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International Relations vs International Politics

Before knowing the difference between international relations and international politics, one should
know what each term stands for. This is because the terms International Relations and International
Politics present a complex dilemma to many. Indeed, a mere glance at the two words lead many of us to
assume they mean one and the same thing. Perhaps the common term, ‘International’, is the source of
confusion and does not help shed light on the difference between the two. Naturally, we tend to confuse
the terms ‘Politics’ and ‘Relations’ as meaning interaction, particularly, between countries on an
international level. Undoubtedly, there is the possibility of an overlap of the terms, but despite this
overlap, there remains a subtle difference.

What is International Relations?

At the very outset, International Relations clearly refers to the relations among states. Keep in mind that
relations between nations can take various forms such as political relations, economic relations, cultural
relations, military-technical cooperation, and more. Thus, International Relations includes every aspect
of relations between states. In the international arena, states are viewed as the most important actors.
While the study of International Relations examines these ties, it also encompasses the foreign policies
of nations. Simply put, it refers to the foreign affairs of nations.

Given the rapid changes in the international system today, International Relations also include relations
between states and international organizations such as the United Nations. International Relations
cannot be studied or examined in isolation. It is linked with other fields such as history, international law,
international economics and finance, political science, and geography. Therefore, International Relations
covers a broad spectrum with nations as its primary focus. On the academic front, it focuses on how
states formulate and implement their foreign policy goals and what objectives motivate their behaviour
in the international system.

What is International Politics?

It was mentioned above that International Relations encompasses a broad area in that it examines the
entire international system. Think of International Politics, then, as a component within that broad
spectrum. Therefore, it is a much narrower subject area. The term International Politics is used
synonymously with the terms ‘world politics’ or ‘global politics’. The definitions for each of these terms
are often not helpful and tend to confuse a person even more.

International Politics deals with the practical realities of a state’s interaction with another state or several
other states. On the academic front, it entails utilising the theories of International Relations and
applying them analytically to the contemporary issues in the international system. Thus, issues in the
international system also play a large role in International Politics. More importantly, the concept of
power is key to understanding International Politics. Students of International Politics are well aware that
power can be both a means and an end. Furthermore, power can be either hard power or soft power.
Hard power means military and economic power while soft power is more indirect such as cultural
power. International Politics essentially studies how and why states use these types of power to achieve
their goals.

Think of International Politics as primarily dealing with the political relations of states. Thus, political
conflicts between states, reasons behind these conflicts, conflict resolution and the promotion of
political cooperation among states to achieve a common goal, all fall within the purview of International
Politics. Today, International Politics also includes the role of non-state actors such as terrorist
organizations, and Multinational Corporations and their impact on the political relations of states.

What is the difference between International Relations and International Politics?

• International Relations encompasses a broad spectrum of the international arena while International
Politics is only a component of International Relations and, therefore, much narrower.

• International Relations concerns the relations or foreign affairs of nations. International Politics deals
only with the political relations of states and focuses on how states collectively respond to the emerging
global issues.

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