Normal: Growing
over night - or even within the shy about his/her body, there can
Up. Changing Bodies, Sex and
course of a few months or years be some reluctance to talk about
Sexual Health Robie Harris
It's a process of change occurring this issue. A gentle way to en-
over a period of perhaps five courage the communication might
years or more, with the prelimi- include digging out pictures of
naries beginning as early as age 8 your youngster at various ages,
for girls, and age 10 for boys. So from birth to present day. Com-
surely you can start discussing ment enthusiastically about “how
this issue in a positive, reassuring, much you've grown and devel-
and age appropriate way... even oped over the last 9 years!” Ex-
with your 3rd grader. plain that there are many changes
yet to come - changes which, if
At this stage, the bottom line for anticipated and understood, can
children is appreciating that each be an exciting, positive experi-
person develops at his/her own ence.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 3 - No. 5

Decisions ... Decisions ... You can assist your child in learn- In the adolescent years to come,
ing the art of decision-making: your child will be faced with a
Remember that sexuality educa- myriad of choices about which
tion involves far more than just •Help your child gather informa- s/he will need to make decisions.
teaching sexual specifics. In addi- tion and weigh options when One of these areas, sexual deci-
tion to information, children need making a decision. Help him/her sionmaking, is especially critical.
to learn skills which will assist consider possible outcomes of
them in appreciating and handling each option. Much attention has been paid to
this aspect of life. the connection between self-
•Help your child understand that esteem, decision-making ability,
A skill of major importance is decisions have consequences. and adolescent sexual behavior.
decision-making... something one Play “what if...” “What if you Evidence supports the notion
doesn't learn to be good at over- chose not to study for your math that young people who feel
night. Your 3rd grader has made a test?” “What if you go out for good about themselves, and
number of decisions up to this gymnastics instead of basket- who have the skills and knowl-
point: who to be buddies with at ball?” “What if a friend talked edge to make healthy choices,
school, what games s/he prefers you into stealing gum from the are more likely to do just that.
to play, what books to select from store?” This applies to sexuality as well
the library, etc. Often, the choices as other aspects of their lives.
are impulsive and readily influ- •Be accepting of your child's
enced by others who have some decisions - as long as they are not It may be tempting to assume that
clout. harmful. Understand that s/he “it will be a long time before my
makes choices based on personal youngster has to worry about
As s/he matures, life issues be- preference and taste. The decision those kinds of decisions.” But
come more complex, decisions may not be what you would have keep in mind that media/peer in-
more involved, and outside influ- selected. fluence and pressure hits hard -
ences more intense. The wise par- and early - these days. In any
ent will consciously assist his •Set limits for decision-making. case, the skill of decisionmaking
child in preparing for the chal- If your child decides on some- takes time to nurture and refine. It
lenge. thing clearly inappropriate or also takes practice. Help your
dangerous, explain why you can- child practice now - when the is-
Young people develop a sense not accept that choice. sues are not so vital. Begin now,
of competence - and confidence and your child will be well pre-
- when allowed to make their The ability to make good deci- pared when the time comes for
own decisions. Give your child sions is a skill that must be “those kinds of decisions.”
the opportunity to do so. Cer- learned. Children who are en-
tainly a 3rd grader can choose couraged and guided in acquiring
what to wear to school, what to this skill are well on their way to
buy with the birthday money developing and accepting respon-
grandma sent, or where the family sibility.
might go for a Saturday outing.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 4 - No. 1

Talk to Me - Please! questions which are certainly or somewhere your 4th grader is
there - although often unspoken. likely to stumble upon them.
You’re not the only one who's
been noticing your 4th grader's If your family has a history of • Use TV, movies, and other me-
growth and development. S/he open, honest communication dia to begin a discussion about
has too - often with more concern about sexual issues, your child sexuality. Let your children know
and embarrassment than pleasure. may likely check in with you how you feel about sexual mes-
In fact, there have been quite a about these anxieties and ques- sages delivered by the media. Ask
few experiences lately that are ... tions. If not, well ... don't worry. about their impressions.
well ... just different. Like … at- It's not too late. But do begin now.
traction to peers in more than just Already your child has gathered a • Call attention to newspaper arti-
a friendship way; and classroom wealth of sexual information (and cles dealing with issues linked to
teasing about boyfriends and girl- misinformation) from a number sexuality: HIV/AIDS, rape, infer-
friends. Things are definitely of other sources: friends, TV, mu- tility treatment, teen pregnancy,
changing. And s/he's not at all sic, the Internet, magazines... you sexual abuse ... these are but a
sure how s/he feels about it. want to get your 2¢ worth in. few topics noted daily in the
While exciting, the “newness” is The approach to puberty offers an
also scary. Yet this is a time of ideal opportunity for discussion ... Open family communication
such privacy and shyness about but don't limit the topic to physi- about sex does far more than just
change that children often hold cal growth and development. ease the journey through the
their fears of “Is this normal?” Children want - and need - to hear growing up years. It allows for
and “Am I normal?” deep their parents' thoughts, feelings, the sharing of family values; the
within. and values around a variety of provision of accurate - and valu-
sexual issues. They want - and able - information; the promotion
Your 4th grader is conscious of need - factual information, reas- of a positive, respectful attitude
the impending onset of puberty surance, guidance, and support. If toward sexuality; the alleviation
(that's right, mom and dad ... it you find it difficult or awkward to of fears and anxieties; the build-
won't be long now!). Whether initiate such discussions, here are ing of trust, understanding, and
s/he's started to develop yet or a few tips to assist you: support.
not, it's likely s/he has friends or
classmates who have. In fact, • Let your child in on how it was If you've already established these
girls may begin developing as for you as a 4th grader. Share lines of communication within
early as grade 3 or 4; boys usu- feelings, concerns, and experi- your family, great! Keep up the
ally a few years later. ences you remember having while good work! If not, begin today.
growing up. You and your child have every-
In any case, parents need to an- thing to gain.
ticipate this, and prepare their • Take advantage of the useful
children in advance. This helps publications available for pre-
ease the countless anxieties and adolescents. Leave them on the
coffee table, in the family room,

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 4 - No. 2

What's Happening to Me? with these concerns - anxiously 6. Menstruation (2 yrs. after start
worrying. Surely you know what of breast development)
Puberty isn't the only sexual topic that's like from your own perils of 7. Underarm hair
that bears discussing with your puberty. Do you recall thinking
4th grader, but it's likely to be up- years later, “If only someone had General order for boys:
permost in his/her mind. Even explained what was going on with 1. Growth of testes and scrotum
under the best of circumstances, me. I could have coped much bet- (between 10 and 13 ½, on average)
this time of great change for ter!” As a parent, you can be that 2. Straight pubic hair
youth may occasionally be con- “someone” for your own child. 3. Early voice change
fusing and scary. Advanced 4. First ejaculation (about 1 year
preparation for puberty is likely to Since we tend to assume that after testicular growth)
result in a more positive view of children know far more about 5. Pubic hair becomes kinky
the process. their bodies than they actually do, 6. Growth spurt
a good rule is to explain every- 7. Underarm hair
Menstruation and first ejaculation thing ... even that which seems 8. Significant voice change
are often seen as landmarks most obvious. In this way, you're 9. Beard develops
which signal “puberty has ar- likely to cover many of the un-
rived.” In reality, puberty is a spoken concerns and questions. Of course, puberty consists of
stage of life marked by a series of more than just physical change.
events - a process that unfolds At 4th grade (which is still early Emerging sexual feelings, emo-
over the course of several years. in the puberty game for the tions, relationships, stresses all
Menstruation and first ejaculation majority of kids), one of the most are parts of the metamorphosis.
actually occur fairly late in the useful pieces of information you Children often feel ambivalent
process. Yet for some reason, can share with your child is a about growing up, and need reas-
they're seen as “highlights” - per- rundown of the puberty chain of surance that such feelings are per-
haps because they're such obvious events. While it's true that chil- fectly normal.
signs of growing up. dren will begin developing at dif-
ferent times, the sequence of The journey through puberty will
At any rate, helping your child events is fairly predictable. never be a piece of cake. But par-
understand the time frame of pu- Learning about this is far more ents can do much to alleviate
berty can serve to alleviate clas- helpful to a youngster than merely some of the strangeness and fear.
sic fears like, “Why am I growing having mom and dad say, “Don't One of the most useful ways is to
so much faster than my friends?” worry, honey. You'll grow.” communicate. Talk with your
“How come my friends are grow- child now about these issues -
ing and I'm not?” When will I get General order for girls: even if you think it's a little early
'it'?” “What's wrong with me?” 1. Breast budding (between ages yet.
“Am I normal?” 8 and 13, on average)
2. Hips broaden Chances are it's later than you
Children who have had little ex- 3. Straight pubic hair think.
planation of developmental dif- 4. Growth spurt
ferences can become obsessed 5. Pubic hair becomes kinky

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 4 - No. 3

Talking With Children a person's bloodstream in order to hearsay, s/he winds up with an in-
About AIDS: What They cause infection. complete, often inaccurate picture.
The result is needless worry and
Need to Know... NOW!
During the pre-teen years (9- confusion. Such a child may fear
12), be prepared to offer your for the health and safety of his
You never thought you would child more detailed information friends, his family, and himself.
have to talk with your children in about HIV transmission and
such explicit terms. But at this prevention. At this age, children Basic education can help prevent
time, no vaccine or medicine can need to know that: that needless worry and confu-
prevent HIV infection or cure sion. And when parents are the
AIDS. The only protection you •HIV can be transmitted while source of that basic education,
cm offer your child is education. sharing needles with an infected they have an ideal opportunity to
Surely you want to offer that. person. These include needles pass along important values to the
used to inject drugs, steroids or children they love.
You know that your 4th grader vitamins. Razors and other sharp
has beard a lot about AIDS - instruments should not be shared Where to Turn?
whether you've told him or not. either. Children should be warned
There are a lot of advantages to about piercing one another's ears,
having you tell him. From the Perhaps you're feeling a bit over-
tattooing, and "blood brother or whelmed. There's so much sexu-
kids at school, he hears rumors, blood sister" rituals.
speculation. From you, he can ality information to share with
•HIV can be found in body fluids your child...maybe you're not
hear the facts. You're in a posi- such as blood, semen, vaginal se-
tion to provide those facts in a even sure of all the facts yourself!
cretions and breast milk; it can
gentle, non-threatening way... in a spread during unprotected
way that will enlighten and em- Not to worry. There are many ex-
vaginal, anal and oral inter- cellent books and pamphlets
power, rather than frighten him. course with an infected person;
Along with information, you which can help you with informa-
an HIV+ mother can transmit tion, strategies, etc. Here are the
will share family values - some- HIV to the fetus during pregnancy
thing he won't be getting else- titles of a few that are particularly
and/or birth. She can also trans- helpful:
where. mit HIV to her baby through
breastfeeding. How to Talk to Your Child
Certainly by 4th grade, children •People can protect themselves by
should understand that AIDS is a About AIDS SIECUS and New
not having sex, and not sharing York University
serious disease which is caused needles.
by a virus spread from person to •Latex condoms reduce the risk
person. They should be reassured Let's Talk About S-E-X - A
of HIV infection for people who Read - and - Discuss Guide for
that people do not become in- have sexual intercourse.
fected through casual contact People 9 - 12 and Their Parents
(hugging, sharing food, sitting Sam Gitchel & Lorri Foster
Granted, it's difficult to discuss
next to an HIV+ person); rather these issues. But when a child's
the virus must be introduced into Sex Stuff for Kids 7-17 Carole
education about AIDS is left to Marsh

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 4 - No. 4

Family Affair sion, and lack of connection for sion, and a lack of connection for
toward your son's. So let's make youth.
Where is it written that the chil- sex education a family affair.
dren's sex education is mom's job? As children mature, they initiate
Or that dad should talk to the boys their own “hands off policy. It's
and mom to the girls? Open com- That Special Touch somewhat erratic and unpredict-
munication about sexuality is the able. On one hand, they may
family's job, and the more every- Development occurring in middle show obvious distaste for parental
one gets involved, the more bal- childhood can bring anxiety and displays of affection, flinching
anced and effective it can be. awkwardness for parents and whenever mom and dad attempt
children alike. Feeling unsure, to bestow a hug or kiss (espe-
In addition to information and parents may begin backing off on cially if anyone else is around!).
family values, parents offer their the physical touch and affection On the other hand, there are times
personal perspectives, as male or they freely gave before. That can when kids ache for a warm touch
female. It's important and useful be especially devastating to a - but don't - or won't - ask. (Par-
for dads to share this with their child. ents are just expected to sense
daughters and moms with their this, and respond appropriately.)
sons. This is a time when children are
preoccupied - almost obsessed At any rate, children need their
Children will be relating to males with being normal; bodies experi- parents - BOTH parents - to con-
and females throughout their life- ence furious changes in size and tinue offering, but not forcing,
times and need to understand shape; emotions and moods can physical affection. (and will need
about each other. For example, skyrocket, then plummet - all in this - whether they're 2 or 42!)
boys deserve know about female the course of a few hours. This is Let them know you still enjoy
anatomy and physiology. They a time when kids need that sup- giving (and getting) hugs and
can learn an appreciation of the port and reassurance, that physi- kisses - and that you respect their
female perspective. Girls deserve cal touch and affection which right to accept, to refuse - and to
an understanding and apprecia- says, “you're OK.” change their minds!
tion of males. Who better to offer
that education than the other gen- Imagine how it feels when that's Talk with your children about
der parent? no longer forthcoming from mom your own uncertainty or discom-
and dad. fort. Encourage them to air their
This isn't to suggest we discon- feelings. Decide together how to
tinue “father/son” and “mother/ Whether it's the deeply ingrained handle this “touchy” issue. Rather
daughter” talks. On the contrary. incest taboo, or just a misconcep- than automatically assume what
These are special times shared tion that the kids aren't interested the kids want and when - ASK
between parent and child. Also anymore, parents - and especially THEM!
realize dad, that you're a valuable other gender parents - frequently
resource, with much to contribute operate by a “hands off' policy at
toward your daughter's sexuality this stage of their child's life. The
education - just as you do mom, result can be loneliness, confu-

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 4 - No. 5

Dealing With Peer • Assist him in recognizing what What's going on here is not ex-
Pressure peer pressure looks like - the sub- actly “playing doctor,” but it's the
tle and blatant forms. 4th grader's version of checking
• Share your experiences with out what bodies look like - AND -
It's been apparent for some time
peer pressure. Explain how you whether his looks like it should.
now that the influence you have
dealt with the situations. (Share
over your 4th grader is waning a
your failures as well as your suc- You see, it's common at this age
bit. Let's face it, mom and dad,
cesses!) (although not widely discussed)
as far as your child's concerned,
• Practice “what if.” Help her for same-sex friends to examine
when it comes to certain issues,
analyze consequences of various each other's bodies. It's all part
friends have more clout.
choices; brainstorm ways to re- of a child's natural curiosity,
spond - what could be said and and the need to confirm that his
Just because you know full well
done. physical development is OK.
that this is a sign of normal,
• Encourage him to come to you
healthy development, doesn't
if he feels pressured and unsure of This shouldn't be interpreted as
mean you have to like it. At this
what to do. Offer to be his “out,” “my son or daughter must be
age, kids are increasing their
his “excuse” if he needs one. Of- gay.” Both gay and straight youth
separation from the folks, test-
ten, kids look to parents to say engage in same-sex exploration.
ing their wings, and becoming
“No” in order to get them off the It's important for both families
more independent. Scary, isn't
hook with their friends. and young people to know that
• Reassure her that even if she automatic assumptions about sex-
gets into trouble, you will always ual orientation should not be
The world is a far different place
be there. You may be upset, and made based upon this.
than when you were 10. Today,
you may even yell, but you will
4th graders experience pres-
always be there for her. You may want to refer back to
sures that you didn't confront
this newsletter's issue, Grade 4
until high school - even college!
Peer pressure isn't just a child- #2, which deals with the sequence
Drugs, alcohol, sex, violence...
hood dilemma. It affects young of changes that occur during pu-
elementary school students are
and old alike. Skills you teach berty. Take the time to share this
grappling with adult issues and
your child now will serve him information with your child so
throughout his life. s/he can feel more comfortable
and confident about growth and
It's not enough to tell your child,
Before You Jump to Any development.
“Don't!” The need to belong
and to be accepted by the peer Conclusions...
group can be powerful enough
to make kids break the rules. Wait a minute. You understood it
But it is helpful to your 4th grader when your child “played doctor”
when you: in pre-school. But this is 4th
grade! What's going on here!?
• Acknowledge how tough it can
be to go against the group.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 5 - No. 1

What I Want to Know Is ... the Internet. Many messages are to your concerns and views. I also
inaccurate, perhaps irresponsible, want to share with you my values
Why does getting married cause even exploitive; a few may be around sexuality.”
babies? Can boys have periods? factual; typically none contain the
Can you get pregnant before you values you want your child to You needn't hold a formal ses-
have periods? Do guys get sterile learn. Is it any wonder 10-year- sion. In fact, the more informal,
from using all their sperm? What olds ask sexually simplistic AND the better - you'll both feel more
are birth control pills? How does explicit questions? comfortable. Take advantage of
sex give you AIDS? What's a wet naturally occurring “teachable
dream? The best way to ensure that your moments” - a magazine article
child receives accurate, value about teenage pregnancy, a news
These questions were asked by an based sexuality education is for report on HIV/AIDS, a local pro-
average group of 5th graders dur- you to be the primary provider. gram on sexual abuse. These are
ing a sex education class. Some This is not to suggest that sex wonderful discussion starters. If
questions may surprise you, ap- education doesn't belong in your child has not begun experi-
pearing rather simplistic. You're schools. On the contrary, many encing the changes of puberty,
thinking, “Surely 5th graders excellent school-based programs surely some of her friends have.
know that!” Others shock you. “I exist (and for some students, This is a perfect issue to address
can't believe they asked that - in these programs are their only with 5th graders, since typically
5th grade?!” source of factual information). they have many questions and
But these programs need to be fears about it.
You'd be amazed at how much viewed in conjunction with, not in
5th graders have heard about place of, parent-child There are all kinds of opportuni-
sex, and how little they really communication about sex. A ties and sexually related topics, if
know. It can put parents in an home/school partnership is ideal. only you're open to them. And
awkward position. On one hand, remember to address those issues
they frequently assume (incor- Don't be discouraged if you've you assumed were too advanced.
rectly) that children understand had little open discussion about As witnessed by the sampling of
far more than they actually do. sex with your child. It's never too questions, children have bits and
Consequently, many overlook the late to begin. Perhaps your reluc- pieces of hearsay, a lot of confu-
sexuality basics, neglecting to tance was due to embarrassment, sion, and an abundance of curios-
pass them on to their children. On uncertainty, fear, or maybe you ity about sex. A good rule is to
the other hand, mom and dad may were simply unaware of the need. explain what you think they want
hold back on more explicit sexual to know - and more.
issues, assuming (again incor- Whatever the reason, you might
rectly) that “5th graders don't begin by acknowledging that to
need to know such things.” your child... something like, “you
know, sexuality has always been a
The reality is, children are bom- hard subject for me to talk about.
barded with sexual messages I do think it's important and want
from friends, TV, movies, songs, to answer your questions, to listen

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 5 - No. 2

Trying Time prospect of growing up, many feeling a bit awkward too. Maybe
kids (and parents) feel, “I'm not we can help each other.”
If puberty is someone's idea of a sure I'm ready for this.”
joke, nobody's laughing. To say If s/he's reluctant to talk, don't
that this can be a difficult stage Let your child know that such force it. You might comment, “I
for child AND parent is clearly an ambivalence is common. Encour- can see this is hard for you to talk
understatement. age him/her to talk about feelings about now. Is there something I
s/he has toward growing and could do to help? Would you like
For children, puberty is the time changing; what s/he's looking to try again another time?”
of life when they typically: hate forward to, or is concerned about.
their bodies, no matter what the Know too, there are many ways to
dimensions; feel weird, and can't Share your stories about puberty. impart this information to your
figure out why; “know” they're Kids love being in on their par- child. Take advantage of the
not normal; don't want to grow up ent's lives. It builds trust and reas- excellent books written specifi-
or be treated like kids; and quarrel sures children that the folks ap- cally for youth. Leave them
a lot with parents who “just don't preciate what they're going around the house where your
understand!” through. child is sure to find them. (You
read them too. Remember what
For parents, puberty is the time Your 5th grader needs solid in- it's like to have puberty strike.
when they typically: don't know formation about developmental Such a refresher can provide you
what's gotten into their kids; feel changes that occur in both sexes with facts you've long since for-
awkward, excited, and nervous during puberty. Knowing this gotten... or perhaps never knew!)
about their child's changing body; well in advance can lessen anxi- At a later point, offer to discuss
“can't do anything right!”; long ety. Children should be reassured the books with your child.
for the days when they and their that each person has his/her own
youngster could communicate - timeclock. The body develops Above all, be persistent in being
without yelling; panic at the pres- when it's ready...some begin there and willing to talk. Don't be
sures facing youth these days. early, others later. Even if they're pushy, or make a big deal of it...
not satisfied with their personal simply seize opportunities which
Science hasn't yet discovered how development schedules, children allow the topic of sexuality to
one can avoid puberty. But, with are relieved to hear they're nor- come up.
good preparation - knowledge, mal.
skills, and a good attitude the Puberty consists of a series of
journey can be rather exciting ... If your child is embarrassed or events which unfold over the
or at least a bit more pleasant ... genuinely uncomfortable discuss- course of 4-5 years. Why not do
OK - let's just say tolerable. ing these issues, acknowledge all you can to ease the transition
this. You could say, “A lot of through those years? Your child
Perhaps during no other phase people are embarrassed to talk will not be the only one who
of life do people undergo such about these things. If you're feel- benefits!
physical and emotional trans- ing that way, I understand. I'm
formation. While excited at the

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 5 - No. 3

A Check List How to Talk to Your Child can result in new and intense
About Sexuality Planned Parent- sexual feelings. This is normal
It's a good time to assess exactly hood Federation of America and all part of the wonder and
what your 5th grader knows (or Let's Talk About S-E-X Sam excitement of growing up!
not) about sexuality. Inventory Gitchel and Lorri Foster
what's important to understand by Talking With Your Child Deliver the family's party line on
this age, and catch up on items About Sex Drs. Mary S. Calder- masturbation. If you believe it's
which haven't yet been addressed. one and James W. Ramey acceptable, healthy exploration,
Beyond the Birds and the Bees say so! If not, explain that without
By 5th grade, children should Beverly Engel, MA, MFCC causing your child guilt or shame.
have knowledge around anatomy
and changes during puberty (for Urges and Surges If you've not built a foundation
both sexes), reproduction and upon which to discuss some of
birth. Hopefully you have talked The physical and emotional these emotionally charged issues,
about HIV/AIDS, sexual orienta- changes which occur in children it makes it tougher ... but not im-
tion, masturbation, and premarital during puberty are plainly evident possible.
sex - and shared your related val- to their parents. But the accompa-
ues. Have you talked about ex- nying transformation in sexual Possible icebreakers:
ploitation and date rape? What feelings, urges, and fantasies are
about sex role stereotyping, rela- not so obvious - in fact, they are •I remember being 11, experienc-
tionships, and decision-making? typically kept hidden. ing a lot of new feelings and
urges. I wasn't quite sure what to
Without a chance to hear that it's make of them. I know a lot of my
This is by no means an exhaustive
perfectly normal for sexual feel- 11-year-old friends felt the same
list. It's merely a reminder of the
ings and urges to intensify, and way, but unfortunately, no one
knowledge that becomes even
for fantasies to become more fre- ever talked about it.
more critical at this age for your
quent during puberty, children
child now.
may find themselves a bit shaken •When I was in 5th grade, I was
(“Is this supposed to happen?”). madly in love with a 7th grade
If you're looking at this list think-
ing, “We haven't covered half of boy. I got chills just looking at
It's also during this stage that mas- him. Have you ever had a crush
this!”, don't panic. But do get turbation is usually rediscovered
moving! The 11-year-old needs like that?
(if it had ever been forgotten),
solid information - often on issues along with any guilt or anxiety
which parents assume are “too •When I was your age, I felt un-
which may have been previously comfortable talking with my folks
advanced.” attached to it. Rarely asked ques- about sex, but I had lots of ques-
tions about whether masturbation tions. How can I help you feel
You may find the following re- is good/bad often plague children.
sources especially helpful: comfortable talking with me
about these issues?
Give children reassurance that
the hormonal changes of puberty

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 5 - No. 4

Facts vs. Fears Top it off with a lack of under- prepared to answer the question:
standing or someone to even talk Is it bad to be gay?
Around 5th grade, young people to about these things, and you've
begin wondering (perhaps worry- likely got a confused kid on your Explain that people have different
ing) about sexual orientation: hands. opinions about sexual orientation.
How can you tell if you're gay or Then specify yours. While shar-
lesbian? What causes it? Does Whether your child has asked you ing your beliefs, be sure to em-
masturbating mean you're gay? about sexual orientation or not, phasize that it is never OK to dis-
Are lesbian and gay people nor- now is a good time to address it. criminate against someone be-
mal? There are many lead-ins to the cause of sexual orientation. Point
subject, including TV shows, out that words like "fag" and
When you think about it, at this news reports, or a negative term "queer" are offensive and meant
age, these questions are not at all overheard in reference to people to hurt. These terms are used in
surprising. Puberty is the time who are gay or lesbian. anger or to ridicule.
when children are at the height of
growth, change, AND worry! You can help your child by point- Be sure to acknowledge that gay
The events of puberty can ing out some of the common mis- and lesbian couples have loving
arouse anxieties, uncertainty, conceptions. From what we now relationships that are as wonder-
and confusion as perhaps no know: ful and important to them as any
other stage of life can. It seems other couple's relationship is to
the overwhelming fear is that of • People do not choose their sex- them. Let your child know that
being different from their peers. ual orientation. you would love and support
• No one can cause another per- him, no matter what his own
As part of all this, concern about son to be gay, lesbian or hetero- sexual orientation might be.
sexual orientation may begin to sexual.
sprout. There's a lot of fuel for the • Being gay is not a sickness or Once again, you're faced with a
fire: same-gender play is com- mental illness. difficult subject that needs to be
mon, with friends checking each • Being gay or lesbian is not discussed - for everyone's sake.
other out, partly in an effort to something that can or needs to be It's an issue that evokes a lot of
validate their own development; "cured. " emotion, judgments, values - as
sexual fantasies may include well as a hefty dose of misunder-
same-gender friends; young peo- Encourage your child to express standing... which is exactly why
ple frequently develop crushes on his feelings. Ask what he's heard many parents choose to avoid the
same-gender teachers, coaches, from the kids at school. This may subject.
etc. Add to all this, the pervasive allow him to discuss some of the
assumptions about HIV/AIDS and anxieties he has about his own Please don't be one of those par-
the gay community, along with sexual development. In addition ents.
the common derogatory school- to reassurance, you can offer your
yard remarks about people who personal values and perspectives
are gay and lesbian. around sexual orientation. Be


 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 5 - No. 5

Tell Me I'm OK correlates with more positive,

At this stage, parents would do healthy, and responsible choices.
Many 5th graders are anxious well to be especially aware of
about the rapid changes they're their children's need for encour- Young people sometimes operate
experiencing, both physically and agement and support. Young under the illusion that a sexual
emotionally; they're worried people have a difficult lesson to relationship proves they are
about their bodies: am I too learn: self-esteem is not and can- loved, worthy, etc. They may
short? too tall? Why am I so flat not be based upon what others agree to or even seek out sexual
chested? When will my penis think of them. The bottom line is activity in a misguided effort to
grow? I hate my nose! how a person feels about himself. prove their self-worth. Yet pre-
As one father told his daughter: mature sexual activity can leave
They feel uncoordinated as arms “Annie, not everyone is going to young people hurt, confused,
and legs grow, completely out of like you. And that's ok. What guilty, scared - perhaps even
sync with one another; their counts is that you like yourself.” pregnant or infected with a sexu-
moods are erratic, for no apparent That's a difficult concept for ally transmitted infection. Need-
reason. Of course, it wouldn't be adults to accept, much less chil- less to say, the ultimate outcome
cool to ask anybody about this dren! can sometimes be the further ero-
stuff, so they frequently just suf- sion of self-esteem.
fer in silence. No wonder self- As parents, we can offer our chil-
esteem can take a nosedive dur- dren encouragement, understand- We owe it to young people to dis-
ing puberty! ing, trust, praise, and apprecia- cuss these issues with them in
tion. We can help them feel suc- depth; to share our perspective
Self-esteem is something which cessful, acknowledging their suc- about the place of sexuality in
parents have nurtured (or not) in cesses, and teaching them to learn one's life; to answer their ques-
their child since birth. In fact, it's from the failures. tions; to listen to their thoughts,
during the very early years that opinions, and concerns. Rather
children develop a sense of their Along with this, we can provide than assume that your 5th grader
OK-ness. For example: If they're complete and accurate informa- has plenty of time for such dis-
angry about his behavior, mom tion about growth and develop- cussion, realize that children are
and dad reassure Jay they still ment about the physical, emo- growing up much faster these
love him - this promotes a posi- tional, and sexual issues which days. We must prepare them to
tive sense of self; Lisa is encour- are all part of puberty. With fac- grow up safely - informed and
aged to attempt new skills, to tual background, the unknown self-assured.
stretch her abilities, and then is becomes less scary, less likely to
praised for the trying - this pro- cause confusion and worry which
motes self-esteem; David is re- so often threaten self-esteem.
minded that his differences from
others (whether physical, intellec- Research tells us that the sexual
tual ... whatever) make him the decisions and behaviors of ado-
unique and special person he is - lescents are greatly influenced
that builds self-concept. by self-esteem. High self-esteem

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 6 - No. 1

This Too Shall Pass 6th graders know of someone - a that some of your child’s views
friend or classmate - who is actu- differ from yours. Make it safe
You don’t get it. You pride your- ally experimenting with sexual for him to disagree; help him
self on the relative ease with activity (Yes! Unfortunately some know your love and support is not
which you’ve discussed sexual children become involved very contingent on his acceptance of
issues with your child in the past: early!) Suddenly, sexuality is hit- your views.
answering questions honestly; ting too close to home, it’s
initiating conversation; creating scary...and “I’d rather not talk • Acknowledge your child’s reac-
an environment in which sexual- about it!” tions...something like: “You look
ity is viewed as a special and uncomfortable talking about this.
positive aspect of ourselves. Such is a typical 11-year-old’s How can we make it easier?” or
response to the topic of sex. It’s “When I was young, I was so con-
What happened? Suddenly, your now especially important that fused about sex that I had a hard
6th grader has decided the topic is parents muster patience, under- time asking questions. Is that
off limits. S/he’s appalled (em- standing, and support in order to how you feel?”
barrassed, disgusted, nervous ... teach children what they need to
take your pick...) whenever the know: • Acknowledge your own feel-
subject comes up. That’s just ings, for example: “I’m frustrated
what you’ve been trying to pre- • Continue broaching the subject that you seem to be tuning me
vent... why you’ve worked so - keep it light, don’t push. Settle out. I’d like to be able to talk
hard to communicate. And it’s for a monologue if need about this together .”
come to this? So you wonder, least it’s putting out your mes-
“What did I do wrong?” sage. • Invest in some of the wonderful
sexuality books written for young
Nothing. You have a typical 6th • Avoid preaching. As sex be- people. Leave them in an obvi-
grader. As 6th graders go, sex is comes more of a real issue in a ous place.
gross, embarrassing, stupid, funny, child’s life, it’s easy for parents to
or all of the above. B.P. (Before fall into the lecture mode. “Do • Keep your sense of humor... and
Puberty), things were different: this... don’t do that” is likely to use it. This needn’t be a heavy
sexuality was neat to talk about fall on deaf ears - spurring even subject. Take comfort knowing
with the folks; the issues were more resistance to discussion. that your child is moving toward
matter of fact, non-threatening, When parents truly listen to their A.P. (After Puberty).
and your child was an interested children, encouraging them to
bystander. express personal views, commu- Give yourself a break. Your in-
nication is enhanced. fluence on your child is a power-
D.P. (During Puberty), sexuality ful one...and only one of many.
becomes terribly personal! Bod- • Encourage your child to exam- Remember, you can take neither
ies blossom, fantasies and strange ine, clarify, and discuss his own credit nor blame for the ultimate
new urges arise; simmering con- values about sexual issues. Par- outcome. You can only give it
cerns about what’s normal result ents hope the family values will your best effort.
in considerable uneasiness; many be accepted. Be prepared to hear

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 6 - No. 2

The Times They Are A tion about sex can reduce the risk trol, sexual protection, teenage
Changin' of a child becoming one of the pregnancy, sexually transmitted
statistics. What better way to infections and HIV/AIDS - their
ward off the tragedies of sexual children's vulnerability and risk
Over the last several decades, our
ignorance than to take preventive increase.
society has undergone vast
measures early on ... such as ...
changes in sexual attitudes and
education. What this ultimately boils down
behaviors, leaving today's youth -
to is the first basic rule of sexual-
and their parents - facing difficult
Most parents recognize the im- ity education: Teach them what
and complex issues. Sexually ex-
portance of sexuality education, you think they need to know...
plicit messages permeate our
and in fact, are eager to provide it. and more.
lives. The impact is especially
Yet many are not prepared for the
powerful on young people who
depth of information and skills For the majority of 12-year-olds,
lack the maturity, wisdom, and
that is important during the mid- these more advanced sexual is-
insight through which to filter the
dle childhood years. It's time for sues can still be addressed at a
more advanced discussion: sexual fairly non-threatening, non-
relationships, birth control and emotional level, since most young
Coupled with inadequate knowl-
sexual protection, sexually trans- people this age are not yet per-
edge and understanding about
mitted infections, teenage preg- sonally involved. This is not
sexuality, the result can be sig-
nancy, etc. likely to be the case a few years
nificant: vulnerable youth at risk
down the road. And once the is-
of premature sex, pregnancy,
Some parents fear that addressing sues become more pertinent in
sexually transmitted infections,
such issues will condone, encour- their lives, the discussion be-
sexual abuse, and exploitation.
age, or promote sexual activity... comes controversial... more diffi-
put ideas into the kids' heads. Not cult. Which brings us to the sec-
Consider this:
so. Surveys of young people ond basic rule of sex education:
clearly demonstrate the ideas are
• There are over 1 million teenage
already there! All the more reason The best time to talk is now.
pregnancies each year in the U.S.;
for mom and dad to initiate dis-
84% are unintended.
cussion, provide information, and
• 8 out of 10 boys and 7 out of 10
share values. In fact, some studies
girls aged 15-17 have had sexual
show that children raised in fami-
lies with open, honest communi-
• 1 out of 6 teenagers contracts a
cation about sexual issues are
sexually transmitted infection.
more likely to delay first inter-
• The U.S. has one of the highest
course and, if they do become in-
teenage pregnancy, birth, and
volved in a sexual relationship,
abortion rates in the developed
they are more likely to protect
themselves. When parents with-
hold information about sex - par-
Research consistently shows that
ticularly issues such as birth con-
open, honest family communica-

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 6 - No. 3

Ritchie & Karen sures) that often accompany in- overemphasized. Just as different
terest in romantic relationships. children experience vastly differ-
You're likely to have a few ideas This is another example of ad- ent rates of physical development,
about when your child will be old dressing an issue before (hope- so too with social development.
enough for a boyfriend/girlfriend. fully) it becomes an issue! It's a This can result in worry... “All
Your child is likely to have some chance to talk about friendship my friends talk about boys con-
ideas about that too - perhaps and about relating to both the stantly, but I'm just not interested.
vastly different from yours. other and same gender comforta- What's wrong with me?”; embar-
bly, respectfully. You can help rassment... “My folks tease me
It's an old parent lament: kids are prepare your youngster for the fun whenever girls call the house. I
pressured to grow up too fast and excitement of such relation- hate it!”; pressure... “I've got to
these days. Well, merely bemoan- ships, as well as for the frustra- have a girlfriend/boyfriend be-
ing that fact will do little to help tions, uncertainty, and disap- cause everybody in my class
them deal more effectively with pointments that sometimes result. does.”; confusion... “I'm a girl,
the situation. Absolutely forbid- and I like other girls!”
ding children to be swayed by Establishing supportive and lov-
such pressure isn't very useful ei- ing relationships is not something Concerns about being popular,
ther. people automatically know how dressing right, looking good, fit-
to do, intuitively. There are skills ting in - these are major issues for
No one is suggesting that children involved - skills which can be 6th graders! By talking about this,
be encouraged into social situa- taught and nurtured throughout parents give children a chance to
tions prematurely. But realize that childhood. But young people are vent their feelings. It may take a
elementary school children, some less likely to look to their parents bit of encouragement. After all,
as early as 4th or 5th grade, play for assistance with these skills if many children (and parents) are
with the concept of relationships they fear being teased, not taken reluctant to talk about such per-
... boyfriend/girlfriend, etc... some seriously, or met with “You're too sonal things.
more seriously than others. And young to be interested in boys/
be sensitive too that these inter- girls.” Kids need help negotiating the
ests and attractions may not all be complexities of relating. Without
toward the other gender. Surely we don't want our children it, they may stumble through...
to learn about relationships from some with more difficulty than
There's the usual scribbling of the media (with it's unrealistic, others.
hearts and initials on notebooks, romanticized portrayal of the
phone calls and passing love “ideal” couple), or from trial and
notes. Unfortunately, some 6th error. We'd rather they feel free to
graders (more typically 6th grade bring their feelings and questions
girls with older boys) get more to mom and dad.
involved in various levels of sex-
ual experimentation ... a rather The importance of talking with
sobering thought. It isn't too early your child about social relation-
to talk about feelings (and pres- ships - ahead of time - cannot be

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 6 - No. 4

The Media ... The Message media without our knowledge or is to share a bit of your own past
consent. (which kids love!). “I remember
• Surveys indicate that many teens the wild ideas we heard about sex
believe TV offers realistic sexual Help your child develop a filter when I was young. Like: you can't
messages. through which to sort and inter- get pregnant the first time you
• By age 18, the average student pret the messages. Teach him to have sex; or having sex proves
has spent 11,000 hours in school, be a discerning viewer, to identify you're grown up. What kinds of
compared to over 15,000 hours and evaluate content. Assist him things have you heard?”
watching TV. in recognizing exploitive, irre-
• Young people cite the media as sponsible, and unrealistic sexual Impress on your child that when
one of their major sources of messages. A good way to do this it comes to sexuality, accurate
messages about sex. is to watch movies and TV. surf sources are important. Suggest
the net, etc., with your child, and some options: parents, teachers,
And we wonder why we have then have a discussion about it. school nurses, counselors, etc.
problems? We're far beyond the Realizing they have several alter-
days of “Ozzie and Harriet,” Encourage your child to express natives, young people may be less
where any bedroom scene con- his views (for example: “How do inclined to accept their peers as
sisted of twin beds, lights on, feet you feel about the way women “sexperts.”
on the floor. T.V. has crossed were portrayed in that movie?”
the threshold: In network shows, “Why do you suppose advertisers Make it safe for your child to dis-
explicit physical portrayal of in- show sexy people to sell their cuss sexuality with you.
tercourse occurs. Actors may be products? What message does • Listen to his concerns, ques-
covered by a sheet, but the activ- that send?” “What do you think tions, etc., knowing that interest
ity is unmistakable. about the teenager in that film in the subject doesn't mean he's
keeping her baby?”) Share your sexually active or considering it.
Sexually explicit messages per- thoughts and values too. • Respect his right to express
meate our lives. What's a parent views which may differ from
to do? A good first step is We needn't analyze all media to yours.
awareness - recognizing the fre- death... just be alert to the mes- • Present facts along with your
quency and impact of these mes- sages. It's a good way to temper a values, being careful to differen-
sages. powerful influence. tiate between the two.
• Trust his ability to make good
It also makes sense to monitor Peer Power decisions, if given information
films, T.V., radio and web sites and taught the skills.
our children tune into, realizing It's important to talk with 6th
we can never completely isolate graders about sexual (mis) infor- Peer influence isn't confined to
them from questionable or of- mation and peer pressure. sex, OR youth. We contend with
fensive messages. Despite house it at some level throughout our
rules and guidelines, children are A good way to broach the subject lives. Your child will benefit
often exposed to inappropriate from learning how to deal with it

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 6 - No. 5

What Do I Say About ... ther. But expressing your personal “Then what would I do? How
beliefs about an issue isn't the would I handle that?” It’s a tough
When it comes to discussing sex- same as trying to force someone one, all right… facing the fact
ual values with your children, say else to accept them. It's all in the that ultimately our children form
what you believe. It's that simple delivery. For example, a parent their own opinions and develop
(or that difficult). Premarital sex. might say, “I believe teens are too their own value systems – which
Birth control. Teen pregnancy. young to have sex. There are may or may not be in line with
Sexual orientation. These are a good reasons to wait (such as: ours.
few of the issues milling about there's a lot of responsibility and
the minds of 6th graders. Pro- emotional implications which It's also true that most children
vided the opportunity and an at- most teens are not ready to ac- eventually adopt many of the
mosphere of trust and safety, cept; they may feel pressured into family values. Nonetheless, they
young people ask lots of ques- it, and wind up feeling regretful; need the opportunity to examine,
tions about these and other sexual the risk of pregnancy or sexually question, challenge. Would you
topics. transmitted infections).” rather your child test out ideas
and views about sexuality in an
They're anxious to hear the facts... arena of open communication
•“I don't want my son to think with mom and dad - or through
AND what mom and dad think.
that as long as teens use birth experimentation?
Often, mom and dad aren't quite
control, it's ok for them to have
sure what to say or how to say it.
sex.” Fine. Don't tell him that. Encourage the discussion of sex-
So they may opt to avoid the sub-
Informing youth about birth con- ual issues, remembering to listen
ject altogether, hoping the kids
trol is not an open invitation for to your child's views as well as
won't bring it up... which they
them to have sex. Parents may state your own. Take on the con-
won't if the impression is that
fear they are giving a double or troversy. Say what you believe,
mom and dad would rather not
contradictory message (“Don't do taking care to present the facts
talk about it.
it... but if you do, use a con- as well as what you value... while
dom.”). Such is not the case if not confusing the two.
Let's look at some reasons parents
information AND values are
are unsure of what to say or how
shared. The result is a loving, RESOURCES:
to say it:
helpful message. For example: “I
don't think teenagers should have Beyond the Birds and Bees
•“I don't want to encourage
sex. And, I realize that many do. Beverly Engel, M.A., M.F.C.C.
her.” A common fear, but listen:
It's important that they protect How to Talk to Your Child
your youngster needs no encour-
themselves from pregnancy and About Sexuality Planned Par-
agement. She's getting plenty
sexually transmitted infections.” enthood
from peers, from the media...
maybe it's time she heard from It's Perfectly Normal: Chang-
Could it be that some parents ing Bodies, Sex and Sexual
avoid discussing controversial Health Robie Harris
sexual issues for fear their chil-
•“I don't want to preach.” Good.
dren may not accept their beliefs?
Your children don't want that ei-

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 7 - No. 1

Speak Up! your worries are the “ideas” you ten they are devastating: prema-
might put into your child’s head. ture sexual activity, teenage preg-
Remember what the middle The reality is, your 7th grader is nancy, sexually transmitted infec-
school years were like? An emo- exposed to a daily barrage of sex- tions. These are just a few of the
tional roller coaster: hormone ual messages... from peers and the consequences of sexual igno-
madness and changing bodies; a media. The messages are fre- rance.
very shaky self-concept; novel quently inaccurate, irresponsible,
interest in the same or other sex - even exploitive! So, mom and dad, put those old
which is exciting, awkward, con- anxieties back where they belong
fusing - all at the same time; a As parents, you’re in an ideal po- - and remember what you already
simultaneous craving for and fear sition to clean up sexual “myth- know: your children need and de-
of new freedom... independence information.” The “ideas” you’ll serve to hear from you about all
from mom and dad. be putting into your child’s head the issues of importance to their
are about your family values lives... including sexuality.
Middle school: the wonder years. around sexuality; they’re about
Young people wonder, “Will I accurate information; respectful, During the wonder years, kids
ever be normal?” Parents won- positive attitudes toward sexual- and parents have loads of things
der, “Will this ever end?” ity; and about love, trust and sup- they’re concerned about, confused
port. by, frightened of. Making it safe
Clearly, life’s a challenge in mid- for the family to talk about sexu-
dle school... for all involved. It’s But what about the fear that ality lightens the load. Difficult?
a time when parent/child conver- knowledge equals activity - that Embarrassing? Awkward? Sure!
sations of any sort can be tough; giving kids information on all this And well worth the effort.
conversations about sexual is- adult stuff might encourage sex-
sues…impossible! ual experimentation? Stuck for an icebreaker? Try
something heartfelt and honest,
For parents, there’s a temptation Research indicates that such is like, “You know, talking about
to shy away from the subject. Old not the case. In fact, teens are far sex is a little uncomfortable for
anxieties come back to haunt us. more likely to learn by doing me. I imagine it’s hard for you
Concerns like: “Maybe all this when they have been kept igno- too. I do think it’s important that
discussion with children about rant (innocent?); have been given we talk, so... maybe we can help
sex isn’t such a good thing. We little or no opportunity to talk each other out, ok?”
don’t want to encourage them... openly with parents or other
you know, put ideas into their trusted adults about sexual issues; Broach the subject by using
heads.” Or: “Is it a mistake to and when their sex “education” “teachable moments” like a news
talk about this so openly with has been left to peers and the me- story on HIV or teen pregnancy.
kids? Why not let them stay in- dia. Watch TV. together and discuss
nocent as long as they can? the sexual messages you notice.
There’s plenty of time for them to Surely, as a parent you do not Take any and all opportunities
learn about all this adult stuff.” want to leave your child’s sexual you can, mom and dad, to put
learning to chance. The results of your ideas into your child’s head!
Sound familiar? Rest assured, “trial and error” sexuality educa-
mom and dad, the very least of tion are disheartening at best. Of-

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 7 - No. 2

Puberty 101 goes along with conversations GENERAL ORDER - GIRLS:

related to sexuality... and you can 1. Breast budding (between ages
Puberty. Almost sounds like a appreciate their dilemma. 8-13)
disease. For those experiencing 2. Hips broaden
it, it often feels like one. Of So, mom and dad, initiate the 3. Straight pubic hair
course, much of that has to do conversation. Just in case your 4. Growth spurt
with the incredible physical memories of puberty have mel- 5. Pubic hair becomes kinky
changes that occur: hormones lowed over time, here are some of 6. Menstruation (about 2 years
surging, bodies transforming the more pressing concerns: after start of breast development)
(usually into sizes and shapes that 7. Underarm hair
I’m the tallest (shortest, skinniest,
are NEVER right!).
fattest) kid in the class. I hate it! GENERAL ORDER - BOYS:
And let’s not overlook (as if we Will my penis ever grow? Why am 1. Growth of testes and scrotum
could) the emotional upheaval I so flat chested? I’m the only (between ages 10-13.5)
that accompanies puberty: intense girl I know who hasn’t gotten ’it’ 2. Straight pubic hair
feelings of excitement, anxiety, (my period). AM I NORMAL? 3. Early voice change
happiness, anger, sorrow, de- 4. First ejaculation (about 1 year
Parents can spare their children after testicular growth)
light... perhaps all within a matter
anxiety by sharing the details of 5. Pubic hair becomes kinky
of hours! Imagine experiencing
how this puberty business works. 6. Growth spurt
such major change without under-
standing - without having a clue People grow and change at their 7. Underarm hair
that it’s all perfectly normal! own rate, whether they like it or 8. Significant voice change
not. AND, they begin the process 9. Beard develops
You can ease your child’s passage
of sexual development at the time When children can gauge their
through the puberty “weird
that’s right for them. Some start own development against this
years.” Help equip your
early, some late... either way, it’s kind of roadmap, they feel more
son/daughter for the journey -
perfectly normal. assured that they’re on track.
with information, support, and
plenty of opportunity to share Offer your 7th grader a rundown Remember too, that puberty is
thoughts, feelings, and questions. of physical changes to expect dur- more than just physical change.
ing puberty. The entire process Emerging sexual feelings, emo-
Although they’re dying for an-
takes place over 4-5 years. It’s tions, relationships, stresses...
swers as well as reassurance,
marked by a series of events these are all part of the journey,
many 7th graders are reluctant to
which occur in a fairly predictable and can be especially difficult to
approach mom and dad with their
sequence, although some young discuss. Here are some good re-
concerns. Don’t mistake their
people follow a slightly different sources to assist you:
silence as a sign that they know it
sequence - and that’s normal too!
all or don’t want to talk about it.
Explaining this to your child is far What’s Happening to My Body? for
Sometimes their confusion is so
more useful than simply saying, Boys/for Girls L. Madaras
great, they don’t even know what
“Don’t worry. Your body knows It’s Perfectly Normal: Growing Up,
to ask or how to begin! Add to
exactly what it’s doing.” Changing Bodies and Sexual Health
that the awkwardness that often
Robie Harris

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 7 - No. 3

The Dating Game never let me live it down! But more than parents realize. One
you know, I bet a lot of them se- mother commented, “I didn’t
“I’m just not interested in having cretly felt the same way I did.” know half that stuff ’til I was out
a girlfriend, but that’s all my of college!” Her husband added,
friends talk about! Am I weird or “I wonder too about young people “A lot of it I still don’t know!”
something?” who are attracted to their same
gender friends. With all the pres- It’s true. Today’s adolescents
Middle schools are filled with sure to have a boyfriend or girl- confront sophisticated, complex
many who fret, “What’s wrong friend, they must feel pretty iso- issues. In trying to provide in-
with me!?” if they’re not yet in- lated and afraid to talk about their formation and guidance parents
terested in the other gender. Me- feelings.” often recognize deficiencies in
dia and peer pressure to be in- their own sexual knowledge. It’s
volved in early relationships This kind of conversation is a easy to feel overwhelmed about
heighten the anxiety. nice acknowledgement that not all what to say and when to begin...
people have romantic feelings for
“I wish I was popular like Karen. or relationships with someone of If you value family communica-
All the boys like her.” Disap- the other gender. It opens the tion about sex, if you recognize
pointment, bruised self-esteem, se- door for your child to discuss this that complicated issues must be
cret fears and hurts rarely expressed with you if they are questioning addressed, and if you are commit-
to anyone - especially parents. their own sexuality. ted to working through any dis-
comfort or resistance you and/or
Although your child may not be By initiating discussions about your child may feel about discuss-
dating for a while, recognize that these issues, you can help relieve ing these issues, you’re well on
many 7th graders sample the social pressures your children the way.
boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. may be experiencing. Explore feel-
Help your child understand that ings and situations that can arise Specifics and practical “how to’s”
people develop social readiness at when romantic interests begin to of family sex education can be
their own rate. Acknowledge it’s emerge. Even if your child isn’t acquired as you go along. There
often confusing to be surrounded ready (or willing) to talk freely are many resources to assist you.
by friends who vary greatly on the about this, you won’t be wasting Planned Parenthood is an
readiness scale. your time. The message will still excellent source for speakers,
be heard: “If you find you’re feel- books and pamphlets. Community
Even if your child hasn’t ex-
ing confused about this, please schools and colleges may offer
pressed concerns about this,
know that I’m here for you. I’ll parenting classes that address
bring it up... just to be sure.
listen, try to understand, and who sexuality issues. Physicians,
Break the ice with your own rec-
knows? Maybe I can help.” family counselors and members
ollections of 7th grade:
of the clergy often have valuable
“I remember 7th grade brought A Little Help From insights on sex education.
lots of worries about dating and Friends...
These resources can be a wonder-
relationships. Me? I could have
The depth of sexuality education ful support... check them out!
cared less at the time, but I didn’t
required by 7th graders may be
dare admit it. My friends would

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 7 - No. 4

Kids Need to Know; CONSIDER THIS: early - before they become imme-
Parents Need to Tell Them • More than half of all 17-year- diate issues, and thus a possible
olds have had sex. source of controversy between
• 1 in 10 U.S. females aged 15-19 parent and child.
“How do you make a baby?” Re- becomes pregnant each year -
member the first time your little 84% unintentionally.
Most 7th graders are capable of
one posed THE QUESTION? • 1 in 6 teens contracts a sexually
understanding the broader impli-
You recall with amusement (or transmitted infection.
cations of sexual relationships.
chagrin!) the impish delight with
Recognize these young people are Not yet deeply involved, they're
which s/he repeated (and re-
very much like the friends and better able to have calm, rational
peated) the question - for all the
schoolmates of your own chil- discussions with mom and dad
people in the grocery store to
dren. They may be your own chil- about why some teens might
hear! S/he delivered the line with
dren, your nieces and nephews. choose to have sexual intercourse
such volume, such clarity... and
They come from all socio- - including the responsibilities
economic levels, ethnic back- involved and possible conse-
grounds, and religious affilia- quences.
“How do you make a baby?” A
legitimate question, yet one that tions. They remind us that teen
sex and pregnancy are not con- Granted, the conversation may feel
so frequently catches parents off
fined to big cities, or specific ra- a bit awkward or uncomfortable at
guard and unprepared. Why?
cial or economic groups. first, especially if the family has
Maybe we just never expected the
little history of open sexual discus-
issue to crop up at such an early
No, these are problems of sexual sion. That's ok. The process may
ignorance... and sexual ignorance take time. Be patient and gentle -
cuts across all lines. with your child and yourself.
That little one is now a 7th
grader... perhaps with parents
Comparatively speaking, “How This is a perfect opportunity for
who are still caught off guard and
do you make a baby?” is a piece parents to share personal values
unprepared when it comes to
of cake. Now the questions are far and attitudes around sexuality, in a
sexuality and youth.
more intense. Given the social/ non-threatening, non-judgmental
sexual pressures faced by adoles- manner. It's also a good time to
It's easy to understand how this
cents today, clear, open and ex- clean up any misinformation about
can happen. After all, sexual in-
plicit family communication is the mechanics of reproduction... as
volvement, unintended preg-
essential. well as other sexual issues.
nancy, HIV/AIDS, sexually
transmitted infections, birth con-
Please know that family discus- Despite all that young people
trol... surely we would never ex-
sions about sex need not be con- have heard about sexuality - from
pect these issues to crop up at
ducted with a sense of urgency or family, peers and the media, it's
such an early age. Yet they are the
doom. Parents are encouraged to amazing how little they really
very issues parents need to ad-
address issues such as sexual in- know or understand. And, it's
dress, especially with their 13-
tercourse, teenage pregnancy and surprising how much they need to
and 14-year-olds.
sexually transmitted infections know... at such an early age.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 7 - No. 5

Have You Hugged Your lack of connection, for both par- respect that you’re not a little girl
Kid Today? ents and children. anymore. I’m not sure whether
you feel comfortable with all that
Anxieties surrounding puberty are When struggling with questions physical affection, so I find my-
very big indeed. With attention of physical touch and affection, self being cautious about touching
focused on easing young people parents might consider this: Pu- you. Can I count on you to let me
through this transition, parent berty is a time when young people know what’s OK and what isn’t?”
concerns are often overlooked. desperately want to feel normal,
accepted, and loved. It’s a time Of course, remind your child, “No
Puberty is truly an awkward time when kids need support, reassur- one - including family members -
for mom and dad. Watching sons ance, and appropriate physical has the right to touch or approach
and daughters mature sexually is contact which says “You’re OK.” you in ways that make you un-
both delightful and disconcerting comfortable. Listen to your feel-
as parents struggle to relate to The need is there, and often in- ings, and tell that person to stop.
their new “growing up person,” tense. Yet a 7th grader rarely Tell an adult you trust.”
Ambivalence toward your child’s admits, “I’d sure love a hug
blossoming sexuality is perfectly right now.” To confuse you This whole “touchy” business is
normal. even more, mom and dad, s/he very personal - and different from
may outwardly resist your offers family to family. Some of us
Uncertainty can be especially of affection. Respect that, cer- were raised on a diet of hugs,
great for the other gender parent tainly - and, recognize it’s still kisses, snuggling... and we feel
who may misinterpret puberty as important to offer. more or less comfortable with
a signal to “back off” physically. that. For others, overt displays of
Vague questions can arise about It’s truly a dilemma: parents are affection are, and perhaps always
“appropriate” touch, particularly expected to have a magical sixth were, uncomfortable. There’s no
between fathers and daughters. sense about their children’s needs right or wrong way to feel about
and feelings (despite the fact that this issue.
Perhaps it’s the deeply ingrained they are often masked by contra-
incest taboo or the misconception dictory behaviors)! The point is, whether it’s a hug,
that at this age, “kids no longer kiss, squeeze of the shoulder -
want or need the physical affec- Puberty is indeed a difficult time whatever - giving and receiving
tion.” Whatever the reason, hugs, ... made even more difficult by appropriate physical touch that
kisses, and physical touch so miscommunication, and reluc- expresses warmth and caring is
freely shared before may now be- tance to acknowledge and talk important to all of us. Our need
come awkward and strained. about the fears. Why not share for that doesn’t change - even
with your child your uncertainty? with puberty. If anything, per-
It’s painful and confusing. To a
One father expressed it to his 13- haps the need becomes greater.
child experiencing the usual inse-
year-old daughter this way: “Sara, So, rather than presume to know
curities of puberty, this unex-
I often find myself wanting to your child’s feelings or how s/he
plained withdrawal of affection is
scoop you up and hug and kiss wants you to act around
especially troubling. The result
you just like when you were a lit- this issue….ASK!
can be loneliness, confusion and
tle girl. I really miss that. And I

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 8 - No. 1

Strains and Gains 1. letting go - allowing children then assist them in learning the
the freedom to develop their lessons;
Guiding children through adoles- separate identities.
2. establishing an atmosphere of • express the family values and
cence is an incredible challenge. beliefs... then accept that the chil-
Despite the wisdom gleaned from safety and acceptance - in
which attitudes and values can dren may not fully embrace them;
their own life experiences, par-
ents often feel unprepared for is- be explored, tested, challenged. • listen, without judgment, to
sues currently facing teens. Les- ideas expressed by children... then
sons from our own adolescence Heavy stuff... thus the “horror, recognize the need to offer input -
may not hold true for today's pain and difficulty.” Yet, when not dictates - based on personal
youth. you understand the parent/child beliefs.
roles during adolescence, you can
It's also true that during their more effectively offer guidance Sounds good... but how to apply
children's teen years, parents are and support. it? Especially with tough issues
given an amazing gift: the oppor- like sex? How can parents help
tunity to guide and support a For parents, it's unsettling to real- kids make wise choices about
young person in becoming capa- ize, “I don't have the ultimate their sexual behavior in a world
ble and independent. power to create how my child's that is sexually explicit and per-
life will be.” Long before their missive?
“You call raising adolescents a teen years, we recognize that, in
'gift'?” laughed one parent. “It's the long run, kids make their own You can only do your best... and
the biggest struggle of my life! decisions. Parent influence carries there are no guarantees. Still, you
Rebellion! Turmoil! The com- some weight, but wanes over can build the odds in your child's
plete absence of rational discus- time. Which is ok. After all, we're favor. Speak truthfully and sin-
sion. Hah! Some gift!” raising children to be responsible cerely with your child about sex.
adults, capable (we hope) of mak- Offer the facts s/he needs to be
It may be tempting to equate ing healthy choices in their lives. informed and safe - along with
adolescence with horror... but your personal values - without
to the extent parents focus on Teens may select paths and adopt suggesting they are one and the
the difficulties and pain, they values that are different from our same.
miss the joys. own, or not what we'd prefer. That's
hard for parents to accept particu- Your 8th grader deserves to hear
For young people, two major larly when the issues are so very information about sexual devel-
tasks are at hand: big: relationships, sex, drugs, etc. opment, intercourse, pregnancy,
1. establishing independence - as- sexually transmitted infections,
serting themselves as separate Amidst all of this, parents are ex- birth control... as well as your be-
and distinct from mom and dad. pected to let go, yet still provide liefs around these issues. Many
2. defining/clarifying a personal guidance. This requires that they: young teens are experimenting
value system. with risky sexual behaviors! And
Simultaneously, parents face their • offer opportunities for children it simply isn't enough for parents
own tasks: to make their own mistakes... to say, "Don't!”

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 8 - No. 2

But I'd Rather Talk To ... lies? Parents working to be both them a deep sense of being cared
mom and dad to their teenagers So what about single parents or
As young people physically and confess they struggle with sexual- about, understood and accepted.
sexually develop during adoles- ity issues. They might consider
cence, they're inclined to want to calling upon grandparents, aunts, The special bond they experience
discuss related concerns with the uncles, etc. to fill their child's with this person often allows
same-gender parent or adult. (as- need for same-gender role mod- them to feel safe to seek advice or
suming they're OK talking about els. share their feelings and concems.
the issue to begin with!) They may try to spend as much
As parents address these special time as possible with this person,
“I always had such a close adolescent needs, they create op- and may even feel jealous or up-
relationship with my son, Tim,” portunities to keep communica- set if the relationship changes.
one mother recalls. I prided tion open, share information and
myself in communicating openly family values, and assist children Such feelings can be terribly con-
with him about sexuality since he in feeling confident and comfort- fusing to a young person - and to
was very young. Tim's dad rarely able with their changing sexual parents. If you're concerned about
involved himself in those selves. the relationship or believe your
discussions.” child may have concerns, talk
“So, I was surprised - and I admit, Confusing Connections? with him or her about it. Have an
hurt - when Tim began confiding open discussion about what de-
more in his father. Now he pre- fines a healthy friendship. Talk
“I understand this business of
fers to talk to his dad about sexual about the importance of honesty
same-gender role models and
issues. I wondered if I'd said or and respect in a relationship - no
confidants during adolescence.
done something wrong.” hidden motives or manipulation.
What I don't understandis this in-
tense “attachment” Rick has to Friends care about each other
Sounds like Tim is a typical young with no strings attached. If that's
man, gravitating toward dad, espe- his teacher, Mr. Brown. It's as
though Rick has a crush on the not the case, maybe it's time to
cially when the subject turns to reconsider the relationship.
sexuality. That doesn't mean, mom, guy! Is this... normal?”
that your input is no longer impor- Adolescents have many hidden
tant. Continue to let Tim know It's not necessarily an indication anxieties about sexual orientation.
you're there for him. And, respect that Rick is gay, if that's what you “How can you tell if a person's
that at this stage of his life, Tim mean. And crush is a good descrip- gay?” “If a person masturbates,
feels more comfortable discussing tion of what's likely going on. It's does that mean s/he's gay?” “Lisa
“guy stuff” with a guy. This a nice common for adolescents to develop and Ann are always together.
opportunity for Tim to develop the a strong connection to a same- They must be more than just
sharing and trust with his dad that gender person of importance in ‘friends,’ don't you think?”
he's long enjoyed with you. their lives: a teacher, coach, per-
haps even a classmate. This person Lots of questions, confusion...
So what about single parents or might be someone they greatly ad- whether they're verbalized or not.
gay- and lesbian- headed fami- mire, or someone they want to be Initiate the conversation, and help
like. Such friendship may offer your child sort it out.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 8 - No. 3

Knowledge Is Power might say something like: “Your times, their views may be quite
father and I believe strongly that different from yours (and thus,
Talking with your teenager about teenagers are not ready for the hard to hear). Make it safe for
the pleasures, responsibilities and emotions, responsibilities and your teenager to express personal
risks of sex does not imply that risks that go along with sexual thoughts without fear of judgment
you sanction teens having sex. intercourse. We believe in wait- or repercussions. If s/he is met
Birth control, pregnancy, sexually ing until (you fill in the blank: with anger or intimidation, s/he
transmitted infections (STI’s) and marriage, a particular age, a won’t be back a second time.
HIV - these are just a few of the committed, mature relationship... And you will miss the chance to
sensitive issues young people whatever you’re comfortable explore and evaluate a variety of
need to understand. When par- with). If young people do have ideas with your child.
ents are forthright and honest in sex, they need to protect them-
discussing such topics, they help selves from unintended pregnancy Within such discussions, many
their children develop respect for by using effective birth control worthwhile points can be made...
intimate relationships. and reduce the risk of infection by about love, intimacy, reasons why
using condoms.” people have sex (both good and
As part of this, of course, parents not-so-good), peer pressure, ex-
“Our hope is that you confide in ploitation, delaying sex... a wealth
share personal values, religious
us if you’re ever wrestling with of important stuff! A genuine
beliefs, moral viewpoints, etc.
decisions about sex. We’ll do all give-and-take of ideas can allow
Certainly, children want, need
we can to listen and to offer you your child to sort out the issues
and deserve that.
information and guidance to con- and draw some conclusions -
sider in making your choice. Our hopefully before s/he is con-
While no one suggests that these
highest priority is your well- fronted with making the choices.
discussions be a “how to” man-
being, so we want you to be in-
ual, sexual specifics are important
to the health and well being of
teenagers. Without such informa- “I’ve told you how mom and I Teenage Sexual Health
tion, they are less able to make feel. I’m interested in hearing Amelia M. Withington, David A.
positive, appropriate choices your thoughts about this.” Grimes, Robert A. Hatcher
around sexuality. Facts about Talking With Your Teenager
birth control, risk of pregnancy, Please know that offering such Ruth Bell & Leni Ziegler Wild-
how HIV and other STI’s can be messages to young people does flower
contracted and prevented: how not encourage them to have sex. Straight from the Heart Carol
does a parent approach such sen- Rather, teenagers who are denied Cassell
sitive topics without fear of giv- such information and communi-
ing a double message (“Don’t do cation are more likely to risk un-
it... but if you do, use a con- protected sex.
Remember the importance of lis-
You can communicate a loving, tening to your children’s opinions
practical message. A parent on these issues... even though at

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 8 - No. 4

Facts About HIV/AIDS reinforcement of information and food with an infected person, be-
opportunity to share family values ing sneezed or coughed on by an
* * * * * and parental guidance. HIV+ person: none of these is
• 1 in 6 teens contracts a sexually risky.
8th graders should understand • AIDS cannot be cured at this
transmitted infection.
the following: time. HIV infection can be pre-
• 4 in 10 girls aged 14 will be-
come pregnant at least once by vented. The only 100% prevention
• AIDS is caused by HIV (human is abstaining from sharing needles
age 20. immunodeficiency virus). Once in
The same activity that puts young and risky sexual behaviors.
the bloodstream, HIV weakens the • There are medications that can
people at risk of pregnancy and immune system so the body cannot
sexually transmitted infections slow down the progression of
effectively fight off disease. HIV, but they are not effective for
(STIs) also puts them at risk of • The 4 body fluids known to
HIV infection. everyone, and they aren't a cure.
transmit HIV are blood, semen, The person is still infected with
* * * * * vaginal fluid and breast milk. Risk HIV, and can infect others.
behaviors are activities that in- • If a person does have sexual in-
You never imagined talking so volve exposure to these fluids, for
explicitly with your children tercourse, s/he should know that:
example: unprotected intercourse the more sexual partners, the
about sex. Yet currently, no vac- (vaginal, anal or oral) with an in-
cine or medicine can prevent or greater the risk of exposure; cor-
fected person; sharing needles rect and consistent use of latex
cure AIDS. You're painfully (used for injection drugs, steroids,
aware that some teens have sex at condoms offers protection against
etc.) with an infected person. (Do the spread of HIV and other STIs.
young ages, and their experimen- not share razors, body piercing
tation with sex and drugs puts (Share information on correct con-
needles or tattooing instruments.) dom use. This is not a 100% guar-
them at risk of HIV. You know • HIV can be passed from mother
the best protection you can offer antee, but is highly effective. Birth
to baby during pregnancy, birth or control pills and other contracep-
is education. Surely you want to breast feeding.
provide that. tives reduce the risk of pregnancy,
• People have contracted HIV but only abstinence and latex con-
from blood transfusions. Since doms protect against HIV and
It's time for significant detail 1985, donated blood and blood
about HIV transmission and pre- other STI's.)
products have been screened for
vention... to clear up misconcep- the virus, so the risk of receiving
tions or fears your children may Although family discussions
infected blood is miniscule. about HIV / AIDS / STIs can be
have.... and to keep them safe. • HIV does not discriminate. It af- uncomfortable and difficult, they
fects people of all ages, races, re- can also be empowering... that's
Preview the HIV curriculum be- ligions. It is not confined to gay
ing used at school to supplement the good news.
men or injection drug users. Any-
and support the program at home. one engaging in risky behaviors
While many students receive can be exposed to the virus.
classroom instruction on this and • HIV is not transmitted by casual
related sexual issues, family input contact. Hugging, kissing, sharing
is essential as well. This provides

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 8 - No. 5

Media Mania: Sex Sells with passionate interplay and to relationships, and the "macho"
sexual innuendoes. Song lyrics, image which discourages healthy
Parents recognize that while they music videos and billboards social/emotional development in
strongly influence their children's graphically depict sexy images. males.
lives, they're not the only ones. In
considering decisions about sexu- The sadness of it all is that we've
ality, young people hear many The media affect people in many become so accustomed to the lim-
voices: parents, friends, media. ways. Witnessing those "perfect" iting stereotypes in the media,
health professionals, the clergy - figures may leave us feeling in- that we're almost oblivious to
each contributing influence and adequate about our own bodies. them!
pressure which affect the choices. For adolescents in a stage of dra-
matic (usually awkward) devel- We need not sit idly by, simply
You can't guarantee that your opment, the impact can be devas- allowing this all to be. We can
sons and daughters won't have tating. By suggesting that the ul- empower our children by alerting
sexual intercourse during their timate love life and a desirable them to the pervasiveness as well
teen years. You can, however, body are of utmost importance, as the implications of sexual mes-
assist them with information, the media promote unrealistic ex- sages. Confront these messages
guidance, and strategies for deal- pectations. This can set teens up whenever they appear. Assert
ing with pressures that encourage for disappointment and dissatis- your feelings about them, and en-
sex among youth. While the pres- faction with themselves and their courage your child to do the
sures are many and powerful, relationships. same.
some of the most dramatic stem
from the media. Consider the fol- Sometimes the message is more As a family, examine how distor-
lowing national survey results: subtle. Consider sex role stereo- tions of the media influence atti-
typing. In ads, for example, who tudes and decisions around many
• The average viewer is exposed usually touts laundry soap, diet sexual issues: body image, rela-
yearly to 20,000+ sexually ex- foods, or quick and easy dinner tionships, male/female roles and
plicit messages on TV. menus? Women. Often associated expectations, readiness for sex,
• Teens spend approx. 24 hours with domestic chores and "softer" sexual responsibility, etc.
per week watching TV; 16 hours job responsibilities... "a great
per week listening to the radio. looker, but not too bright"... the Active viewing and analysis of
By age 18, the average student traditional female stereotype is media messages serve to place
has spent 15,000+ hours watching perpetuated by the media. young people back in the driver's
TV, but only 11,000 hours in seat regarding media influence in
school. Male roles tend to be equally sti- their lives. And that's exactly
fling. True, they're cast as more where we want them to be!
Explicit media messages about assertive, independent, powerful,
sexual behavior permeate our successful, intelligent... all of
lives - every day. Sex is used to which are viewed favorably. Yet
sell everything from swimwear to they also model lack of sensitiv-
toothpaste. TV sitcoms sizzle ity, a "one-track mind" approach

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 9 - No. 1

What I Really Want to If you added your message, what FOR TEENS TO ASK PARENTS:
would it be? • What did you enjoy most about
Know Is...
being a teenager? What was most
These questions may cause you difficult?
How can you tell you're in love? discomfort. You're being asked to • What did you learn growing up
What's it like to have sex? Do look deeply into your own values. that now helps you as an adult?
you just know what to do? How You may have difficulty putting • What's the best part about being
old should you be? How do you your feelings into words at first... a parent? The most difficult?
know if it's the right person? that's ok. The words may not form • Tell me about the day I was
easily, but that's no reason to avoid born.
A typical group of 9th graders the subject. Your children do care • How did you feel about other-
asked these questions at a recent what you think, feel and value. and same-gendered friends when
parent/teen workshop designed to They want to hear from you. you were my age? Did you have a
help families communicate about boyfriend/girlfriend? When were
sex. When asked to write down So how do you begin - especially you allowed to date?
(anonymously) what they really if you and your teen rarely (or • What was expected of you be-
wished they could discuss with never) talk with each other about cause of your gender? How do
parents, many teens listed these sexuality? First, realize this needn't you feel about those expectations
items. be THE BIG TALK. Young peo- now?
ple aren't just interested in sex. • How have you felt about physi-
Surprised? The parents were - at They want to know about the cal changes in your body?
first. But on further reflection, whole business of living: connect- • What would you change about
parents found they weren't really ing and relating to others and un- your body... if you could?
surprised by the questions. derstanding themselves. Sharing
Rather, they were caught off your innermost feelings about your FOR PARENTS TO ASK TEENS:
guard - and unprepared to answer. own life, your own growing up • What do you enjoy most about
years, can give kids insight... and being your age? What's most dif-
Teens wonder about love, sex, comfort. It opens doors for discus- ficult?
relationships. They want details: sion of lots of things... including • What's most important in your
how, why and when. They have sex. life now?
lists of curiosities and concerns, • What do you see as pros & cons
and are rarely encouraged to To start a conversation, consider of being male/female?
voice them. Often they don't feel the following interview used in • What are some things you look
safe enough to speak with parents the parent/teen workshop. This for in a friend?
about such intimate matters. can be a special sharing time for • What do you wish we could talk
you and your child. Begin by about more openly together?
Assume that given the chance, agreeing on ground rules, for • How have you felt about the
your 9th grader would ask you example: physical changes in your body?
about all of this. Wouldn't you 1. All that is shared is confiden- • What would you change about
like to share your ideas? After all, tial; 2. You can speak honestly, your body... if you could?
peers and the media certainly without fear of consequences; 3.
spread their messages about sex. You can pass if you choose; etc.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 9 - No. 2

Walls ... and Bridges unnerved, or just plain at a loss (not at) one another enhance
once the adolescent years hit. young people's ability to make
Premarital sex, HIV/AIDS, sexu- thoughtful choices.
ally transmitted infections. Safer Yes, the issues are far more com-
sex. Love, commitment, intimacy, plex... AND, it's more than that. As you speak with your child
relationships. The parent/child roles change about issues such as birth control,
significantly. With small children, teen pregnancy, etc., your respon-
Visualize having a frank and open parents essentially set the rules, sibility to present family values
discussion with your 9th grader promote the values, and select the coexists with a responsibility to
about these issues. What fears, paths for learning and growth. provide factual information.
concerns or emotions get in the With adolescents, parents discuss Teenagers can accept a parent
way for you? (perhaps negotiate) rules and of- message that endorses abstinence
fer a rationale for their impor- as well as the importance of sex-
Communicating with youth about tance. Values continue to be em- ual protection for those choosing
sex. As parents, we should be do- phasized and promoted... but at to have intercourse. These are not
ing it ... most of us want to be do- times with a panicked assertive- mutually exclusive values. They're
ing it ... but often don't. Because ness (which can trigger anger, not contradictions. This is a lov-
of the stuff that gets in the way. frustration... and an end to the ing message which assists teens
Stuff like FEAR (“What if my conversation). A very real fear is in developing positive, respectful
son rejects the values I so want that our children may balk at attitudes and behaviors around
him to live by?”) ; CONFUSION some core beliefs and attitudes sexuality. Unlike “Just say no”,
(“If I discuss birth control or we want them to embrace. it's a message that gets through to
'safer sex' practices with my kids; that supports growth, matur-
daughter, won't she think I ap- Ultimately, teens challenge, test, ity and thoughtful deci-
prove of her having sex?) ; EM- and accept, reject or modify their sion-making.
BARRASSMENT (“I feel awk- parents' values. Studies show that
ward even using the words 'penis' adolescents endorse many of the Remember: the stuff that gets in
and 'vagina'... how in the world family's basic values and beliefs. the way of open parent/teen
can I possibly talk about anal in- It is also true is that they accept communication about sex is the
tercourse as a behavior that in- (at least temporarily) the values same stuff that sabotages the
creases the risk of HIV infec- endorsed by their peers. growth of positive and responsi-
ble sexual beliefs and behaviors.
tion?”); LACK OF INFOR-
You can create safety within the It is the very stuff that results in
MATION (“Menstrual cycle...
family for your children to dis- kids at risk. And... it is also the
wet dreams... I know the basics,
cuss or question differing val- stuff we can confront, challenge,
but I haven't a clue about all the
ues. Encourage them to think out and change!
details. “).
loud, to examine beliefs and the
Even parents who were fairly possible impact of going with (or
open about sexual discussions against) those beliefs. Frank dis-
when their children were little cussions in which parents and
will often find themselves stuck, children listen to and speak with

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 9 - No. 3

Peer Power me, you would.” Or, “What's the Help your children sort out the
big deal? Everybody else is doing possible effects of sexual deci-
In a nationwide poll, teens named it.” sions before they face the
social pressure as a major reason choices. Ask them to weigh any
young people don't wait until Encourage your teen to find crea- consequences of saying “no” to
they're older to have sexual inter- tive replies to such lines: “If you sexual activity, as well as saying
course. Males and females said really cared about me, you “yes.” Describe situations and
they personally felt pressured by wouldn't push me into something ask them to consider the out-
peers to go farther with sexual I'm not ready for.” “If everybody comes. Talk about “set-ups” - in
activity than they wanted. else is doing it, you don't need me which sexual activity is more
to.” It helps to practice words in likely to occur. For example:
Peer influence is especially pow- response to verbal pressures. “What if Diane decides to spend
erful during the teen years. Eager the day at her boyfriend's when no
for approval, acceptance and Given an opportunity, many boys one else is home?” “What if Kurt
popularity, young people often express frustration with pressure and his girlfriend go to a party
see no other alternative than go- they feel from male peers. “You where they drink alcohol (or do
ing along with the crowd. didn't do anything? What's wrong drugs)? How might that affect
with you? Come on, be a man.” their decisions about sex?”
Parents feel anxious about this for “Go for it - even if she says 'no,'
many reasons, including the rec- that only means she wants to be Help your teenager decide on ac-
ognition that their own influence talked into it.” ceptable, responsible ways of ex-
is declining. It's tempting to sim- pressing love, affection, sexuality.
ply lay down the law: “No argu- The typical locker room is filled If you believe sexual intercourse
ment... just do as I tell you.” This with tales of sexual exploits: little is not OK for teens, by all means,
may bring short-term compliance truth, and lots of fabrication. For say so... then discuss what sexual
from a teen (along with anger and a sexually inexperienced male, expression is OK.
resentment). But the long-term the anxiety mounts. Having a
goal gets lost: teaching adoles- quick response can take the edge Young people need support in
cents to make thoughtful deci- off. Something like... “Look, preparing for sexual pressures
sions; to deal with issues, chal- what my girlfriend and I do to- they're likely to face. Don't just
lenges and peer pressure when gether is no one's business. I don't assume they know enough to stay
mom and dad are not there. need to prove anything to you or out of those situations. Help them
anyone else.” develop the skills to get out of
Parents can help teens build those situations - just in case they
knowledge, skills, and a vocabu- Let your teens know you under- land in one.
lary to confront peer pressure stand how intense sexual feelings
around sexual decision-making. can be during adolescence. Re-
This requires an appreciation of mind them that these perfectly
how that pressure might work. normal feelings can be confusing.
For example, some girls feel pres- It may be difficult to know what
sured by boyfriends: “If you loved to do, how to act.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 9 - No. 4

Other Side of the Coin ... own beliefs and values. Whether gers; perhaps to promote certain
you wish to emphasize marriage, values and beliefs.
• Each year, 1 in 10 U.S. teen or a mature, committed relation-
girls becomes pregnant, 84% ship, or whatever... please rein- Parents may avoid talking
unintentionally. force that sex, at the right time, about the joys and pleasures of
• 8 in 10 young mothers who can be a delightful expression of sexual intercourse because they
give birth by age 18 never finish love, sharing, connection, etc. fear encouraging teens. Re-
high school. member, teenagers are already
• 1 in 6 teens contracts a sexu- Yes, sexual relationships can also encouraged to try sex... by the
ally transmitted infection. lead to serious problems, espe- “mythinformation” broadcast by
cially for the young, the unin- peers; by distortions in the media;
Shocking statistics mark the diffi- formed, the unprepared. If we by their own curiosity and emerg-
culties surrounding teenage sex- present only that angle, however ing sexual feelings. Parental si-
ual activity. These problems de- we're giving incomplete, dis- lence will not temper such influ-
mand our attention and concern; torted, “sex-negative” messages. ence.
families must address such issues That is a disservice.
as they instruct teens about the Honest, loving family discussion
risks and responsibilities attached It is important to teach children about sexual experience does
to sex. that sex means different things to more to prevent the difficulties
different people. Misunderstand- of “sex too soon” than any scare
Amidst all of this, it's easy to lose ing a partner's views or expecta- tactics or half truths - no matter
sight of the fact that sexuality is a tions of what sex is all about can how well intentioned. One father
richly exciting and special part of result in confusion, unhappiness... stated it quite eloquently: “I want
life. Some parents tend to focus crises. Such is the pattern we fre- to raise my child to be a good
solely on the horrors that result quently see with teenage sexual lover. Not a performer, but a good
from “sex too soon,” and neglect activity - when sex typically hap- lover. To me that embodies love,
to share the rest of the story. pens with little or no communica- respect, honor, maturity, respon-
tion beforehand. The experience sibility, honesty, commitment,
It's important - and only fair - that is often disappointing at the very growth, intimacy, joy and pleas-
parents present intercourse as least... and many times filled with ure.”
more than just “the baby-making anxiety, guilt, embarrassment,
process.” Kids deserve to under- regret. Imagine if all parents raised their
stand that people have sex for children to be such “good lovers.”
many reasons, including intimacy Because parents want to warn The impact on their lives could be
and pleasure. (Teenagers strongly against all of this, they often fo- tremendous. And society may
suspect this anyway, so why not cus on the crises that can follow well see a reduction in the diffi-
talk about it?!) teen sex. They may do so with the culties of teen sexual behavior.
best of intentions: in an effort to
Of course you will talk with your spare children pain and unhappi-
9th grader about sexual expres- ness; to point out possible dan-
sion within the context of your

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 9 - No. 5

Time To Recap hold. So parents, remind your about sex, and to suggest ways in
children that: which that communication might
Many of the sexual topics dis- • Depending on a woman’s cycle, be fostered.
cussed with your child when s/he pregnancy may still be possible,
was younger take on more ur- even if intercourse happens dur- The following resources are very
gency and evoke new or immedi- ing (or just before, or just after) useful for specific details on a
ate interest during adolescence. your period. Assume there is no wide range of sexuality and other
You may think you have ex- “safe time” for teens to have un- issues. In addition, many of them
plained to death such issues as the protected sex. also provide valuable communi-
menstrual cycle, sexual relation- cation tips:
ships, pregnancy, childbirth, etc. • You can get pregnant if you
Surely your teen has a clear un- only have sex once... or once in a FOR TEENS:
derstanding of all this by now! while.
Not necessarily. At any rate, it Growing Up Feeling Good
doesn’t hurt to review, especially • Taking birth control pills offers Ellen Rosenberg
now that the issues are more per- protection against pregnancy, but Changing Bodies, Changing
tinent. not against sexually transmitted Lives Ruth Bell & Leni Ziegler
infections or HIV. Wildflower
This is a good time to remind The Teenage Body Book Guide
both boys and girls about the de- Misconceptions about sexual is- to Sexuality Kathy McCoy
velopment and workings of each sues are even held by many
other’s bodies. Let’s not isolate adults. Don’t be too surprised if FOR PARENTS:
by discussing the menstrual cycle you’re one of them. And you
only with daughters, or wet needn’t be concerned if you don’t Raising a Child Conservatively
dreams only with sons. Your have all the answers or if you’re in a Sexually Permissive World
daughters and sons will be in- unsure about the details. You Sol Gordon & Judith Gordon
teracting with the other gender don’t have to be a “sex-pert” to How to Talk With Your Child
throughout life. It’s important communicate with your children. About Sexuality Planned Par-
that they understand and ap- Fortunately, if you need assis- enthood Federation of America
preciate how each other’s bod- tance, there’s a great deal avail- Talking With Your Teenager
ies function. able. Ruth Bell & Leni Ziegler Wild-
This is also an ideal time to re- It’s not within the scope of this All About Sex: A Family Re-
emphasize cause and effect with newsletter series to provide thor- source on Sex and Sexuality
regard to sexual activity and ough coverage of sex education Planned Parenthood Federation of
issues. Rather, “There’s No Place America
pregnancy. You’d be amazed at
Like Home...” is designed to
how many high school students
help parents become more aware
still don’t get it . Their lack of
of the kinds of information young
understanding is apparent in the
people need; it’s intended to en-
misconceptions many of them courage family communication

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 10 - No. 1

Talking to Teens • “If I asked my dad about sex, ship is going to fall apart. I love
he'd think I was doing it!” you. I hope you can come to me
“I've never really talked much with your questions, concerns,
with my daughter about sex. But • “I'm still trying to figure out my ideas - no matter what the sub-
took she's in 10th grade... it's a own feelings about sex.. like when ject: sex, drugs, relationships,
little late now, don't you think? is the right time, who's the right school. I’ll do my best to listen, to
She’ll learn what she needs to in person, and all that. My folks understand, and help if I can. I
health class.” have pretty set ideas: you have don't often talk to you about these
sex if you're married. Period. I'm sorts of things because I wouldn't
Parents, it's never too late to talk not sure if I agree with that, but I want you to think I'm grilling you.
with your child about sex. True, wouldn't try to talk to them about But I am interested, and I'm here
the ideal is to begin when they're it. They'd just get mad.” if you need me.”
small. Still, your input is valuabie
at all stages of your child's devel- • “I think my parents would really Opening doors. No matter what
opment. And while health class is be hurt if I didn't agree with their your child's age, it's never too late
an important source of factual views about sex. So I don't talk to open doors. There may be dis-
information about sex, you are the about it.” agreements on important issues.
source of family values. Can you accept that... and still
Other teens avoid the subject be- keep the doors open? Seen
Teens need to know more than cause they think parents won't through adult eyes of experience,
just sexual facts. They want an- take them seriously: your teenager's concerns may
swers about the intangibles of • “My folks still think I'm a little seem trivial. Can you accept that,
sex. They're curious about the kid, and that little kids don't need and still treat those concerns seri-
emotions, about values and mor- to know this stuff.” ously? While your input is
als; they want support with dating wanted and needed, ultimately
pressures and expectations; • “If I even hint that I think some your teenager has to take charge,
they're confused about sexual guy at school is cute, mom teases be allowed to grow, and trusted to
feelings and urges; they wonder me. No way could I have a seri- make personal decisions. Can you
about love. ous discussion with her about accept that, knowing that in the
sex.” process s/he may choose differ-
Much of what they'd really like to ently from you, or that s/he will
know is highly personal... not Might some of these concerns be make mistakes?
health class material. Surveys getting in the way for your teen?
show that teens wish they could Imagine sitting down with your It takes effort to open doors and
ask mom and dad. 10th grader and saying something keep them open - extra effort if
like this: parents and kids have not talked
So what keeps teens from ap- “I really do care how you feel much about these personal issues
proaching parents with their con- about things, and I understand we in the past. But do try now. Par-
cern? A major obstacle is fear of won't always agree. That's ok. ents have so much to offer... and
being judged: Just because we have different children are so eager to know.
views doesn't mean our relation-

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 10 - No. 2

What's A Parent To Do!? 1. BE A HEALTHY, POSITIVE support builds a young person's

ROLE MODEL sense of self worth and can re-
Watching their own parents and duce the need to seek love, touch
This parenting business is an awe- other caring adults relate with one
some task ... awesome as in stress- and human connection in less
another, teens learn about love healthy ways.
ful, challenging, rewarding, scary, and intimacy. Through your be-
delightful, frustrating, powerful, havior, you can teach your chil- 3. PROMOTE A SENSE OF THE
and incredibly BIG... all at the dren how to create mature, loving FUTURE
same time. relationships (and how to cope Help your teenager plan and reach
with difficult ones). Help them goals. Encourage dreams, ambi-
Wanting the best for their chil- see that sex is wonderful, AND it tions and exploration of career
dren, parents struggle to find the has its place as part of the larger opportunities (avoiding stereo-
right answers, deliver the appro- picture. Emphasize commitment, typed male/female options). Vi-
priate guidance and create the love and communication as some sion and goals for a bright future
deal experiences. And as parents of the other critical pieces. will encourage responsible
face the awesomeness of parent- choices.
hood, their kids face the awe- Married and single parents alike
someness of “kidhood,” which can model loving, honest rela- 4. PAY ATTENTION TO THE
can be intense. tionships. The value of such ex- PROCESS
ample is clear. According to Dr. Growing up is just that - a proc-
Specific to sexuality, the confu- Sol Gordon, an expert in the field ess. Great opportunities for learn-
sion and anxieties of both parents of sexuality education: “The ing and insight occur all along the
and teens reach new heights. No quality of love and caring by par- way. They're easily missed if ado-
longer is it as simple as, “What ents or other important adults in lescence is viewed as a race or
about pregnancy?” Sexually a child's life is the single most survival course, the sole purpose
transmitted infections, HIV/ significant component of a child's being to get to the end.
AIDS, abortion... the stakes are sex education. “
high at a time when many young Help your teen take the process
people are sexually active and 2. REMAIN CONNECTED slowly, to remain attentive and to
sexually ignorant. Parental expressions of love, at- recognize that it's the experience
tention and support do not lose of the process - appreciation of
Gaining knowledge and skills to their importance or appeal during and learning from growth - which
make responsible sexual deci- the teen years. While they may results in true knowledge, aware-
sions is one of the most important not directly request - and may at ness and maturity.
challenges facing teens. Parents times resist - signs of affection
cannot guarantee right answers, from mom and dad, teenagers
appropriate guidance, and ideal need to hear and feel they are
experiences. Even if they could, loved. Hugs, kisses, a squeeze of
there are no guaranteed results. the hand, a pat on the back -
Parents can, however, build the whatever is agreed upon - please
odds in their children's favor: stay “in touch” with your teen.
Experiencing family love and

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 10 - No. 3

The Art of Setting Limits sexually transmitted infections, Be up front about your concerns
HIV and AIDS. You feel some- and the basis for your decisions.
Young people need and want lim- what justified retreating to the “Because I'm your parent, that's
its. Sure, they grumble, complain, tactics your own folks used with why!” is ineffective and cultivates
and generally storm about the you - the absolute rules enforced resentment and anger. Try this: “I
house insisting, “That's not fair! for your own good. know sexual urges and feelings
You’re treating me like a baby! can be so powerful. It's important
The other kids aren't treated like Yet you know strict prohibitions we agree on some limits which
this.” To which a typical (inef- can backfire. Rigid dictates with will help you stay in control of
fective) parent response is often, no room for negotiation often your decisions.”
“I don't care about the other kids. create rebellion in teens. Parents
I care about you!” can't realistically lock them up. Help your 10th grader set reason-
Sure, you can try to keep them able limits for socializing with
Sound familiar? It could be an from experimenting with sex by friends. Suggest ways to reduce
instant replay of your own teen refusing to allow dating or by im- the potential for problems: parties
years. Remember the lines you posing strict curfews. Though must be chaperoned, no alcohol
swore you'd never use if you be- well-intentioned, such attempts or drugs, dating in groups, etc.
came a parent? Like: “As long as are frequently misguided and fu- Remember, when kids help create
you live in this house, you live by tile. the rules they're more likely to
my rules.” “So all the other kids comply. AND, they learn from
stay out late. You're not the other Consider this: Research shows the process.
kids.” “I don't have to give you a that teenagers typically have sex
reason. I said 'no.' That's all there at home, after school, before Parents want to minimize the
is to it!” mom and/or dad get home from chances of kids getting into situa-
work. It would seem more useful tions they're not ready to handle.
Groan. More and more you use to agree on expectations for after- Young people want to avoid that
those very words you found frus- school activities: a routine of risk too. Yet they may not have
trating as a teenager. You're not homework, chores, organized developed skills to anticipate or
trying to be unreasonable. It's just programs, sports, etc. negotiate those situations. So
that you're a parent, with years of they're relieved to have the limits,
life experience, 20-20 hindsight, You could insist that no friends and greatful to use mom and dad
and memories of being in 10th be in the house without an adult... as an excuse when they need one.
grade. You want to protect your at which your child may squawk Of course, they won't admit to
child. And if you're totally honest, “I can't believe this! Don't you appreciating the boundaries, but
you might admit that you fear los- trust me?” And you might say, that too is part of being a teen-
ing whatever control you may “This isn't about trust. It's about ager... remember?
have left over this “soon-to-be- helping you avoid difficult situa-
young-adult.” tions that you may not know how
to handle.”
You know all about teen preg-
nancies, children having children,

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 10 - No. 4

Why Should the School their job is to teach adolescents trust with regard to both the con-
Take a Parent's Place as about handling challenges when tent and quality of the program.
mom and dad aren't around. Par-
Sex Educator?
ents are wanting help with this, And the outcome? Research
and increasingly, they seek that shows that school-based sexuality
It shouldn’t! In an ideal world, help from the schools. education can make a difference.
parents and kids would talk to- It can:
gether about sexual issues with Studies show that nearly 90% of
ease, grace and comfort. Conver- parents favor sex education in the • increase knowledge
sations would be open; accurate schools. Yet ironically, fewer • reach young people before
information would be presented, than 10% of students nationwide they are faced with sexual
values shared, and positive, receive comprehensive sexuality decisions
healthy attitudes toward sexuality education programs. What classes • increase parent/child com-
promoted. In an ideal world. are offered are usually far too lit- munication
tle, far too late. • increase decision-making
The reality is, both parents and skills
kids are looking for assistance Long overdue is the creation of a • increase young people's
with this sex education business. family-school partnership which self-esteem
More so than ever before, parents actively supports and promotes • help teenagers resist prema-
recognize the importance of pro- sexuality education. Serving in ture or exploitive sexual ex-
viding children with the informa- advocacy and advisory positions, periences
tion and skills they need to under- parents can assist schools in pro- • give sexually active teens
stand and appreciate sexuality. viding quality programs for the information and confi-
During the teenage years, certain youth. But the school needs to dence to prevent pregnancy
issues become even more perti- hear from mom and dad if this is and sexually transmitted in-
nent: peer pressure, dating, sexual ever to work. fections
decision-making, teen pregnancy,
sexually transmitted infections, So much energy has been put into Noble achievements. As parents
HIV... painting sex education as a con- and schools work in partnership
troversial subject, that many for the sexuality education of
In the past, “just say 'no'” might school administrators and teach- youth, our children reap the bene-
have been enough. It's certainly ers have come to believe this is fits. They emerge the winners. So
easier when they're 10. You sim- so. If you are a parent in support does the family... and society as a
ply say, “You're not ready for of such education, you deserve to whole.
sex. Period.” But what do you be heard... and your school de-
say when they’re 17 or 18? serves to hear from you. Noble achievements.
Parents realize that, given the Active parent involvement in the
times we live in, “just say 'no'” is curriculum process is an educa-
no longer enough to offer our tion and an opportunity. It allows
teens. Parents realize that part of for the building of agreement and

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 10 - No. 5

Beyond “Plumbing” Interestingly enough, when asked Parents were amazed at the depth
how well their own families and complexity of the issues. It
The program was entitled “Let's communicate about sex, parents hadn't occurred to them that 15-
Talk About Sex.” The purpose and teens had very different opin- year-olds wondered about some
was to bring parents and teens ions. Parents saw themselves as of this stuff. “I'm not sure what to
together and help them find ways more open and willing to discuss say,” one mother exclaimed. She
to discuss sexual issues with each sexual issues than their kids did. was not alone.
other more comfortably, honestly The teenagers assumed mom and
and thoughtfully. dad wouldn't want to talk about it, The following resources were
so they didn't bother to ask. Many suggested for great information
What an eye opener! agreed that parents covered the and the practical “how-to’s” of
The group began by sharing why basics of sex... “the plumbing:” talking about sex.
sex is hard to talk about. They menstruation, pregnancy, child-
described embarrassment, uncer- birth, etc. But they wanted to Talking With Your Teenager
tainty and ignorance around the know so much more! Ruth Bell & Leni Ziegler Wild-
topic. Parents worried that giving flower
too much information could en- “Like what?” the teens were One Teenager in Ten: Writings
courage sexual activity. asked. “What else do you wish by Gay and Lesbian Youth
you could discuss with your par- Ann Heron, editor
“My folks never talked to me ents?” They wrote feverishly (and Straight from the Heart Carol
about sex. I turned out ok, “one anonymously) on cards that were Cassell
dad offered. “But it's different then read to the group. Talk About Sex Sexuality In-
today,” said another. “Teens have formation & Education Council
sex at younger ages, become What an eye opener! Here's of the U.S.
pregnant, get abortions, have ba- what these young people wrote:
bies... they need information! I'm It was useful for parents and teens
• What's wrong with teens, say, to hear from each other about the
just not sure how to give it.” 17 or 18 - having sex if they anxieties and discomforts that
really care about each other and if might get in the way of talking
The teenagers feared parental they use protection?
judgment. “I'm not having sex, together about sexuality. To par-
• How does a person know if ents, teens suggest:
but if I start asking a lot of ques- s/he's gay? Can s/he change?
tions, my parents might think I “Listen, as well as talk; please
• How do you know what to do respect our differences; discuss,
am.” “Most kids who are having when you have sex?
sex know their parents would be don't preach; don't wait for us
• My best friend's getting an abor- to ask.” And the parents advised
furious if they knew. They're not tion. Nobody else knows. What
going to talk about it!” One teenagers: “Listen, as well as
do I say to her? talk; please respect our differ-
young man added, “Adults get • I know a girl whose boyfriend
kind of preachy about what they ences; discuss, don't argue;
forced her to have sex with him. Don't wait for us... ASK!
think is right for their kids. No- He said she lead him on. Is that
body likes getting preached at. rape?
Anyway, it doesn't work.” What an eye opener!

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 11 - No. 1

Share Your Wisdom What's wrong with teens having passion of the moment can be
sex as long as they're responsi- overwhelming. People are “swept
Adolescence is not a disease. It is ble? away,” often with unfortunate re-
a time of explosive growth and sults.
development at many levels. Love You might suggest that responsi-
and patience are tested to the lim- bility goes far beyond preventing Love takes time and work. It's
its. Teens are like chameleons: pregnancies and sexually trans- about respecting each other; shar-
one day wise, mature and respon- mitted infections (STI's). Many ing and communicating; wanting
sible; the next day inappropriate believe sex is for marriage, or at to be together; love is supportive
in their behavior, lacking in sound least for the adult years. Parents and honors agreements; it doesn't
judgment. need to share their beliefs about pressure or coerce; it doesn't take
this with their children. Whether advantage. Love may or may not
Not a particularly good time for or not the kids agree, it still needs include sex.
sex to enter the picture. Yet, at to be said.
this stage, it sometimes does. Teens get confused. They live
Studies show that about half of all You might explain that most with a language that calls “having
17-year-olds have had sexual in- teens aren't emotionally ready for sex” “making love,” regardless of
tercourse. Typical, everyday kids: the intense impact intercourse can the relationship. They presume
from all social, economic and re- have on a relationship. Sexual being “turned on” is the same as
ligious backgrounds. Just like the activity begun in the teen years being “in love,” and is therefore a
kids next door. Just like your usually results in more partners justification for “making love.”
kids. over time. Ask your teen to imag- Nobody has bothered to explain
ine the emotional effects of re- the difference!
Maybe you should talk. peated break ups of relationships
that include intercourse. Add to Explain the difference to your
OK, so it's hard. You acknowl- this that more partners equal teen. S/he may say, “Come on, I
edge that, and go on. What do you greater risk of exposure to STI's. already know this stuff!” Be per-
say? It's up to you. You're the sistent. Say something like, “I
expert when it comes to your Parents know many reasons why know you do, but bear with me,
family values and beliefs around even “responsible” teens are bet- ok? I'm checking in to be sure I've
sexuality. You may need help ter off delaying sex until they're got it straight.”
gathering your ideas or forming older. Share those reasons with
the words. But you do know what your teen. At some point your child will be
to say. Look into your heart. What making choices about sex. Re-
messages do you have for your How can you tell if you're really gardless of when that happens, it's
children? What do you wish for in love? important s/he have a clear under-
them? standing of issues like sex, love,
Talk about the difference between infatuation, attraction, etc.
As you consider this, remember love and sex. Sexual attraction
some of the BIG items on the creates powerful feelings which Maybe you should talk.
minds of 16- and 17-year-olds: may be mistaken for love. The

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 11 - No. 2

The Abortion Issue of support, regardless of whether date rape. Statistics tell us that
they agree with the ultimate 70-90% of all rape victims were
Each year approximately 1.3 choice. It's likely that within their either dating or at least ac-
million abortions occur in the lifetime, your children will be quainted with the rapist. One
U.S.; about 1/3 to teens. called upon to vote on an abor- third of the victims were teenag-
tionrelated measure. They will ers.
Abortion is an intense, emotion- want to be informed.
ally charged issue. Individual A few pointers to share with your
views are affected by deeply held Family discussion about abortion teens:
religious convictions, personal presents an ideal opportunity to • Say what you mean - strongly
values, life experiences, etc. Your address a vital, underlying issue: and clearly.
teenager would welcome and unintended and crisis pregnan- • Set limits before any sexual ex-
benefit from your willingness to cies. Help your teenager appre- pression takes place - even kiss-
explore with them the facts, feel- ciate the importance of preg- ing.
ings and controversy around the nancy prevention. • You can say “no” at any point.
issue. • “No” means “no”, not “maybe.”
The concept of planning for par- • No one “owes” sex to a date.
Be thoughtful and accurate with enthood embodies the belief that • Trust your feelings.
your information. Misrepresent- children are important... cer- • Avoid being alone with someone
ing facts in an effort to sway tainly important enough to be you don't know well.
opinion one way or another is a consciously and carefully • Beware of a date who doesn't
disservice to teens. Discussion planned. Childen are far too take “no” for an answer on other
about abortion should not be seen special to allow them to happen issues.
as a debate, or an attempt to chal- by chance. Yet we see hundreds • It is NEVER ok to force any
lenge or change another's values. of thousands of teenagers in this sexual behavior on someone.
country becoming pregnant by
Rather it is an opportunity to chance...having babies by chance... In addition to these important
share information and personal messages, there are excellent re-
ideas and to explore the com- Issues such as abortion, un- sources to share with your teen:
plexities of the issue. It's an op- planned pregnancies, pregnancy
portunity to listen as well as talk. prevention, etc., are no doubt No is Not Enough C. Adams, J.
challenging to discuss with your Fay & J. Loreen-Martin
Abortion a powerful social issue teenager. And it's essential that Nobody Told Me It Was Rape
which is likely to affect your chil- you do so. Caren Adams & Jennifer Fay
dren, personally, at some point in So What's It to Me? G. Stringer
their lives. They may confront Date/Acquaintance Rape & D. Rants-Rodriguez
that decision themselves one day,
or a friend, loved one, or family If your 1lth grader is becoming
member may face that decision. more interested in relationships
Certainly the more informed your and dating, now's a good time to
children are, the more they can be discuss yet another difficult issue:

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 11 - No. 3

You Need To Talk 1. AIDS is caused by a virus engaged in unsafe sex practices
called HIV (human immunodefi- should not be considered a safe
Even families which openly dis- ciency virus). A person infected partner; correct and consistent use
cuss sexuality often see a decline with HIV can pass the virus to of latex condoms offers great pro-
in the amount of discussion as another during unprotected vagi- tection against infection. (discuss
children get older. Perhaps it's nal or anal sex; by sharing nee- the correct way to use a condom);
that the issues are more complex dles (used for injecting drugs,
and value-laden. Teen pregnancy, steroids, vitamins) and possibly 7. Sharing razors, needles or
premarital sex, birth control, through oral sex. piercing and tattooing instruments
sexually transmitted infections, is risky.
sexual orientation... not knowing 2. HIV can be passed from an in-
quite what to say or how to say it, fected mother to her baby during 8. HIV is not spread by casual
parents often avoid the subject. pregnancy, delivery or breastfeed- contact. It's safe to hug and touch
ing. an HIV+ person, share food, uten-
Parents may mistakenly believe sils, towels, etc. with them; you're
that by their junior or senior year, 3. HIV has been contracted not in danger if an HIV+ person
kids pretty much know what they through transfusions with infec- coughs or sneezes on you; HIV is
need to about sex. Nothing could tion blood or blood products. spread only through infected
be further from the truth! However, since 1985 all donated blood, semen, vaginal fluids or
blood and blood products are breast milk.
At best, this can lead to confused, screened for the virus, so the risk
misinformed youth, and at worst, is very, very small. HIV is not Contact your local Planned Par-
sexually active, sexually illiterate contracted by donating blood. enthood or local health depart-
youth at risk of pregnancy, sexu- ment for updated HIV/AIDS in-
ally transmitted infections and 4. Currently there is no cure for formation.
exposure to HIV. AIDS. Medications can greatly
help some HIV+ people, but not How to Talk With Your Child
“HIV?” you say, “Surely teenag- all... and they are not a cure. About AIDS Planned Parenthood
ers don't need to be that con- Federation of America
cerned about HIV and AIDS... 5. Even with no obvious symp- Lynda Madaras Talks to Teens
unless they're gay or injection toms, an infected person can still About AIDS Lynda Madaras
drug users.” pass the virus.
Difficult? Sure. Embarrassing?
WRONG. Interestingly enough, 6. HIV infection can be pre- You bet. But no one has ever lit-
that's the same misconception vented. Abstaining from sex and erally “died” of embarrassment.
many teens have. Let's clear it up needle sharing is the surest way. People – teenagers - have died,
for you and for them. By grade If a person has vaginal, anal or literally, from AIDS.
11, your teenager needs the fol- oral sex, the more sexual partners,
lowing information about HIV/ the greater the risk; it's important You need to talk.
AIDS: to know the sexual history of any
sexual partner; anyone who has

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 11 - No. 4

Nurturing Self Esteem true self-esteem. To be of real tration may not be as good today
assistance, help your child ac- as it usually is. That doesn't make
Don't be fooled by the adult-like knowledge personal value, abili- me a jerk.”
packaging or independence of ties and strengths.
your high school junior. In later Your child may find it awkward
adolescence, hormones move to- Ask your teen to complete the to practice correcting negative
ward equilibrium, self-concept following: “I like myself be- comments, but it's important.
gains more solid ground, and ma- cause...” S/he is to talk for a full The more we quietly accept
turity seems possible after all! minute, listing as many reasons as negative comments and per-
Appreciate the progress, and re- s/he can. Then, you feed back sonal slams, the more we come
member that 11th graders are still what you heard: “You like your- to hold them as true.
in the thick of adolescence. self because...”
Help your teenager deal with dis-
There are fluctuations - one day Don't be surprised if your teen appointments in ways that pro-
self-assured, insightful, responsi- feels self-conscious or runs out of mote learning and acceptance. if
ble; the next, childish, self- things to say before time is up. your son doesn't get the lead in
centered, temperamental. These You may find yourself prompting, the school play, acknowledge his
flip-flops cause confusion and even adding items not mentioned hurt and commend his effort.
frustration for all. Add to this the by your child. They may be quali- Help him plan for improving his
pressures, expectations, un- ties you value in your child that skills.
knowns of the high school years - s/he overlooks or doesn't believe
you see how your teen's self- are so. Discuss why self- Urge your child to repeat image
esteem might need repairs. acknowledgment/ appreciation is building statements (affirma-
uncomfortable... and why it's so tions) everyday, such as: “I'm
The powerful influence of self- important. successful.” “I like myself.” “I
concept cannot be overstated. have a good attitude.”
Teens who feel good about them- Adolescence can at times be
selves are more likely to make brutal on a young person's self- Work with your child to set
positive decisions - about school, concept. Point out the growth short term goals at which s/he
friends, relationships, sex, drugs - you've noticed. When a reprimand can be successful; give him/her
whatever! The parent's role in is in order, focus on the behavior the freedom to make decisions,
nurturing a child's self-esteem is as unacceptable, not the person. take on responsibilities, make
critical. Tell your child often, “I love mistakes... and process the re-
you.” sults of each. With each success
This is not about pumping up comes higher self-esteem. And
your kids, or heaping empty Help your teen process negative with higher self-esteem comes
praise on them. It's not about comments. Your daughter's friend greater opportunity for a posi-
comparing your child to others: “I says, “Dana, you jerk! You never tive, fulfilling life.
think you're better than... stronger keep your eye on the ball.” Teach
than... smarter than...” This level Dana to turn it around and say Not a bad idea to promote to your
of “support” won't serve to build what's really true: “My concen- kids.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 11 - No. 5

Yet Another Challenge Take time to identify what you implications. Consistently reaf-
know vs. what you suspect. This firm that you love and support
As usual, you checked the pock- lets you calm yourself, gather your child even if you disagree
ets of Mike's pants before wash- your thoughts, and do what must with the behavior.
ing them. This time you found a come next: talk with your teen.
condom. Rushing off for school, Resist the urge to forbid your
Sara dropped her purse and out Both parents (if possible) should teenager to see his/her partner
fell a brochure marked Planned first agree on the messages they again. Rarely effective, this
Parenthood Teen Birth Control want to present. Then share your merely drives their relationship
Clinic. suspicions and concerns - hon- underground. Ultimatums and
estly - with your teen. Emphasize threats breed resentment, anger,
How do parents respond to the the values, attitudes and expecta- resistance - none of which serve
suspicion that their 17-year-old tions you hold about teens and the most important purpose:
might be having sex? What sex. Ask your teenager what keeping communication open so
should they do? And not do? s/he believes, and take those you can help your child make
opinions to heart - even though wise decisions.
First: breathe ... slowly, deeply... you may disagree.
taking time to move beyond the Though they may not approve of
shock, anger - whatever the ini- If your suspicions are correct, the behavior, parents still have a
tial, gut reaction is. Don't attempt avoid comments like “I'm responsibility to help children
a discussion when you're upset. crushed!” or “How could you do deal with the choice to be sexu-
this?” Blame, guilt, etc., are dam- ally active. Information is critical
Consider the facts: Mike has a
aging. Focus on the behavior. If - about the emotional conse-
condom. Is it to use or for show
you think teen sex is inappropri- quences and risks, about preg-
to impress his peers? The telltale
ate or unwise or risky, say that - nancy, sexually transmitted infec-
“O” imprinted on a young man's
or whatever you believe. This is tions, contraception... just as the
wallet or back pocket is consid-
far different from condemning the sharing of feelings and values is
ered a mark of sexual experience.
child. critical.
How much truth there is in that is
anybody's guess.
Ultimately teens make their own In the end, your teen may con-
decisions about sex. Parents can tinue to be sexually active. Then
And the brochure listing teen
only do their best to inform, offer again, s/he may see the value of
clinic services, hours, cost...
guidance and share values. If your your arguments and choose to re-
maybe Sara got it in class the day
teen is sexually active, ask that consider. Either way, the sharing
a guest speaker talked about teen
s/he examine the reasons and cir- and guidance which is so essen-
pregnancy. Maybe it's for a writ-
cumstances surrounding that tial to your child's well-being can
ing assignment. Or... maybe Sara
choice. Discuss the relationship continue only if open
is having sex.
and level of commitment. Why communication is maintained.
has sex become part of it? Is there Concentrate on that goal, and you
If you ever face this dilemma,
pressure for sex? Does s/he see just might be amazed at the
don't leap to conclusions, but
any drawbacks? Explore possible results.
don't ignore the situation either.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 12 - No. 1

The Value of Values “e - value - ation” allows us to such as love, relationships, pre-
better guide our children in de- marital sex, birth control, sexual
There's all this talk about teaching veloping their own personal val- orientation, abortion, pregnancy,
“values” around sexuality: shar- ues about sexuality. parenting, sexually transmitted
ing family “values”; respecting infections, etc. Parents and teens
This process is healthy - and need the freedom to express to
that the “values” of others may be
sometimes painful - as people ex- one another what they know, feel,
different; acting on one's personal
amine long accepted codes. Fami- value and expect around each of
lies confront the possibility that these issues.
the kids' values may not always
Just what are these things
line up with the folks. And it's The following exercise can help
called “values” anyway? Where
incredibly enriching to discover in clarifying values around sexu-
do they come from? Do they
there is common ground. ality. Parents can do it alone or
change over time, and if so, does
that mean they weren't really with their teens: For each state-
We teach children values around ment, explain why you agree, feel
“values” in the first place? sexuality through words, but per- neutral, or disagree:
haps more importantly by model-
Values are personal truths ing behaviors we see as right and
upon which we base our life de- • Premarital sex is wrong.
just. Media and peers also pro- • Teens should have access to
cisions. We may not recall con- mote values (or lack of) in the
sciously choosing our values: they birth control without parental
messages they deliver. consent.
just seem to be there, influencing
our attitudes and behaviors. • Abortion should be legal.
Moving toward independence,
• A career for married women is
teens need opportunities to ques-
With such vagueness about val- most acceptable after the children
tion, examine, and test values.
ues, we can have difficulty ex- are older.
Then they can freely and con-
plaining them to children. Parents • If a 15-year-old becomes preg-
sciously form their personal value
may have little experience defin- nant, she should place the baby
system. This allows them to truly
ing or examining their values for adoption.
“own” their values - to have the
around sexuality, so attitudes and • Gay and lesbian couples should
conviction to live by them.
beliefs may be passed on without have the freedom to adopt.
much active discussion. It's a difficult balance for parents:
striving to support sons and Your 12th grader's decisions
It's important to revisit our core daughters in choosing their own around sexuality will be greatly
beliefs from time to time; to clar- values, while at the same time of- affected by the ability to clarify,
ify, alter if necessary, and reaf- fering input and guidance. It re- express, affirm and act on per-
firm what is true for us. This can quires trust that children are capa- sonal values. These are skills
be scary, since it forces us to ex- ble of choosing values that will which improve with practice. If
amine what we say we value and work well for them in their lives. parents encourage such practice
what we truly value. It also makes within the safety of the family,
us face how well our behaviors We can help our teens by com- they better prepare their teen for
match our beliefs. This process of municating openly about issues life beyond high school.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 12 - No. 2

What to Do?! How do the messages differ? What “Right now, you have the ability to
conflict can this cause? How might say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to sexual activity,
Teens may think the only choice the conflict be resolved? Who can regardless of pressure you may
to be made about sex is: “Should assist? Repeat the process for sev- feel from your peers, your parents
I or shouldn't I” The reality is, eral topics, including dating and - whoever - to make the decision
sexual decision-making involves relationships, pregnancy, birth con- they want you to make. Ultimately
a lot more than merely deciding trol, abortion, living together out- it’s up to you. Whatever you de-
whether to have sex, and if so, side of marriage, etc. cide, choose thoughtfully.”
when and with whom.
This isn't about who's right or “Consider how you make your
wrong; it's about identifying and decisions. If it's by impulse, have
Life after high school brings in-
evaluating the range of sexual mes- you truly thought things through?
creasing opportunities to decide
sages out there. Ultimately your If your judgment is clouded (by
about sex. If your family hasn't
teen must clarify what s/he truly drugs, alcohol, stress, etc.), how
addressed this issue thoroughly,
believes. Only then can there be might this affect your decisions?
informed and thoughtful decision- If you let someone else decide for
open discussion about sexual de-
making. you, do you risk going against
cisions only serves to leave young
what you really believe and feel?
people unprepared.
This exercise requires safety to If you don't make and clearly ex-
address such personal issues. To press a decision, might this en-
For teens, it can be incredibly
create that safety, establish some courage someone else to step in
complicated... so many conflict-
agreements, for example: and decide for you? If you evalu-
ing messages from “Just say ‘no’”
ate options and then decide, how
to “Go for it!” No wonder they're
1. Discussion is confidential. might that increase your power to
2. You can speak honestly, with- make choices that are consistent
out fear of consequence. with your personal values?”
In fact, that's a good place to be-
3. You have the right to speak
gin a conversation with your teen Important decisions in life de-
without interruption.
about this whole business of sex- serve thought, evaluation, and
4. You may pass any time.
ual decision-making. Consider careful consideration. Help your
using the following exercise: (NOTE: Establish only those teen appreciate that personal
agreements which you and your power, freedom and self-respect
You and your teen complete and teen will honor and follow. If you come from taking charge of one's
discuss these statements: have difficulty with agreements, life choices.
consider asking for assistance
About sexual intercourse, from a third party, for example, a Sexual decision-making is a very
my parents tell me ___________ family friend, counselor, etc.) big deal for teenagers today.
my friends tell me ___________ What's sad is that most are totally
my religion tells me _________ Remind your teen that “Your unprepared for the challenge.
the media tells me ___________ body belongs to you. You decide
I believe ___________________ how to express yourself, sexually Your teen needn't be one of them.
and otherwise.”

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 12 - No. 3

Cleaning Up the Myths Struggling to gain comfort with people are wrong. Differences
their own sexual development, don’t justify mistreatment.
When my son John asked to talk to teens are especially threatened by
me about a friend he was worried the subject of homosexuality. Yet It turned out John really was ask-
about - a friend with a problem - I they’re intensely curious... about ing about a friend. But what if he
got worried. As a kid, whenever I what it means to be gay; what wasn’t? I think of all those young
was in trouble and needed an- “causes” it, how to tell if some- people out there feeling confused,
swers, I never admitted I was the one is gay, etc. ashamed; alienated from their
one with the problem. It was al- peers, alone with their secret;
I told John all I knew about the fearing rejection from their family
ways, “I’ve got this ‘friend,’ and
subject, which I confess wasn’t and friends. And no one to talk to.
he’s got this problem...”
much. He was surprised to hear
that many children and adoles- The existence of gay youth is of-
“He thinks he might be gay,
cents have some kind of sexual ten denied. Think about it... sex
Dad,” John continued.
experience with persons of the education, if it happens at all, is
same gender - whether it be phrased almost exclusively in
“Who?” I almost demanded. I
“playing doctor,” sexual touch- heterosexual terms. In avoiding
wanted to shout, “John, who are
ing... or strong feelings of attrac- open, honest discussion, we allow
we really talking about here?”
tion and sexual fantasies. Such for continued misunderstanding,
But I contained myself. I value
experiences and feelings are mistrust, fear, isolation. If we say
the openness John and I share...
common, normal, and not neces- nothing to our sons and daughters
on lots of issues, including sexu-
sarily proof that one is gay. about this topic, that in itself
ality. I didn’t want to jeopardize
that now. speaks volumes.
“There are a lot of theories, John,
but no one knows what ‘causes’ So I encourage you, parents...
“I don’t want to say, Dad. But I someone to be either homosexual
need to talk about it. All I ever John, his friend, and all those like
or heterosexual. Evidence shows him encourage you... to speak
hear about gay people are crude that being gay isn’t a choice...
jokes and negative comments. with your teens about sexual ori-
rather it’s a compelling, deeply entation. The following books
Some people are pretty hateful. held orientation. We may not un-
Maybe they just don’t understand. may be useful:
derstand... and we don’t have to.
I don’t understand... and I’m not Their relationships can be just as
sure what to do for my friend.” On Being Gay: Thoughts on
loving, genuine and fulfilling to Family, Faith and Love Brian
them as ours can be to us.” McNaught
The tradition of condemning ho-
mosexuality is firmly embedded “We also know that sexual orien-
in our culture. Unfortunately, Now That You Know: A Par-
tation isn’t contagious. Having a
AIDS added fuel to the fire of ent’s Guide to Understanding
gay teacher, coach, or even a par-
homophobia - fear and hostility Their Gay and Lesbian Chil-
ent doesn’t ‘turn’ someone gay.”
toward people who are gay or les- dren Betty Fairchild and Nancy
bian. The result has been even Hayward
I told John that I believe hatred
less tolerance. and discrimination against gay

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 12 - No. 4

Take Care young women have an annual gy- Help your daughter appreciate
necological exam beginning with that she can take charge of these
Even those committed to a the onset of sexual intercourse, or health issues. Encourage her to
healthy lifestyle often neglect by age 18. track her menstrual cycle, noting
their sexual health. For example, any problems or changes. Pro-
how many women are diligent Discussing both the value and mote monthly breast self-exam
about their annual Pap and pelvic specifics of this medical exam (BSE). Breast cancer affects 1 in
exam - or practice monthly breast with your daughter can ease anxi- 9 women; with BSE, a young
self exam? How many men per- ety. It also helps establish a posi- woman may detect a potentially
form (or even know about) tes- tive attitude toward sexual health. dangerous breast lump early on.
ticular self-exam? Yet, testicular
cancer is one of the most common Explain that the purpose of an Young men should be taught
cancers in males aged 15-34. annual exam is to see if the re- about the importance of testicular
Learning how to examine the tes- productive organs are healthy, self-exam (TSE) for the early de-
tes properly can be a life saving and to detect any problems early tection of testicular cancer. Stud-
skill. on. The Pap smear is a simple test ies show that most young men
in which a sample of cells from know little about TSE, yet have
Neglect of sexual health is an ex- the cervix (neck of the uterus) is significant fears about contracting
tension of discomfort about sexu- examined for irregularities. Since testicular cancer. Found early and
ality in general. Embarrassment Pap smears first became available treated promptly, there is an ex-
around touching, examining or as a screening tool in 1941, cellent chance for cure. But the
paying attention to our sexual deaths due to cervical cancer have mildness of early symptoms, ig-
anatomy contributes to poor fallen 70%! Annual Paps are one norance, fear, and denial are fac-
health habits. These include re- of the most important ways a tors which may cause adolescents
luctance to practice good repro- woman can care for her sexual to delay seeking medical atten-
ductive health care (routine ex- health. tion.
ams, treatment for sexually
transmitted infections, appropri- The first annual exam can have Many of these same factors also
ate use of protection). tremendous impact on attitudes keep adolescents (even adults)
toward and comfort with sexual from seeking necessary medical
As you promote positive behav- health care. Parents help create a attention for other sexual health
iors around sexuality with your more positive experience by pre- issues such as unintended preg-
family, include support for sexual paring their daughter. “Pelvic nancy, sexually transmitted infec-
health. Exam: Your Key to Good tions, etc. It doesn’t have to be
Health” is an excellent Planned that way. Educate and support
By grade 12, young women Parenthood pamphlet, designed to your teen in all areas of sexuality
should be prepared for their Pap inform and support young women - including sexual health.
smear and pelvic exam. (Parents: in safeguarding their reproductive
attending to this does not imply health.
that you are encouraging sexual
activity.) It’s recommended that

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

Grade 12 - No. 5

A Letter of Love respectful and honorable in your we remember all the talks we had
sexual decision-making, Kevin. - or didn't have – or wished we'd
Dear Kevin, Love and sex are not one and the had with Kevin about sex. We
same... don't confuse them, or know the value and importance of
You're growing into a handsome, misrepresent them to another. such communication continue
bright, and sexy young man. well beyond the high school
Watching you fills us with love We expect that you will make years. Sexuality is such a com-
and pride - plus, we confess, a bit sexual decisions which are posi- plex issue, at any age.
of worry. But then, do parents tive and affirming - not ones
ever stop worrying about their which exploit either yourself or The chapter on Kevin's high
children? others. We recognize and respect school years is closing. That does-
that some of your beliefs may dif- n't guarantee that rational thought
We know that you are as amazed fer from ours. We trust that you about sexuality, appropriate
(and probably confused) about have taken the time to carefully behavior and responsible choices
your emerging sexuality as we sort out what you value and hold are automatically cemented in
sometimes are. It's difficult to to be true. We also trust that you place. On the contrary, in many
accept you as a “sexy young man” will act on your values - for only ways, we know some of the
- and frankly, hard to ignore. As then will you feel self-respect. greatest challenges lie ahead - on
you go through the process of un- the college campus and beyond.
derstanding yourself as a sexual We hope that you will ask us for We want Kevin to be prepared.
person, please think about the be- help if you find yourself con-
liefs and values we have shared fused, hurt or stuck over any issue So we wrote this letter - to let
with you over the years. We hope you cannot resolve - whether it be Kevin know that, among other
you will consider them carefully. related to sex, friends, school... things, we want sex to be some-
whatever. thing we can always discuss in this
Know that you can have strong family. It takes extra effort to talk
sexual feelings, and choose not to Remember we love you very with a 12th grader about sex. There
act on them. Take the time you much, Kevin, and are proud to be are so many shades of gray, “what
need to make wise choices that your parents. if’s,” and differing opinions. Emo-
are right for you. You don't have tions run high, discomfort sets in.
to have sexual intercourse be- Love, Mom and Dad
cause “everybody's doing it,” or Sometimes it's easier to just for-
because peers are pressuring you Kevin is a high school senior. get it, cross your fingers, and
to “be a man.” There's a lot to be What a landmark. So much hope you've already covered it all.
said for waiting, you know. Your growth and development under But we didn't want to do that. We
decisions about sex are yours and his belt - and so much more to go. wanted to take one more opportu-
yours alone. Whatever you His father and I recognize that nity to prepare our special young
choose, choose responsibly. this is his final year home with us man for his journey of separation
- he's off to college next fall. As and independence.
We expect you to be thoughtful, we prepare to launch this young
man into the world, on his own, So we wrote this letter.

 1999 PPHSSO 1670 High St., Eugene, OR 97401 Gossart/Stefanovska

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