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QUOTE 1st Extract: 18 minutes

“Abraham’s Royal Seed Overcomers For This Day” 7/6/1980. Shiloh, IN

When you know who God is, then you can have Faith. Then, amen, three things... I want to drive it
into you. Amen, New York? last week.

Then by Faith in God you must approach God with the right attitude.
Number 2 – you must give God his Right title.
Number 3, you must give respect to God’s servants.
When you get them three in line now, then watch the fire fall.

Amen, Now, Martha is a bible example. You believe that?

On a quote
“God’s Only Provided Place of Worship.” Volume 7 number 4 Page 18 Paragraph 110.
Bro Branham says, now But watch Martha, Her attitude; She said, "Lord, if Thou would have been
here." Give Him His right title: Lord, now Lord... capital L-o-r-d, JVHU , Jehovah. So she said
“Lord” That’s His Title, amen.
“If you would have been here, my brother would not have died." What an attitude, if you would
have been here Lord, My Brother wouldn’t have died.

Lord if you would have been here in Dynamics these false anointed wouldn’t open their mouths.
But even now Lord, but even now, this morning in Shiloh, Amen. Lord once more Lord. I’ve seen
the Prophet. I’ve seen signs, wonders and miracles, But I have the right attitude, I’ve giving you
your right title. Lord, JVHU Jehovah. But even now Lord, you can ride in on the scene. Amen. If
you would have been here my brother would not have died. Life and death cannot associate in the
same channel, the same house. One has got to go.

Do you see your attitude. Amen. But I know that even now, whatsoever thou will ask of God God
will give it to thee. Amen. Do you know what I’m saying? Why? God was in Christ manifesting His
Word. So we say, Praise God, we give him His right title. We have the right attitude. There’s the
right attitude, giving the Messiah His right respects to His servants. St John 13: 20
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me: And he that
receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me – See? It depends on your attitude towards the Seven Seals
and Seven Thunders.

Amen, Page 35 “The Easter Seal”. And Malachi 4 said, that’s God in His Word.
0223-57 He said, You must receive it, - Seven Seals, Seven Thunders. And say, its, “Thus Saith the
Lord.” Then its right. But if you say, Uh! Uh! I don’t know Maybe so and so, its not right yet. You
don’t know who He is. And you have no faith, because you don’t know who He is. Praise God.

But you can say, “Proving His Word” California, 0426-65,

We are and believe that we are in the presence of Jesus Christ. But its your attitude that brings the
results. The mechanics is here, and here it is, and so is the Dynamics. If you can just get started by
them Thunders, God in the Thunders will do the rest.

Amen, so therefore, As Martha we approach the Word, the seven thunders – Lord!! Who are you
talking to? You’re given His.... He said JVHU would be revealed in the Thunders. So therefore, we

don’t know nothing. We don’t know what His Name is. But He said, JVHU, then give him His right
title, so approach the Seven Thunders as The Lord. Amen.

Approach it as the Word, have the right attitude toward everything that JVHU said through Malachi
4., that the Thunders would do. Have the right attitude toward, - it given you faith, gathered you
together, being the Bride’s revival. Waiting for... waiting for the Thunders to reveal its Voices.
Have the right attitude – and then hold on for years, even now Lord!! Even now. Halleluiah! Glory
to God amen.

Know who God is, then you have Faith, the Mechanics is the seven thunder voices.

The Dynamics is JVHU Jehovah, in the seven thunders, in the Thunders. And Martha knew who He
was, she give him his right title, she had the right attitude,she give respects to God’s servants..
God’s Servant. God sent prophet. She got all four together. She seen her Brother raise from the
dead. Believest thou this? Halleluiah! Believest thou this?

You believe you’re gonna receive the Holy Ghost? Give him his right Title, right attitude, believest
thou this? Halleluiah, even now Lord. She identified Him, “Lord”, JVHU, Jehovah Jesus God’s
human family name. Christ, Messiah, anointed one. Lord Jesus Christ. Every woman takes her
husband’s Name, we are Mrs. Lord. Give his right title Jehovah, JVHU Amen, Mrs. Lord Jesus
Christ. Who is that? The I AM. Amen, the great one, Supreme Deity. Glory Adios Praise God,
amen. Amen, and nobody, else gets His name. How can they get the new name, when they’re not
married to Him? He only gives his name to His Bride. And he whispers to His bride, I have a name
and no man knows. Amen, and you don’t even know it yourself. But Himself will be in you, with
His New Name, and you are no more yourself,. You become Jesus Christ. God man walking the
earth. Halleluiah, Messiahettes, power houses Dynamoes. Talk about a force of a Tornado, praise
God. Have enough power to speak another world. Hallel... amen Bro Carl. Glory, glory to God. Yes
Siree. Oh my Mrs.Jesus Christ catching the new name. Why? Because she believes it, and the
husband gives the wife His Name, His life.

I said a mouthful. And then through that life she brings forth His children. In His Name. Oh! they
have His attributes, his character. His faith, His virtue, His knowledge, His Temperance. His
patience, His Godliness, His Brotherly Kindness. Halleluiah! Who is it? JVHU veiled, behind
human skin. Praise God amen.

“Hebrews - Questions and Answers” Part 2. Page 442 paragraph 443.

"I AM." Who was the I AM? There was never.... there has never been a man in all the world could
interpret it. Even --you who read the Lexicons and so forth, there has never been a man who could
make it out... It's J-v-h-u. And even the Hebrew scholars could never pronounce it. That burning
bush there. That day when He met Moses, it was JVHU, so they pronounced it J-O-H – Jehovah.
But it isn’t Jehovah. JVHU. You can’t interpret it, you can’t pronounce it. But you ...but... just all he
wants you to do like Martha. Give him His right Title, What is that? JVHU in the Thunders.

Well I can’t say it. Well then you can’t give him His right Title. Say what the Word says. Amen,
amen. Oh halleluiah! Praise God. Amen, He told Moses I am, has sent me unto you and I will be
whatever you need.

“First Seal” – page 157/158

Now Revelation 19: 12 just put the scripture in there. Everybody’s, afraid of this new name all the
time. Why be afraid of it,? its a promise.

Don’t ever back up from no promise given to Abraham’s seed. Praise....I don’t care what the
dignitaries say. Or the builders or the caretakers. Amen, Revelation 19:12 Here’s what I’m afraid
of. He eyes were a flame of fire. That’s the one, amen. And on his head were many crowns, He had
a name written that no man knew but Him. But He Himself and He was clothe with a Vesture
dipped in blood, and His Name is called, ‘The Word of God.

There we are. Now, let’s hit the quote. Page 157 “First Seal.”
Nobody knows it. Did you ever know that, that Name of Jehovah is not correct? Anyone knows
that... anyone knows. Dr. Vayle, you know that's true. The translators could never translate it. It's
spelled J-v-h-u. It isn't Jehovah. They couldn't touch it. They don't know what it is. They called it
Jehovah, because it wasn’t ....but it wasn't His Name. Amen. Look. Every time a victory is won or
something goes on, a name is changed.

And then Bro Branham mentions. Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Peter, Paul having their names changed.
Quote: And Jesus, His Name on earth was Redeemer, Jesus. When He was on earth, He was
Redeemer; that's true. But when He conquered death and hell, and overcome them, and ascended on
high, He received a new Name. That's the reason they holler the way they do and they don't get
nothing; it'll be revealed in the thunders.

And you ain’t going to know what it is. And you can’t fix your mouth. Amen. So just let him come
and just give Him His right Title, - have the right attitude, and give respects to His servants. And
know Who He is. Then you have Faith. Amen

There’s got to be something to change this church, you know that. That’s what He said. So the
Seven Thunders gathers us together, Its gives us Faith, it shows us how to prepare. And we’re all
jammed with the preparation. But something got to change you. JVHU will change you. Amen, that
will be the change. He’s the same one that changed Jacob. Jacob got a hold of the Lord. JVHU, I’m
not going to let you go until you bless me. Bless me, bless me, bless me. Halleluiah! Amen, Oh that
change will come this morning. Charity will sweep down in here. Who is Charity? In the evening
time, it shall be light, that’s when the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ will come down. And set Himself at
the head of the Church. Amen. Charity yes, but what is His Name? Give .... give Charity His right

Oh there were seven voices – men’s voices of the seven church ages. Amen.
Paul, Ireneaus, Martin, Columba, Luther, Wesley and Malachi 4. Those were men, but, the Voice of
God reflecting from the throne. Then reflecting out, amen. But Charity has got a Voice also. Oh
what is Charity’s Voice? JVHU, LORD! I AM THAT I AM.

Once more the world will hear direct from God as it was at Pentecost. Yes, the Voice of God shall
be in the Bride. The Bible says so. Revelation 22:17, Spirit, Jehovah. And the Bride say come.
But the bride won’t speak, St. John 5:19, What harmony between Christ and the bride. The Bride
says nothing, she keeps still. Unless she has Thus Saith the Lord. Then who is that? Those seven
men, they’re gone. That’s Jehovah in the Bride. Halleluiah! Jehovah, JVHU, the Voice of Charity,
for What? For Absolute Faith. Perfect Faith, God reveals to you, walk into the hospital, heart full of
faith, God said so, walk down the corridors, demons screaming and running out of the hospital.

Oh hold on beloved, hang in there, the Promise is nigh thee., even in your mouth. Its not across the
sea. Its not down in the grave. The Word is nigh thee in your mouth. Halleluiah! The Word is in
Trinidad. Praise God amen.

“Exploits of Faith” 12/13/53 Chicago Illinois.

In our doctrine, in our baptism, we’ve come to a place, but there’s some key, (tie) that will unlock
something. Here now, he saw the book sealed on Seven Seals, Daniel saw the same. Bro Branham
himself said, on “God’s provided way of healing.” He said, Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals, but they
started muddling around. There’s something that they can’t do in there. See it will take them Voices
Thunders, on the backside to lose something. That’s a quote. But we won’t even bother with it no
more, because you believe that.

We’re talking about JVHU now. We’re getting near the resurrection, Martha time. Even Now Lord.
Oh it just come fresh. Even now Lord, you can raise Malachi 4. Even now Lord, you can raise
Wesley, Luther, Columba, Martin, Ireneaus, Paul....Now even now Lord. You can raise the early
Bride. Oh even now Lord, Malachi, Haggai, Zachariah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel.... even now,
Barak, and Gideon and Hannah. Even now Joshua. Halleluiah! Caleb, all the way back down.
Halleluiah! Abraham said, “Don’t forget me.” I started the whole thing. Gloria... Glory Adios.
Think on... Do you even think on it. Just come fresh, come on Martha, JVHU the Lord Jehovah,
The resurrection is at hand.

The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven, the Voice of the Archangel shall be in you. The
Voice of the Archangel, is A Voice of the Resurrection. But it’s the Voice of the Archangel,
Charity, is Charity the Voice of the Archangel? Oh my, that unlocks something.

Here now He saw the book sealed - on Seven Seals. Daniel saw the same and when the thunders
uttered their Voices He said, “Don’t write what that was in the scripture.” – backside Seven
Thunders. Don’t write what’s inside the scripture, it will be revealed. Halleluiah! And when its
revealed, what will it be? Jehovah, the Word, the Logos, the Alpha, and Omega, the beginning and
the end, halleluiah – JVHU, the Word, Malachi 4 will thunder open the Word.

Praise God, so simple, don’t write what that’s in the Word. Whew! Praise God, amen. In the
scripture - but It will be revealed in the last day. We’re at the time, oh Brother, still quoting. If I
have it right, God forgive me if I'm wrong, but seeing it in the Scripture, (oh that’s scripture.) The
Prophet is staying up there on the scriptur.

They thought he was crazy. They thought the prophet was crazy. Then, what about you and me?
They think you’re crazy. You’re going to have JVHU in the Thunders. Are you crazy or what? Sure
I’m crazy. You better believe I’m crazy about JVHU.
Amen. Yes Sir, I’m nuts. Amen.

Praise God, but seeing it in the scripture, seeing that when He rose, and ascended up, He received a
new Name that no one knowed about. Then I see Him coming in His power. The Lord Himself shall
descend in His power, with What? With a New Name. I’m just reading it to you now. Now notice I
said, "Lord..." and the Prophet gave him His right title. I said, “Lord, this what I'm believing
now, there's some keynote how to go in there and I believe God's going to let me know it”.
And He did. His Faith, believing that God will let Him know it. And God did it. ..??.. Then He shall
appear to you. And He will, He is, and He’s now. We’re on the verge Brother. Somebody come
back from Canaan, the grapes are good. Its our land God give it to us. We can take it., God said so,
didn’t He? This is the Prophet’s words. It’s not my Words. Amen. God said, “its ours” Praise God,
the Word does say so.

QUOTE 2nd Extract: 11 minutes


“Abraham’s Royal Seed Overcomers For This Day” 7/6/1980. Shiloh, IN

The True Easter Seal – Page 23,

Well I’ll.... I’ll, ....because the First part is about Abraham, which we went through Friday night.
Paragraph 139 - Now, to his Seed, watch how He's done the Seed the same way. The Seed of
Abraham come through justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost; of His Name. Three stages and then manifestation – the Word of His Name,.
Amen. See? Revealing of Who He is - For Faith. See? revealing of who He is. (that revelation of
Who? Jesus Christ), baptism in His Name, and so forth like that, that revelation, dividing His Name
with His church, that He called His Name, Jesus Christ. That He called His Name “Jesus’ Name”
What did He do? He appeared in the same form that He did to Abraham., being able to discern the
spirit behind Him. Appeared in that same Name, in that same thing, in the same form. We're just at
the end of the road.

And William Branham himself came back with the former rain, and brought back the true
Revelation of the Name of God. in the 40’s and 50’s. Amen? Did he do it? Then He revealed the
True Baptism of the Holy Ghost. What was set in between Philadelphia and Laodicea, in the Open
Door, and came all the way up, and then it was sealed down with Jesus Christ, Adoption. That’s the
open door promises. No man can shut you out of there. Amen, It manifested the Person of Jesus
Christ, - the true baptism, of God in you, performing the fullness of signs and wonders, hadn’t been
since the days of the Apostles. Oh my! Dividing His Name.

Then the Almighty God divided His name with Peter and them in the upper room.
Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists, and Teachers. Moses took them up to the Land. Joshua
took them in the land, and divided the land. Amen. And Jesus took them up to the land, went up on
high, and Joshua the Holy Spirit, come down, the baptism of the Robe – and positionally placed
them Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists, and Teachers, - Gifts and places to the people.
Amen, what a church that was!! On Fire, one purpose, one hope of their calling, one desire in the
pure perfect Church, on their way to the resurrection, nothing to dispose, but an old coat.

But that Seed had to go in the ground, through Paul, Ireneaus, and Martin and Columba, but “I will
restore” Saith the Lord, all the years the canker worm had eaten off of that tree. I’ll send Malachi 4
in between, to call you out, Supreme Deity. He’ll... I will divide my Name with him, Adoption time,
- I’ll visit him with an Angel. He will manifest the Name of Jesus. Just the same way Peter did.
“Silver and Gold, have I none, such as I have, I give you the Revelation of Jesus Christ.” Who is
that? The Word. Not no Baptist, Methodist,Pentecostal, I AM, that I AM. Jehovah Jireh can provide
His own sacrifice. I’ll call a bride out of there. I’ll provide a Bride. I have provided Rahabs. And
Rahab will ask for the True Token. Halleluiah! Glory to God, amen.

And then I’ll even drop down My New Name, to the prophet., so you’ll know there is a promise for
you. Amen, He had what Peter and them had, plus the New Name. “Squirrels”, for this day. “Little
fishy I give you your life” What is that? JVHU - Jehovah, over you, around you, in you. Then to
some overcomers, I will call them out. If they can stand to take that promise of the new name. They
can say, “The Seven Thunders give Faith.” Demons choking the life out of them. Amen. But all of a
sudden their arm grows real long, and reaches around, and grabs the demon by the back, and then
yanks them away. Praise God amen. Oh my! Yes Siree.


So you understand friends. I don’t even know what I said. The Manifestation of the Name is a
revealing of who He is. And The Seven Seals reveals it. Notice, His nature, His being, His
character. The Mystery of God should be finished. , ...Revelation10:7 by that time.
When I walk out there, March 17th, ’63 and revealed them Six seals, tell you who He is, His nature,
His character, all about – not three Gods, one God. The mystery of God should be finished, as He
has declared to His Servants the Prophets. Going all the way back down to Moses, Who is this ‘I
AM that I AM? Then it’s time for the seven thunders, on the backside to open up this Bible to you.
Make it a new Bible. You should know that He is all the Word, that’s His nature ...His being, who
He is. How He lives, and all these things, and dividing His Name with the Church.
Amen, Praise God. And the early bride’s name was changed.

Why can’t ours be changed? Amen, Peter said, such as I have. Praise God, Now, after you know,
now My New Name. Amen, in the Thunders – will change the church....
After you know Who I AM. After the Seven Thunders give you Faith, then you call me by my right
Title, Lord, JVHU, Jehovah, after you have the right attitude receive it, and say it’s. ‘Thus saith the
Lord’. Amen. Mechanics and Dynamics are here.

Whether they say you’re shouting too high, whatever . But they still. Well you’ll make that final
test. Whether I shout, whether I don’t shout, will you make the Final Test? Over there, shouting all
the time. Praise God! Don’t you know that Israel shouted? Don’t you know that Joshua said, “When
I bid you to Shout, Shout! “ So I’m shouting.
And don’t you worry, Halleluiah! Glory to God. And when you shout watch the walls come falling
down – flat! Yes Sir!! Amen.

And when you give respects to my servants, William Branham (Malachi 4) Elijah, Five Fold
Ministry. Deacons and Elders, helps and governments, etc. Etc. Etc. Don’t keep this, etc. Etc.
Amen, Praise God. Tape boys all of them. Amen. Whoever they are. Give respects to my servants.
Amen. Oh my, and the new name is in the Word, because He is the Word.

Psalms 138:2 I will worship toward thy Holy Temple and praise Thy Name, for thy loving Kindness
and for thy truth, for thou hast magnified thy Word above Thy name.
Now why ---why is His Word magnified above His Name. Genesis 1:1, In the beginning, God.
Didn’t say Jehovah. Didn’t say Jesus, didn’t say El Shaddai, it said, God - Elohim The Word, the
Logos. God, in the beginning God. Where was that? That was in the beginning. In the beginning
God, Elohim created the heaven and the earth. That was it. St. John 1:1 in the beginning was the
Word. The Logos, and the word was With God, Elohim, and the Word Logos was God - Elohim. In
the beginning. It doesn’t say His Name yet. That being existing, was all by Himself.

But He had a plan to reveal His name when he’d make a Son, but the Word was first. And in the
Word was Jehovah. Or whatever it is. I don’t even know what .... I don’t know what it is –In the
Word was the name, Jesus El Shaddai and all the rest of them. But the Word always was. So
therefore I have magnified My Word, above MY NAME. Because My Name is in the Word.

And I will reveal My name to whosoever I will. I got millions of Trinitarians, Trinitarians that did
all kinds of works, I never revealed it to them. Oh ! But I revealed to you the Word, and I give you
my Name. Repent be Baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins, and you
shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost The Word came first then He told you “In the Name of Jesus
Christ.” You received the Word first, then you was baptized in His Name. Amen, Praise God . The
Word reveals His Name to His Family only . Its family time – time for JVHU new name to the
family, oh my! Elohim, Abraham, El Shaddai, Jehovah, .....Moses.....or whatever, however you say

it, in the human family, the Bride and on down, end time Bride, Jesus New Name, if you know who
God is then you will have faith.

Remember God is His own interpreter. God was in Jesus the Word interpreting His own Word.
When God speaks and its manifested, its the interpretation of His Word. Oh I’m finished. Amen.
The manifestation is the interpretation of God’s Word. Jesus was the manifestation of God’s Word.
The early Bride in that day became the manifestation of God’s Word. The Seven Church Ages,
became the manifestation of God’s Word. Malachi 4 was the manifestation of God’s Word. St.
Luke 17:30 and Revelation 10 – and so forth and so on. And God was in Malachi 4, interpreting His
own Word.

And now, what’s the Bride’s promise? Ephesians 4, and II Peter all these scriptures, the Word. Then
Jehovah, JVHU will be in the seven thunder Word interpreting His own thunders. And the
manifestation will be the interpretation. Oh ...hallel... amen.

When will this be? At that day. What day? I will be with you at that day, when the Seven Seals
break, that’s when this will be. You shall know that I’m in the Father, ye in me, and I in you. I will
love you and I will manifest Myself to you. Amen, Why? Because you are the continuation of the
Word. Amen. Close out!! amen. Halleluiah. It went home. When they clapped their hands on the
continuation, the Faith got home. Amen. Now you know who you are. You got Faith, glory to God.

QUOTE 3rd Extract: 6 minutes

“Abraham’s Royal Seed Overcomers For This Day” 7/6/1980. Shiloh, IN

The Prophet said on page 5 “Questions and Answers, 1959 On The Holy Ghost Amen, don’t worry,
it will be there. When the Power of God strikes this Church it will bring its brethren. When the
Power of God strikes Oklahoma it will bring its brethren. Indiana, all... Puerto Rico, Trinidad,
Germany, all around, it’ll bring the brethren. It will raise you up in the Power of God. Oh
halleluiah! And then, after you’re on your way to the resurrection. And then there’ll be a general
resurrection. But we’ll come forth like that early bride, yes she sure will.

Quote Book page 63 Questions and Answers 12/23/59

Rapturing time, Power of this Church rises. And then , when God’s people begins to gather back
together, (and unquote.) The Seven Thunders has gathered us together, here in a portion here. So the
God has gathered us together. Quote: there’s unity, there’s power. See? And whenever God's people
gets together completely, (when the last one comes in- in what? IN Christ. Amen). I believe the
resurrection will take place then. There'll be a rapturing time when the... (now here is the Sealing
time. See?) When the Holy Spirit begins to gather it up. What the Thunders has gathered together.
The Thunders the Sickle, gathered it together. Then the Spirit sweeps it and gathers it up. Raise you
form Holy decency up to place in Christ. Whew! Praise God, Oh I feel the Angel in the Camp,
Amen. Praise..... Gathers it up. They will be in the minority, of course, but there will be a great

You can believe it. Why? Because God said so. Jehovah – JVHU the Voice of Charity, Amen. Who
is the Voice of Charity? The Holy Spirit the Dynamics. Give Him His right Title, .Jehovah JVHU
the Lord Amen, I’m so happy to give Him His Title, aren’t you?
Last quote I’m going to leave it with you.

Amen. On the day of Pentecost the Pillar of Fire bursted itself up, and, "tongues of fire set upon
each one" – (Showing that God was separating Himself amongst His Church), then brethren we can
only get together and bring that together. If we can only get together. And bring back what was
separated on the day of Pentecost. If we can only get them believers, that’s Baptist, and Methodist
and Pentecostals, if we can only get them out of there. What’s going to do it? The Seven Thunders.
If we can get them seeds together. That was scattered out on the day of Pentecost. Busted up, those
licks of fire. Get them together and the Thunders gathers them together. Halleluiah! Then my! If
they are the licks of Fire, when they come together what’s going to happen? Here’s what’s going to
happen. Then Brother, if we can only get that together and bring that together, then we got Jehovah
in the fullness halleluiah, Praise God amen. When we come together. But how can we ? When this
one’s speaking in tongues and got the baptism, and this one and then, keeping this lick of fire over
here, and this one over there. Let’s put it together.

By the grace of God, God has put it together. – When? At that day it separated. At that day, when
the Seventh Seal has been revealed, the Thunders has gathered it together. Oh we are here. We have
arrived. We’re gathered together we’re in Shiloh. I believe – Halleluiah... Praise God, that God has
done something. I don’t understand it but we are here. Oh Praise God. God swore, He swore by
none greater than Himself He’ll gather you together, He’ll fill you, Seal you, Heal you, Deliver you.
He’ll get all the licks of fire together. Oh, we have Jehovah, JVHU Lord, here in this group here
There’s others around the world ofcourse. But we have a Powerful group right here. What do we
have here? Jehovah, JVHU in the thunders, IN you.

Right here. right here --- Right here veiled. Oh what else can we do? He swore He did....He did it,
He swore that He would do it. The Royal seeds of Abraham for this day, Jehovah, JVHU in the
thunders for What? Absolute Faith. I believe with all my heart, the Word of God, has sealed you
down with absolute Faith. You can’t help but be sealed by the Holy Ghost.

I believe every Minister in here has been anointed, raised up with a new Faith, to go charging back
to his post. I believe that every believer is anointed in here. to keep the commandments of God,
regardless of what happens, regardless of whatever goes on. Regardless whether they got tattlers in
the church, backbiters, evil surmisers, regardless, of nobody, Praise! Nobody comes regardless,
there is an anointed bride that has been gathered together.

Oh halleluiah, halleluiah, halleluiah! Praise be to the Lamb of God, Glory to God, thank you Jesus.
Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Oh can we sing, How Great is our God? How Great is our God, how great is
our God.

Everybody, How Great is our God…

End of excerpts

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