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Which component of soil is made up of previously living materials?

 Organic Matter

 Water

 Rocks & Rock Particles

 Clay

Which of the following is NOT scientifically considered a fruit?

 Pumpkin

 Pear

 Tomato

 Broccoli

What do most plants begin their life cycle as?

 Roots

 Leaves

 Soil

 Seed

If you put an insect and a plant in airtight container, what can you expect to happen?

 The insect will run out of air.

 Both will die instantly

 They use and release different types of air, so they should continue to live.

 The plant will run out of air.

A sign that an apple tree is going to start growing apples is when the tree has:

 Flowers

 Roots
 Trunk

 Leaves

Which of the following does not help in the process of pollination?

 Sunlight

 Insects

 Photosynthesis

 Wind

Which component of soil absorbs the most water?

 Organic Matter

 Soil

 Sand

 Clay

Which part of the plant attracts insects to help with pollination?

 Roots

 Flowers

 Insects don't like plants

 Stems

Which of the following do all plants NOT need?

 Soil

 Water

 Air

 Sunlight

Plants give off what type of air that animals use to breathe?

 Helium
 Nitrogen

 Carbon Dioxide

 Oxygen

What part of the flower is in charge of photosynthesis or making food?

 Roots

 Pollen

 Flower

 Leaves

What part of the flower contains the pollen?

 Anther

 Leaves

 Stigma

 Stem

What environmental condition might diminish plant growth?

 Sunny Day

 Drought

 Breezy Day

 Cloudy Day

What are the tiny tubes called inside the stem that bring water from the roots to the rest of
the plant?

 Xylem

 Phloem

 Roots

 Inner Tubes
What is the term used when a seed begins to grown?

 Respiration

 Photosynthesis

 Pollination

 Germination

How do plants get their energy?

 All plants get their energy from the sun.

 Plants don't need energy.

 They absorb it out of the soil.

 They get it from their momma.

What type of scientist studies living plants?

 Botanist

 Entomologist

 Geologist

 Paleontologist

What is the process called in which plants change sunlight into food?

 Photosynthesis

 Food Transfer

 Sunsynthesis

 Germination

What are the leaves called that people use to flavor their food?

 Seeds

 Herbs

 Petals
 Roots

What part of the plant goes into the ground to provide the plant stability and absorbs water
for the plant?

 Roots

 Leaves

 Petals

 Stem

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