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Loy, an UNLEASH THE® POWER Witty | CU y Teaching NLP! wa An Owner's Manual for the Brain By Anthony Robbins ¢ THE ORIGINAL ° ANTHONY ROBBINS’ UNLEASH THE PowER WITHIN PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Manual written by Robert A. Bays, Jr. Ph.D T* training manual is designed to accompany your Personal Training System, which includes one videotape and four audio cassette tapes. This manual follows and amplifies the content of the tapes. The manual is written with the assumption that you have followed this order of study. WATCH THE VIDEOTAPE. WATCH THE VIDEOTAPE AGAIN, and DO THE EXERCISES that Tony does on the videotape. Refer to the manual for these exercises. READ THE MANUAL as a review and DO THE ADDITIONAL EXERCISES in the manual. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO TAPES in the following order: a) 3 Steps to Personal Power b) The Magic of Rapport c) 7 Character Traits of a Champion d) 5 Keys to Wealth and Happiness 5 READ THE ACCOMPANYING MANUALS for each audio tape, DO THE ue EXERCISES, and WRITE NOTES to yourself about the results of the exercises. G DO THE MENTAL AEROBICS section on the videotape DAILY! DON’T HAVE TOO MUCH FUN! ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 2 THE POWER OF YOUR BRAIN AND BODY TOGETHER... * Allows your heart to beat 100,000 times a day without conscious thought... * Pumps over 6,000 quarts of blood a day through a network of blood vessels that would be over 60,000 miles long if put together end to end... * Allows your eyes to make over 10 million color distinctions... * Gives your muscles 25 tons of pulling power if they were all pulling in one direction... * Isrun by a three pound lump of matter called the brain. LEARN TO USE THIS POWER PROPERLY AND UNLEASH THE MAGIC WITHIN YOU...NOW... ANTHONY ROBBIN: WHAT CREATES HUMAN BEHAVIOR: STATE > BEHAVIOR YOUR STATE (of mind and body) DETERMINES YOUR BEHAVIOR. The particular (emotional) STATE that governs your mind and body at any given time will lead to a corresponding BEHAVIOR. If you're in an angry state, you'll behave differently than if you’re in an anxious state. There are TWO MAJOR FACTORS THAT WILL DETERMINE YOUR STATE — that is, how you FEEL, and thus how you will BEHAVE. STATE ll BEHAVIOR + PHYSIOLOGY o PHYSIOLOGY - how you use your body: Your breathing, your posture, your facial muscles, etc. A body that is under stress, tense, or in pain will cause you to be in a different STATE than a body that is relaxed. Since these two PHYSIOLOGIES will create two different STATES, two, different BEHAVIORS will result. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING Page 4 ne RR, ighs sr Rept any oon tua the expe 4 Ris prob. Answer these two questions below: If you were expecting your husband/wife, child, or “significant other” at 7:00 p.m. and he/she didn’t show up until 10:00 p.m. and had not called you, how would you behave, that is, how would you talk to him/her? Close your eyes and imagine what your behavior would be if you were ina different state; angry, worried, suspicious, trusting. Write what you might say if you were in that state. + HOW TO CHANGE YOUR PHYSIOLOGY Every STATE has a particular PHYSIOLOGY. For most people, a depressed state, for example, would include slumped shoulders, down cast eyes, shallow breathing, droopy facial muscles. IF YOU ONLY MAKE ONE PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGE; changing your posture, for example —you will CHANGE YOUR STATE. A person in a depressed state who makes one PHYSIOLOGICAL change will no longer be depressed an Tony opin PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 6 Lata veh} 3 PURPOSE: To demonstrate to yourself how PHYSIOLOGY affects STATE Sit the way you'd be sitting if you were totally “energized and excited.” Breathe the way you'd be breathing if you felt totally “energized and excited.” Put an expression of excitement and energy on your face. No- tice, right now, the change in your STATE. From this STATE of “energized and excited,” go to a STATE of “bored and tired.” Then back to “energized and excited.” Back to “bored and tired.” Back to “energized and excited.” Repeat three times. Repeat, and notice what things you do with your posture, breathing, face, and eyes in order to go from “energized and excited” to “bored and tired.” Think of something you're not sure you can do. Notice the muscles in your body, notice your posture, etc. Now, sit the way you'd be sitting if you felt completely “unstoppable.” Feel it in your face, in your breathing, and in your posture. Then go back to “not sure.” Then snap back to “unstoppable.” From the PHYSIOLOGY and STATE of “unstoppable,” think of the thing, you didn’t think you could do. Stay in the STATE OF “unstoppable.” Notice how differently you feel about it now — like it’s something you could handle ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Find a picture of a person in a peak PHYSIOLOGY and adopt that person’s PHYSIOLOGY —legs, arms, eyes, head, facial expressions, and mouth. This is the first key to MODELING excellence — being able to adopt a PHYSIOLOGY of excellence. Write some notes in the margin about what you experienced during this exercise. > _ By duplicating someone else’s PHYSIOLOGY, you'll have access to the same (or very similar) STATE, which will produce BEHAVIORS which are the same or similar. By changing your PHYSIOLOGY, you will also change your INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS (see below) — thatis, you will represent the world around you differently. If you're in an “energized and excited” PHYSIOLOGY, you'll see the world around you differently and talk to yourself about it differently than if you're in a “bored and tired” PHYSIOLOGY. > Changing your PHYSIOLOGY changes your STATE, which changes your INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS. Conversely, if you change the way you look at the world (INTERNAL REPRESENTATION), you'll notice a change in your PHYSIOLOGY. There is a cybernetic loop between these three functions in your brain and body. A change in any of the three will change the other two, and that change will produce a change in BEHAVIOR. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM © Copy 195 Robbin Resch nal (RRB. sighs es Rep orm who he ts sts pois 82°? INTERNAL REPRESENTATION — how you represent in your brain what happens in your life. INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS + STATE & BEHAVIOR + PHYSIOLOGY We represent what happens to us in two major ways: é@ What and how we PICTURE what happens in our life. What we SAY to ourselves about what happens and how we SAY it. If we talk to ourselves in a loving tone of voice, we'll be in a different STATE than if we talk to ourselves in an angry voice. Once again, the two DIFFERENT STATES will yield two DIFFERENT BEHAVIORS. Ask yourself these questions: 1) If you were to close your eyes NOW and imagine a sunny day at the beach, how would that picture make you feel (your STATE)? 2) Now, close your eyes and imagine the same beach, but see it raining and see lightning. How would that picture make you feel (your STATE)? Now, close your eyes and make a picture of a sunny day at the beach and hear the sound of thunder and feel a cold wind blowing. What STATE would you be in? ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM 19 Rois Rees IrntonlIn (RRD. A hs seed Repatacon ay orm without te exes writen coment of RE pied If we take control of the way we represent; literally “re stimuli in our environment, which we take in through our senses: the pictures we make about our world and what we listen to and what we say to ourselves — we can dramatically change our experience of life: the toay we feel and the way we behave. present” to our brain the various HOW TO CHANGE YOUR INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS: THE SCRAMBLE TECHNIQUE EXERCISE PURPOSE: To change how you feel about something that has bothered you NOTE: Please read the exercise completely before doing the exercise. Think of an experience involving another person that has really bothered you in the past. Close your eyes and see that person in the state that he/she was in. Now, imagine that he/she was tied up. Go over to him/her and take out a large, red magic marker and paint his/her nose red. Give him or her a black goatee. Now, imagine putting a red wig on him/her. Make a movie of that experience; go to the last moment of that movie, then run the whole move backwards, seeing the person complete with red nose, goatee and wig, make the person's voice sound ridiculous, and perhaps hear “M...C.K.E..Y M..O..U.S.E” in the background. gg av rion ro ins' PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 9 © Copyright 1988 Robins Reseach Intestin oe. (RRI. A gs ore. Rerociin nay frm widow he apes Wten consent of RRs proiited. Describe how you felt (your STATE) about this person beforeand after doing this exercise. Remind yourself how easy and how much fun this exercise was to do by making funny pictures in the margin. The outcome of this exercise is for you to demonstrate to yourself how quickly you can CHANGE NOW THE WAY YOU REPRESENT a previously unpleasant experience so that WHEN YOU THINK OF IT NOW, it makes you laugh or smile, or wonder why it bothered you in the first place. Remember: it is through your INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS that you create what- ever emotions (STATES) you experience. What silly names could you give to three people that you have had challenges with in the past? After you have written those names below, make a picture of how those people would look to you if you immediately thought of the names you just gave them when you see them next time. an THowy Ro INS' PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM B ASSOCIATION / DISASSOCIATION There is a difference in the way you feel (STATE) about seeing yourself on a roller coaster (DISASSOCIATED) and being right in the front seat, fully ASSOCIATED. When you are fully ASSOCIATED, you can feel the experience in your body, see and hear in the present what you felt, saw and heard when you were living through the experience in the past. More importantly, you re-experience the emotions (STATES) you felt then. Since you re-experience the same emotions when you are fully ASSOCIATED, you want to make sure that you choose carefully what you ASSOCIATE to in your life. If you ASSOCIATE to memories that are unpleasant, you'll spend a disproportionate part of your life being unhappy, whereas if you DISASSOCIATE from unpleasant memories — STEP OUT OF THE UN- PLEASANT PICTURE — and ASSOCIATE to your happy memories — STEP INTO YOUR HAPPY MEMORIES — you will literally be able to turn up the happiness and turn down the unpleasantness your brain experiences. You will begin to see the cup of your life full ins 1343 eh) oa) PURPOSE: To learn how to change how you feel by ASSOCIATING & DISASSOCIATING NOTE: Please read through this exercise completely before doing it. Remember an unpleasant experience, make a movie of it, and watch the movie of this experience on a screen in a movie theater. Notice your level of discomfort. STEP INTO THE MOVIE, see, hear, feel in your body and feel emotionally Sel what you felt then, looking out of your own eyes. As soon as you begin to feel uncomfortable, go quickly to step 3. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page I Cony 1988 Roi R tonal. ne (RRD, Allis eri, Redcat Chex wo ns of RR speci STEP OUT OF THE MOVIE: see it on a movie screen at some distance. Notice BA how your discomfort decreases as you DISASSOCIATE from the experience. Oo To DISASSOCIATE even further, see yourself sitting in a movie theater watch- ing yourself watch the movie of this experience on the screen. This is called DOUBLE-DISASSOCIATION, which you can use for working with phobias (see Page 25). Think of an extremely happy or ecstatic experience you've had, see a movie of =) itin your head, then STEP INTO THE MOVIE, and see all the things and people looking the way they looked, hearing what you heard and what you said to yourself, feeling in your body those ecstatic feelings — physically and emotionally. Intensify this experience by noticing even more detail about this movie — the looks on other people's faces, the colors, the sounds of the environment, the specific body sensations you experienced then. Feel all of this in the moment as if it were happening now for the first time, and don’t HAVE TOO MUCH FUN NOW! Write some notes about your experience of this exercise to help you remember how powerful and instructive this exercise has been. Note particularly how this process allows you to bring wonderful memories back to life; to literally BRING ECSTATIC MEMORIES FORWARD INTO THE LIVING PRESENT FROM THE PAST. WHAT IF you BEGIN NOW to fully ASSOCIATE to what you love about the people that surround you and DISASSOCIATE from the BEHAVIOR they have that irritates you? ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 12 alling in love is easy to do: just ASSOCIATE to everything you can possibly think of to like and love in another human being, and DISASSOCIATE from. anything that might bother you. In the early stages of a love relationship, that is exactly what we do. “Blinded” by love just means we automatically DISASSOCIATE from BEHAVIOR we don’t want to see until we delete that BEHAVIOR entirely from our perception (INTERNAL REPRESENTATION). Conversely, when we fall out of love, we are ASSOCIATING to what we don’t like about a person and deleting what we used to like about them, such as won- derful memories, until we finally ask ourselves. “I wonder what I ever saw in that person?” There is no longer any need to experience that kind of regret. Learn to DISASSOCIATE from debilitating pain. DO YOU SEE HOW POWERFUL LEARNING HOW TO ASSOCIATE AND DISASSOCIATE CAN BE FOR YOU? EXERCISE #2 PURPOSE: Lear how to turn up the joy in your relationships ou Ina current loving relationship — friend, lover, husband / wife, parent, child — remember when you first met, or remember a very special event in your relationship with that person. Fully ASSOCIATE to that memory, STEP INTO ‘A MOVIE of that experience, and experience everything you saw, heard and felt in your body and emotionally. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM © Copyrih 198 Robbins Resch erm (RR, Alleges. Reradon nay frm how he exes en consent of RA i poi y Write down some characteristics of that person you may have forgotten and may have taken for granted. Write down the most important aspects of this memory and the way those aspects can help you love this person better now. Write this below. If that person is in your house, stop reading this workbook NOW, find that person and tell him/her and/or show him/her and/or touch him/her in such a way that allows them to experience how you feel now — fully ASSOCI- ATED to that memory. Pick at least three more people in your life and repeat this exercise. Notice how much your appreciation and love for them increases ASSOCIATION and DISASSOCIATION are just ways to affect your INTER- NAL REPRESENTATIONS. If you are ASSOCIATED, you make pictures and talk to yourself as though a past event were happening to you right now. If you are DISASSOCIATED, you are making pictures of things and people as if they were away from you, apart from you; outside the movie, hearing the ex- perience from a distance. TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS NOW! ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM RR oh (RRA igs reve Repacion nny fr wt he cape wn HOW TO MOTIVATE YOURSELF BY CHANGING YOUR INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS USING SUBMODALITIES SUBMODALITIES are finer distinctions about the specific sensory input you make through your visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory and gustatory channels. Your INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS can be thought of as a cluster of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic SUBMODALITIES. If you make even the smallest change at the submodality level, your INTERNAL REPRESENTATION of an experience will be drastically altered, which, in turn, will lead to a change in your STATE of mind. By manipulating your SUBMODALITIES you can easily alter your STATE and, therefore, your BEHAVIOR. Refer to the video tape for the example of how to use SUBMODALITIES to change from “unmotivated” to “motivated.” Answer for yourself the SUBMODALITY questions Tony asks the participant on the videotape. Refer to the following chart of SUBMODALITIES. Notice which SUBMODALITY changes affect your (STATE of) motivation the most. Write down which VISUAL, AUDITORY, AND KINESTHETIC SUBMODALITIES caused the most dramatic changes in your level ANTHONY ROBBINS" PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 15 of motivation. CHECKLIST OF POSSIBLE SUBMODALITIES VISUAL Self in or out of picture Periphery (frame) or panoramic (if frame, shape of frame) Color or black & white (if color, palette of color used) Brightness Size of picture (life-size, larger or smaller) Size of central object(s) Distance of picture from self Distance of central object from self 3-D quality Intensity of color (or black & white) Degree of contrast Movie or still frame (if movement, fast or slow tempo) Focus (on what, in or out of focus) Intermittent or steady focus Angle viewed from Number of pictures (shifts) AUDITORY Volume Cadence (interruptions, groupings) Rhythm (regular, irregular) Tempo Pauses: Tonality Timbre (quality, where resonating from) Uniqueness of sound (gravelly, smooth, etc.) Location KINESTHETIC FOR PAIN Temperature Tingling Texture Hot- Cold Vibration Muscle tension Pressure Sharp/Dull Movement Pressure Duration Dur Weight Intermittent (throbbing, etc.) Steady /Intermittent ANTHONY ROBBINS" PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM 16 The SUBMODALITIES that affect you most in this exercise may well affect you equally strongly in other states. For example, if the size of the picture strongly impacts your level of motivation, it may well also be critical when you are dealing with your STATE of attraction. Think of a man/woman you would like to be more attracted to. Use your unique cluster of critical SUBMODALITIES to intensify your feeling (STATE) of attraction to this person. Write down any changes you experience in your level of attraction. Now think of a man/woman you would like to be less attracted to and use your unique cluster of critical SUBMODALITIES to decrease your level of attraction to this person. Make notes below. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 17 ©Copyright 3988 Robs Ree Ineo Ie. (RDA is sere. Reon acy form without he exes writen consent RLis one ANCHORING HOW TO HAVE INSTANT & CONSISTENT ACCESS TO ANY STATE Now that you know how to m otivate yourself by manipulating your SUBMODALITIES and have learned to match the SUBMODALITIES of the activity you were not motivated to do with the SUBMODALITIES of an activity you are highly motivated to do, you may be asking: QUESTION: HOW CAN I CHANGE MY STATE INSTANTLY AND CONSISTENTLY ANSWER: You can learn to create and fire a trigger that will instantly cause you to go into whatever state you desire. This procedure is called ANCHORING. An ANCHOR is nothing but a stimulus — a trigger (a picture, a sound, or a touch) — that is neurologically linked to a particular emotion (STATE). Examples include a spinning red light in the rear view mirror of your car, the American flag {both examples of visual ANCHORS), the sounds of a siren, someone saying “Can I see your driver's license?” (both examples of auditory ANCHORS), or the way a kiss on a particular part of your body makes you feel (kinesthetic ANCHOR). Write down three more examples of visual anchors, then three auditory anchors, then three kinesthetic anchors. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 18 ‘Oop 1988 Robes Reseach neato Ie RR. An ANCHOR is created anytime you're in an intense STATE (a fully ASSOCIATED, full body STATE) — positive or negative — and a unique stimulus is applied re- peatedly and consistently while you’re in that fully ASSOCIATED STATE. When that unique stimulus is consistently applied — like a snap of the fingers, a look, a touch — it can be applied at a later time and it will automatically cause you to go into that STATE — feel that same way. ANCHORING is basic (Pavlovian) conditioning of the nervous system. Ivan Pavlov triggered his dogs into a state of hunger by putting food in front of them when they were very hungry. When they were at the peak of this state, he consistently rang a bell —a unique stimulus. Later, all he needed to do was ring a bell, and the dogs ‘began salivating. 4 KEYS TO EFFECTIVE ANCHORING: Put yourself (or someone else) in an INTEN! STA’ FULLY ASSOCIATED (full-body. Apply the stimulus (trigger) at the PEAK of the emotional state. Use a UNIQUE STIMULUS or trigger (a handshake would not be very good, for example, because your hand is frequently shaken). o Remember exactly how you set the anchor — the exact look, touch, word, etc,, so you can REPLICATE the anchor you set in step 2 ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM 13a tehs 3 PURPOSE: To program instant access to a desired state PUT YOURSELF IN AN INTENSE, FULLY ASSOCIATED STATE -a STATE you would like to be able to experience whenever you choose. Do this by REMEMBERING A TIME when you felt this particular STATE INTENSELY. STEP INTO A PICTURE of that experience, SEEING WHAT YOU SAW THEN, HEARING WHAT YOU HEARD AND SAID TO YOURSELF THEN, BREATHING, STANDING AND FEELING IN YOUR BODY WHAT YOU FELT THEN. When you are at the PEAK of that STATE, snap your fingers. Feel that STATE even more strongly and snap your fingers again. Repeat three or four times, feeling yourself getting stronger each time. Then say some- thing to yourself that is congruent with that STATE, and feel the STATE intensifying more and more as you snap your fingers and say the word or phrase that intensifies your STATE. Change to a different STATE — remember a time when you felt very differently from the STATE you just experienced. Then, change your PHYSIOLOGY and fire off the anchor by snapping your fingers and say- ing what you said, and notice how quickly and powerfully the STATE in step 1 returns. Make a list below of the five STATES you would like access to on a regu- Page 20 lar basis. Remember at least three times when you have been in these STATES. Write those times next to the appropriate STATE. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM 10 Copyright 1988 Rabin Reseach Inemstiond (RRL. A gts reso, Repocin nay Fr wb he expe it Note: if you have any difficulty remembering, a specific time when you felt a particular state, put yourself in the PHYSIOLOGY of that STATE — how would you breathe if you knew exactly how to be in that STATE, how would you stand, what would you be feeling in your body, what would you be saying to yourself, who and what would you see and how would you be looking at the world around you? What would you do if during the day you felt yourself feeling depressed or you felt your self-esteem sinking? Imagine snapping your fingers and saying what you just said and immediately shifting your STATE. What if you had many different STATES anchored in different ways for example, by squeezing differ- ent fingers — so that you could select a particular STATE at a particular time when you need it? ANCHORING yourself to resourceful STATES is the begin- ning of being able to run your brain. ANCHORING makes it possible to shift STATES immediately. To learn how to make anchors work automatically (without hav- ing to think about snapping your fingers, or firing off any other anchor), go to the video tape NOW. Perform the SWISH PATTERN repeatedly. It is one of the most effective techniques to trigger yourself into new states and new behaviors without having to think about what to do. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 21 © Copyrih 196 Robins Reseach nein (RR. Alsphs sre, Reprint fr wh he xpress ren conte! of RRL probe THE SWISH PATTERN 1342 feh) 3 PURPOSE: To learn how to cause your brain to go automatically from an undesired STATE or BEHAVIOR to a desired STATE or behavior NOTE: Please read through this exercise completely before doing it. Make a big, bright picture in your mind of something you presently dis- like in yourself — something you're afraid of, for example, or a BEHAV- IOR you don't like. (Tony uses nail biting as an example on the videotape.) PM Make a big, bright, colorful picture of the way you would like to be — ZA seeing yourself the way you would see yourself if you no longer had this behavior — perhaps standing proud, saying something to yourself that makes you feel good about having changed this behavior. Intensify this picture by manipulating the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic SUBMODALITIES. This picture should be highly inspirational — a pic- ture to motivate you to make the change. Open your eyes, close your eyes, and bring back the picture of what you BA want to change, STEP INTO THIS PICTURE, FULLY ASSOCIATED, JUST AS YOU ARE BEGINNING TO GO INTO THIS STATE OR DO THIS BE- HAVIOR. Put a small, dark version of your ideal picture in the bottom right hand corner of the big, ASSOCIATED picture of what you want to change. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM. Watch these two pictures (what you do want, and what you don’t want) il SWITCH places. Grab hold of the little picture of what you do want and pull it up quickly towards your face so that it takes over the big picture of what you don’t want, until you see only the big, bright, colorful picture of what you do want. As you pull this picture towards you, smile, and have fun saying the word “whoosh.” FEEL THE VICTORY as you experience how the big, bright, colorful picture makes you feel as it breaks through and takes over the picture of the behavior you want to change. Repeat Step 3 at least ten times, making the switch more and more rapidly with each repetition. Repetition and speed are the keys to the effectiveness of the SWISH PATTERN. Open your eyes after each switch and clear the screen. Watch the videotape to see the visual demonstration of the Swish pattern, Try in vain to think of the old BEHAVIOR or STATE. The SWISH PATTERN is successful if you immediately go into the desired STATE. The SWISH PATTERN creates an automatic connection in your mind be- tween the two BEHAVIORS — the one you want to change and the one you would like to install (program) into your nervous system. The result: the old behavior that you don’t want automatically triggers the new behavior that you do want. Even more-importantly, the SWISH PATTERN will gen- erate “processional effects” in the rest of your life, because your brain is not only being triggered to change the specific behavior, but also to change patterns of behavior that are similar to the one you have just changed. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 23 13 ta teh) a PURPOSE: To set automatic triggers for changing states or behaviors that no longer support the person you would like to be Pick three different behaviors that you would like change, and use the SWISH pattern to automatically trigger new behaviors in your mind. Write these three behaviors in the margin to remind yourself what you are going to work on. Note the results of doing this pattern. Doing this simple exercise can make lifetime changes by providing your brain with new and more resourceful neurological paths to travel. DO THIS EX- ERCISE DAILY, and write down the results of your new behavior. KEEP SCORE OF YOUR SUCCESSES BELOW. AN THony Ro BINS” PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM 4 {© Copyright 1988 Rohn Reseach nero ne (RR. Alegre. Reroduon a ary frm witout he exes wren consent of RA i pois ANCHORING FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELIMINATING PHOBIAS A PHOBIA is nothing more than a giant ANCHOR — a giant stimulus/ response. Watch the videotape demonstration of the phobia model. Listed below are the steps that Tony uses in working with the snake phobia: He creates a positive ANCHOR. He has her DOUBLE DISASSOCIATE — he has her see herself sitting ina theater looking at a movie of the phobic response to snakes. Then he has her float out of her body into the control room to see herself watching herself on the screen — at this point she is DIS-ASSOCIATED twice. He has her change the way she is representing snakes — he has her al associate snakes to things she likes: “snakes are like shaved mohair.” As he continues to fire off the positive anchor, he brings the snake over to her. Then he has her sing a song — another positive ANCHOR for her — so that the positive feelings are TRANSFERRED to the snake. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM ‘© Copyright 1985 Robins Reseach neratonal Ie. RR Algis sed Repost ny fxm witout expe wen coset of RR pried Page 25 SUMMARY The purpose of this videotape is to provide you with simple, effective ways of governing your feelings (STATES) and BEHAVIOR. This tape provides you with specific tools to change either the way you feel (STATE) about something, or change a BEHAVIOR you have. All BEHAVIOR comes from your current STATE (of mind and body). ‘Two major factors determine how you feel and how you behave : Page 2 The way you use your PHYSIOLOGY. Your body is like a television set — if you change the channel you'll get different signals and see different pictures. You can change the pictures on the TV screen of your brain by changing the way you breathe, the way you use your posture, eat, use your facial expressions, etc. For example, we have 80 facial muscles, and just by making minute changes in your facial expressions, you can change from “anxious” to “totally excited.” How you REPRESENT (INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS) what happens to your brain: how you PICTURE things, what you picture, how you TALK to yourself, what you say to yourself, whether you ASSOCIATE to things that make you happy and DISASSOCIATE from. things you don’t like. If you're IN THE PICTURE, the picture will have a very different impact than if you're away from the picture at a distance. Ina relationship you need to learn to ASSOCIATE to what you like about the other person if your outcome is to have an enduring, loving relationship. Your perception is governed by the way you organize your pictures — the things you say to yourself and the way you use your body. If you have painful _ memories, you don’thave to carry them around with you; you can REPROGRAM them NOW. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM "© Copih 1988 Robbin Reseach ero I. RIA ghee Repti ny frm Wit h aptss wencoment oT RRL pried Additional tools you can use to change your INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS ARE: The SCRAMBLE techni. - think of an unpleasant memory, rewind the tape, run it backwards over and over. Then, think of the memory and notice how the new pictures and sounds cause you to FEEL differently NOW about that memory. a Manipulation of your SUBMODALITIES — to go from unmotivated to totally motivated, for example, or learn how your brain represents any STATE by the specific SUBMODALITIES you use to represent that STATE. By using these tools for changing your INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS, you have learned how to change your feelings about objects, ideas, and behaviors. You’ ve also learned how to eliminate PHOBIAS - watch the tape over and over until you're clear about how to do this process. Find someone with a phobia he/she has had for many years, eliminate it, and experience how good it makes you feel to have helped another human being have more choices in his/her life! You've also learned how to make changes in your life through ANCHORING. ANCHORING makes a greater choice of STATES (emotions) available to you. By using the SWISH PATTERN, you can make changes in the way you feel or behave last through time. The SWISH PATTERN programs your brain to make the change automatically. ~) This tape gives you a tool box which you can use NOW to create change in any area of your life. It is truly am OWNER’S MANUAL FOR YOUR BRAIN because it literally begins to acquaint you with the keyboard that is unique for your brain. By using SUBMODALITIES, for example, you literally learn which keys to strike for the feelings in your computer —strike the closer, brighter, and louder keys, and experience the intensity of your feelings change as a direct result of using those particular keys on the computer called your brain ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Pay In order to learn how to use the keyboard, you need to realize that it is necessary to_practice on your computer. The same programs for change (your tool box of techniques) work in each of our computers, but because every person’s brain is unique, the keys we strike to make these programs work is unique for each one of us. Doing these exercises will acquaint your with your unique keyboard. Additionally, your file of memories - the way you have represented and organized what has happened to you in the past —is quite different from everyone else’s. We can all use the same editing tools on our brains, but we still need to practice using those tools. Remember: REPETITION IS THE MOTHER OF SKILL. Watch the video- tape, take notes, do the exercises, use the additional exercises in this manual and in the audio tape manual, and become a professional programmer on the keyboard of your brain. ADDITIONALLY, REMEMBER TO WRITE NOTES TO YOURSELF IN THE SPACE PROVIDED, KEEP TRACK OF YOUR EXPERIENCES IN DOING THESE EXERCISES AND KEEP SCORE OF THE SUCCESSES IN YOUR LIFE AS A RESULT OF DOING THESE EXERCISES. WITH PRACTICE AND DETERMINATION, YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT HOW RAPIDLY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CHANGE NOW! ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM 1988 Robins Rees neon. ORR. Al ib serve Rapin in any oon wit the pes wien comet of RL ES Remember: change is nothing more than providing your brain with additional choices. Your brain’s hardware is programmed to use the most resourceful behavior available to it. Think of the way your brain responds to your life in terms of the way a painter uses a color palette. If you only have one response available in a given situation, you are at the mercy of the situa- tion — your brain can only paint a red, monochromatic picture. If you have two responses available, your brain has a choice of red or blue, and will pick the more resourceful of the two behaviors, or it will be able to combine the two possible responses to create many new colors out of the two colors provided. If you have three or more choices available, you will experi- ence life as a multi-colored masterpiece. Your brain will be able to choose any of the three or more choices, or mix them together in as many different ways as there are colors in the rainbow. CREATE YOUR LIFE THE WAY YOU’D LIKE IT TO BE. MAKE IT A MASTERPIECE. AND DON’T HAVE TOO MUCH FUN! ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM © Copyright 196 Robins Rese arti (BRIA sigs reserved. Reprod nny Sm wtou he expres writen cone’ of RRs it NOTES ———————_, ANTHONY ROBBINS" PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM STEPS TO PERSONAL POWER Personal Power is the foundational key to all success. Personal Power is THE ABILITY TO ACT, THE ABILITY TO TAKE ACTION in spite of any perceived limitation. QUESTION: What is the difference that makes some people overcome the greatest challenges imaginable, while others barely survive? ANSWER: PERSONAL POWER — the ability to take action. Some of us don’t activate our resources; others do it on a consistent basis. The person who can get himself/herself to take action — to do whatever it takes to achieve excellence — is likely to achieve success in whatever areas he/she takes action. Attitudes, beliefs, and values play a role, but the primary key is to take action consistently. Success leaves clues. Success is not an accident; it is the result of consistent and logical patterns of action. MODELING is the science we use to discover those patterns of excellence in order to duplicate them. MODELING teaches us that if anyone can do anything, so can you. We all have similar nervous systems, and if we can learn the exact mental and physi- cal actions a person takes to achieve something, we can duplicate that achieve- ment. There is a common formula that successful people in all areas of life seem to share. Tony calls it: ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page ‘©Copyric 988 Robins Research Inertia fe. (RD. A ah ese Reproduction ay fam with the expo writen cane OF RI spied Page 2 THE ULTIMATE SUCCESS FORMULA KNOW YOUR OUTCOME ‘The first key to success is to KNOW YOUR OUTCOME. People who achieve anything of value know their outcome. They have a reason (almost an ob- session, sometimes) for producing a desired result. Very few of us tell this powerful biocomputer called our brain exactly what we want. We don’t con- sistently activate the circuitry that could help us succeed more quickly and elegantly. If you know what you want, you literally trigger the circuitry in your brain to give you the neurological choices to achieve that outcome. An outcome is like a magnet that attracts people and events that will provide you with opportunities to achieve your outcome. THE ABILITY TO TAKE ACTION - PERSONAL POWER Action transforms dreams into reality. Without action, even if you know what you want, it will remain a dream or a wish. People who take action on a regular basis dominate the field of human excellence. It’s not luck, talent, or learning that creates PERSONAL POWER. Some people think learning creates success. It is said, “If you let learning lead to knowledge, you become a fool; if you let your learning lead to action, you become wealthy,” wealthy in the truest sense — spiritual, emotional, and physical wealth — success in all areas of your life. The Bible says, “Faith without works is dead.” When you study the personal histories of the most successful people, you find that they knew precisely what they wanted and they took action until they dis- covered what it took to succeed in their area of endeavor. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Copyright 1985 Robbins Resa ert ne. (RR, Alig reserved. Repodon ary frm witout hens writen cnt of RA is poi Colonel Sanders, for example, had no training, no marketing ability, no education, etc. He succeeded because he had two key personal resources: he knew what he wanted and he took action. The only way to find out what you need to do to get your outcome is to take action. Then you begin to get feedback. If you are able to learn from that feedback, you are using the third key to PERSONAL POWER successfully: SENSORY ACUITY Successful people know whether they are getting closer to their outcome or further away from their outcome. Colonel Sanders learned quickly that no one would give him a percentage of the profits from his chicken formula, so he kept taking action and kept changing his approach. If you have SENSORY ACUITY, every time you get a result you learn from it, and take step 4: CHANGE YOUR APPROACH Successful people learn from the action they take, note the result, and change their approach if they’ re not getting closer to their outcome, or if they notice their approach is only partially successful. A useful metaphor for the Ultimate Success Formula is the flight of an airplane. The pilot has an outcome: to get from one city to another — to land the plane in Hawaii, for example. The pilot takes action when he takes off. He has sensory acuity: the plane is actually off-course ap- proximately 90% of the time. It starts out in a direction, then hits an air pocket, for example. The computer gives the pilot feedback, which tells him whether he’s getting closer or further away from his outcome of getting to Hawaii. He changes his approach by adjusting closer to the target over and over again. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 3 (© Copyit 1988 Robbins Reach nero, (RE) All ahi evened Repo may foo witha Be expres wen coment Ris psi, Nobody always arrives directly at a desired outcome. We all go off course from time to time, so we continually need to adjust, take action, adjust, take more action, adjust, ete Here, then, are 3 STEPS TO PERSONAL POWER that will cause you to be able to take effective action on a consistent basis: 3 STEPS TO PERSONAL POWER: THE ABILITY TO TAKE ACTION ENERGY! You need an abundance of energy. Everything worth doing requires an expenditure of energy. People sometimes run out of fuel. Sometimes the mind says “Let’s go get ‘em,” but the body says, “Who are you kidding? —I can’t even get out of bed.” We need to have physical energy to make our dreams a reality. When you get out of bed feeling lethargic, do you experience more stress on that day? We need to remind ourselves how to maximize energy. Take care of your body — the dynamic extra push won't be there unless you are taking care of your body. For specific information on how to maximize your physical energy, read Chapter 10 of Unlimited Power (Anthony Robbins, Simon and Shuster. 1986). an Hon RoBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 4 SKILL! Energy alone is not enough; you need SKILL to back up your energy. You need to master two skills : The skill or abili ine specific t you want. You need to get from “I don’t know what I want” to knowing precisely what you want. You may well know what you don’t want. There is a saying, “Your experience of life is nothing but a mirror of your consistent thoughts.” If you spend your time thinking about what you don’t want, that’s what you'll probably get. If you say, “I want more money” — that is too gen- eral to be of much use. You need to define what you want very specifi- cally. The skill or ability to discover what other people want and need, and then to help them achieve their outcomes in a short period of time. MODELING is the ability to discover how someone produces a result and the ability to program your mind and body to duplicate that result. There are 3 Steps to MODELING: DUPLICATE (MODEL) A PERSON'S BELIEFS — The first step of MODELING is to discover the key beliefs people hold about what you want to model. The example on the tape is Tony’s work with the United States Army. Once you have the beliefs, you can program them into your own brain and nervous system. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 6 DUPLICATE THE MENTAL SYNTAX — the order and sequence of the way people communicate to themselves. “The dog bit Johnny” means something quite different than “Johnny bit the dog.” The order of our actions is as important as the actions themselves. Good spellers, for example, have a specific mental syntax (STRATEGY): first, they visualize the way a word looks, then they feel whether or not it is accu- rate. If you're not a good speller, you probably are attempting to sound out the word first. That is not a good strategy for excellence in spelling. DUPLICATE THE PHYSIOLOGY — the way the person uses his/her PHYSIOLOGY. Your body and your mind are totally interconnected. In order to think the way another person thinks, you need to be doing the same things in your body that the other person is doing in his/her body. Listen to the tape on RAPPORT for more specific examples of how to model PHYSIOLOGY, and to discover how assuming another person’s PHYSIOLOGY will give you access to their exact thoughts, because of similar nervous systems. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM ‘© Copyright 1988 Robins Resa nero (RR, Aight reve. Redstone) foe wt! he exes wren consent of RA probed ea The 3rd Step to Personal Power: TURN FEAR INTO POWER! Fear is often what stops us from achieving excellence —fear of failure, fear of success, fear of commitment, etc. The best way to overcome fear is to adopt the belief that we need to STRETCH ourselves. If we feel we “can't” do something, we need to say to ourselves, “I must.” The phi- losophy of “If I can’t, I must” will give you the ability to break through fear and take action. Our only limitations are our expectations. Limited thoughts create limited people. The only way you know how far you can go is to go too far. If there is something you “can’t” do, imagine how you might grow and expand as a human being if you were able to break through that limiting belief about your ability, take action, and prove yourself wrong. If you say to yourself on a consistent basis, “I need to STRETCH —IFI CAN'T, IMUST,” you will learn how to quickly change (the STATE of) FEAR INTO (the STATE of) POWER and thus take action at any given moment. You will have PERSONAL POWER — the ability to take action — if you KNOW YOUR OUTCOME, have the SKILL to communicate effectively with yourself and with other people, and can TURN FEAR INTO POWER. The ability to change STATES at any given time like turning FEAR into POWER — will dramatically enhance your communication skills (step 2). Refer to the videotape for exercises for changing STATES - CHANGING INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS, ANCHORING, THE SCRAMBLE TECHNIQUE, ASSOCIATION and DISASSOCIATION, SUBMODALITIES, PHYSIOLOGY, and THE SWISH PATTERN. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 7 © Copyright 1988 Rahs Resch nr (RD. Alig esd. Repracon in ary form witht the exes wie cons of RU is roid COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION is the primary component of power. Early in history, power used to be measured only physiologically. Later on, power was measured in social standing; the highest level was the king and his court. Others would try to gain power by associating with the courtiers. When the industrial age arrived, capital was the main component of power. Today, information is coming at us at an incredible pace; those who master COMMUNICATION with them- selves and others are in the true position of power in the modern world. The quality of ife i: ity of munication. The kind of communication you direct at yourself will govern the kinds of experi- ences you create in life. You need to master your communication with your- self. When events happen to us in life, we tend to believe that these events have a meaning of their own. Events don’t have a meaning; the only mean- ing they have is the meaning we give to those events. Often we get caught up in what our environment teaches us, what society teaches us, but we are the final source for deciding the meaning. Many of us are “on automatic” —we are programmed. It’s important for you to take charge of (program) the meanings you assign to what happens in your life. Otherwise, you're a robot —a slave to advertising, politicians, parental beliefs, peer pressure, ete. For example, if someone ends a relationship with you, the way you respond to that event will be the result of the way you communicate with yourself. You can respond. “Oh, my God, he/she left me because I’m so worthless,” or you can respond, “What can I learn from this experience (SENSORY ACU- ITY) so I can change my approach to find someone who will appreciate me more, and learn from the mistakes I've made in this relationship?” You will have two totally different experiences in your body, and you will produce totally different BEHAVIORS, depending on how you communicate to your- self about this experience. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM The story of Commander Coffee , 7 years as a P.O.W. in Vietnam, dramatically demonstrates what mastery of your internal communication can do for you. He said to himself. “Where else would I get this much time to know myself and get close to God?” Sometimes we have illusions about the happiness of successful people in business, politics, and entertainment. Those people have mastered com- munication with the outside world, but if they haven't succeeded in mas- tering their communication with themselves, they won't be happy in their personal lives. Success in the outside world is communicating in a way that causes other people to take action. Success in your personal life de- pends on your communication with yourself. These tapes are designed to give you the tools to master your communica- tion. Use them with the respect they deserve, because they describe beliefs and actions MODELED from people who have achieved massive success in every aspect of life. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM NOTES ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 10 wh eration oe. (RRI- Alger, Reprotin nay fr what he xpress writen eset of RR THE MAGIC OF RAPPORT RAPPORT is the ultimate power. Anything you want to accomplish can be achieved much more rapidly if you: 1) develop RAPPORT, 2) find out what the other person’s needs are, and 3) fill those needs. RAPPORT gives you tremendous power. Having RAPPORT means that people feel responsive to you. If you learn to develop RAPPORT with everyone you meet, you will have unlimited avenues for achieving your outcomes. Most of us attempt to develop RAPPORT by talking to someone and trying to discover something we have in common with them. Our instincts are good, because RAPPORT is built on finding commonality: When people are like each other, they tend to like each other. Conversely, when people are not like each other, they tend NOT to like each other. These phrases will help you know why you are either in RAPPORT or out of RAPPORT. If you are out of RAPPORT, it is because more differences are perceived than likenesses. If you have RAPPORT it is because you and another person (or people) perceive many things in common. What about the belief that opposites attract? That is a generalization. A slob and a neat person can be together and have RAPPORT, but not because of how differ- ently they feel about the importance of neatness, but because of other shared likenesses. For example, their beliefs about the importance of family may match, their religious, political and spiritual beliefs may match, they may both like out- door activities and have similar social and educational backgrounds. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Their temperaments may be different and that difference may be highly vis- ible, and that difference may add spice, but the quality of their relationship will be founded on the similarities, not on the differences. And if too many differences are perceived, those differences may cause friction — especially as the years go by, if more and more differences are perceived. For example, racial issues here in the U.S. come from a perception (INTER- NAL REPRESENTATION) that black people and white people are different —a perception that often leads to racism (on both sides). Finding the larger commonality — that we are all human beings leads to tolerance of any dif- ferences there might be. The more we see, hear and feel sameness, the more RAPPORT we ha’ How do you see, hear and feel sameness? Most of us try to build RAPPORT by asking questions. What if the other person’s answers tell us and show us that we don’t seem to have a lot in common with the other person? The con- versation begins to get awkward. LANGUAGE is the least effective way to establish RAPPORT. Only 7% of communication on the unconscious level comes through language. People have a lot of difficulty understanding each other’s words. Different people assign different meanings to the same words. For example, in Tony Robbins’ seminars, he has 30-50 groups of five people write down ten one-word defi- nitions for the same word — like “learning,” or “love.” ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Only once has more than one group of five shared two definitions that were the same, and usually only six or seven groups agree on even one word! The best communicators in the world have the ability to establish RAPPORT with anyone in a matter of minutes. They don’t just use words. They become like the other people by using the other 93% of their communication — their voices and their bodies, as well as their words. Richard Bandler and John Grinder (the co-founders of NLP) called this process they MODELED from the best communicators “MATCHING AND MIRRORING.” These communicators literally became mirror images of the people they were communicating with — they matched the other peoples’ voices and bodies. (MIRRORING means being a mirror image, MATCHING means moving the same side of the body. MATCHING and MIRRORING are equally effective.) This process causes there to be a neurological SAMENESS — a feeling of bonding in the nervous system — at a deep, unconscious level. The fact is, you already know how to MATCH AND MIRROR. Anytime you've ever been in RAPPORT with anyone, you have MATCHED AND MIRRORED that person unconsciously and caused that person to feel sameness on the unconscious level. The depth of your RAPPORT depended on how precisely you MATCHED AND MIRRORED. Watch two people at a bar— usually you'll see their bodies matching, heads tilted at the same angle and legs crossed the same way. If you have enough SENSORY ACUITY to be able to see their rate of BREATHING, it will probably match. They will also probably feel their breathing in the same part of their chests. You can MATCH AND MIRROR the VOICE — the tonality and the tempo of how a person is talking (nasal, resonant, fast, slow, etc.), as well as the pitch, the timbre, and the volume. Do you think a person who talks softly will feel RAPPORT with someone who talks loudly? Or vice-versa? You can also use the same KEY WORDS — with Tony Robbins, for example, using the words “congruency,” “power,” “stretching,” and “metaphor” would probably make Tony feel like the two of you were on the same “wavelength,” or “getting the (same) picture.” ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM P NM HING & MIRRORIN' You can MATCH AND MIRROR the PHYSIOLOGY- the body: pos- ture, breathing (an excellent way to MATCH and MIRROR, because it’s so subtle no one will ever notice), facial expressions, frequency of eye contact (someone who stares or someone who looks away alot), frequency of blinking, proximity (how close does the other person like you to get to them? — you literally can feel when you get too close), gestures, and touching (frequency and location). You already do all of these things — the key is to be aware and do them consciously for the purpose of being, in RAPPORT. What is exciting about this knowledge is that you can guarantee RAP- PORT by consciously MATCHING AND MIRRORING other people, because other people’s nervous systems have to respond to this sameness. If I’m just like you, you have no other neurological choice than to like me, because your unconscious mind is like a biofeedback mechanism: it puts out this energy, and I put back the exact same sequences. The brain says, “T've found my friend — someone just like me.” Obviously you don’t have to MATCH AND MIRROR every detail of someone's body, voice, and language to have RAPPORT. You can just mirror gestures or leg positions, for example. Look at a room full of people and you'll see how other people automatically MATCH AND MIRROR just sitting next to each other — even when they aren’t deliber- ately communicating. EE EE EEE SSS ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM MATCHING & MIRRORING If you mirror everything about a person, you will not only begin to feel what they are feeling, but often even be able to see what they are seeing in their minds. By duplicating someone’s PHYSIOLOGY exactly, you will have the same or similar INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS. In Tony’s seminar, “Unleash The Power Within,” he has the participants do an exercise in which they MATCH AND MIRROR another person’s PHYSIOLOGY down to every detail. One person thinks of a intense memory (one that affects that person strongly — Tony encourages a positive memory because they have to hold that PHYSIOLOGY for a long time). That person is asked to remember the details of that memory so that the memory is in his/her body. When the partner MATCHES AND MIRRORS exactly, he/she will often be able to say something like, “I feel like I’m watching the seventh game of the 1975 World Series, and be exactly accurate. It’s hard to believe until you've experienced it, but it happens at every seminar Tony teaches. ‘Additionally, these two people usually feel like they have known each other for years at the end of this exercise, even if they have never met, because they have experienced such a deep level of RAPPORT. You can even have RAPPORT with several people at once by MATCHING AND MIRRORING different parts of each person’s body and voice. The next RAPPORT skill level is to be able to PACE AND LEAD, which means to MATCH AND MIRROR (establish RAPPORT), then change to another PHYSIOLOGY or VOICE pattern, and thereby cause the other person to follow you. Pacing and leading is a very powerful tool for leading someone out of an unresourceful STATE of mind into a more resourceful STATE from which that person can take action. (Listen to the example of the family therapy Tony does on the RAPPORT tape.) ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM MATCHING & MIRRORING Practice MATCHING AND MIRRORING. Decide to BEGIN playing this game TODAY, choose to MATCH AND MIRROR at least one person for a period of ten minutes each day. Begin with MATCHING AND MIRRORING that person’s POSTURE, then MATCHING AND MIRRORING the GESTURES, then the FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. If you are doing these three, you may notice that you're already BREATHING at the same rate and from the same part of your chest. Next, begin MATCHING AND MIRRORING their TONALITY — the pitch, the volume, the timbre and the tempo of their speech. Notice any changes in the way the other person relates to you. Once again, the space below is for you to write notes to yourself about this material, about the exercises, or about your experiences in MATCHING AND MIRRORING. Relate the material from this tape to the videotape on the relationship between PHYSIOLOGY, STATE, AND INTERNAL REP- RESENTATIONS. Begin to see how RAPPORT (matching and mirroring PHYSIOLOGY) affects your INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS and your STATE. Practice MATCHING AND MIRRORING and you will have added the resources of everyone you come in contact with, because they will expel ence you as a good friend. And, by the way, when you're in RAPPORT with someone, you'll also feel like you're a good friend to them. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM CHARACTER TRAITS OF A CHAMPION As you have already learned, the quickest path to excellence is to find people who have already achieved excellence and discover what they did to achieve that success —MODELING. Tony has MODELED hundreds of successful people, and they all have certain specific abilities and characteristics in common. Tony calls these char- acteristics the 7 CHARACTER TRAITS OF A CHAMPION. PASSION ‘The first character trait that successful people share is PASSION. PASSION is what drives them, pushes them, gets them up early, keeps them up late — PASSION in business and PASSION in relationships. You need to be passionate about what you do with your life. The question is, how do you generate PASSION when you're not experiencing it? The first thing you need to do is to change your STATE. (Look at the videotape for ways to change your STATE.) Your BEHAVIOR is governed by the STATE of your mind and body at any given time. PASSION is a STATE. Passionate people picture things and talk to themselves (INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS) in ways that create a STATE of PASSION which also has a particular PHYSIOLOGY. People in a STATE of PASSION move, speak, and communicate in very specific ways and affect other people's STATES: people buy from passionate people and they believe passionate people. PASSION automatically leads to CONGRUENCY (mind and body working together). When you are CONGRUENT, all your tools of communication — words (7%), tonality (38%), and physiology (55%) are aligned and work together to deliver the same message to others and to yourself. The STATE of PASSION creates BEHAVIOR which you and others will experience as CONGRUENT. ANTHONY ROBBINS" PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page > Copy 198 Robins Resear maton (RRNA igs ee Repti nny rm iho i pes sin coms of RR oii 132 vei PURPOSE: To discover what it takes to experience passion in your mind and body Think of something you feel passionate about. (If you can’t think of anything you feel passionate about, think of something you would like to feel passionate about.) BEGIN NOW to put yourself in a pas- sionate PHYSIOLOGY by experimenting with your body and voice. Stand in front of a mirror and move your body so that it communicates the PASSION you feel about this subject. Use your voice to convey the same PASSION. BE CREATIVE in your movements, SEE what PAS- SION looks like in your body, HEAR what your voice sounds like when you are passionate, and FEEL in your body (PHYSIOLOGY) what the STATE of PASSION feels like in your shoulders, stomach, chest, face and legs — notice the strength in your body. If you perform this exercise as if the quality of your future depended on doing it fully, you will experience CONGRUENCY in your body, voice, and mind. Play with CONGRUENCY. If your voice has been loud, LEARN NOW that you can be congruent quietly, and feel it on the inside — experience an entire range of CONGRUENCY, and SEE what the whole range looks like in the mirror. Do the opposite — talk about something totally dispassionately — no- tice the differences in your body — look in the mirror and observe with the same detail as in step 1. Go back to a STATE of PASSION, and notice your PHYSIOLOGY — look at your face and posture, and listen to your voice. Get precise, sensory information. How much movement do you have? What are you doing with your hands? If you have a video camera, tape yourself, and look at the differences in your PHYSIOLOGY. gq ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM_ Page 2 © Coprighe 1985 Rbbis Rese Intemational In. (RRD, Alig eared. Rerodscion a ny frm witht the exes writen coment of RA roid Talk about something you normally feel passionate about (either the sub- ject in step 1 or something else), but talk about it in a dispassionate way. How do you feel about the topic when you do this? You may recognize this pattern: have you ever felt passionate about some- thing (products, experiences, etc.), but began to lose your PASSION after talking about it over a long period of time? Did you then begin to develop dispassionate patterns (habits) like talking about that topic dispassionately and feeling that you had lost your PASSION? You might also have noticed that other people no longer responded to you enthusiastically. If you ever notice this pattern again, use step 1 of this exercise to regenerate PASSION. Talk about something you don’t feel passionate about, but talk about it ina passionate way. Assume a passionate PHYSIOLOGY — check the mirror — and notice how you begin to feel about this topic. Make sure you look and sound the way you did about the topic you felt passionate about in step 1 If you do this exercise well, you'll have the ability to program your nervous system to believe you are in the desired STATE rather than the undesired STATE. Tony Robbins calls this ability, the ability to act “ASIF.” Sometimes you may want to feel passionate about something you're not currently feel- ing passionate about. If you act “AS IF” you felt passionate, experience PASSION in your body, talk about it passionately, you will literally begin to. believe you have PASSION. Successful people know how to create any desired (appropriate) STATE (act “AS IF” they were in that STATE) and generate appropriate BEHAVIOR congruent with that STATE. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM (© Copyrih 1985 Roti Rose Intnl Ine, RR. Alpe reser Repostn nay For he rs wen Const of RRS The purpose of this exercise is for you to experience what it takes to experience PASSION in your mind and body. PASSION is a peak STATE. Peak performance requires a peak STATE, a peak PHYSIOLOGY. Conversely, the STATE of feeling old, for example, is a result of moving less, slumping more, etc. If you begin to take on “old” PHYSIOLOGIES, you are likely to talk to yourself about “getting old,” believing you are “old,” etc. And if you begin talking to yourself about - “getting older,” your brain will inform your body that it needs to start slumping, moving less, etc., so your begin to believe you are “old.” Remember — as physi- cally fit “old” people of 60, 70, 80 and 90 will tell you — “age is a STATE of mind.” No truer words were ever said than: “The quality of my life is the quality of my movement.” BELIEF People who are successful have specific BELIEFS —INTERNAL REP- RESENTATIONS. BELIEF is the Gateway to Power. Your BELIEFS gov- ern your BEHAVIOR, your effectiveness, what you’re willing to at- tempt, and what you're not willing to attempt. People who don’t know their limitations (who don’t believe they are limited) don’t experience limitations. On the tape, Tony uses the example of the math student who solved a problem he later found out was “unsolvable.” Another dramatic example of the power of BELIEF was Roger Bannister’s breaking of the 4-minute mile — a feat which had been considered impossible since the time of the ancient Greeks. Before he broke the physical barrier, Roger had to break through the limits in his mind. He broke through the mental barrier of believing that than a 4- minute mile was “impossible.” After Roger Bannister broke the 4- minute mile, 32 other runners did it within a month, and within a year, the “impossible” feat was “possible” for over 300 more runners. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM ses opi 1988 Ronin Resch nent Is. (RD. A ahs see Rept say fo wou the expe wen consent of As pit, When BELIEF in limitation is overcome, many people are able to do the “impossible” — they no longer make limiting pictures or say limiting things to themselves. On the tape, Tony also refers to an experience many people have from time to time. Have you ever not been able to find something that was “right in front of your nose?” Did your eyes see the salt — or whatever it was? Yes. Your brain, however, did not allow you to see the salt consciously. When the visual input came into your brain, you had already programmed your brain to BELIEVE, “I can’t find the salt.” Since your brain doesn’t want you to see what you have declared “impossible” (to see), it literally shuts down the neurological pathways. In psychology, this is called a “schotoma” —a blind spot. Many people “disbelieve” what these tools can achieve because of a com- monly held BELIEF that change takes a long time. Tony believes that dra- matic and long-lasting change can take place in an instant, or at least very rapidly. This belief is born of results in MODELING excellence primarily in the areas of medical hypnotherapy (Dr. Milton Erickson) and family therapy (Virginia Satir). Erickson, Satir, and others achieved consistent, excellent and long-term results far more rapidly than others. Richard Bandler and John Grinder, co-founders of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), MODELED precisely what Dr. Erickson (and others) BELIEVED and precisely what they did to achieve their superior results. Persea semen ce Pear Reon neta between BELIEF, POTENTIAL, ACTION, AND RESULTS. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM POTENTIAL => ACTION WHAT IS THE POTENTIAL OF ANY HUMAN BEING? Unlimited. Many of us believe we have unlimited potential — intellectually. The potential is indeed there. Most people’s results, however, do not reflect that potential. Part of the reason for the lack of results is lack of action. How much unlimited potential do we use if we don’t take action? BELIEF determines how much of your potential you use. Like the BELIEF about the salt, our BELIEFS are filters that tell us what we can and can’t achieve. Remember the old phrase, “Whether you say you can or say you can’t, YOU'RE RIGHT" As soon as you say you can’t do something, the amount of potential you tap and the amount of action you're willing to take is drastically reduced (“If it’s not going to work, why even try?”). When you only take a little action, the results are little or none. And when you get few results, your brain says, “see” in a sarcastic voice, and then you have less be- lief, take less action, get fewer successful results, etc. — it’s a downward spiral. Pretty soon you try to figure out how to do the very least in order to get by —nota very good place to be. That’s how the poor get poorer. Fortunately, there is an opposite direction your brain can travel. Sometimes events happen that give you the belief that you have tremendous potential, so you take action and get great results - maybe even by accident. Then the brain says, “SEE! YOU CAN ACHIEVE GREAT THINGS. I ALWAYS KNEW YOU COULD!” That upward spiral causes you to become stronger, healthier, more confident, take more action, get better results, have more belief in yourself, etc. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 6 © Coppi 198 Robie Resch ers ne (ERI. Aleit eseved Reroction nay frm ito he exes ten consent of RA i poke How do you make the switch from a downward spiral to an upward spiral? Or how do you overcome a vague feeling of lack of movement — a static or stagnant feeling? CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS. Belief is nothing but a STATE of mind, a CONGRUENT FEELING of certainty. The following exercisewas created by Moshe Feldenkrais. Loa itehia PURPOSE: To demonstrate how easily you can change your beleifs about limitations Ina standing position, put your feet together, extend your right arm in front of you and point with your index finger. Turn your body to the right as far as it will go without turning your legs, and notice where your finger is pointing when you have turned as far as you can. Turn front again, drop your arm and close your eyes. Imagine in fll your mind’s eye that you're doing the exact same movement, but see yourself turning much farther — at least 30% farther — easily and comfortably, and feel it happen. Do not actually turn your body. Open your eyes and turn again and notice how far you were able to turn, based on where your finger is pointing. ge This exercise demonstrates dramatically how a clear mental experi- ence (in advance) of going beyond your limitations literally rewires the circuitry in your brain to produce the physical result you want. You may well be able to understand now how it is possible to im- prove your health, your physical abilities and your success in creat- ing desired outcomes: visualize yourself able to go beyond what your previous limiting BELIEFS were telling you in the past. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM ‘© Copyriht 188 Robin Resch nemo I, (RI. Alsgheseved Repost nay fr both expe sen cot of RRL Goal-setting has the same effect on your brain. If you experience the goals as real and clear, over and over, you literally create the circuitry in your brain to reach those goals. There are many other ways to CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS. One of those ways is to use SUB-MODALITIES (look at the videotape section on SUBMODALITIES and replace “motivated / unmotivated” with “believe/ don’t believe”). Another way to CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS NOW is to do the following exercise. EXERCISE PURPOSE: To demonstrate to how belief is impacted by your physiology Think of something you believe. Sit the way you'd be sitting if you were absolutely certain about it in your mind and body - what kind of PHYSIOLOGY do you have when you have no doubt, and believe totally CONGRUENTLY? What tonality do you use to talk to yourself? Does it sound different from the voice in your head that sometimes says to you, “You can't do that!” If you ever hear “You can’t do that,” change the tone of that voice — make it sound like Mickey Mouse, or hear it spoken in a sexy voice tone. BELIEF is impacted by your PHYSIOLOGY, your tonality, what you say to yourself, and what pictures you make in your mind — your INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS. (Watch the videotape for instructions on how to CHANGE YOUR INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS.) ANTHONY ROBBINS" PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM STRATEGY You can believe passionately, but if you look East for the sunset, you'll have a problem. You also need a STRATEGY. You need to find people who are already getting the result you want to produce, find out what they do and learn to do the same things. There’s no need to re-invent the wheel. Success leaves clues. Pay attention to what works. Study success, health, wealth, etc. For example, find people who are happy and discover what they believe, what they say to themselves, what they picture in their minds, and what they do. Identify the STRATEGIES people have. STRATEGIES are like recipes — you can bake your grandmother's chocolate cake if you know the ingredients and the order in which they need to be added to create that particular cake. Find out what buying STRATEGIES your clients have — do they have to be shown (visual), told (auditory), or do they need a feeling (kinesthetic) in their gut? What are some of your successful STRATEGIES? How do you motivate yourself to do something you absolutely don’t want to do? How do you do it? The next time you manage to motivate yourself to do something you absolutely don’t want to do, ask yourself what you just pictured, what you said to yourself and what you began to feel inside. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM ‘> Copyih 1984 Robins Resch rational Ia. RRL) A gh eve Repti any om wth express wre onset of Rs pbb CLARITY OF VALUES Successful people have clear and specific VALUES. People who impact our culture seem to match VALUES with large numbers of people in our culture. For example, Bruce Springsteen’s songs have clear VALUES. Ronald Reagan seemed to have clear VALUES, but the Iran crisis brought his congruity about those VALUES into question, because his BEHAVIOR did not seem to match his VALUES, and the result for many people was a loss in their BELIEF that he did, indeed, share their VALUES. idual succeeds long term only if he/she lives by his/her own VALUE What are VALUES? Your VALUES make up your own internal belief system (INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS) about what is right and wrong, what you should or should not do, who you are and are not as a person. When you violate what you believe is right for you in your life, you experience pain or loss, and usually find a way to punish yourself. When your BEHAVIOR matches your VALUES, you probably describe yourself as “happy, content, ecstatic, passionate,” etc. Most people are not clear about what their VALUES are — perhaps you have some vague ideas about “growth” or “how things ought to be,” ete. As a result, many people are unhappy because they're not making progress towards what they believe is most important to them. Some of you may experience a vague sense of dissatisfaction (STATE), which may have led you to try to change that STATE through BEHAVIORS like over- eating, alcohol, drugs, watching television, etc. All of those BEHAVIORS are attempts to change STATE. You may feel an urge for those STATE changes if you're not living according to your VALUES, even though you may not know what those VALUES are. And if you don’t know what your VALUES are, you won't have any sense of whether or not you are making progress toward what is most important to you in life . ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Copyright 1988 Roos Resch Ieatonl In (RR), Al igh esered Repradaton nan orm without te expe write onsen OF RRL prod YOU NEED TO DISCOVER WHETHER YOUR DAILY BEHAVIOR REFLECTS YOUR VALUES. Words people use to describe their highest VALUES are: love, famil; team, growth, freedom, reputation, security, fun, honesty, devotion, respect, passion, integrity, sex, etc. Does your work provide you with your highest VALUES — or are you just “making a living?” Unless “security” is a very high VALUE, your job will need to provide more than just a good salary for you to feel satisfied about what you do fora living. On the other hand, if you feel that all (or most) of your important values are being met by your job, then you automatically have PASSION, and will probably excel at your job. ‘question Your love relationships need to give you your highest VALUES for you to feel fulfilled and happy. A sure sign that one or more of your highest VALUES is not being met in your relationship is a feeling (STATE) of “something missing.” How do you find out what your VALUES are? How do you find out some one else’s VALUES? It’s very easy: you ASK — either that person, or yourself. You ask, “What’s most important to you (me) in life?” And then you ask, “What's important about that?” For example, if the an- swer to the first question is “FAMILY,” and you ask, “What's important about that?” and the person answers, “Having FUN,” then you’ ve discovered two VAL- UES (FAMILY and FUN). Then you ask, “What else is important to you in life?” If the person answers, “Making money,” you now have elicited three of this person’s VALUES. ‘question Knowing the relative importance of your VALUES is critical. It is necessary to discover which of these three values, FAMILY, FUN, and MAKING MONEY is the most important VALUE. Will the order (hierarchy) determine this person's BEHAVIOR? Yes. If MAKING MONEY is the most important VALUE, then the person’s BEHAVIOR will be quite different than if FAMILY is most important. If FAMILY is the highest VALUE, a job which doesn’t provide him with a sense of FAMILY won't make him feel fulfilled. In the short term, he may go for MAKING MONEY, butin the long term, he will need to work in a situation where he has a sense of FAMILY in order to feel fulfilled. If he doesn’t get a sense of FAMILY from his job, he may begin just doing enough to get by, because he'll want to spend more and more time with his FAMILY at home. Further- more, he'll probably dislike his work more and more. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 11 ‘© Coppi 1988 Robbins Resash etna. RI. A gh eure Repti ay fom the expres wren comet of RRL rib If you are not satisfying your highest VALUES consistently, feelings of frustration will set in, and you may experience a feeling of being eaten up inside. Either you CHANGE by seeking new jobs or new relationships that will give you your highest VALUES, or you begin to BE- HAVE in ways to change your STATE of frustration or dissatisfaction — behaviors like overeat- ing, watching television, drinking, doing drugs, having affairs, etc. If you are in a relationship — business or personal — finding someone else’s highest VALUES will make it possible for you to communicate both in words and actions in ways that will cause that person to feel a sense of fulfillment. You will know the keys to filling their highest needs (VALUES). REMEMBER IF YOU FILL ANOTHER PERSON'S HIGHEST VALUES, YOU ARE FILLING THAT PERSON’S NEEDS IN THE TRUEST SENSE. Ifyou are in sales, and want to sell something to a person whose highest VALUES are FAMILY, FUN, and MAKING MONEY, tell him how your product or service will help his FAMILY, how it will provide more FUN for him, and how he'll be able to save MONEY. Always relate what you sell to a person’s highest VALUES. Let’s say a woman's #1 VALUE is FREEDOM and you're trying to sell her a carpet. Show her how the carpet will free her up —no care, etc. Remember, you're doing her a great favor, because you're filling her deepest needs. In addi- tion, she will feel good about the product because she will feel (unconsciously, ifnot consciously) that it fills her needs. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM > Copy 9S Robins Rese koa ne. (RR. Alger, Repstion inn frm wat he eps wien consent of BRI i oii A HIERARCHY OF VALUES LOVE companionship DEVOTION honesty SEX ‘tenderness To discover someone's HIERARCHY of VALUES, let’s use the example of relationship VAL- UES on the tape: LOVE, COMPANIONSHIP, TENDERNESS, DEVOTION, LOYALTY, SEX and HONESTY. First, you elicit her VALUES by asking the question, “What is the most important thing to you ina relationship?” Once you have the words, you ask, “What's more important to you, LOVE or COMPANIONSHIP?” She responds: “LOVE.” You: “LOVE or TENDERNESS?” Her: “LOVE.” You: “LOVE or DEVOTION?”, etc. LOVE is her #1 VALUE. To find #2, you ask, “Which is more important?” You: COMPANIONSHIP or TENDERNESS? Her: TENDERNESS. You: TENDERNESS or DEVOTION? Her: DEVOTION. You: DEVOTION or LOYALTY? Her: DEVOTION. You: DEVOTION or HONESTY? Her: HONESTY. You: HONESTY or SEX? Her: HONESTY. Always use the higher VALUEas the standard of comparison. You already know, for example, that DEVOTION is ranked higher than COMPANIONSHIP, because TENDERNESS is. higher than COMPANIONSHIP and DEVOTION is higher than TENDERNESS. Therefore, you know DEVOTION is higher than COMPANIONSHIP without asking the question. So, her #2 VALUE is HONESTY. For #3, we know DEVOTION is higher than IMPANIONSHIP, TENDERNESS, and LOYALTY, so you only need to ask, “DEVOTION or SEX?” Her: “DEVOTION.” ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 13 So far, 1) LOVE 2) HONESTY 3) DEVOTION For the #4 VALUE, you ask: You: TENDERNESS or LOYALTY? : LOYALTY. :; LOYALTY or COMPANIONSHIP? : LOYALTY. : LOYALTY or SEX? : LOYALTY. ; COMPANIONSHIP or TENDERNESS? : COMPANIONSHIP. COMPANIONSHIP or SEX? : COMPANIONSHIP. : TENDERNESS or SEX? : SEX So the rest of her list: 4) LOYALTY 5) COMPANIONSHIP 6) SEX 7) TENDERNESS. All of these VALUES are important, but if she doesn’t have LOVE, SEX will not be very meaningful to her. If there isn’t much HONESTY in her relationship, will she stay in the relationship? Probably not, unless there is so much LOVE that it overcomes the lack of HON- ESTY. Even if there is LOYALTY, COMPANIONSHIP, and SEX, the relationship may not last. If she stays in the relationship because of children, for example, she will probably feel very unfulfilled in her relationship and would be likely to resort to BEHAVIOR designed to change her STATE of feeling unfulfilled, ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM 4 (and she) need to find out what she means by these words. How does she know when she has LOVE? For LOVE, ask “HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN YOU'RE LOVED?” For HONESTY, “HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN SOMEONE IS HONEST?”, etc. You need to find out what these words mean to her — in sensory specific language — how she knows she is getting (or not get- ting) those VALUES. If she says, “I feel LOVE when my husband tells me he loves me,” her husband can make sure he tells her “I love you ona regular basis. Without knowing what LOVE means to her, he might go a whole week without telling her he loves her, and she would feel terrible. What's worse, she might not even know WHY she feels unloved. N ow that we have seven words which represent her highest needs, we Do you see now how important VALUES are, and how precisely we need to know our VALUES and other people’s VALUES if our outcome is to feel fulfilled and to cause other people to feel fulfilled? ‘question If you find yourself feeling angry at someone, for example, there is a good chance that your VALUES and the other person’s VALUES do not match — your standards are not the same. When you enter into a relationship with anyone you begin to evaluate that person by your VALUES— decisions about who they are, etc. It is a very good practice to discover the VALUES of the people in your life (personal and professional). When you create new relationships, begin those relationships with “So, what's really important to you?” question Finally, make sure you are clear about your own VALUES. If you notice feelings of dissatisfaction, guilt, mistrust, etc. your VALUES are probably being violated — either by you or by someone else. Once you see how you're not satisfying your highest VALUES, you can take action that is based on what is most important to you. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM RAPPORT Bonding Power — listen to the RAPPORT tape. ENERGY Live a lifestyle that gives you energy. One important way you can in- crease your energy is to breathe properly. Take deep, diaphragmatic breaths. Blow your breath out strongly through your mouth and notice how much more energy you have. Do this especially if you find your- self under stress (most people stop breathing when they become stressed). There is quite a bit of information about energy in Tony’s book, Unlimited Power (Anthony Robbins, Simon and Shuster, 1986). Re- member, you experience your emotions (STATES) through the vehicle of your body. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM age 16 MASTERY OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION How you feel about your life is determined not by what happens in your life, but by how you communicate to yourself — the pictures you make and how you talk to yourself. If a lover leaves you, what does that mean to you? It only means what you communicate to yourself — the meaning you give to the experience by the way you represent that event to yourself. If you think you didn’t deserve that person, you'll feel very differently than if you say to your- self. “It’s time to move on.” What you say to yourself and what you picture will determine how you feel about what happens in your life. If you want joy, happiness, ete., you will create those STATES if you know how to communicate with yourself in such a way that you perceive (picture and talk to yourself) life as joyful and happy. Your internal success in life is based on the way you communicate to yourself. If you want external success — if you want to be able to influence others in business or persuade your children that crack is not a resourceful way to feel good — you will need to master your external communication. (Listen to the RAPPORT tape, and watch the videotape for changing your INTERNAL REP- RESENTATIONS.) TO BE A PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATOR, YOU NEED TO MASTER BOTH YOUR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION . ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM NOTES ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM ce 18 opt 1968 Robins Research neato. (RL. A ight esd Repro in ay fan with pes win comet RL probe, KEYS TO WEALTH AND HAPPINESS The 5 Keys to Wealth and Happiness are ways to overcome five emotional stum- bling blocks that may have prevented you from getting what you wanted in the past, or may be preventing you from getting what you want now. How you handle these five emotions (STATES) will have a major impact on how you experience your life. Successful people have learned to consistently man- age these emotions. B HOW TO HANDLE FRUSTRATION You need to LEARN HOW TO MANAGE FRUSTRATION. You need to learn how to use the STATE of frustration and how to break through it. Frustration is often a silent killer of dreams, Frustration stops many people. It can turn a positive attitude into a negative one. A negative attitude wipes out self- discipline — it takes away your desire to do what's necessary to get your outcomes. “Why even try? I’ve been through it all, tried it all, and it still doesn’t work. I’ve learned my limitations.” Does this sound familiar? It is the voice of frustration? ‘The more successful you become, the more you will encounter frustration, so you might as well learn to handle it now. Learn to make frustration MOTIVATE you — realize that hidden on the other side of frustration is SUCCESS. Few people succeed because so few people learn to manage this emotion called FRUSTRATION. The best way to manage frustration is to turn it into FASCINATION. ANTHONY ROBBINS PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM, Page 132 Saha PURPOSE: To turn frustration into fascination Think of something that frustrates you. Make a picture of it, then picture it differently — make SUBMODALITY changes (see the SUBMODALITY section on the videotape). For example, make the picture smaller, put it behind you, make it a black and white picture if it’s in color, turn down the volume of any sounds, make it cold, etc. Change your PHYSIOLOGY now and sit the way you'd be sitting if you were fascinated, say what you’d be saying to yourself if you were fascinated, etc. Now, think of the thing that used to frustrate you and notice how it FASCINATES you NOW. Now you know how to be in the STATE of fascination. If you ever feel frustrated in the future, turn it into fascination. In a STATE of fascination, you can take action. Use the SWISH PATTERN to make the change auto- matic. (Refer to the SWISH PATTERN on the videotape.) HOW TO HANDLE REJECTION You need to LEARN TO MANAGE REJECTION. For most people, rejection is another potential killer of dreams. If you have even moderately big dreams, somewhere along the line you will experience rejection in the pursuit of those dreams. You can try to avoid rejection, but it’s better to learn how to handle it — like Fred Smith, who was able to build Federal Express into a billion dollar company by learning how to handle rejection. Although only a small minority of people know how to handle frustration and rejection, it’s possible to actually thrive on these emotions (STATES), and to be inspired by them. The people who learn to manage frustration and rejection are paid well in this society. Almost all famous actors, for example, have had to learn to handle massive frustration and rejection — they just kept going. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM psi 198 Robbins Resch ern fn. (RR, Aleph eve Resin nay fr witha he xr tn cmc of RR obi, Rejection is a key element in sales — of a service, a product, or yourself. Sales is a numbers game - the more rejection you get, the closer to success you are. You de- velop an average rate of success. For example, if it takes an average of 200 calls to get a real estate listing, and when you get it, it’s worth about $2000, you can clearly see that each rejection is worth $10. So each time someone says “no,” remember that you’ve just put $10 in your pocket. Do you think that attitude would make a difference in the way you approach the possibility of rejection? Think of Tina Turner’s story — she went through eight years of rejection in her comeback attempt before she made a successful album. Rejection is a STATE, and the way you represent events in your life causes that STATE. Refer to the videotape for ways to change the way you represent things or people that have caused you to feel rejected (how to change your INTERNAL REPRESENTATIONS) . HOW TO HANDLE FINANCIAL PRESSURE You need to LEARN HOW TO HANDLE FINANCIAL PRESSURE . If you don’t know how to handle financial pressure, you may find yourself in other unresourceful STATES regularly, and may even start treating people badly. Some people think lack of money causes financial pressure, but if that were true. making more money would alleviate that pressure. More often than not, however, most people who experience financial pressure just spend more money if they make more. They consistently re-create financial pressure for themselves. Great fortunes have been lost because of an inability to handle financial pressure that began as early as a person’s first paper route. You need to let money be your tool instead of your master. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Page 3 How to Handle Financial Pressure: irst, you need to change your beliefs about what you're worth. Then, focus not on what you can get, but on what you can give. George Clayson in his book, The Richest Man in Babylon, counsels: Take 10% of your money and give it away especially when you don’t have it. If you do this, you are saying to your brain, “There is more than enough.” When your brain gets that message, it begins to work at manifesting more . 0 Use 100% of your money to reduce your debts. Invest — or save to invest — 10% of your money. If we are going to live in a capitalist society, we need to act like capitalists. Live on 70% of your income. You don’t have enough money NOT to do these things. For other ways to change a feeling (STATE) of pressure, refer to the videotape ‘for ways to change your STATE. Q HOW TO HANDLE COMPLACENCY You need to LEARN HOW TO MANAGE COMPLACENCY. If your life is rather comfortable and you enter into your “comfort zone,” you can quickly become complacent. Most people can be happy for only so long in their comfort zone. You may begin looking for distractions — eating, drinking, etc., because you may sense that you are no longer growing. It’s not what you get in life that creates fulfillment, it’s what you become. If you're not growing, you begin to die a little. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM Comigt 1988 Rots Rese neato. In (RAD, Al igh sc Rept any form wou We eps ween consent RE spied One of the reasons we may become complacent is because we tend to judge ourselves by our peers. Here’s how to break out of complacency: Learn to judge yourself by your goals and your VALUES, not by your peers’ goals and VALUES. Know your outcome, and elicit your VALUES. BI Pay careful attention with whom you associate. People around you can play a major role in terms of what you're willing to accept about yourself, your ability, and your skill. The people around you impact your VALUES. The people you associate with can have a very negative effect on your life, so you need to pay attention to what's going into your mind based on your associations. Make sure you surround yourself with models of excellence based on the VALUES you hold and the outcomes you have. HOW TO GIVE & RECEIVE You need to LEARN TO ALWAYS GIVE MUCH MORE THAN YOU EXPECT TO RECEIVE. The secret of living is giving. Find a situation in your life in which you love giving so much that it’s not a task, and/or in which you love what you do so much that you feel privileged to be involved in the organization, business, etc. If you focus on selling, for example, you may do well financially, but if you focus on changing lives by giving people the emotions they want, and by associating your products and services to those emotions, you'll become: truly wealthy. It’s easier to become wealthy than it is to make a lot of money, but it’s likely you'll also get more money as a result of that kind of wealth. ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM aM ain4 hese 5 Keys to Wealth and Happiness are MODELED from the beliefs and actions of highly successful people. SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES. Learn to handle these particular emotions (STATES) and you will learn to be wealthy in all areas of your life. HANDLE FRUSTRATION HANDLE REJECTION HANDLE FINANCIAL PRESSURE HANDLE COMPLACENCY GIVE AND RECEIVE ANTHONY ROBBINS’ PERSONAL TRAINING SYSTEM UNLEASH THE POWER OF ANTHONY ROBBINS ON VIDEO! lhe UPW Personal Training System is Anthony Robbins’ first product—in its original form! It’s also the only place to see Tony teaching NLP! On these tapes you'll see and hear a very young Tony Robbins as he gives you the tools you need to overcome any limitations or challenges you might have, and seize the quality of life you deserve —right now! This comprehensive audio/video training system will teach you how to: * Consistently motivate yourself * Create and apply the magic of rapport to improve every aspect of your life * Condition yourself with the seven crucial disciplines of success * Use the power of ‘anchoring’ to instantly achieve a peak state of mind + And as an added bonus, you’ll learn to use these tools daily with Tony’s fun and effective 5-minute morning Mental Aerobics—Success Conditioning Exercises for achieving your goals now! a a Resounces ron CREATING AN EXTRAORDINARY QUALITY OF LIFE 9191 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 600 + San Diego, CA 92122 + 800-445-8183 150 1988 Robbins Research Intemational, Inc. All rights reserved

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