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9/4/2019 9 Powerful Examples of Artificial Intelligence In use today

9 Powerful Examples of Arti cial

Intelligence In use today
usm systems
Sep 4 · 4 min read

Artificial intelligence is not limited to the IT or technology industry; Instead, it is widely

used in other fields such as medicine, business, education, law, and manufacturing.

In the following, we list the 9 most intelligent AI solutions we use today, presenting
marketing machine learning as a present — not the future.

1. Siri

Siri is one of the most popular personal assistants offered by Apple on the iPhone and
iPad. The friendly female voice-activated assistant interacts with the user on a daily
basis. She helps us find information, get directions, send messages, make voice calls,
open apps and add events to the calendar.

Siri uses machine learning technology to make natural language queries and requests
clever and understandable. This is one of the most famous examples of gadgets machine
learning capabilities.

2. Tesla

Not only smartphones but also automobiles are turning to artificial intelligence. Tesla is
something you are missing if you are a car geek. It is one of the best automobiles
available to date. Not only does this car achieve many accolades, but it also features such
as self-driving, predictive capabilities, and complete technical innovation.

If you have ever dreamed of owning a car as shown in the technology geek and
Hollywood cinema, Tesla needs you in your garage. The car is getting smarter day by day
with air updates. 1/4
9/4/2019 9 Powerful Examples of Artificial Intelligence In use today

3. Cogito

Cogito was originally co-founded by Dr. Sandy and Joshua and is the best example of
behavioral reform to improve the intelligence of customer support representatives
currently on the market. The company is machine learning and behavioral science to
increase customer collaboration for phone professionals.

Cogito applies to millions of voice calls that occur every day. The AI solution analyzes the
human voice and provides real-time guidance to improve behavior.

4. Netflix

Netflix does not need an introduction — it is a widely popular content-on-demand

service that uses predictive technology to deliver recommendations based on users’
reactions, interests, choices, and behavior. The technology to recommend movies based
on your previous likes and reactions is examined from many records.

It is becoming more and smarter with each passing year. The drawback of this
technology is that the smaller films are not detected, the larger films grow and the more
they are promoted on stage. As I wrote earlier, it is still improving and learning to be

5. Pandora

Pandora is one of the most popular and most demanding technology solutions. It is also
known as the DNA of music. A group of talented musicians analyzes the song
individually, with over 400 musical features. The system is good at recommending a
track record for recommending songs that may never be found, even if people like it.

6. Nest (Google)

The nest is one of the most popular and successful Artificial Intelligence startups and
was purchased by Google in 2014 for $ 3.2 billion. Nest Learning Thermostat uses
behavioral algorithms to save energy based on your behavior and schedule.

It uses a very intelligent machine learning process that will learn the temperature you
like and program it in a week. Also, if there is no one in the house, it will automatically 2/4
9/4/2019 9 Powerful Examples of Artificial Intelligence In use today

be turned off to save energy.

In fact, it’s a combination of both — artificial intelligence and Bluetooth are low power
because some parts of this solution use BLE services and solutions.

7. Boxever

Boxover is a company that relies heavily on machine learning to improve the customer
experience in the travel industry and delivers the subtle moments or experiences that
customers can appreciate.

Boxover significantly improves customer engagement through machine learning and

artificial intelligence to govern the ground, helping customers find new routes and make
memorable journeys.

8. Flying Drones

Flying drones are already shipping products to consumers’ homes — albeit in testing
mode. They represent a powerful machine learning system that can translate the
environment into 3D models via sensors and video cameras.

Sensors and cameras can track the location of drones in the room by attaching them to
the ceiling. The trajectory generation algorithm guides the drone how and where to
move. Using the Wi-Fi system, we can control drones and use them for specific purposes
— product distribution, video production or news reporting.

9. Echo

Echo was launched by Amazon, which is getting smarter and adding new features. It is a
revolutionary product that can help you to search the web for information, schedule
appointments, shop, control lights, switches, thermostats, answers questions, reads
audiobooks, reports traffic and weather, gives info on local businesses, provides sports
scores and schedules, and more using the Alexa Voice Service.

Artificial Intelligence is gaining popularity at a quicker pace; influencing the way we
live, interact and improve customer experience. There is much more to come in the 3/4
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coming years with more improvements, development, and governance.

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