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Getting Started With Redis On Lumen You developing a RESTful API on Lumen ( or simply require a in-memory data storage/database for quick caching purposes. Let's talk about Redis ( As per the website: ‘Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, list, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries." ‘As per me; Ive been using it for my own RESTIul service and all | can tell you is that it's fast and very simple to use ~ saving me /ots of time in development. Furthermore, its easy on the resources. Lot us jump right into it Note: If you haven't started working with Composer yet ~ this requires that. So go ahead Get started with Composer (https:/ / first. First off, Redis is a service that needs to be running to power your application. Head over to (https:/ /redisio/) download and install it If you're on Windows 10, fd suggest using the Ubuntu Bash terminal that now comes along with it. Read: Installing Ubuntu Bash terminal on Windows 10 (http:/ / /08/enable-bash-windows~10-anniversary-update) ‘Once Reais is up and running, head over to your Lumen project and require Redis, Lumen supports Redis so that makes it much easier for us. Make sure youve uncommented $app->withFacades() in bootstrap/app. php . F composer require predis/predis (+1.2) F conposer require sMluninate/redis (5.2.*) “f Rogistoritin booeserap/app-php by calling $app->register(I12uninate\Redis\RedisserviceProvider::elass); in the file, uncer Register Service Providers. As por the Lumen docs; if you have not called $app->withetocuert() in your boststeap/app.phe file, then you should call $app->contigure( database"); in the bootstrap/app.php file to ensure the Redis database configuration 's properly loaded. “f Make sure your .enw Lumen contig le has this set cAcie_peavercredts. (Ifyou have .env.example instead rename it to . env ) And that's it! Hit the RedisPHP ( docs for all the commands. To use it in Lumen, you can call it these ways F app(‘reais') (recommended) F soppl ‘reais F Sthis->app( reds’) The reason | recommend app(‘redis*) is because it can be called anywhere, including closures and 80 on. Basic Usage Checking if a Key exists: app(‘redis')->exists(skey) Setting a key/value: app(*redis")->set($key, $value) Getting a value by key: app(‘redis')->get ($key) Setting an expiry for the key: 2p9(‘redis")->expire($key, $seconds) And youte good to go! If youre wondering what REST API was taking about, its Jikan (htpsi/; an unoffictal API platform that handles over 5,000 requests daily!

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